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Fandom InFamous: Repercussions of War

Dante smiled. "Wooh! I'm not that annoying am I? Meh whatever. What do you wanna do? Kill some people? Have some girls over to party? Ooooorrrrrrrgggggyyyyyy?" He said as he nudged Chase's arm with his elbow. He walked with him to the outside and he let the sun soak in.
"I don't like the idea of group sex. Too messy. I don't like sex at all, really." Chase said as he walked down the road. He soon came to the Shadow's base. Sarah was waiting for him at the front door, red dress and all.

"Where were you?"

"I found a man."

"Ya.... I see.... Well, since Psych said he'll take you in, I'm sure the Shadow's are preparing some kind of welcoming party or somethin-"

"Let's go."

"You're not gonna give me much of a choice.... Huh?"

"No. Let's go."

"I don't like you....."

"I'll grow on you soon enough."

With that, Chase, Dante, and Sarah left the Shadow's base, searching for some place for Sarah to call a home and Chase to call a base.
"Oh. By the way I'm Dante." He said to Sarah as they continued walking. "Wait where are we going anyways?" Dante really needed to start asking questions again. He felt very left out.
"To find some place to settle down. Possibly for the night, or maybe forever. Depends on the conditions of the buildings foundation, ventilation system, if the building has any harmful gasses inside, and many other aspects." After a while Sarah stopped and began to pull off her dress.

"What are you doing? We need to keep moving."

"I'm changing! Hold you're god damn horses, it's hard to maneuver in a dress."

Chase looked to Dante and shrugged. He was truly baffled as to why she wore the dress in the first place. Underneath her dress, Sarah had her lab coat on, as all ways.
Dante stared straight at Sarah, not caring that there were probay people watching. When she took off her dress he smirked but when she had her lab coat under it he frowned. "I can make a house if you guys want me to. Granite ((just an outside pun.)) it will be made out of rocks and dirt and stuff do I might be useful or not." Dante rubbed the back of his neck.
Nil gets down off the crowd of people as everyone calms down. He smiles and walks around, Three following him. "Hey, where's Chase?" As he says that, he looks outside and sees Chase walking away, Sarah following him, and... then he noticed the person walking with them. His eyes widen and he takes a few steps back before turning and screaming. "PSYCH!!! PSYCH, WE HAVE A PROBLEM!!!!"

"What's going on?" Three says, following him.

"That's S-Dante." Nil responds, not turning to look at her and still running to find Psych. "He's a shadow/sire combination. Shadow and I were the only ones who knew of his existence. He was uncontrollable and terrible. We gotta warn Psych, now!"

Felix smiles. "No prob." He then looks at everyone. "So, the guards. What are we gonna do?"

"It won't matter if I can teleport in fully." Terence says. "Although it would be nice to know how close I can get to the base before being caught.''

"If he can get in," Alex says, "At least to the control room or to a computer, I can find out their guard shifts by controlling a computer and making it tell me."

"But the same problem remains, I must know how close I can get."

"Nico," Felix interjects, "Do you know how large the perimeter is that the guards cover?"
"They don't guard the outside perimeter. The facility is staged within a supposed abandoned warehouse. All of the actual facility is under ground beneath said abandoned warehouse. The warehouse, and possibly even the street around it, will be monitored though. Meaning if they see us coming any number of terrible things might happen..."

Nico's voice trailed off. He could tell just how much pressure was on this makeshift alliance of conduits. Just having touched Sphinx, Felix snapped at somebody.

"Also, her name's Merlin. At least, that's what she prefer's to be called."

Nico said as he pointed to the girl standing beside Xavier.
Sphinx blinked. "wait...if the facility's underground, what good is it having a bird's eye view?" she asked, wings slouching in confusion. "I'll just be able to see the warehouse."
"Well okay then..." Felix begins to think. "If we go at night, I can camouflage Terence and escort him as close as I can, and he can teleport."

"If need be, I can shut off their cameras, but they'd be alerted to that most likely, as long as they have someone actively watching it or a failsafe." Alex says. "Without direct contact to the mainframe, I couldn't loop security feed or the like."

"And if worst comes to worst," Terence finishes, "I could likely teleport there and back a few times from a few blocks away. But it would be dangerous and exhausting."
Assailant said:
"Well okay then..." Felix begins to think. "If we go at night, I can camouflage Terence and escort him as close as I can, and he can teleport."
"If need be, I can shut off their cameras, but they'd be alerted to that most likely, as long as they have someone actively watching it or a failsafe." Alex says. "Without direct contact to the mainframe, I couldn't loop security feed or the like."

"And if worst comes to worst," Terence finishes, "I could likely teleport there and back a few times from a few blocks away. But it would be dangerous and exhausting."
Sphinx thought for a moment. "well, can you bug the computer with your abilities? If so, you could always download some sort of bug to the main computer....I don't really know much about computers, but I didn't want to say nothing." she muttered, frowning.
"Ok, I have an idea..." Shard says. "If someone can deactivate the monitoring equipment, I can probably make a bunch of small crystals within the ground to sense where the entrance is Once we do that, we open it up, and go inside, this is all of course if he can't teleport in and out. By the way... What would we do if he teleports in, but can't teleport back out?"
"Not in the way you'd think." Terence says.

"If I can get to the mainframe, I could bug the system. However, I can control ANYTHING run by a computer or series of computers, but ONLY that thing. I basically get a hold on it,"

"Transfer a communication back to the computer," Terence puts in.

"Establish a connection through the signal,"

"And affect backwards,"

"But my power can't affect anything not affected by those directives." Alex finishes.

"And as for what Shard was saying, that can only happen if I exhaust my powers. They shouldn't have anything that would trap me, unless they are explicitly prepared for me. IF I happen to exhaust my powers while in there, which shouldn't happen, then... well, that's that."
Chase stops when he hears a familiar voice scream out. He turned to see Nil screaming out something about stopping Dante. After a few minutes of observation, he turned to walk back to the base and confront Nil. "Stop screaming like a lunatic. First of all, while does Dante need to be stopped?"
Nil turns around quickly and sees Chase behind him. How did he hear that Dante was the problem? Must be that stupid sire sense... wait, he is the byproduct of a shadow and a sire...

oh dear merciful nonexistent God...

"Umm... well, Shadow helped create him while I was there. It... didn't end well. That guy is a monster, worse than even Psych! The only person who's more of an abomination of a human being than him is maybe Null."
"I expected to rank me an abomination of a human being, but, after all, I don't think I could be considered human. Anyways, you say he's a monster. I haven't known him for long, but he seems fine to me. Except for his addiction to sexual interaction." Chase said, looking behind Nil. It was obvious that his attention was directed elsewhere.
Nil notices his distraction. "Oh, so sexual predator can be added to his list. Great. Good thing he disappeared soon after his creation, otherwise things could be really ba- okay what are you looking at?!"
"I heard you scream for Psych. If Dante is that bad, then he'll be sure to gather up some troops as a kill squad. As soon as I see them, you have exactly one minute to call them off our I slaughter them all. Then, I splatter you all over the walls." Chase said, still staring into the warehouse, a hand now squeezing Nil's shoulder.
Nil knocks off the hand. "Hey buddy, we were just hugging not long ago, I thought we were friends." he says mockingly. "I don't know that Psych heard me, and he doesn't know it's Dante anyways, but he is a threat to more than just us. He deserves to die, nay, he needs to die."
"I wasn't hugging you. I was trying to break your spine. Also, he dies when I think he becomes a threat to me. I'm not afraid to kill you if you attempt to interfere with my plans. I've grown fond of the idea of world domination." Chase was still staring behind Nil, waiting for any sign of Psych. It then occurred to him that he had heard Three as well. "Where's the girl?"
Nil glares and begins to open his mouth when a voice interrupts.

"World domination, eh?" Psych says, walking up to them. "Sorry buddy, but that villain trope belongs to us. Now, if you'd kindly stop before you do something you'd definitely regret."
Chases attention was averted to Psych as he approached. "I'm trying my best to find something in you I like so I won't have to dump your body into the Hudson... You're not making it any easier..." Chase looked behind the two once again before turning back to Psych, a sneer on his face.
Psych and Nil lower to battle stances. "I'm feeling merciful." Psych says. "Leave, now. You don't wanna fight an army."
"It's easy for someone to hide behind an army. If you really wanted to seem powerful, you would fight me like you actually had a pair." Chase said as he turned to walk away. "Goodbye, 'gentlemen'."
Chase turned and was immediately met with an ice blade to the throat. "Don't... move..." Three says.

"Well, now you've insulted my pride." Psych says. "Do you know what happens to people who insult my pride?" Nil forms a shadow gun and puts it to Chase's head and Psych puts his shadow blade to Chase's neck. "Bad things... any last words?"

Nil almost facepalms. Never ask for last words!
Dante watched the whole shibang and he decided to step in. "So because I may have killed some people means I'm a bad person? That's bogus. But seriously. I will kill you ladies if I must. Chase and I are new besties. Forever." He slowly starte to walk towards Chase while he melted the earth beneath Nil and Psych.

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