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Fandom InFamous: Repercussions of War

Sphinx shrugged. "well, flight and seduction. And I've got some pretty good sword skills." she said with a smile. "why about you?"
"Well, you may have heard I control computers. If a computer controls it, so do I. Pretty basic, but incredibly useful." Alex says with a shrug.
"Speaking of which, would it possible for you to fix the lights in this warehouse? It gets pretty dark here at night." Shard says.

"Ya, and I would get scared if it weren't for my fire." Alex says while walking out from behind Shard with a ball of flame in his gloved hand.
Alex shakes his head. "No, that's a material problem. If the computer weren't supplying the electricity, I could, but the lights are actually failing."
Dante looked in at what he was looking at and saw the dildo. "Oh. Well if you're into that. I guess I'm going to go then. Farewell. If you ever need a partner in crime just find me. Anywhere." He walked away with his hands behind his head after he had wiped away the blood from his face.
"What is it? It looks like a....... Oh no.... THEY CUT OFF THAT POOR MAN'S PENIS! THEY MUST BE PUNISHED!" Chase kicked the glass, shattering it as well as causing an alarm to go off. The owner, in a frenzied panic, reached under the counter and pulled out a shotgun. Chase grabbed the barrel and crushed it before he pulled the man over the counter and threw him through the door that led to the back. Leaping over the counter, he walked into the back and came out three minutes later covered in blood. He stared the display case that held the dildo, shaking his head, before he walked out through the shattered glass window, still shaking his head. "That poor, poor man....."

(This post shows just how little Chase knows about erotica.)
Dante turned around when he heard the glass shatter and the alarm go off. When he saw Chase and eat he was yelling, Dante sighed and said to Chase, "I think I need to teach you a few things kiddo. That is a rubber penis for women to. Enjoy themselves with. It's not a poor man's. Come with me to my house so I can give you a little talk." He motioned for Chase to follow him as he walked towards his Earthen house, just a few blocks away.
"...... You have no idea have perverted what you just said sounded. However, I will comply with you're request." Chase said as he Dante home. "If you offer me candy, I'll have to kill you. Just a warning." He followed him through the door and began to walk around, inspecting the insides. Everything was made of rock. Rock, dirt, and anything you could find underneath you to an extent, of course. "So, what do you want to teach me?"
Netherdragon said:
"We can get some people... Maybe... Maybe if you and Xaiver worked together?" Shard suggests.
Alex shrugs, "I don't know the full extent of his powers. Maybe? I don't quite understand what his powers do."
"I don't have any questions for you Null, now excuse me while I return to the others."

Nico said while walking off back towards the warehouse where everybody should be regrouping up. He hadn't crushed the mind-readers windpipe yet so things were already going better than Nico had planned. It would of been hard to explain what had happened to the mind reader, but not impossible.

He waved as he approached his.. friends? Did Nico consider these people who were helping to rescue his father friends? The answer to this question was simple. If they were Nico's friends it wouldn't matter if he told them who his father was, they would rescue him anyways. Nico had his doubts some of these people would help if they knew...
Null pulled Nico aside before they walked in. "Remember, I'm not like the others, and they are not like me. Do not give them any indication of who your father is, or they will not only throw you out, but likely try to destroy you. If they find out on their own, don't take this the wrong way, but I'm gonna fake like I didn't know. I'll explain why at a later date."
"Don't you think I know this? This is why I've been forced to weave story after story while trying to stick somewhat to the truth so I don't blatantly lie to their faces."

Nico almost growls as the words come out of his mouth. The thoughts of what Felix might try to do if he found out running through his mind. It's possible that they were destined to be enemies, after all Nico had what they would consider 'bad blood' running through his veins.

"Now excuse me again.."

Nico said as he pulled Null off of him. He then begins to walk back towards the warehouse where everybody should be regrouping.
Terence arrived slightly before Nico. He walks up to Alex and they high five. Felix gathers everyone and looks around. "Okay, so we got the plan, and people had time to prepare. Any questions or concerns before we begin?"
"Well..." Felix says, eyeing Null. "I suppose there's no way I'm gonna convince you to bugger off, so fine. If the plan goes completely accordingly, we won't NEED any teams. Terence will go in, and come out with Nico's father. In the meantime: Alex, Xavier, Nico, and the other girl — Sorry I forgot your name — will prepare for plan B should any complications arrive. They will go in and open the base. Given all the new people here, we will plan out secondary teams if that happens."
"Hmm..." Felix thinks. "If we need to go to plan B, that's probably a good idea. We need to stop reinforcements."

"If it comes to plan B, I can take out the comms systems." Alex adds.

"Good, but we'll need to stop them from manually getting a message out as well. That, and I don't know how their guard system works."
"Give me a day or two, I could probably catch one off guard on the way home, and get him to tell me the details." Null says
"That might be a good idea," Alex responds.

"I should get as close to the base as I can so I use less energy," Terence adds.

"And die." Alex finishes.

"but I don't know, we're all ready to go." Felix says. "We can send someone to scout the old fashioned way."
"Thus, I should go there and learn the guard system." Null says. "I'll need the help of Dax and Terrance, and possibly Sphinx. I'd prefer it it nobody else came along, the fewer people the better."

"On the other hand, Terrance and Alex seem like they need each other, so if he needs to come along, I understand, but nobody else." Null continues.
"I'm cool with that." Terence says.

"I don't NEED him!" Alex spats angrily. "But I DO want something to do, so I'll come along."

"Why no one else, NULL?" Felix says.
"Null's plan won't work. The guards don't 'go home' from the First Son's facility. There are housing facilities within the base that they live in year long. More over, I'm not big on the plan of leaving my father in there for several more days."

Nico said, thinking back on the layout of the First Son's facility and just how difficult this was going to be.

"Sneaking in might be difficult for even your powers Null. They have conduit detecting and capturing technology throughout the base. After all, they have many conduits as well as humans imprisoned that they test and experiment on."
"I understand, how you feel Alex, but it just comes off that way." Null responds, "As for why nobody else, we don't want to attract too much attention. We'll each go at different times, sorta like by-passers. Oh, and Sphinx if she wants, can be eyes in the sky. Dax I need, because of his hover board, so we can get away if anything goes wrong. On top of that, he can create earpieces for us to stay in touch. Sphinx is more optional, but could be useful if she's careful. Terrance, I need for the same reason I need Dax. High mobility. Basically, we want the fastest and myself, but only a few. The only reason I'm even going is to collect the info. Does that make sense? We'll need a couple days. We need to take it slow so we don't look suspicious and don't look like anything more than people walking down the street."


[QUOTE="Zabuzas Son]"Null's plan won't work. The guards don't 'go home' from the First Son's facility. There are housing facilities within the base that they live in year long. More over, I'm not big on the plan of leaving my father in there for several more days."
Nico said, thinking back on the layout of the First Son's facility and just how difficult this was going to be.

"Sneaking in might be difficult for even your powers Null. They have conduit detecting and capturing technology throughout the base. After all, they have many conduits as well as humans imprisoned that they test and experiment on."

"True... Wait... you used to be there didn't you? Did you ever notice a pattern in the guards?"

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