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Fandom InFamous: Repercussions of War

Assailant said:
Terence and Alex roll their eyes... simultaneously?
"Dude, we're conduits,"

"We can heal,"

"Faster than normal people,"

"We've made it by so far,"

"We can make it again."
"Our white mage doesn't just heal, he can bring people back to life. Why do you think I was asking for the location of someone's corpse."
"Me and Hayabusa are already working on that, thank you very much. We've got it under control." Jacob said, staring at Null. He seemed slightly familiar, but he couldn't find out who it was.
"What makes me so special baka is that it's my father we're all trying to save. I came to Xavier for help and I came to Felix for help. Your friend is the one who arrived unannounced and uninvited just to end up getting beaten up by Felix and is now trying to call the shots by saying who can and can not risk their life."

Nico snapped at Shard but his true anger was clearly pointed at Null for one reason or another. There were plenty of reasons to be angry at Null, especially seeing as his mind reading could end up being a devastating problem for rescuing his father. Despite this it would seem his father still had hope as Null could not read Nico's mind.
"We may not want to bring Alex." Felix states, leaning against a box. "Null is... I hate to say this, RIGHT on this one occasion. He is important. But other than that, he's also a child, and has little fighting skill. He'd be dead weight to be honest."
"Nico. If there's one thing you should know about me, is that I'm neutral. I may not fully be able to read your mind, but I can sense strong emotions no problem. For instance, you have a unnaturally large amount of hatred towards me. Despite us just meeting. I'd like to talk to you in private in a few minutes if that's all right?"

Null then turns to Felix and bows. "And thank you Felix. Anyway, Jacob, I can tell you're having trouble remembering who I am. I'm the guy who arranged your funeral... with Shard's help. You had a beautiful crystal coffin. I'm also the guy who blew up those DUP copters with you. That was fun. Anyone else here remember that?"

"I do!" Shard responds

Null grins as he remembers the pure destruction, and the aftereffects and how large of a blow they dealt to the DUP.
"I remember hearing about that on the news," Terence responds.

"As do I," Alex adds.

"It was cool. There was that one guy with a rocket launcher,"

"They said he was a conduit, but I could see no obvious signs that he was."

"What is with you two?" Felix interrupts. "You always talk in sync... it's creepy."
"It's quite intriguing, they appear to have a form of telepathy. Ever hear of the term twin telepathy Felix? There is some truth to it, however, from what I can tell, because they are conduits, their telepathy is amplified to the point of them sharing some sort of hive mind. I intend to study it, I can learn so much from them in that way. However, this is all conjecture, most of it is likely true, but there is likely some parts that I'm a bit off on. Oh, and fun fact," Null says as he turns to Alex and Terence "If you'd recall, there was a point when the DUP attacked themselves, nobody knows this, except a few of us, the two events are linked. If you want more info, I'll tell you guys at a later date."
"I think I can guess," Alex says.

"And you can call it telepathy, I suppose," Terence adds.

"God, this is freaky." Felix adds.
"Well then, that makes two of us laughing at the other's pain." Felix says.

"BUUUUURRRRN!" Alex and Terence yell in unison.
Alex then out of the blue decides to snap his fingers, and throws up the ball of fire, but this was one of his fireworks. It blew up, and everyone quieted down.
"I believe you mistake your own lack of powers for blatant context clues. It doesn't take a mind reader to figure out my feelings of anger towards you Null. More over, I have no intention of leaving to talk with you in private. As of right now you're only delaying the rescue of my father."

Nico understood the fact that the mind reader wouldn't stop pestering him until Nico came up with an excuse of his anger towards him. To tell him the truth would be to reveal his hatred comes both from Zabuza's memories and emotions, and that having Null along would risk the rescue mission of his father one way or another. So of course Nico would have to think of something on the fly.

"You want to know why I don't like you so far Null? It can all be summed up by your powers, mind reading and controlling. The fact that you look into people's deepest secrets without even a second thought just to benefit yourself disgusts me. Even more so than that, I've been at the complete control of the First Sons all my life. Your powers of mind control remind me all so much to what I had to go through before."

Neither of these reasons were lies, Nico was sure of that. They just weren't the major reasons why Null could neither be liked nor trusted. Still with any luck this would get the mind reader off his case.
"What? I never blew up any planes with you...." Jacob said worriedly, before turning to Nico. It was now obvious that NO ONE liked Null, other than his two friends. Jacob, of course, was reserving his judgement. "So, now that we have a plan and what not, I say we get to it. Nico's father probably isn't in good condition."

"I want to see Zabuza."


"Why!? I answered all your damn questions! You promised!"

"You kiss you're mother with that mouth, young man?"

Medusa teased as she wrote something down on her clipboard. After an unusually long round of 'research', Medusa sat Selim down and began to ask him questions about life before and after the Blast. In return, she would allow Selim to see Zabuza. "I should've known you were lying..... Bitch." Selim said bitterly. Medusa glanced up from her clipboard and slapped Selim across the face. He fell out of his chair and hit the ground, rubbing his red cheek. Before he could get off his hands and knees, a foot was buried into Selim's stomach. He fell to he ground once more, groaning, as Medusa left the room and locked the door, leaving him there, all alone in the dark.
Felix nods. "Okay, plan A."

Terence walks up to Nico as everyone is grabbing their stuff. "Hey, I need to know where in the facility your father is so I can teleport to him."
"Take a walk with me then..."

Nico said as he began to take a stroll outside in order to get out of hearing range of all the others. He kept in mind both Jacob and Hayabusa had increased hearing and as such took that into account with his walk. Presumably, Terence had been following along with Nico. By the time Nico believed they were finally far enough away he stopped to talk.

"I need to tell you something I've been keeping from the others then. Felix doesn't like my father. If he knew who my father was it's possible he wouldn't rescue him. I couldn't risk that, for I was being honest about all the torture they were putting him through.

In truth, my father's down on the sixth floor of the facility. You'll know, the entire floor is dedicated to him."

Nico went into the specifics of where the facility was, in case Terence's power needed to be entirely specific.

"You don't owe me anything. I know that we just met. But for the sake of my father I ask you don't tell Felix this and that you keep away from Null. After all, you don't owe anything to Felix or Null either. So you have no reason in particular that you have to tell them either."
"Thanks." Terence nods. "No, I don't OWE anything to him, but I am curious... why would Felix hate him enough to leave him to torture?" Terence turns to look back to the warehouse. "I have only known him for about half an hour, but he seems like a nice enough guy. I can't imagine him wishing that fate on people."
"It's hard to judge a person on looks Terence. Were you not watching when Felix walked up and punched Null? You could tell by the look in his eyes that he wanted to keep going. There are also people in his past that to this day he still probably holds grudges against. Maybe to the point he'd leave them to be tortured. I couldn't risk such a fate being left to my father."

Nico remarked as he tried to weave his story in such a way it wouldn't come crushing down on him. He was leaving it up to chance that Terence wouldn't feel compelled to talk with Felix or Null..
"I... never did see Felix punch Null. But then again, if he did, maybe he deserved it?" Terence says, thinking. "I COULD tell Felix didn't particularly... like Null, but I wouldn't imagine he'd be that bad to him. Given that it's hard to hurt a conduit, emotionally or physically, without being one yourself, I imagine your father is a conduit?"
Both Jacob and Hayabusa left the warehouse for 20 minutes before they came back. Hayabusa came back with yet another massive Fuuma while Jacob was fiddling with a strange looking Katana. Flux was draining the heat from a fire she made a while back. After awhile, she left the fire there and used the heat in the brass rings to melt them both down before forming a trident. Blake had jumped onto the fire, laughing. "This is cozy..... It's like a warm, orange-ish pillow!"
"Maybe Null did deserve it, but I gave that as an example to show Felix has been known to snap before. To snap into unimaginable rage that makes him unpredictable and nothing like the hero people make him out to be. Maybe there's the chance Felix would snap if he knew who my father is, which is why I couldn't risk it."

Nico's mind was supplying him with plenty of memories of Felix snapping and going on killing sprees. Nico was certain that these were all the truth and that people wouldn't hold Felix in such high regard if they knew all that he had done.

"As for my father, I don't believe it matters whether he's a conduit or not. All you need to know is that he's in need of help. Now are you going to attempt to teleport in? If you're capable of taking along three people, I'd like to go. Three counting yourself, me, and then my father to get out."
"I need to think about some things, alone."

Null says as he walks away from the warehouse in a semi-different direction, but eventually following a street parallel to the one they were walking on. He was near enough to continue eavesdropping, but far enough away to be able to speak without being overheard. Someone Felix absolutely hated... Could it be? An entire floor dedicated to him, thus it probably means he's insanely powerful. So does that mean?

"Oh, this is rich. This is great! That is amazing, what were the odds!"

I won't bother trying to tell anyone, not only will I become a target by Nico, and thus Zabuza's first target when he's freed, if I'm not already that is, but the odds of the others believing me are slim at best.
"However," Null says aloud,

"This does bring back the brute force method of peace. This helps me significantly, due to recent events that have made me realize something. Humans are inclined to be controlled. They look for a leader, or a ruler. Whether they like him/her or not, most like to be controlled. Thus, if an absolute ruler wins the final battle, there may truly be peace."

Null thinks some more Right now, the best option would be to continue to listen in, to hear what I can, though Terence, and then confront Nico alone. I just hope he gives me a chance to tell him I don't attempt to endanger his plans or is dad before he punches me. Null laughs while continuing to walk.
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Nico's enhanced senses had allowed him to both smell and hear Null walking up within mind reading distance of Terence before he actually arrived. Despite this he continued talking without concern of the mind reader and controller. At this point Nico would ensure the rescue of his father by any means. If Null intended to get in the way of that it would be his funeral.

Despite this it would seem the egotistic Null was inclined to talking to himself. Something that Nico's enhanced senses also allowed him to easily hear.

"This does bring back the brute method of peace", "This helps me significantly", and "An absolute ruler may bring peace" all showed hints that Null might actually be not be the problem Nico expected him to be.

Maybe Nico could use Null's help after all.. as long as he used the same caution his father had always used when dealing with him.
Terence thinks it over. "Okay, I'll still help. I don't know why Felix doesn't like your father, and given I don't know his name I can't ask anyway. But do expect me to keep some sort of eye on him." Terence begins to walk to the warehouse and passes Null on his way. "Hey Null..." What was HE doing out here?
Null kept going the other way for a few minutes, after he realized Terrace had spotted him. He then stopped and waited about 3 more, just to draw suspicion away from himself before finally turning back around and starting to head back. He needed to talk to Nico.
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Nico stood waiting, after Terence had left, on the street-corner he had been talking to Terence at. He had the suspicion that Null would attempt to talk to him now and begin his well known tactic of playing all the sides. Nico considered himself prepared to face down the mind-reader just as his father had- with a heavy dose of caution.

In the meantime Nico watched as people walked casually down the sidewalks and vehicles commuted to work. It amazed Nico how they managed to live on with their normal lives despite all that was happening in the quarantined city of New York.

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