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Fandom InFamous: Repercussions of War

Alex and Terence watch as a DUP truck rolls down the street. "You know what to do?" Alex asks, turning to Terence.

"Of course, we've done this before." Alex holds out his hands as the car drives nearby and suddenly the car stops. DUP soldiers get out and begin to examine the car. Terence closes his eyes but Alex nudges him.

"Wait. It's always fun to hear why they think the car broke down. Let's see." They both turn to the DUP troops and listen. Eventually, one walks up to another.

"The computer seems to have glitched." Alex chuckles.

"That's the closest I've ever heard them get. Okay, now." Suddenly, with a purple flash and a pop, Terence disappears from next to him, appearing next to a DUP troop and smacking his head into the truck. A chorus of pops sound as Terence reappears and continues to smack the DUP until all go down. He appears back next to Alex and they grin, high fiving.

Null hears commotion in the distance, and goes after it. "At least it's not the first Sons, but who are they... One appears to have the power to teleport. But what of the other." Null spots the truck and slices the front wheel, popping it, and causing them to slow down.
Alex and Terence hear a pop as they are walking away. They turn around to find a guy with a sword having popped a tire out of the parked car. Alex raises an eyebrow. "What's his deal?"

"Dunno... psycho."
"Alex! Terence! Are you two insane! What were you thinking! Why on earth would you attack the DUP after all we've done to calm them down! This peace in the city has caused the DUP not to take action as much. By attacking them, you're only stirring them up!" (wait... I thought it was driving!)
Alex and Terence raise their eyebrows.

"Brother, are you as concerned as I that he knows our names?"

"Indeed I am, brother."

"Is that a bad thing?"


"You think that they've stopped?" Terence says, now talking to Null. "All a ruse, one you seem to have fallen for, mind conduit."
"Don't get me wrong. I understand they haven't completely stopped, but it has helped. By the way, what do you mean by Mind Conduit?"
Terence shrugs. "A conduit with control or domain within one's mind."

"Mind control, mind reading, telepathy, the like." Alex continues.

"Some call it necromancy, psychokineses-"

"Though that would be incorrect, as you aren't physically controlling anything,"

"But I prefer to simply say mind powers, or in your case, mind conduit."
"Hmm. So I know one of you is teleport. What's the other. Might as well come out with it. Would only take me a second for me to dig it out. Oh, and why were the DUP after you anyway? Did you steal their blankie? Their candy?" (How did he come up with that? Null never met him, so how did he know bout him?)
"I believe he truly is a mind conduit," Alex says.

"Indeed, he did not deny it," Terence responds.

"Well mr. mind man, they weren't after us, presumably, any more than they were you!"

"It's just our duty as good citizens to take them out." Terence finishes.

"And I, good sir, am a computer conduit. I control computers, and anything THEY control." Alex grins. "In a metropolis like this, you can imagine how much power that can give me."
"OH! Lovely! There's a computer conduit out there, that I'm not fond of. However, your powers from what I can tell, eclipse his. I love your sense of morality. Speaking of which. I have a question. What do you do when confronted with evil? Do you stay pure and good and fall to that evil? Or do you become evil to destroy the greater evil? I'd like a response from both of you." Null was now beginning to remember how he was at the start. He remembers why he was that way. He starts creating new mental locks, stronger than the old ones, that will keep him more on track this time.
Alex and Terence look to each other. "Well, depends on what you define as evil."

"Yeah, it's not like we're gonna go out and just kill people because evil is afoot."

"But you do what you have to, you know?"

"If it isn't necessary, we side with the law-"

"IF that law is just, of course."

"Of course. But if needed, well... the laws are really more like suggestions." Alex and Terence nod.

"We are here to help the people, and the law comes second."
Null has a very wide grin. "So, you strive for peace and freedom. But what is Peace? I personally think there are multiple ways of getting to it."
"Peace is subjective." Alex begins.

"Hard to define. Peace is impossible. Humans don't have it in them as a species to stop fighting and persecution."

"We seek freedom. The DUP are corrupt fascists. We seek to return to the old law, the just law-"

"Well... MORE just."

"Yes, of course, it's the greater of two evils."
"And thus, you fight evil with what others define as "evil" correct? However you yourselves don't find it evil. Is this accurate?"
Alex and Terence think. "Maybe?"

"I don't know that we're... 'evil,' but I suppose other people COULD think of us as evil..."
"Personally, I don't think you're evil either. I was saying it because those with weaker minds or senses of morals would think of such acts as evil. I am personally overjoyed to see there are others out there who feel the same way I do about that subject. Out of curiosity, why do you have vengeance against the DUP specifically? Did they do something to you?"

"The DUP are corrupt and overbearing,"

"And they don't deserve to exist,"

"Department of Unified Protection my ass."
"Please, they're just scared little children. They are mere bees, killing bees of another hive. They're programmed to survive, even if the threat isn't real, they make it real. And we are forced to suffer because of it."
Netherdragon said:
"Wait, who's Shin?" Shard asks.
"Was he your family" Alex continues

Meanwhile, Null stops. "Hang on Flux... I'm picking up on some info. Lets stop walking for a sec." Null says as he begins to listen in.
Dax sighs and turns to Alex. Twi turns to them too. Dax holds up one of his cards and Twi holds up her elemental bracelet. "Shin..Even though we didn't know him all that well, was one of our best friends." Twi begins. "Do you see my card and Twi's bracelet? These are what we have left to remember him by, what he gave us. These items now help control our powers better. We figured in the past that we would need to find a way to control them better and easier. We saved him. He was a rebel for the first sons who was willing to help us, not even close to evil. a few days before the final battle, The first sons finally found him and...killed him in the worst possible way. There was nothing we could do, we were too late. He did everything he could to help me and Twi, from the shadows and sometimes out in the open...he was a great person. I won't let his death go unavenged. They'll pay for what they did, I swear." Dax said with a clenched fist as a tear dropped from his cheek.
Felix nodded. "Like hell we will."

Alex and Terence nod. "Makes no difference, we won't stand for it."
"I agree. However, right now, some friends of mine are attacking the First Sons. Same sort of vengence thing. And we're also trying to break someone out. Want to help?"
Terence and Alex shrug. "Why not. If what I've heard is true, they're even worse."
Null turns around and gestures to the two of them to follow as he jogs back to the raid planning.
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Alex and Terence follow and soon arrive at the base. Felix turns to see Null walk in, and almost yells at him before seeing two people follow him. "Null... who are these?"

"We're Alex and Terence" They say simultaneously, pointing to each other.

"That was freaky..." Felix mentions.
"I know. They're like a 2 man hive mind. It's awesome. Anyway, they are some reinforcements I picked up off the street. I personally really like these guys. One can teleport, and one controls circuits, computers, etcetera. He practically eclipses Xavier in his powers."

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