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Fandom InFamous: Repercussions of War

"Hi..." Null stops. "you..." It was then that he realized he couldn't read this person's mind. Odd.

"You know! I had a mind to help you guys with your little Jailbreak.
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Sphinx followed Nico towards the commotion. "what's going on?" she asked, before she saw null. The moment she layed eyes on him she frowned. "Why are you here Null?" she asked, glaring at him.
"I guess I'm not." Null says as he walks off. "They'll never understand." Null says to himself.

"Well! Thanks for scaring off our friend." Shard says as she and Alex exit the Tesla.
Netherdragon said:
"I guess I'm not." Null says as he walks off. "They'll never understand." Null says to himself.
"Well! Thanks for scaring off our friend." Shard says as she and Alex exit the Tesla.
"Whoop de fucking do! Why should we care!? He was a manipulativen bastard and he deserved! I'm suprised he didn't make you guys his mindless servants or that his douchebagery didn't rub off on you." Hayabusa says, as he, Jacob, Flux, and Blake exit the warehouse with everyone else.
"These people don't seem to like him, and I feel inclined to go along with them in this. I would say good riddance to whoever that was for it's more important we get back to the matter at hand- saving my father."

Nico finally stepped up to say. He knew full and well now from his memories who Null was, what he had done, and how Zabuza felt about him. He was someone necessary to help from time to time but you could never trust him at any point. All Nico knew was that he didn't want Null anywhere near his father after they break him out, for he's bound to be in a weakened state.
Sarah soon burst through the Shadows doors, dragging Chased along.

"You're going to apologize!"



"He deserved it. Why should I?"

"BECAUSE IT WAS GROSS AND UNNECESSARY!" Chase sighed, allowing Sarah to easily pull him through the doors. "We're looking for a man who woke up covered in vomit, anyone know where he is?" Sarah screamed to any who was near.
NIl grinned and raise his hand. "That would be me." Three leaned against the wall to watch everything go down.
"Say you sorry."

"I'm sorry.... That you're blood taste like pure piss."


"I'm surprised your heart hasn't jumped out of you're chest, screaming evil."




It was then that Chase muttered what was close enough to a sorry to Sarah, even though most of what he said consisted of cursing Nil out and telling him his blood tasted worse than feces.
Nil widened his arms. "It's not every day I have someone tell me how my blood tastes. Thank you for that. And all is forgiven." Nil smiles an evil grin and holds his arms forward. "Now, hug it out big guy."
Sarah started to talk before Chase ran up to Nil and wrapped him in a bear hug. "Is this tight enough for you?" He said calmly, squeezing even tighter. Sarah looked to Three. "You'll be able to fix him up after this right?"
Three grins slightly. "He's more resiliant than you'd think... it's... actually quite surprising." Meanwhile Nil just smiles and pats Chase's back.

"See, all friends here."
Null walks down the street alone. "I've had to go through so many hoops for these guys. Was it worth it? If I were a weaker mind, I would have contemplated suicide by this point. However, I refuse to die until I see my goals come true. So... What would the next step be?"
Chase continued to squeeze as Smokescreen came in. His eyes widened at the sight. He ran away and came back two minutes later with bags of popcorn and more Shadows, who had made bets with him as to see how long he would last before he popped.
Nil grins as the grip tightens. He was beginning to feel some pain, but of course refused to let on. "Wow Chase, for an infant you've got muscles."

Three shakes her head. "One day he's gonna get himself killed... Natural Selection hasn't been doing its job."
"Honestly, I wonder some times. Why did it have to be mind reading. I could be manipulative without that! I might as well not have the power. I might as well be normal. They don't seem to understand that there are people out there that are even more manipulative than me, and they don't even have powers. Yet I'm the one who's always getting yelled at." *sigh*
"Hey guy! Er, Nell! Nub? Neo? Whatever, just wait up!" Flux gradually came to a stop at Null's side, panting. Blake was calmly walking on his opposite side. He stared ahead as if he were interested in something else. "Hey, you okay? Those guys were really hard on you.." Flux said.
"No. They're right... I am a terrible person. However, I still do strive for peace. I have an idea on how to do it. However..."
Dax and Twilight keep flying to the building, passing Null along the way. He gives a glare at him before continuing to the building and arriving, seeing Felix, Sphinx, Blake, Xavier, Nico, Jacob, and Hayabusa. "Hi all, what's up?" Dax asked as he and Twi got off the hoverboard. The hoverboard turned back into a card and he picked it up, putting back in his pouch. Twilight smiled to them. "Hi everyone, we're here and ready to help!" She said excitedly.
Felix nods towards them. "Let's all head back inside. We've got a prison to break into."
Twilight speeds over toward Felix. "Ooh, ooh, can I help?! We can do flashcards!!" She said as she pulled a stack full of flashcards out of her bag.
Felix raises an eyebrow. "I suppose it could help us remember who goes with who and the plan." Felix grins. "We're actually gonna attack the First Sons... God, we are asking to die."
"In that case, who doesn't have a sword?" Shard inquires. "I'd be glad to make extra. However, I'm not going into the building. I need to stay out here with Alex."
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Assailant said:
Felix raises an eyebrow. "I suppose it could help us remember who goes with who and the plan." Felix grins. "We're actually gonna attack the First Sons... God, we are asking to die."
Dax and Twi's eyes go wide. Dax slowly walks over to Felix and looks to him, his eye full of a serious look he's never had before. "The first sons....They..they killed him. They killed Shin....and we want revenge..no, we want to avenge him." Dax said to Felix.
"Wait, who's Shin?" Shard asks.

"Was he your family" Alex continues

Meanwhile, Null stops. "Hang on Flux... I'm picking up on some info. Lets stop walking for a sec." Null says as he begins to listen in.
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