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Fandom InFamous: Repercussions of War

Flux simply staredon during the conversation. Once they stopped talking and ran off, Blake and herself followed them back to the warehouse. Once they made it, Blake continued to explore while Flux sat in a chair, twirling her rings around.
Flux looked up followed Null outside, while she put her rings back on their places. "Okay, what was it you asked me before? What do I strive for? Nothing. I could care less about what goes on in the world. Any other questions?"
Nico had returned to standing between Xavier and Merlin as he listened to everybody talk up until the point Null returned with two new conduits. It was at this point he finally stepped up to talk again.

"I'm all for more the merrier in helping with saving my father. Just remember who we'll be fighting against and how much your lives and/or possible freedom are at risk here. I ask that we stick with our initial plan. Me, Xavier, and Merlin will sneak in first with our objectives in mind. The rest of you can break in afterwords in order to create commotion and force the First Sons to focus their efforts on you while we break into several teams dedicated to our main objectives:

Killing as many of the First Sons as possible for what they've done to me and all of you, allowing Xavier to get his hands on the First Son's technology as part of the deal, destroying as much of the First Son's research as possible, and finally rescuing my father."
"Woah woah woah." Terence says, stepping up. "Now, I'm all for stealth, but you know I can teleport, right? Wherever it is you want to break into, I can get there."

"Yeah," adds Alex, "Or I could disable the cameras during the stealth portion."

"They WOULD be helpful." Felix adds. I don't know if I can trust them, but who CAN I be sure to trust at this point. Felix hears a pop from behind him and before he can turn around, he hears,

"You bet I am." Felix turns around quickly to see... he guesses it to be Terence behind him.
"You're all forgetting something. Xavier himself is capable of using his abilities to teleport people as well. Despite this Xavier wasn't able to teleport withing the First Son's base, otherwise this would be as easy as popping in to retrieve my father and then popping back out. We can only assume there is some form of interference stopping us from doing so."

Nico said while thinking back to all the times Xavier had teleported them. Xavier had never said it, but surely if he could just teleport inside that easily there would of been no need to go through all this trouble with getting help from the FFA.
"You said using his abilities..." Felix begins. "Terence's power seems to be teleportation, whereas Xavier uses a different power to act as a proxy for teleportation. It very well might act differently."
"By all means, it's worth a try. Sometime later I can give Terence the exact location of my father so that he can attempt to teleport in to get him out. Then if that doesn't work we're back to square one on invading. We also won't be putting a stop to their experimentation on conduits and humans just by breaking my father out."

Nico said. He was slightly worried at the thought of having to tell Terence the true location of his father. Then he remembered that Terence wasn't apart of the FFA, he was a random conduit that was just dragged in. He didn't owe Felix or the FFA anything. So as long as could get Terence alone and tell him the truth, he would be under no obligation to tell Felix the truth.
Felix nods, satisfied. He then turns to Terence. "Can you do antipersonnel teleportation?' Terence puts his hand out and does the "sort of" sign.

"If I am in physical contact with the person, I can teleport WITH them, or with anyone THEY are in contact with. Same goes for objects, but for objects I have to specify I want to take them. I cannot teleport someone or something without being in contact, but-"

"We're working on it." Alex finishes, to a nod from Terence.

"However, the more mass I teleport, the more exhausting it is." Felix nods in understanding, before narrowing his eyes.

"How do you restock on energy?"

"Rest. It's mental power that it works on. It's exhausting work. The longer the distance, and the more mass I take, the more exhausting it is."
Chase continued to squeeze, hoping to make either make Nil give in or break his back. Either way, it would be fun to see his reaction. By now, this had become a sport. Shadows were handing Smokscreen while he rushed back and forth with food. Most of the shadows began to root on Nil, although some cheered on Chase.
Nil grimaced, but kept smiling. He had figured out what was going on, and wasn't going down without a fight. By now, he was definitely in pain, but he was a champ. Most people would be broken by now, but Nil prided himself on his resilience. "Woah now, someone's clingy."
Chase, who was obviously frustrated now, grabbed Nil's leg and held him up so he could see his face. "You're strong." Was all he said before he threw him down onto the ground by his leg, leaving a crater. He did the same on his opposite side before walking off to find Psych. "Puny Shadow."
Nil weakly raises his hand. "I got it... I got the reference." He then collapses as shadows around him cheer. Some pass money to each other with grins. "They're making a much bigger deal out of this than they should... I survived a hug." Three nods.

"Both of them are stronger than they look... Nil's going to die of pride." Some shadows march over to Nil and hold them above their heads and march him around. "Strange..." Three questions, mostly to herself. "If we're made out of darkness...then why can we feel joy?"
Sarah simply stared on as Smokescreen glumly handed out wads of cash. He eventually made it through the crowd and to Nil, he punched him on the back. "Nice job, Nil. Looks like you survived..... This time."
Nil looks at Sarah and grins. "This time and every time." He croaks out, betraying his pain. "I don't feel anything! you could say I feel... Nil."
"No not really. But is there anything in this world that you feel like is your reason for existence? Anything you couldn't live without?" Null replies. (Likely won't be on any more for a while... maybe a few hours.)
Netherdragon said:
"No not really. But is there anything in this world that you feel like is your reason for existence? Anything you couldn't live without?" Null replies. (Likely won't be on any more for a while... maybe a few hours.)
"Nope. Not really. I just wanna have fun, and the world never runs out of that as far as I know. So, is that all? Or can we get back to planning to this'd Jail Break?" Flux said, already turning to walk back inside.
"I suppose... You know it's ironic. Despite just wanting to have fun, right now, you've been the most boring person to talk to." Null says as he enters the building. "No need to fill me in. You already did."
"Okay." Felix says. "Here's what we've got so far." Felix had spent the last 20 or so minutes introducing Terence and Alex to everyone and giving them some background on the group and the people in it. He specified powers and the like. "Terence, you'll see if you can teleport into Nico's father's cell. If not, experiment with what you CAN do. Report your findings. If you can: get in, grab Nico's father, get out. If there are any greater complications, report back.

"If you are completely incapable of teleporting in at all, then comes the harder part. Xavier, Merlin, and Nico will sneak in, accompanied by Alex as, assuming everything is run by computers, he can turn off security protocols. You guys will do whatever it is you need to do to get the control room and/or tech, before letting us in. We'll cause chaos, split into our pre determined teams, spread the fight across the base, while Nico and Alex go into his father's room. We need Alex there to disable any extra security protocols that may be there. Get out, full on retreat, and BAM! Any questions or concerns?"
"Hang on! Alex is not going on this mission. He's our white mage, and he's only a kid. We need to keep our white mage safe." Null says "Oh, and I think it'd be best to incorporate the buddy system. Groups of at least 2 people, at least one FFA member, or myself in each group. No offense, but there are some questionable people here that are trying to work together."
"No offence, but as far as I'm concerned you have no say here. You especially don't decide who gets to risk their life or not. If Alex is fine with risking his life to help my father, by all means let him go ahead. By the looks of you, you also don't get the right to call other people questionable. I'm perfectly fine with taking along Alex after we initially sneak in."

Alex also wasn't a member of the FFA. Another person who basically owed them nothing if Nico were to tell him the truth. He would be under no obligation to tell Felix or friends about Nico and his innocent lies.
"Absolutely not. It's too dangerous for him, and yes I include myself among the "questionable" people. However, I am to a certain extent part of the FFA. On another note, Felix. Any idea where Daniel's corpse is?" Null replies

"Agreed, and what makes you so special that you get to make decisions? Get down off your high horse." Shard says.

(You do realize I'm referring to our white mage, right?)
"Daniel's in his grave... in the graveyard." Felix says.

"Also, they're talking about me." Alex says. "You can't tell me what I can or can not do."

"Just because you found us, doesn't mean you keep us." Terence added.

"Finder's keepers does NOT apply to people."
"You misunderstand. While we were talking about Alexs, I was moving on to our Alex. It was more of a warning than anything else. Basically, our healer is not coming on the mission, so if you get hurt, you are gonna be hurting for a while."
Terence and Alex roll their eyes... simultaneously?

"Dude, we're conduits,"

"We can heal,"

"Faster than normal people,"

"We've made it by so far,"

"We can make it again."

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