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Fandom InFamous: Repercussions of War

"I didn't do anything to him. Terence did that. Also, you're so scary."

"And it would be ossiskinesis, as Ossis is the genitive form of os, latin for bone." Alex says.

" Well... I suppose they could both be correct. I will admit osteokineses sounds better." Terence adds.

"And it kinda is. The blast was only a few blocks large. It's surprising we were all there." Felix says.
"While the blast was only a few blocks large, that doesn't mean whatever caused us to turn to conduits was confined to such a space. For instance if we consider the blast created some form of radiation, or what have you, then it could of spread throughout the entire city that day. Looking at it like that, you wouldn't of had to have been in the actual city block of the explosion to be turned into a conduit."

Nico corrected Felix. Memories flooded in of a much younger Zabuza rapidly growing in a back alley. A cold, dead woman laying on the ground with a hole ripped out of her stomach. That had been his mother. It was the night everything changed and they had been no where near the actual blast.

"I know, I've met conduits who claimed when they got their powers they were no where near the actual blast. Instead it would seem the one thing we all have in common was that we were inside this city."
"You guys weren't in the blast? Lucky you guys." Felix says, remembering the huge, burning amount of energy washing over him and almost killing him.
Sapphire looked at the bone faced man. She touched one of the bones, holding it between her thumb and forefinger. "fascinating...." she muttered. "I've never seen anything like it. You look like a drawing one of my students would make after a nightmare." she said with a smile. Sapphire had actually just taken this info from Sphinx's thoughts, but she wasn't about to let anyone know that.
"I was in the blast! My house was just a few houses down from it! Fun facts with Raven!" Raven said smiling and poking Sapphire's face quickly and retracting the bones on his face. "I'm cool."
Sapphire blinked, letting go of the retracting bones. "yep." she said. "how does that work?" she asked, head tilted.
"I wasn't in New York at the time of the blast. I was WAY off. I got my power's when me and my friends crashed our car." Jacob said calmly, staring at Flux, who was still morphing her brass rings into different shapes. Jacob, Flux, Blake and Hayabusa had left the warehouse a few times while everyone was preparing.

Hayabusa had come back wearing a flak jacket that held multiple kunai and shurikens alongside his Windmill Shuriken and katana. He also wore his face mask and iconic headband.

Flux had come back wearing all black attire with a small pack that held her art supplies and spare ammo for her pistol, which was now in a holster at her side.

Blake came back wearing all black attire as well as a motorcycle helmet. Strapped onto his back was an assault rifle and at his hip was a small pack that held four ammo clips, two for his rifle and two for Flux's pistol.

Jacob, who had left the warehouse only once, came back wearing a long brown trench coat with the sleeves cut off. He wore a red shirt that said 'Eat This' underneath the trench coat. Sewn onto the back was the cartoonish image of Jacob reaching out to a calm Felix who sat down next to a blood covered body. The events that happened in the picture was mostly correct, minus the part where Felix was as calm as usual.
As the others were focused upon the new arrival, Raven, Nico walked over to Terence. With the plan no longer seemingly making any progress with the exception of the new conduit who might be willing to risk his life in order to help, Nico might as well try to see when Terence was planning his attempt to teleport in.

"It doesn't matter when you intend to teleport in. If things go well then they go well. I know it strains your powers to take along passengers, but I wish to come. If for some reason we can't all then leave, I want you to teleport back out alone. I'll cause as big of a distraction inside the base that I can while you get everybody to storm into the facility."

Nico spoke rather silently so that really only the intended Terence could hear him. In all actuality though, both Jacob and Hayabusa at least would of heard what he said from way of their sire enhanced senses.
Terence nods. "Fair enough, I suppose. If we can't get in fully, I was planning to bring Alex to shut down their systems. I SHOULD have enough power for both of you to hitch a ride." Terence's face scrunches up. "However, not the first time around. I need to see where I can go first. I don't know what kind of defenses they have, but they might have a defense that would kill me. I don't want you to be with me should that happen."

Felix notices Jacob's shirt and cringes. "Why...?" He mutters.
Raven cocked his head and said, "Lol so whats going on?" He wanted an adventure so he thought he could tag a long.
"You shouldn't worry so much about me for I'm not that easy to kill. Warn me when you're ready to go so that I know. The facility is patrolled twenty-four seven with the same amount of guards during the day as the night. So it doesn't matter when you decide to go. If you're lucky it will all work out. If worse comes to worse, I thank you for risking your life."

Nico said as he walked away from Terence and towards Raven.

"Everybody here is preparing to risk their life in order to rescue my father from the First Sons. If you want in to help then the more the merrier. Just know what sort of people we're up against."
Terence runs up to Nico. "Look, I don't mean they'd shoot. I mean defenses that could halt our molecular formation and rip us apart molecule by molecule until we literally cease to exist, and there is ABSOLUTELY NO way to fight back at all. I have never failed to teleport, so should they have a defense to prevent me, I don't know what would happen."
"Then it sucks to be you if that's the case. All you can do is hope the First Sons have never considered the fact a conduit might try to teleport inside or outside the facility."

Nico said rather harshly before turning back towards Raven. He awaited his response to joining their suicide mission.
Terence purses his lips and walks away. Soon, Alex walks up to him. "At least you managed to save Nico should something bad happen... I wonder why Felix and the gang don't like Nico's father?"

"Me too." Terence says. "I sure hope I don't die."
Raven jumped up and fisted the air above him. "Lets go save your daddy! Oh and bullets don't affect me guys. And what are yallzez names?" He said to them gladly. He didt really care if these people were bad. He would kill the DUP officers and save the guy's dad. "I'm Raven by the way." He knew these people were good due to their niceness when they were talking to him.
"Felix." Felix says. He then pointed to the twins as they were walking away. "Terence and Alex."
"You can call me Nico, and it's a pleasure to meet yet another person willing to help."

Nico said while showing one of his rare fang filled grins. He never had reason to smile or grin while trapped within the First Son's facility, but with his escape and his father's soon to come there would be plenty of reasons to smile upcoming.
Raven smiled back at Nico, sharpening his teeth into fangs. "I can have fangs too! Seeeeee?!?!" He said pointing to them over-dramatically. He then said, "Nice to meet all of you! Lets go explode the First Son's base!" He screamed in pure excitement as he started to walk off after Terrence and Alex.
Felix groans. "MORE FANGED PEOPLE?!?! No offence intended Nico, but the only other non-fanged conduits I know besides the non-trustable ones are Sphinx, Dax, and Twilight. Speaking of Twilight, WHY ARE THERE SO MANY VAMPIRES?!?!?!"
"Oh, so me and Jacob can't be trusted?" Hayabusa said, cleaning his katana. Jacob was sewing up a few cuts in his trench coat when he turned to Felix, a piece of thread in his mouth. "I had Flux sew this into the back of my coat a few months ago. It reminds me when I finally got to see you when I wasn't trying to kill you. And when the war FINALLY ended."
AvidElmV2 said:
"Oh, so me and Jacob can't be trusted?" Hayabusa said, cleaning his katana. Jacob was sewing up a few cuts in his trench coat when he turned to Felix, a piece of thread in his mouth. "I had Flux sew this into the back of my coat a few months ago. It reminds me when I finally got to see you when I wasn't trying to kill you. And when the war FINALLY ended."
"Uh, you guys have fangs." Felix says. "You're part of the former group. And... that's certainly a good outlook on it. For me, it reminds me of..." Felix closes his eyes tight and sits down. "Daniel..." he whispers, putting his head in his legs.
Both JAcob and Hayabusa look up from what they were doing. Had he not heard them when he said he was bringing him back already? They simply shrugged it off and went back to what they were doing. Flux was sitting in the corner now, drawing the others, starting with Felix. "Shadow kid, stay like that, don't move." She said simply as she sketched on.
Felix shrugs and stays there, reflecting over his past misdoings. Terence and Alex turn around and see Raven following them. What does he want? Terence asks Alex telepathically.

More memories flooded back into Nico's head of Jacob and Hayabusa. They had both had the honors of being sires and working along side Nico's father. While it was still painful for memories to be ripped into his head, Nico was doing a good job of not showing the pain. He only slightly stumbled before regaining his composure.

Nico was curious on how both of them felt about their time with his father, even though he feared how they might respond, but decided to ask them anyways. He would just have to word his questions carefully.

"So Jacob and Hayabusa, how did the two of you get your fangs then?"
Raven waves to Terrence and Alex dramatically and yells, "Hi friends! WHats up? Are we going to explode the First son's base today?"

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