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Fandom InFamous: Repercussions of War

Boner looked at Felix. "No, you bitch. You apologize for almost killing all of us. And you'd be surprised from what I can do with my powers." He started to run at Felix while he surrounded himself in multiple spikes going out in all different directions that almost covered his whole body. When he got closer, he stomped the ground and a pillar of bones from his feet lifted him up from the ground. Boner jumped off and made his left hand into a drill that was going straight for Felix.
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Felix creates a shadow wall that Boner hits, stopping him. "Oh come on, a challenge would be nice."
Jacob hit the wall due to the blast and was impaled on one of the shadow spikes. Ignoring the pain, he began to slide his way down the spike before breaking it off and pulling it out of his stomach. The hole quickly healed as Jacob threw the spike to the ground and turned to Psych, practically growling before three smoke spikes of his own shot out towards Felix.

(Why no one post for Chase!?)

Chase, reluctant to just roll over and most likely die at the hands of the man who relished in his pride, began to push himself against the ice sphere, using both his Sire strength and Rush strength, hoping to crack the ice and free himself. If this did work, the first thing he would do would be dashing over to Dante's side, seeing as he wasn't faring well against both Nil and Three.
Felix grins and puts up another shadow wall, blocking the bolts from Jacob. He then takes two spikes sticking out next to Jacob and turns them to point at Jacob and shoves them together.

Three restrengthens the sphere and continues to hold it. "What are his powers?"

"They seem to be a Hayabusa-esque 'power distributor'"

"Well, he's putting on strength now. Go fight Dante. As long as I keep pushing the sphere, he shouldn't get out."
Assailant said:
"Terrible things Felix has done? Hmm. Perhaps I should give you a lesson." Felix steps back. "Felix has three personalities that essentially live inside him. While technically all three are Felix, they might as well be different people entirely.
Nico shook his head, tired of how Felix rationalized what he did and what he was doing.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night Felix. You can claim it's entirely different people living inside you all you want... in the end it's you, Felix, the one that's snapped and attacking your friends. Whatever mental problems you have I don't think the blast gave them to you. Your head was screwed up from the beginning...

I didn't see your personality named "Shadow" strike Jacob. I don't see your personality named "Psych" attacking Jacob and Raven. All I've seen is you attacking them. You Felix."

Nico said while walking towards Felix, his resolve building as he knew what he was about to do...
Chase continued to kick the ice, but distributed his focus elsewhere. He began to focus on his perception, allowing him to see Three easier. With this, he put his main power to use. In Three's eyes, Chase had already escaped the sphere and was now simply sitting on it, a thick mist developing around her. The mist was simply for ambiance, as he had no idea what Three would think it was. Illusion Chase stood and began to walk towards her at a slow, calm pace. He configured the illusion to act as if it were real to buy himself more time. With Three focused on the illusion, Chase continued push against the ice, using only his Sire strength.

Jacob created two smoke walls next to him, blocking the spikes as he began to walk towards Felix. His eyes had made a visible change, taking on a red aura, with list his fangs stayed the same, showing that he was still in a 'feral' state.
Dante heard where Chase was in the ice dome and he started to blast fire balls in that direction so the ice would be easier to break for him
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Psych puts up shadow walls to block the fire bolts. Nil gets behind the shadow walls and uses them as cover to shoot at Dante while Psych shoots multiple shadow bolts at him.

Three notices Chase sitting on top of the ice. As she is about to attack, she notices the mist. Her instincts from two years of warring lead her to immediately put an ice sphere around her head, yelling "MIST!!!" As she does so. Soon, shadow spheres appear around Psych's and Nil's heads as Three refocuses on holding the ice.

Felix looks at him and shrugs. "I suppose you're right, though I don't care. In the end it is Felix, but the man deserves merit for trying SO SO hard to be the good guy. Oh, you can't imagine every time he sees someone, a little voice in his head is saying 'kill them, kill them.' And he never does! Or, almost never does."
Dante got angry and decided to end this fight quickly. He mustered up the rest of his strength and he punched the ground before anyone couldbe hit him. An earthquake started to happen, which could be felt from the surrounding area, with cracks forming in the ground and lava filling up the cracks. The cracks went straight for Nil, Three, Psych and the ice dome. Dante screamed and was getting angry after he found a bullet in his stomach. He quickly put his hand to the wound, ripped out the bullet and ignited his hand to cauterize the wound.
Psych creates a platform of shadow, a layer over the ground to stabilize them. We need to end this fight soon. I don't know that I have the energy to keep this up for much longer. While he was cauterizing the wound, Nil turned his gun into an automatic rifle and unloaded on his head and chest, as Psych lifted shadows around Dante's feet to prevent him from moving.

I just realized, Nil is REALLY GOOD with tag teams.
Dante felt the restraints around his feet an he immediately turned into lava to prevent any harm. He only risked turning into lava when it was a life or death situation because he was scared he wouldn't be able to turn back. The bullets and restraint were now absolutely useless.
Psych grinned and trapped him inside a small shadow dome. "Guess what D-man, we know all your tricks." By now, more Shadows had shown up to watch the fight, as they cheered. "Now... give us a show. Change back, let's see what happens." The dome was small enough that should Dante change back, he would be crushed.
Dante slowly inched towards a crack in the ground that was still inside the shadow dome. He slipped inside if it and followed it to Three. When he looked up towards her, he rode the wall of the ground as reached out to her feet just to grab them.
"I'll prove you're the same person and all this personality talk is just lies your telling yourself Felix..."

Nico grunted as he charged entirely forward with his eyes closed. He would be entirely oblivious to any attack Felix shot at him. Except for the fact that Nico was confident he was going to get to Felix unharmed. Humans were bound by patterns. And unknown to Felix was that memories were surging through Nico's mind.

Nico's father, Zabuza, had plenty of memories to show of attacking Felix head on. Each time showed a similar pattern in how Felix fought with use of his Shadow ability. This meant using his reaction speed and knowledge of how Felix fought he could dodge every last attack Felix shot at him in order to close the gap just momentarily enough to get in one punch.

One punch was all Nico needed to knock Felix either back to his senses or out cold on the floor. Either way would calm the situation down... and teach him what happens to those that mock Nico's father.
Dax and Twilight wtched Felix's descent into madness...this was really, REALLY bad. They needed to stop him and fast. Dax watched as Nico charged forward. Twilight switched her bracelet to light and now had light beams. She used her secondary power to make the light beam into a shining sword of light. She could of course change it and remembered Zabuza's sword in the war. She could shift it into that..but would it only make the situation worse?

Dax tried to figure out a way to get out of the shadow trap. Maybe if he could create an illusion powerful enough, he could escape! His eyes turned into red mirror wheels s he focused his power.
Raven was chilling with his drill hand. He started to think. How could he beat the unbeatable? Trap him and let Nico get to him! He knew what had to do. He shoved his drill hand into the ground and let it grow through the ground and towards Felix. Once it reached under Felix, he shot it upwards in the shape of a cage to trap Felix. He was do confident it would trap him. No way of escaping that.
A cage suddenly forms around Felix. Felix grins and shadows out of it. "Nice job jackass." Felix then turns to Nico, when suddenly a light hits his eyes. A blade of light. Felix turns to focus on the new threat, and charged at Twilight.
Twilight had to act now. She shifted her light blade into a seven piece buster sword, firing off all the parts except the light katana part, which she readied herself to stab Felix with if needed. "Twi!!" Dax yelled. He finally finished his illusion charging. "Hey Felix!!" He yelled, creating the illusion that he was in a mirror room full of trapped illusion Sphinxs. He could only hold it for so long it was taking a lot of power.
With no time to react, as soon as Felix was thrown into Dax's illusion Nico closed the gap in distance between him and his opponent. This was for the good of Felix to ensure he didn't hurt his friends.. anymore than he already had. With his eyes still closed while he relied entirely upon instinct and memory, Nico cracked the floor as he leaped into the air...

Before bringing a superman punch down on Felix, thus striking his jaw with the same force Nico would use to break through walls. With any luck Mike Tyson would be proud of the one-hitter-quitter.

As Nico landed on the ground and Felix presumably went flying back, probably crashing against the side of the warehouse wall, all Nico could mutter was..

"Goodnight sweet, delusional prince..."

If they had truly injured Felix then either Nico, Jacob, or Hayabusa could fix it later...
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Felix looks at the illusions around him and shakes his head. Suddenly, he remembers Nico. He turns to see Nico almost hit him. He quickly summons a shadow shield, but gets punched. He flies to the ground before getting up, wiping some blood off his face. "Oh..." Felix grins and chuckles. "you... are so dead." Felix then unleashes a barrage of shadow spikes at Nico.
"You should of just stayed down, because the more you hurt your friends Felix the more I'm going to make you regret it..."

Nico mutters under his breath as he senses what's coming towards him. With his eyes still closed, Nico focused entirely upon his instincts and memories hoping the pattern he knew about Felix was correct. If he was right then he would dodge the barrage of spikes untouched as miraculous as it would seem.

This would also solidify Nico's theory that at his deepest roots this was Felix's doing and this is what Felix wanted. That no matter how much he tried to claim his other personalities were different people this was Felix's inner self.
Felix thinks. He's trying to prove something by closing his eyes.. he knows my patterns! How? That's not possible! And his fighting style... it's familiar... no... no way. I killed him, din't I-

I never made sure he was dead... oh...

"So Nico, you know my patterns? Zabuza always underestimated me, glad to see you inherited that... I can still think cohesively you know." Felix grins. "Is that your father buddy boy?'
Raven saw an opportunity to attack Felix so he shot enlarged finger spears from his hands that were flying towards Felix's torso. He had to get these to stop the guy. He had to calm him down. Then they would get pizza. Raven smirked and started to walk towards Felix, hardening his bones to an impenetrable defenses except for his legs so he could walk.
Felix raises another shadow wall to block the spears. "Oh Nico..." He tsk'd. "You have such a similar fighting style as Zabuza, AND know my strategies and fighting style. Coincidence?"
Nico stopped at Felix's revelation and opened his eyes. Nico could make many lies and live with himself after but he refused to lie about his father. He was proud of his bad blood even if that meant every single person around him turned on him.

"I'm proud of my father..."

Nico silently started saying before beginning to repeat himself louder and louder.

"I'm proud of my father."

Nico continued on basically yelling now..

"Yes, I am the son of the Demon! Zabuza is my father!"

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