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Fandom InFamous: Repercussions of War

Boner smirked, his foot's bone finally reached his new location and the spike was shot out, surely to get some part of his body. "My name is Raven, you... You... You jerk!" He yelled, not being able to think of a good come back.
Jax shot a wire to the ground, quickly pulling himself down, then pulling himself back a lot. "Really? I don't know, Boner has a good ring to it."
Boner lightened his bones and stomped the ground. "Come on! Stop running you wimp! And stop calling me Boner! Call me something cool at least. Like Bonesaurus Rex! Ya!" He bolted towards Jax and kept zig-zagging all the way towards him, making sure not to leave a pattern so Jax could get him.
With enough distance between the two for Jax to be comfortable should he miss, Jax shot a wave of wires, covering a large span so that he would be hit no matter where he was in the serpentine.
Boner saw the wires and hauled ass, turning the other way and running towards the others, catching up with them soon. "Go, go, go, go, go, go, go, gooooo!" He yelled at them. He ran all the way to Nico's location, trying to find them quickly.
For only a moment the Demon's throat mended back together in a way that allowed him to speak better than he had. Taking advantage of this he began to speak, his voice slightly better than what it once was.

"We have all the time in the world to talk Felix. It's not like I'm going anywhere.."

Zabuza tried to move his hands but they were clearly stuck by the stakes bolted into his hands and feet.

"How did you like striking Jacob when he spoke out and defended me? I saw it through his eyes that you liked what you did..."
Felix's arm tenses and almost pulls the lever that would have signaled Zabuza's death, but slowly he lets go of the lever and turns to him. "Wow, nice way to start off a conversation... so, you've been able to see everything through their eyes? Then you should know how happy they, and others, have been WITHOUT your little utopia." He says, intentionally changing the topic.
"Then explain to me Felix why Jacob, Hayabusa, and so many of your friends are working their way here right now to save me? My blood runs through Jacob and Hayabusa's veins no matter how much they hate it. For all it's worth I consider them just as much of family as Nico."

The Demon's throat continued to burn and decay, but as if he had some sort of control over what his body prioritized his body was keeping his throat mended together in a fashion that he could continue to speak easier than otherwise.

"How have you been Felix? You've been through so much and your mental condition was never at it's best..'
"Yeah, I've been diagnosed with PTSD thanks to you... and Shadow I suppose." Felix notices the flames constantly burning him. "Does... does that ever get old? Burning I mean."
Blake, seeing Raven was having a hard time fighting Jax, was about to shoot a pillar at him when wires were shot at him. He immediately created a stone dome over himself. The blades just barely hit him, poking his nose lightly. Blake sat in his dome, twiddling his thumbs while Hayabusa ran out of the alley way, waving his hands. "Hey, over here, Eren!". Hayabusa stood there and pulled out his katana, waving it through the air as he increased his perception.

Selim stood there, shocked when the flood lights turned on. "Damn.." He turned when Akuma jumped in front of him, waving his arms around. "Are you okay? Are you stupid or something?" He then noticed what he was doing and nodded before he ran off, the soldier's shooting at him. "Ahhh!"
Akuma ran after Selim and charged the soldiers, fighting them with his martial arts he taught himself while in the cell for years. He called it Manjitsu. He punched one of the guards in the solar plexus with his robotic fist and while the guard doubled over, Akuma kneed him in the face, shattering the poor man's face. ((Could have gotten more graphic there but I'll tone it down.)) Akuma sprinted to the next and elbowed his back in five quick strikes, killing him. Akuma continued with his Manjitsu while following Selim.
Jax disconnects the two stuck wires from Blake's dome as he turns to Hayabusa, and shoots after him "Seid ihr das Essen? Nein, wir sind der Jäger!" He yells as he pursues him and shoots four very fasts wires at him.
Selim eventually made his way to the armory. He remembered passing by it a couple of times before on his way to his Medusa's office. Once there, he noticed a key pad and freaked out. "NO! We can't get inside with a pass code!? This is bad! Very, very, bad!" Selim said, only being able to imagine how many men could be on their way now.

Hayabusa was able to cut 3 out of the 5 wire's before one hit him in the shoulder and the other in the foot. He grimaced in pain but wouldn't let it show. Cutting both the wires, Hayabusa pulled the blades out his shoulder and foot a waved a hand to Jax, challenging him.
"Always changing the subject on me Felix, it's almost like you don't want to talk to me. Did you come down here all this way just to watch me suffer? How did it feel when even the one you love chose to give me a second chance?"

A almost inhumane howl came from the Demon as the fire shot up for a second in strength. The smell of cooked human flesh strong within this floor.

"You want to know what's kept me going? The one I love has devoted his everything to helping me escape every since I was first captured. Being able to see the world through his eyes is what has made even the First Son's greatest torture bearable."
Hitting him in the shoulder would have rendered that arm almost entirely useless, and hitting the foot would have severely crippled his running. Jax grins. Checkmate.

Jax lands in front of him and looks at some garbage bags tied up with rope. Thank goodness this is the poor neighborhood. Jax controls the rope and makes it thread itself into the hole in Hayabusa's shoulder. While he's in pain, Jax pulls out two holstered blades and shoots two wires behind Hayabusa and pulls, propelling himself at high velocity towards Hayabusa and slashes.

Felix grits his teeth "Shut your god damn mouth!" He screams and rushes over to Zabuza, pushing him further into the fire. For the moment, Felix didn't even care that he was being burned, as long as he made Zabuza suffer. "Angering the man who holds your life in his hands is pretty god damn stupid!" He screams over his own pain before letting go and backing up.
After defeating many men, Akuma charged the doors to the armory. When he made contact with the door with his robotic shoulder, the door flew open. He quickly looked inside and saw his prized katana. He walked over to it, slowly, remembering all of the times he had with it. He ignored all of the other weapons and he grabbed his katana and walked back to Selim. He bowed to him and walked out of the armory. He saw many men running to their position, but Akuma stood there, getting in a position he invented a long time ago. He squatted down slightly and held his sword in both of his hands, his hands up against his ear with the blade facing the men. When one of the soldiers said, "Put the weapon down and surrender or you will be punished" Akuma shot towards him, slicing his stomach open. He dropped to the ground and sliced some of the soldiers feet off by spinning in a circle. He smiled underneath his mask as he continued hacking and slashing the soldiers down, none of their bullets affecting his armor. Their blood. Yes. What a beautiful sight. My favorite kind of red too. A nice crimson. Yes... This is just too easy. I shall make their dead bodies into a work of art!
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Alex watches in awe and fear. Crap! These guys look like bad news. Once they get out they'll probably want a straight shot out, meaning they'll come for... Alex's eyes widen. The control room! And the control room and their cells are on the same floor! Alex the rushes and grabs a chair and puts it against the door. "Terence! Help me fortify this place!" He turns to see an exhausted Terence lying on the floor. "Never mind..."
Despite the pain, Zabuza somehow manages to laugh in the face of Felix and his pain. It didn't take long for his laughter to die down but he seemed to enjoy it while it lasted.

"If you're here we both know why you're here. It's not going to matter what I say or do that's going to change how this conversation will end. So I might as well enjoy talking with you while I can.."

The Demon said, taking a deep breath before continuing on.

"You didn't ask who my lover was, were you not curious? The one person I met in this world that believed in everything I did, alongside my goal. The one person who is still to this moment giving his all to rescue me?"
"Xavier?" Felix says. "He's like the only person giving his all to rescue you besides people that I know for a fact couldn't be him. So, thanks man, you cleared it up nice and easy. And glad to see you enjoy my pain. It'll make karma even sweeter." Felix walks over to him and gets a better look at him.

"I'm curious, Zabuza... when you think of me, what do you think? What words come into your head?"
"You're right. No insults in regards to my love life? I suppose that deems you some of my respect. Karma is still not something I believe in. But you would probably say that I've been experiencing three years worth of it."

The Demon did his best to look up at Felix, but he didn't have much energy to spare.

"Conduit, righteously naive, devoted to a species you're not even apart of anymore, opposition to the new world order, etc. Need I go on?"
"You know, you make me sound like a complete bad guy in some ways." Felix says. "Between you and I... I don't think you're evil. A bad guy, sure. No... in reality, not even that. A misguided man, that's it. And I must admit, it's admirable to see someone so devoted to a cause... you are truly an admirable person Zabuza, if for all the wrong reasons." Felix stand up and walks over to the lever, and lowers the flames a bit.

"I suppose if we are gonna have a conversation, you shouldn't be being incessantly tortured to the point where you can hardly speak." Felix thinks for a moment.

"You know Zabuza, I'm interested in that you say three years of karma... you've only been in here for a year... what was going on the other two years, while we were fighting... and one last thing Zabuza... you claim you want a utopia, so why do you enslave people?"
Zabuza finally takes his time to breath as his body was able to mend back together finally at a rate faster than the fire consumed it. Still with no strength left in his body there was nothing he could do but talk.

"I don't hate you Felix. You're just devoted to the humans. A devotion that blinds you to seeing they can't be trusted with ruling their own planet. Why do I say three years of karma? How stressful do you think it is being fully devoted to a cause that almost the entire world opposes you on? How hard do you think it is for me to convince myself each terrible act I do will bring the world one step closer to peace?

I never intended to enslave people. The sires were suppose to be my most elite team of Conduits. Conduits who volunteered for power, immortality, and basically becoming family in exchange for losing a few freedoms. In my utopia they would be basically equal to me in power in regards to ruling the world."
Felix nods but says nothing for a while. He continues to stand in silence for a moment, thinking his words over carefully. "Let me ask you something, Zabuza. A utopia is a world where everyone is happy. If it is a conduit utopia, all conduits should be happy in it... I'm not happy with your 'utopia,' so how could it be a utopia?" He thinks for a moment again. "Do you ever wonder if you're really doing the right thing?"
Selim grinned and patted Akuma on the back. He started to plan on how they would escape before remembering who else was trapped. He turned to Akuma, a dedicated look on his face. "I need you to help me save my friend. He's on the lowest level of the compound and he's being constantly tortured. Will you help me?"
Alex heard this and his worst fears were confirmed. Alex raised the elevator back to the sixth floor, and then completely shut it off. No possible way to activate it without being in the control room. No chance now. He then locked all the doors between there and the two strange conduits. That weird armored guy can knock down doors, but these are highly reinforced... it will take awhile.

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