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Fandom InFamous: Repercussions of War

"Yeah, the life." Bishop tilts his head and asks, "Do you need to recharge your ability, or no?" He needed to recharge, but he didn't have to worry about shortage in a place like this. Generators were easy to come across, and there's this one generator by the Empire State Building. It's the best thing in the world. "Also," Bishop added, "please don't randomly take the wire beneath us, if you use actually use to recharge."
"Heh, no problem. I usually just rest and my power recovers slowly... maybe there's a more efficient way? See, mine is strange because I don't create or destroy. Simply move. As far as I know, as long as I have... uh, what should I call them... binders, that's what I'll call... no, reminds me of school. Just binds. As long as there are binds nearby, I can always use my power. Heck, I don't think my power draws from its own separate power supply. It's just tiring. Like running, or a math test."
Bishop stared at Jax. A power that doesn't have a definite source of regeneration? Bishop had never seen that before. "Perhaps it's directly linked to your muscles?" That made sense. The power tired him out, resting restored it, and it's not really meant to kill. Just locomotion. The characteristics of his powers sounded like muscles.These 'binds' must keep Jax from tearing his muscles. Bishop explained this to Jax. "It's just a theory," he added, "I'm more of a physics guy, than anatomy. Nonetheless, until we prove this wrong, don't use your powers too much. You might hurt yourself."
"Well, powers aren't MEANT for anything I suppose. My powers are pretty versatile. I certainly can kill with them. Besides, I use my powers a ton. You might be right, but that's how muscles grow, huh?" Jax says, thinking.
"It's not nice to insult other's dreams.."

The Demon muttered under his breath but his attention was elsewhere. Flow had managed to somehow disperse the mist from the air and Zabuza didn't have enough strength at a time to keep it condensed. The amount of energy it took to distort all five of a person's senses at once in order to create a powerful illusion was far too much for the still rather weak Demon. Jax and Flow hadn't just been able to see the city in the illusion. It would of felt as if they were living within it able to smell the very fresh air of the new city instead of the pollution of the old.

When Zabuza managed to find Xavier's hideout he would meet up with his child and they could find some people willing to 'donate' some blood for them. He would also be able to find out what Nico's been up to. For now though, he was looking up at two figures sitting on a phone line.

"I'm sorry to intrude upon your touching conversation, but I feel the need to correct Jax. He left out my enhanced senses, those of course being: sight, sound, smell, touch, and taste. Anyways it's always a pleasure to meet a new conduit Bishop. If even just the mention of a conduit utopia peaked your interest in the slightest bit then I would be happy to satisfy your curiosity and show you the wonders of what it would include."
Jax snaps as the Demon mentions that. "Right, forgot about those. Somehow those always manage to slip people's memory." Whose side would be the most fun? On the one hand, teaming with the FFA would mean fighting Zabuza. While that would certainly be fun, I don't know about having so many people to deal with. On the other hand, teaming with Zabuza means that I have to fight the FFA. I feel each would be too easy. Sphinx would be a bore to fight, Jacob would be a bore, Null would be far too easy, Flow wouldn't even be a challenge...

but Felix...

now that would be fun.

Jax grins and hops down from the power line, landing next to Zabuza. "Okay, I'm interested. I'm in, temporarily. Still haven't fully made up my mind. Just remember my conditions. Oh... and just a fair warning, I don't do well with orders." Jax then notices Nicholas and hands him the bag back. "Your stupid stuff didn't do anything."

"How do you like that!" Flow says with a cheer, landing on the ground. She grins until she sees Jax agree. Oh no... gotta find Felix, warn him about this stuff... knowing him, he was probably involved in whatever caused Zabuza to escape, so he already probably know. He probably fought valiantly. Now... the sun's setting. If I know Felix, then I know exactly where he would be.

Chase had watched as Jax zipped away. He made a note to kill him the next chance he got. Turning to Zabuza, Chase stared him down, inspecting him. "I can navigate through your mist because I inherited my father's abilities. You may have heard of him. His name was Hayabusa. Don't worry, he won't be a problem. I killed him." Chase spoke these words bluntly and turned to Flow. He had finally noticed that she was using three types of powers. This was a most peculiar sight. He would have to keep an eye on her. She would most likely be a dangerous adversary. Once Jax returned, Chase let out a low, yet audible, growl. Nicholas grabbed his bag and smiled, before hearing Jax. Your stupid stuff didn't work. "YOU USED IT!? YOU FUCKING IDIOT, YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT THIS 'STUFF' IS!"
"You're right, and isn't that half the fun?" He says giving a thumbs up and a wink before his stomach growls and he blinks a few times. "Actually, I'm feeling kinda rejuvenated... cool! I must say that's a nifty trick, but it really shouldn't take that long to work." He nods. "Otherwise, neat stuff!"
Assailant said:
"You're right, and isn't that half the fun?" He says giving a thumbs up and a wink before his stomach growls and he blinks a few times. "Actually, I'm feeling kinda rejuvenated... cool! I must say that's a nifty trick, but it really shouldn't take that long to work." He nods. "Otherwise, neat stuff!"
"Let me go! You people can die, but I have a goal! A REASON TO LIVE!" Nicholas said, struggling against Selim's shadow bindings. Selim stared him, clearly annoyed, before dispersing the shadows, causing Nicholas to fall head first on to the concrete. "Get out of here...." Selim said as Nicholas picked himself up and ran off into an alleyway. Selim looked to Chase and grinned.


"Leave me alone, child."

"You're a dick.... You know that?"

"Your an inferior rodent with a squeaky voice. You know that?" After that, Chase had to hold Selim back with one arm, still staring at Jax. "You're an idiot. A true idiot. If you consider dying fun, then I can show you a really fun time."
Jax chuckles, looking at Chase, before noticing Selim. "oh, you have shadow powers? You're gonna get a kick outta Felix."
Bishop nodded and spoke back to the 'Demon'. "Yeah, how exactly would you hope to attain this 'Conduit Utopia'?" Bishop was honestly surprised at how this supposed demon knew of his interest of this idealistic future for his kind. Bishop kept that to himself, for all he knew. Perhaps it was thanks to Jax's mention? Oh well. Forecast says it involves the genocide of non-conduits. Bishop thought.
"To answer your question in the broadest way possible, I will need the help of my fellow conduit brothers and sisters to work together with me to overthrow humanity. But don't worry, there has been a plan in place. Soon, either tonight or one of the next days, the next part of the plan will finally begin. This will knock down the first domino causing a chain reaction of hundreds to fall that will one day lead to the conduit utopia.

Look, I'm sorry I can't actually tell any details of the actual plan to you. I'm sure you can understand I can't exactly trust a conduit I just met with a plan that has been in the works for years now. Even those closest to me only know parts and pieces of the plan. That way it is ensured that nobody knows all of the plan but me.

I would show you my vision of the conduit utopia, but I feel like somebody might ruin the magic trick again."

The Demon said glaring back towards Flow. It was then when he turned his attention back to Jax, who had apparently shot up Nicholas's blood like a drug. There was no telling what would end up happening to him.

"I'm not one to forget my promises Jax, for I always keep mine. As for orders, just try not to kill any conduit or human that could be useful to us. It would be a pain to have to bring them back. Later I will decide which parts of my plan you're to be trusted with."
Chase looked to Zabuza, fascinated. "You plan to overthrow humanity? What a coincidence." Walking to Zabuza, Chase stared into Zabuza's eyes with his own, lifeless beady eyes. He blinked, his eyes turning jet black, before returning to normal. "I plan to overthrow humanity as well. They've held on to this planet long enough, and everything they've done has just made the situation it's in worse. I plan on taking the planet and, with the powers we were given, repairing it. We Conduit's were made this way for a reason. We are superior beings compared to the wretched humans who have claimed Earth as their own. But what do we do with these extraordinary abilities? We waste them. We let humans think that they're better then us, we let them lock us in cages. I've grown tired of the way we're treated. I've grown tired of seeing this Earth fall apart. Now is the time to strike back and take what is rightfully ours. I'm not asking you to work for me, and I won't work for you. I'm simply asking you to allow me to work at your side, as your equal."
Jax continues listening, but slowly begins to feel doubt creeping in him. I don't know... did I make the right choice? I mean... not all humans are bad, right? Some are good... I'm certainly not a good person myself...

did I just make a terrible mistake?
The Demon was fascinated as he heard Chase speak. Finally meeting another conduit who seemed to closely believe in the exact same principles that Zabuza did was extraordinary. Zabuza was in shock but he soon recovered himself.

"It's an honor to meet you Chase. We seem to share the nearly exact goals from what you have said." The Demon heavily breathed in the polluted New York air before coughing. "I too belief that humanity can't be trusted with this world. They're destroying it. Only conduits can repair the near irreversible damage they've dealt over the years. We must take the world from them so that we can repair the damage and keep them in check. They don't realize it but they need us to rule over them."

Zabuza held out his right hand towards Chase for a hand shake.

"I would enjoy working together with you as your equal."
Chase nodded lightly and yawned. He was beginning to tire. He still had work to do, and his mother was still lost. Plus, he had lost Dante. He had probably ran off to flirt with some woman. Chase looked down the street. There, under the flickering light of a street lamp, was a single individual. He wore a large black coat with a light brown fur lining. He was on his phone, oblivious to his surroundings. "Excuse me for a moment." Chase walked over to the man and began to converse with him. Their conversation couldn't be heard, but fro the man's expression, it had to be big. A psychotic grin crossed the man's face as Chase and the man walked off.

Chase had gathered the material's he would need to grow his army the day before, after his confrontation with the Shadow's. He left the supplies in a duffle bag in an abandoned warehouse somewhere in the Warren's. The duffle bag consisted of a length of rope, IV bag's, and syringes. The rope was used to hold down the subject while the blood was injected into the subject's blood stream via the IV bag's. The syringe's were used to extract Chase's blood so that it may be placed into the IV bag. Along with the rope, IV bag, and syringes, Chase had a medical stand. As Chase and his soldier-to-be approached the warehouse, the man whistled. "Cushy place...."

Chase directed the man to chair in the middle of the room and sat him down. Opening the duffle bag on the table, Chase pulled out an IV bag and a syringe. After finding the vein, Chase began to draw his blood out. He stared at the man, who was tapping on the chair's arms.

"What's your name?"

"Jason Pearl, but you can call me Jayce."

"Well, Jayce, ware you sure you want to do this?"

"Sure, why not."

Chase shrugged and pulled the syringing out of his arm. After draining the blood into an IV bag, Chase hung it on the medical stand and moved it next to Jason's chair. After wrapping the length of rope around the chair and Jason, Chase inserted the IV's needle into a vein that Chase had prepared and hoped for the best, the blood quickly making it's way into Jason's body.

At first, there was silence. And then Jason's screams approached, echoing in the empty warehouse. Chase stood back, watching as his blood destroyed and repaired Jason's body over and over again. Only the strongest will survive. Chase didn't expect the result. As he approached what he though was Jason's lifeless body spoke out. "I'm never doing that again." After releasing Jason from his bond, making sure he wasn't damaged any further, and feeding him (don't ask how), Chase began to walked back to where he hoped he would find Zabuza. If Zabuza was no longer there, he would most likely just walk off to find Dante and his mother.
When Chase had left it had seemed like some sort of important business had arose that he had to go deal with. As such the Demon thought there was little reason to wait around for now telling how long for him to return. With Nicholas long gone there was no way to ask him what would happen to Jax without spending the rest of the night hunting him down. Flow had also gotten away while Zabuza and Chase spoke. Given the fact that she was once a FFA member she would more than likely attempt to contact Felix with what she had seen.

There was nothing to worry about though. Zabuza had chosen her as one of the few who would get to see what his utopia was like beforehand. She still knew nothing of the plans in motion though. Just the alliances the Demon was forming.

As for Bishop, the Demon had given him the address of a location he could go to in order to learn more about the conduit utopia.

So now Zabuza, presumably with Akuma, Jax, and Selim still following him, began to head towards Xavier's hideout. He knew the way on instinct because he had seen the world through Xavier's eyes while imprisoned by the First Sons.

"We should be there soon. If all went to plan then both Nico and Xavier should of been very busy while we were gone..."
Flow flies over the city, looking for Felix. He was heading towards a park Max had shown him: he'd more than likely be there. On second thought though... that dream... the thing Zabuza showed me. It... didn't seem TOO bad. I mean... no one seemed unhappy. She shakes her head. No... it's like propaganda. Thing is... propaganda is really effective. She frowns and heads to the hill. Seeing Felix, she smiles and lands. "FEELY!" She shouts, hugging him wildly like she always does.

Felix, being used to this, chuckles after getting over his shock. "Hey, surprised to see you!"

"Who's this?" Terence asks. Felix turns to him and smiles.

"Her name's Flow. She was in the same conduit group I was in."

"Aren't you married already?" Alex asks. Felix raises an eyebrow before understanding and laughing.

"That's just how she greets me. She's very enthusiastic."

"Fresh meat?" Flow asks, pointing at the twins. Felix nods and they both chuckle darkly as the twins exchange nervous glances. "So, I ran into good ol' Zabby today. He seemed to be doing fine."

"Thanks to me. But of course he'd never mention that." Felix groans as Flow gasps in surprise.

"You saved him?"

"Yeah. I thought the bugger deserved a chance at redemption. It looked like I got through to-"

"You didn't." Flow interrupts. "He has the same plan. He showed me a vision. Somehow he plans to flood New York and call it 'progenitus.'"

"Crap..." Felix groans and looks at Flow and the twins. He stands up, holding his hand out. They all pile their hands on and they grin at each other.

Selim grinned and jogged to Zabuza's side, looking up to him, his gaze full of admiration. One day he hoped he could be just as strong as Zabuza, and then some. He looked up to this man. He was the only person he had met in a long time that he felt like he could trust. That if he ever fell back, they would be there to catch him. Selim hoped that one day he could call Zabuza his father.... And he would call him his son.

Selim sighed at this thought and dropped his head. He remembered that Zabuza already had a son: Nico. The one who had risked his neck to save him. Some times he wished he could have a solid reason for hating Nico. At first, he thought he hated him for telling Zabuza he was his son, but he couldn't. The guy had been through a lot. Much more than Selim had during his time at the First Son's facility. Looking up to Zabuza, Selim cringed lightly before straightening up. "So, what were Nico and Xavier while we were gone?"

(Sorry if it's a bad post, I'm just really tired right now)
"They were both given small shards worth of the plan Project Progenitus to fulfill. This is how we'll operate to ensure as little risk as possible to the plan. Only I will ever know the entire plan. When the time arrives each and every one of you will be given your set of instructions to fulfill. It's important to me that you know I'm not doing this because I don't trust you. I'm doing this because those who oppose us are resourceful. They have their ways of getting information from even the best.

Given the massive proportions of this plan and all it entails for forming our utopia, there will be no lack of work when the dominoes start falling. I have no doubt in all of your abilities to succeed in bringing us one step closer to our goal each time."

The Demon spoke as he walked before finally arriving to a set of stairs going down. These would lead to the catacombs that made up Xavier's hideout. He let both Akuma and Jax walk downstairs but he stopped Selim from walking down.

"As a sire, the link between us continues to allow me to still feel your emotions. I can sense your admiration for me, your slightest bit of jealousy for Nico, and most importantly your longing for a father figure. There was never any need for you to worry."

Zabuza spoke as he placed his hand on Selim's shoulder for support.

"As a sire my very blood runs through your veins. In my eyes this makes all sires my family. You are just as much of a son to me as Nico is, Selim. Always remember that."

The Demon formed a genuine fang-filled smile as he began to walk down the stairs to see just how much Nico and Xavier had accomplished.
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Jax cautiously walks down the stairs. Ok, so maybe I made a mistake. Keep a calm head. Keep helping them. If I desert, I'll have info. If not, I'll be safe. These sires are difficult, but not immortal. If Three and Max could amass such a high kill rate, then surely I can. Heck, Max could one-shot them! Jax then frowns. Course, he had to make physical contact with them. Crap, this isn't good.
Bishop, having nothing else to do, heads straight to the address Zabuza told him to go. A Conduit Utopia, huh? Bishop thought, as he zoomed along the phone lines. It sounds interesting. I still don't know the exact plans, though. Only Zabuza has that kind of information. The lightning sizzled and crackled as Bishop's mind continued to race with this lovely thought of freedom and equality. Was there equality in this utopia? Perhaps it was actually a horrid pseudo utopia with terrible oppression and genocide, where humans cower in fear of their new conduit gods. But I like being a god. Bishop thought to himself in counterargument Think about it: "Bishop: God of Storms and Thunder! Giver of Justice and Founder of Law!" Bishop thought about it, but then decided that the title was too long. He continued to zoom along the wires before stopping at the door of the location, and knocked. It's rude to just barge in, after all.
Castle was sitting on the edge of one of the apartment buildings, spinning a knife in his hands, while drinking his tea from his prized China tea set. He looked out over all the buildings, and into the alleyways and streets, looking for something to do. But all was as it always was. no muggings, no DUP or Dustmen activity other than there usual patrols. he sighed, lifted his mask, and took a sip from his warm tea. He pulled out his phone to try and call Bishop, see if he was in the area. Nothing, just dial tone. Just as he lowered his mask, a shot rang out behind him, and the bullet shattered his tea cup. Castle clenches his fist,

" That, was a $300 Tea cup from my mother's China set!" Castle stood up, whipped around and looked at the man who had shot at his tea cup,

"Did ya miss me?"

The man said. Castle looked at him thru the lenses in his mask,

" Ya know, there is such a thing as calling. Phones exist. as do your vocal chords, which you could have used to simply say hello. but no, just BARGE in here and shoot one of my most prized possessions. Do you even think things thru?"

Castle stated in an irritated tone as fire started to form around his arm. the man started to walk forward, cocking his gun,

" You did a real number on my men a while back. You killed 12 of my men on patrol. do you have an actual reason for this? it's not like we are attacking you, or the other conduits, do you not remember who we are? we are the rebels that fought for the freedoms of the conduits, you can't just go around killing people that you find annoying, or you just dislike."

a swarm of men came in and surrounded Castle, as he stood there, clearly becoming more agitated by the second. " General Myres, i have a perfect explanation for the massacre of your men." he stopped spinning the knife and threw it into the chest of the nearest man, "because there just so much FUN to kill!" both his arms now lit up in flames as he started to muster up a ball of fire in his hand. General Myres aimed his gun at Castle and yelled," Kill him!" they all began shooting at him as he jumped into the air, and began shooting down flames from his hands at the rebel soldiers. he clenched his fist again and slammed it down onto the roof as he landed, throwing most of the Rebels off of the roof, and thudding on the ground. he then ran up to general Myres, grabbed him by the throat and whispered in his ear," i don't need you and your men to bring us to freedom. if i ever see your face again, you and your men will be seared to every wall in New York! do i make myself clear?" he then threw the general off the building and into the dumpster behind the building. Castle then ran off to go find Bishop.
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Bishop heard the pit pat of footsteps quickly advancing to him. He swiftly turned around to find Castle running to him. Although Castle was a friend, and the on who broke Bishop out, he was still incredibly unstable. Probably a REALLY bad case of PTSD from the whole affair in Iraq. Oh well. Bishop tensed up and widened his stance. "Hey, Castle! How's it hanging?" Bishop called. He probably destroyed a platoon of military personnel... Bishop thought with a sense of foreboding and worry. He was at odds with the human race. Mostly because he saw the race unfit. Makes sense, but he doesn't have to burn everything.
Castle runs up to him and stops right in front of him, "Hey Bishop! I called your cell. Why didn't you pick up? Oh, and I also had another run in with General M. He was mad about me martyring his men. I don't see why he would be so mad about it; they're expendable. He should be thanking me for making New York a better place by cleaning out all of its 'filth,' but no! He had to come barging in and shoot my freaking PRIZED TEACUP! Seriously, the nerve of that guy!" He pulls out another knife and starts spinning it in his hands. He walks over to Bishop, who is currently standing expressionless and unfazed by Castle's actions.

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