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Fantasy In the forest outside of town (always open)

Abe and Randi prowl the forest together, looking for any sign of trespass in their side of the forest. Both in the beast forms to mark easier on surrounding objects.

*Dog grunts* Randi sounds as a warning to be careful not to wander. Abe takes the advice as she sticks close to the older. The large wolves pace through the forest until they come near a group of beings. They don't seem to be harmful at the given moment, but Randi feels they are a potential liability to his small pack's safety. He keeps himself and Abe at a far enough distance to stay hidden, but close enough to observe.

"Hey Rand, I don't know these guys..." Abe says as she hides her now human form behind the large black wolf. 

Randi nods in understanding as he remains still. Stalking the trio.

"Huh, Redd did you know his name was Asshole." He asks the vamp, completly oblivius to his cursing.
dirk placed his hand against Grov quickly "you don't get it. Asshole is an insult" he explained, then smiled "this sweet girl isn't too fond of me"
Keto emerges into a clearing of the Forrest looking slowly around  seeing very few people. He slowly makes his way to towards them dusting off his clothes trying to get as much dirt as he possibly can off to make him a little more presentable.

He approaches Dirk, Grov, and Redd cautiously trying not to startle any of them, when he gets close enough to be in talking distance he stops looking at the three of them smiling a little slightly showing his fangs

"Excuse Me? Do any of y'all know where I can get a bite to eat?" He says in a joking manner.

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She rolled her eyes and continued to Glare at Dirk. "Well, let's just say he wasn't very.... polite, when we first met."

Kina then looked over at the new person of the group. "Well, since you have fangs-" She pointed out. "You can kill and eat him." She pointed at Dirk. "I won't mind." A shrug followed.
Keto glances at Kina then at Dirk and chuckles quietly "Ma'am I was making a light hearted joke, I mean no one any harm. I only feed on undomesticated animals; Oh beg my pardon Ma'am." Keto turns towards Kina bowing slightly "I have been rude my name is Keto Uskai" 
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She laughed, holding out her hand. "My name is Kina. Close to Keto."
Keto takes her hand gently kissing the back of it "Very nice to meet you Miss Kina, I guess I am showing my age the way these guys were carrying on" Keto lightly laughs shaking his head at the guys sitting around
dirk lit up a new cigar, then flicked the match aside "looks like redd might have himself a new buddy.." He said, then cast a sidelong glance at Kina "now she's starting to get on my nerves..."
Keto let go of Kina's hand then looking at Dirk then Redd "That kid has a long way to go if he is every going to survive being a Vampire" Keto looks at the sky remembering the years that's gone by "I was turned 220 years ago, I was dying of tuberculosis and the woman that I loved turned me to save me then was killed shortly after." Keto looks back at Dirk "My name is Keto Uskai, nice to meet you"
"Shit, they're multiplying." Randi says under his breath,  now in his human form. He holds Abe behind him as he studies the newcomer. Keto and the others need to go, but he can not do anything while Abe is here. She's too precious and he won't let her get hurt.

"Um...there's more." Abe hides her naked body Randi's, both covered by the older's fur cloak.

"I'm aware. We need to get away, before we're spotted.  Go, swiftly." He says as he covers her body and rushers her off.
Keto let go of Kina's hand then looking at Dirk then Redd "That kid has a long way to go if he is ever going to survive being a Vampire" Keto looks at the sky remembering the years that's gone by "I was turned 220 years ago, I was dying of tuberculosis and the woman that I loved turned me to save me then was killed shortly after." Keto looks back at Dirk "My name is Keto Uskai, nice to meet you"

"so my question for you" dirk began, an amused look in his face "are you glad that she turned you? Or the opposite?" Dirk cleared his throat and added "Keto, I'm Dirk, no last name"

the man paused and glanced around, feeling like he was being watched. He didn't trust the forest anymore"
"Hey I'm Grov." He said as he offered to shake the mans hand. "Your a vamp right, there seems to be a lot of you around here?" He noticed the feeling of being watched and as he talked he looked for the watchers.
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Keto nodded and shook Grov's hand "Yes sir I am a Vampire, i don't associate with many other Vampire's. I find them to be like your little friend there." Keto looked at Dirk "I have seen some marvouls things, as well as mourning. I have seen and caused more pain than no other being has ever seen. I am glad that she changed me" he smiled widely at the thought of her memory. 
Grov grabbed the mans hand and try not to crush it as he shook it. He looked around and asked "Does anyone have any spare 'juice' I can have. you know to fix up my scratches." He asked as he looked at the group thinking with all these people here one of them should have some 'juice'. He was still a little on guard because of ther watchers and was still looking around for them.
Keto smiled slightly "I appriecate your gentleness, a pissed off Golem makes for a very bad day, a hurtful one too" Keto glances around he has sensed something watching his as he came through the woods as well as now but thought it was just him being cautious. "What is Juice? I don't believe I've heard that term before friend. As far as what ever is watching us, I wouldn't be too worried, if they wanted trouble they wouldn't wait till there's several of us here" 
"people are unpredictable..." Dirk muttered cautiously, then he pulled a knife out, making sure it was sharp. With the precision of a heart surgeon, dirk began to scrape pieces of moss off Grov
Keto smiled slightly "I appriecate your gentleness, a pissed off Golem makes for a very bad day, a hurtful one too" Keto glances around he has sensed something watching his as he came through the woods as well as now but thought it was just him being cautious. "What is Juice? I don't believe I've heard that term before friend. As far as what ever is watching us, I wouldn't be too worried, if they wanted trouble they wouldn't wait till there's several of us here" 

Grov let's out a purr as the itchy moss was scraped off. "Thanks, you have no idea how that mutch that stuff itches." He said then tells keto "'Juice'" and points to the glowing blue hole in his chest as it pulses dimly.
Keto watches Dirk, "You sir are correct, but in the same token, common sense goes a long way in this world. If someone had I'll intentions I would know. That I can promise you" Keto looked at Grov with a small frown "I haven't the slightest idea friend, where would someone normally find some? I'll be more than happy to take a look around"
"that's actually a good question,,," dirk paused to ponder "that exposed blue hole can't be good. Wouldn't want anybody sticking any weapons in there" he continued to scrape at the moss where he left off
Keto laughed a little "Well Dirk, I see you haven't been around many Golems in your life, they are fierce, strong, durable beings, they can protect that hole better than most can protect their entire body"

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