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Fantasy In the forest outside of town (always open)

Grov looked down at the blade that had bounced off his chest and throws his second rock even harder and then stomp on the gound and causes the ground to shake enough to throw those standing on there butts and the vamp off his meal.
yet again, dirk jumped to avoid the rock as fast he could. This time, however, the shake off the ground knocked him off balance and he tumbled down hard. Acting quickly, dirk rolled to the side. The stone landed too close, and the impact knocked the breath out of dirk.
Redd growled getting up, the boy already passed out from loss of blood, he picked up his warhammer and pouted at Grov "I was enjoying that!" he yelled at him
Seeing this Grov lumbers forward and picks up Dirk and says "Say sorry or I throw you." then he looks at the vamp and say " Sorry but he made me mad." noding at Dirk.
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Redd sighed dropping his weapon "it's fine, you seem passive aggressive. Sorry he agitated you. It was my fault" he explained
Seeing this Grov lumbers forward and picks up Dirk and says "Say sorry or I throw you." then he looks at the vamp and say " Sorry but he made me mad." noding at Dirk.

dirk blinked his eyes and rubbed his head, dazed. When he opened his eyes, he found himself being held in the air by the golum. "I just got one more trick up my sleeve, chunky" He retorted, still being stubborn. Lifting his sword up above his head, dirk swung it down against Grovs neck.
"He ruined my nap and now I can't sleep for another 400 years." Grov said as he kicked the ground and droped Dirk not even feeling the blade as it stuck in his neak.
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dirk sat up, then reached over and picked his sword of the ground. "hold on a second" he muttered to redd, getting to his feet. "you must be a light sleeper, pal, so don't take it out on anybody" he sheathed his weapon and glared at the golum.
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"No, but I am vary sensative to fighting. If theres a fight within 40 feet I will wake up, thats just how I was made. Oh and sorry about the rocks." he says as he looks around. "But what was going on up here, and who is that?" he ask's pointing at the man Redd was feeding on. "Better yet who are you guys."
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Redd growled getting up, the boy already passed out from loss of blood, he picked up his warhammer and pouted at Grov "I was enjoying that!" he yelled at him

(whoa whoa whoa i had no chance to reply man WHAT THE FUCK!!!! i was doing house work because we are hosting a party tomorrow AND YOU JUST DECIDE TO CONTROL MY FUCKING CHARACTER!!!!!!! I will play along for now BUT NEVER FUCKING DO THAT AGAIN!!!!!!!)

Alister quickly woke up. "you can never knock a Akhlut out cold, cold is our element." he said as he smiled wolfishly. "that blood you just had wont do you any good. now you just started a blizzard within." he charged with the speed and rage of a blizzard. Ice formed around his legs trapping him still. his dagger drove into the guys side. he stood infront of him, his eyes bright frosty white blue.

(( @Scarlet_MCRP can you make it so others can't control other characters thats fucking messed up cus i had no chance to reply))
"Hey, I was talking to him." Grov said as he watched this unfold, seeing the attack he picks up a rock and says "Now stop killing him until I'm done talking, then you can try to kill him, okay."
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(We'll make sure things stay fair from now on)

Dirk took a few steps back, placing a wary hand against Grov "Stay back" he said "This is something they need to settle between each other, so don't interfere" he narrowed his eyes "now havn't you got some sleeping to do?"
"I can't for another 400 years. Once I'm awake I can not sleep unless the spell that keeps me alive lets me or my maker orders me to sleep and he's dead." Grov sits and puts down his rock "Its just how I was made."
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"I can't for another 400 years. Once I'm awake I can not sleep unless the spell that keeps me alive lets me or my maker orders me to sleep and he's dead." Grov sits and puts down his rock "Its just how I was made."

"400 year timer? That's kinda shitty" Dirk muttered, sitting down and lighting his cigar "The fellow who made you clearly didn't seem to think it all through. Glad I'm not some sort of golem"
Redd glared at the now awoken man lifting his heavy warhammer with both arms, taking a heavy swing at him. 

((Sorry omg I didn't realize ; n ; you weren't giving my character any room either, he was overpowered. I'll keep it fair from now on but you should too. I don't want to start fights.))
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"Yeah plus you have to get some one to scrape the moss off you." he said scratching a patch on his chest. "plus when you sleep and aren't underground you have to clean up after the pigeons, it's not pretty. But there are good things like being really strong and tough."
"Yeah plus you have to get some one to scrape the moss off you." he said scratching a patch on his chest. "plus when you sleep and aren't underground you have to clean up after the pigeons, it's not pretty. But there are good things like being really strong and tough."

"if I was you..." Dirk took a puff of the smoke "I would see about becoming human, it did me wonders. Is that even possible?"

((hey would it be alright if I joined in?))

(there's always room for more)
"I'm just a random guy with amnesia, nothing more to it" dirk replied, deciding not to go into detail. "this guy, redd, is a vampire with an uncontrollable appetite" he cast a wary look at the both of them.
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"Okay and who are you?" he asks pointing at alister then pointing at himself he says "I'm Grov the stone golem."
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((woah been busy I see, sorry been offline. and PLAY NICE!!))

October stood there watching them all being silly boys fighting. She looked at the boy who still looked hurt, but seemed to be holding his own against Redd. She was observing them more than anything else.

Izumi was back at the castle, she went into the room October told her, it was the library, but it wasn't just any library, they were all magic books. She looked around in awe she starting walking around she wondered where she should start. 

((Izumi up for interaction, in a library in a castle in the woods))
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