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Fantasy In the forest outside of town (always open)

as he broke away Alister stumbled back and landed. he pulled something out of his pocked containing a strange liquid. he chugged it quickly and grunted. he looked down at his wound as it started to cover up. he started to relax and took a moment to think. Damn Traitorous Brother he stood up and looked back at Redd with a cold stare and left. need to find another magic source he thought walking away. he reached a slightly high peak and looked around. "vorst ruk" he whispered and a flash of an aurora appeared in the sky. he looked in the direction of the castle. "im coming my love" he took off.

"some ice guy, doesn't seem all that talkative.." Dirk muttered, watching the guy go. "okay, Grov, you should stick with me, we could help each other out"
October watched him leave she had a theory about him, but thought she'd leave the rest to fate. She smiled and looked back to the people in front of her. 

Izumi was in the library she picked and book and starting reading, there was so much magic history and power here she was excited. 

@Knightling  @Aenon
After waiting almost an entire day, the girl's pack mate come back to the cave. He's rushing back, anger is held within his eyes. He quickly pushes the girl into the deepest part of the cave, trying to hide them from whoever's scent that is.

"You smell it too, don't you?" The girl says as she watches the owning of the cave opening grow smaller and smaller. 

"Obviously. I don't know what's out there, but it's not what we want around here."

"Well, could you please stop man handling me?" The two pull apart from one another,  stopping instantly. 

"Randi, what are we going to do?" The asks, realising that their territory has been infiltrated. 

"I don't know, Abe. Destroy them?"

Project 2-1-1.jpg
"some ice guy, doesn't seem all that talkative.." Dirk muttered, watching the guy go. "okay, Grov, you should stick with me, we could help each other out"

"Okay." Grove said "By help do you mean with the moss?" he asks with a pleading look.
"the moss? Maybe..." Dirk replied indecisively "though there's a few things you could help me with" he puffed on the cigar "you can be the muscle"
"Okay, so then first I need to find some 'Juice' to get these scraches fixed up." Grov said as he gets up and offers to help dirk up.
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"the moss? Maybe..." Dirk replied indecisively "though there's a few things you could help me with" he puffed on the cigar "you can be the muscle"

"Okay, so then first I need to find some 'Juice' to get these scraches fixed up." Grov said as he gets up and offers to help dirk up.

((Where you guys out?
(they are just outside the city)

"juice?" Dirk questioned, not exactly understanding what he meant. Having no experience with the world of magic "explain, big boy"
(juice is magic, and yes grov is)

((juice is indeed magic, and i wrote my sentence wrong :\ ***where you guys at?

(they are just outside the city)

"juice?" Dirk questioned, not exactly understanding what he meant. Having no experience with the world of magic "explain, big boy"

((in the woods? I want to come ovvver theeereee
"Uhhhh....you know this." he said pointing at the hole in his chest as the dim glow of his 'heart' pulsed.
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(yup, in the forest)

dirk now nodded in understanding "oh, regeneration, or something like that" he stood up quickly "how would you do that?"
"My heart makes the 'juice' fix it I don't know how, all I know is the more or worse the damage the more 'juice' I need." Grove says with a shrug.
(yup, in the forest)

dirk now nodded in understanding "oh, regeneration, or something like that" he stood up quickly "how would you do that?"

"My heart makes the 'juice' fix it I don't know how, all I know is the more or worse the damage the more 'juice' I need." Grove says with a shrug.

((Do you mind If I jump in with you?
Kina had left the house a while ago, looking for other creatures and humans, curiosity killing her. Finally, when she heard a voice- or what seemed like voices- She walked over to them slowly, as to not make them afraid. 

"Uhmm... Hi." She mumbled quickly. 

@fuil @Knightling
"then let's go get some juice" dirk stated, adjusting his trench coat. He turned when Kina showed up randomly "oh.." He muttered, recognizing her instantly
"Hi, Grov, it's nice to meet you." She said with a small smile, befoee turning to Dirk. "Nice to see you again, asshole."
dirk rubbed the back of his neck and cast a look at Grov "we've met before.." He explained sheepishly, then he tossed the used cigar aside "perhaps on the wrong foot..."
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