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Fantasy In the forest outside of town (always open)


(Who is still going to be logged on at that time? Because I won't)

Both of the Dirks glanced at each other, then at October. "This is the final straw" Dirk 2 stated "Lets go back to the warehouse, redo our search, but this time stick it through" Dirk 2 suggested.

"It sounds to me like 1 person went to the town, but 2 people came out, both thinking that they were the original" Dirk 1 added "We should go there, Now"
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he heads towards his cave as he reached his cave he grabs a severed head  and begins peeling its face off this will take a while (maybe maybe not)
"fine will will go back to the town or the warehouse but we're wasting too much time by walking there" she gave a small smile "I will teleport us there we need to get to the bttom of this."
"fine will will go back to the town or the warehouse but we're wasting too much time by walking there" she gave a small smile "I will teleport us there we need to get to the bttom of this."

Dirk 1 nodded and walked over to her "I'm ready, and maybe you could heal my broken rib sometime too"

Dirk 2 paused "Considering how my Last teleportation experience went, I would much rather Walk. I'll see you when I get there" he opened the doors
Amber looked at them, "well if you're looking going off I might as well go somewhere as well, hey maybe I won't get the shit knocked outa me this time!" She carried her bow out, walking into the forest, this time being a lot more weary. 

(Who's all online?)
he finished the violent and bloody work he was now covered in human faces all of them in signs of extreme emotion Fear, Joy, Hatred all their faces stretched to show this emotion fully. he had lied the whole "I can only wear a speedo" thing he just though that it was a lot more charming than human faces.
October looked at Dirk 2 she didnt want them splitting up but she had no choice she turned back to 1 and put her hand an inch from his ribcage. Her hand started to glow and she was healing him, once she finished she grabbed his hand teleporting them. 
(I'm about to)

October looked at Dirk 2 she didnt want them splitting up but she had no choice she turned back to 1 and put her hand an inch from his ribcage. Her hand started to glow and she was healing him, once she finished she grabbed his hand teleporting them. 

Dirk 1 stood still when they teleported, not much effected by it at all. He seemed to have grown full accustomed to it as he adjusted his jacket, now looking about the empty warehouse. This time, there was a man in a lab coat, examining the remains of the broken glass tube. Upon hearing the footsteps, the man turned around in surprise, not having expected anybody. "Y-you're trespassing!" he quickly stuttered, pulling out a small pistol
October was behind the man in a flash, she grabbed his arm with the gun and pulled it holding it behind his back squeezing tight to almost breaking his wrist so he would drop the gun. "your going to tell us exactly what you did here" 
October was behind the man in a flash, she grabbed his arm with the gun and pulled it holding it behind his back squeezing tight to almost breaking his wrist so he would drop the gun. "your going to tell us exactly what you did here" 

With a loud Clang, the gun fell out of his hand and landed on the ground. Being a man of science, not action, he easily succumbed to the pain as he gasped out "Okay! Okay! Don't kill me! J,,don't! I'll tell you everything!" his free hand adjusted his glasses as he spoke.

Dirk, in the meantime, stared at him while he moved forward, then he stepped behind them and picked up the small pistol. "I like this,," he said to himself, examining it carefully. As he turned it over in his hands, his eyes read the Engraving that was on the handle with the name 'Max' spelled out. "I'll keep it anyways" he shrugged, tucking it into his pocket, he didn't mind that it had another persons name.

"He,,he's the original! We had a tissue sample from him,,,used it to grow a clone! Took only one week! We were supposed to waken the clone today! But apparently he got out earlier! You need to listen to me, we need that clone back, we can fix this situation! Before it's too late!" The man explained "

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dirk 2 began to make his way towards the forest slowly, though this time he didn't want things to go like last time. Seeing Amber leave as well, he called out "Hey you! You're comin' with me! It's better to travel in groups"

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Smoke walked into the forest bored as ever. Normal people avoided the armored knight. For good reason however, he had broad shoulders, he was also 7'1 and armored from head to toe. What stood out the most however was his eyes. They were glowing blood red eyes, even more so was the fact that crimson mist poured from them. Smoke continued to walk before laying down on a tree quickly falling asleep.

Open for interaction.

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Amber stopped, turning around to give him an irritated look. She walked towards him, tugging down on his collar. "Better yet, you're coming with me", she turned back around proceeding onward. For such a small young girl, she had a way of making most people seem intimidated. 

Amber stopped, turning around to give him an irritated look. She walked towards him, tugging down on his collar. "Better yet, you're coming with me", she turned back around proceeding onward. For such a small young girl, she had a way of making most people seem intimidated. 


dirk 2 raised an eyebrow in surprise, this kid had guts! "the village, that's where we're headed" he stated slowly, then he began to follow her "hate to bust your bubble" he took the lead.
"Oh really", she taunted, run ahead of him, "I'll make you a deal". She stopped, grinning at him. "If you can catch me I'll go along, if no, well then you may just be going by yourself". She took off in the direction thick trees and branches, her small size, agility, and her speed did aid her while manuring through the dense forest.


(omfg why does Amber remind me of Holo so much, it's really killing me X,D)
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"Oh really", she taunted, run ahead of him, "I'll make you a deal". She stopped, grinning at him. "If you can catch me I'll go along, if no, well then you may just be going by yourself". She took off in the direction thick trees and branches, her small size, agility, and her speed did aid her while manuring through the dense forest.


(omfg why does Amber remind me of Holo so much, it's really killing me X,D)

(now that you mention it)

dirks jaw fell open in surprise, was this kid serious? "I'm not playing games!" He insisted, blood rushing to his face in frustration. Now he took off after her, moving clumsily at first, then he pulled out his pistol and aimed it at her "I think this qualifies as ' catching you', now stop moving!"
"Oh no it doesn't", she said as she kept running, down to a drop off where just under the hill ending was a cave, she crept inside it, burrowing behind a stagmite in the dark cave.


(I really need to stop watching so much anime...)
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"Oh no it doesn't", she said as she kept running, down to a drop off where just under the hill ending was a cave, she crept inside it, burrowing behind a stagmite in the dark cave.


(I really need to stop watching so much anime...)

dirk shook his head slowly, walking up to the entrance of the cave "I really should just forget it, leave you behind to get lost..." He muttered "and I just might do that.." Though he proceeded to step inside. At first it was too dark for him, so he paused to let his eyes adjust, then he proceeded forward.
She scrambled deeper into the cave until she bumped something. Something scaly, scaly like a snake, though thicker. She looked up where a pair of two blue eyes opened up, peering down at them. The monster of a dragon rose up then flared opened up its wings, unlike the rest of it body, which was dark grey and black her wing membranes where white as snow, with little black scales that looked like obsidian stars. She carefully took one step forward towards them. Amber took one step back, though she seemed not to be scared, instead she stood there, looking back up at the dragon.

"That's going to kill you,you know?"

The sweet,playful voices resonated in his head. Tamlem had a tendency to fully ignore them while he was in the town,but here in the forest nature became that much annoying. Of course,there was still nature in the town. A random flower here and there,sending thoughts his way. But that could hardly be compared to the cacophony of every single tree trying to talk to him right now. He blew the smoke of his cigarette upwards,ignoring the judgement of the plants. Yes,he was smoking to piss some trees off. Yes,that was probably a childish behavior. No,he didn't care.

The sounds of voices came from nearby. He turned his eyes slowly to the source,wondering if he was bored enough to investigate.
dirk caught up to Amber "okay, now listen here! You little goddamn rascal!" He glared at her, but it melted off his face when he looked up at the dragon that loomed over them. "aw shit..." He muttered, then he grabbed her by the shoulder and began to drag her back "that thing looks like it could ready us Both in one bite!"

(they're outside the city in a cave, but I have another character in the city)
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"Wait", Amber said, pulling away from him, staring back up at the dragon. It then arched it's neck back looking at both of them. Long black spikes trailed down it's neck and back, while its sword like pupils retracted and dilated in the semi-dark cave.  
"Wait", Amber said, pulling away from him, staring back up at the dragon. It then arched it's neck back looking at both of them. Long black spikes trailed down it's neck and back, while its sword like pupils retracted and dilated in the semi-dark cave.  

dirk widened his eyes in surprise when she pulled away, not expecting her to be so bold "are you out of your goddamn head?!" He finally managed to exclaim. His hand pulled out the gun, but didn't want to use it, due to the fact that it would probably anger the beast "we're getting outta here!"
"It's actually quite amusing how fearful you are of a dragon", Amber sneered. The dragon it's self looked quite confused. It then crept closer lowering its head, right in front of them, sending out a puff of smoke through its nostrils. 

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