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Realistic or Modern Hop around the world

Hobbesisalive said:
Satsuki strolled through the high shelves with lots of chocolate displayed on it, in single every form. Chocolate eggs, animals, flowers and even statues were included. And now that Senna had given him the opportunity to choose something that she would pay, he searched for the right thing. After a while the male found a pure chocolate bar, it was big but not that expensive. So he grabbed it from the wooden plank and looked around to see if he could spot Senna, to thank her of course. At that time, Satsuki hadn't noticed Makoto hiding behind shelves and other things, so when the boy actually showed up, he already squeaked from fright, but started to scream in anger when Makoto pushed a whole chocolate bar in his mouth. Quickly and struggling Satsuki gulped everything down and coughed while swallowing it. "M-mry Wathrer" Of course Makoto couldn't understand it, so he grabbed for his bag himself and hastily dragged a bottle water out. While drinking it, he slowly started to calm down and ran his sleeve past his mouth, clearing the water drops that were left behind on Satuki's cheeks. Now he just stared at Makoto, showing no expression at all, when he suddenly dashed forward, grabbing him by the collar. Satsuki pressed his head against Makoto's and a sly smile slipped on his face. "Remember to stay awake in the night, you never know what might happen." He smirked and let the boy go. @BobbyW
Makoto was indeed worried, since the Chocolate bar, he decided to shove down Satsuki's throat wasn't exactly small... but, seeing his friend gag on a piece of chocolate was just too much for him to handle. The boy laughed... loud, but quickly lowered it to a giggle, since he didn't want to raise the cashier's attention. The blank, emotionless stare Satsuki was giving him, just boosted his amusement. "Oh.. oh man.. whew... but, hey, you were the one who wanted me to make yo-" Then, automatically cutting through his words, the male in front of him, dashed forward, holding his collar in a tight grip, while pressing his head against the boys. Makoto gulped, listening to Satsuki's.. well, 'threat'... the serial killer-like grin on said persons face just made the whole statement even creepier. That guy was a great actor... since that's all he was doing... after all... right?
Senna heard all the ruckus behind her and rolled her eyes. She knew they drew attention to them, and she didn't want to get kicked out. "She saw the bar Satsuki was going to get so she grabbed it from him and ran back to the counter. "Mister!! I'll pay for things now." She said with a smile. The man also calculated the one that was shoved in Satsuki's mouth. "6000yen?" She questioned. "What about my cute discount for the amount I'm buying. Ne mister." She gave him the puppy dog eyes. This used to work all the time in her home town. The cashier rolled his eyes and dropped it down 1000yen. Senna paid the man and thanked him with a smile and blew a kiss. She hurried to the two knuckleheads. "Bakas" she said as she yanked them out. @Hobbesisalive @BobbyW
Makoto took a step back, therefor increasing the distance between him and Satsuki. ...I might want to ask Senna to lend me her pepperspray for the night... Then, speak of the devil, said girl rushed back towards the two boys, dragging them out of the store. "...Isn't that the guy who was vomited on?" Echoed through the shop... right before the group exited. Makoto's eyes widened, when the exact thing, he tried to avoid, actually happened. Oh... great... well, at least they don't really know what he meant by that... OR, if the cashier meant me... although.. The boy took a quick peek through, only to discover that the employee was actually pointing at him. His head rapidly turned red, as he turned back towards the others. "A-Alright then! let's uhh, let's continue!"

@Hobbesisalive @NickOnTheReg
Ioko looked kinda amazed as Yoshi summed up what he was going to take. She absently nodded at his question and got on her feet to head towards the counter. "Eh..I want to order one latte and..." The girl shot a glance to the male, indicating him to help her with his order.


BobbyW said:
Makoto took a step back, therefor increasing the distance between him and Satsuki. ...I might want to ask Senna to lend me her pepperspray for the night... Then, speak of the devil, said girl rushed back towards the two boys, dragging them out of the store. "...Isn't that the guy who was vomited on?" Echoed through the shop... right before the group exited. Makoto's eyes widened, when the exact thing, he tried to avoid, actually happened. Oh... great... well, at least they don't really know what he meant by that... OR, if the cashier meant me... although.. The boy took a quick peek through, only to discover that the employee was actually pointing at him. His head rapidly turned red, as he turned back towards the others. "A-Alright then! let's uhh, let's continue!"
@Hobbesisalive @NickOnTheReg
Satsuki got dragged along with the girl and pointed to Makoto, ready to blame him for everything, when there was something being yelled at them. The cashier pointed at his friend and said something about vomiting. Satsuki thought that the cashier was plainly insulting him so he pulled away from Senna's grip and walked back towards the female cashier, Stopping real close at her face. "You want me to vomit on you ? Everyone one would, seeing that pig face you are trying to hide so desperately with thick layers of Make-up." He didn't yell at all, just stayed really calm while he kicked her in the ground with his insults. When one of his friends was being bullied, or what could be considered as a insult, Satsuki immediately got real angry and couldn't stop himself from at least saying one thing or two back. This would be perfect, if it actually had been an insult. Now Satsuki was only being real scary.
Hobbesisalive said:
Ioko looked kinda amazed as Yoshi summed up what he was going to take. She absently nodded at his question and got on her feet to head towards the counter. "Eh..I want to order one latte and..." The girl shot a glance to the male, indicating him to help her with his order.

Satsuki got dragged along with the girl and pointed to Makoto, ready to blame him for everything, when there was something being yelled at them. The cashier pointed at his friend and said something about vomiting. Satsuki thought that the cashier was plainly insulting him so he pulled away from Senna's grip and walked back towards the female cashier, Stopping real close at her face. "You want me to vomit on you? Everyone would, seeing that pig face you are trying to hide so desperately with thick layers of Make-up." He didn't yell at all, just stayed really calm while he kicked her in the ground with his insults. When one of his friends was being bullied, or what could be considered as a insult, Satsuki immediately got real angry and couldn't stop himself from at least saying one thing or two back. This would be perfect, if it actually had been an insult. Now Satsuki was only being real scary.
Makoto was about to quickly move out of the cashier's sight... when then, Satsuki pulled himself out of Senna's grip once again, heading directly for the employee, who apparently still remembered Makoto, from the incident.... and what then happened, was just... horrible. His friend got right up to the woman's face, throwing insult after insult at her, seemingly deffending the boy. Now under different circumstances, Makoto would've been honored, and happy about seeing his friend stand up for him in such a manner... but, well, this was completely different.

"U-Uhmm..." He exchanged a quick glare with Senna, and dashed back inside the store now too, with widened eyes. "W-What are you doing!?" Makoto whisper-yelled at Satsuki, still completely shocked. He quickly turned over to the cashier, and replied, "Miss i'm terribly sorry, this is just a big misunderstanding!" The cashier's jaw was dropped down, obviously surprised by Satsuki's sudden actions. She wasn't even able to say anything to Makoto, and just stared at him, shifting over to his friend every now and then. "Please forgive him, he is.. uhh... he's just a tourist!" And with that, the male took Satsuki by the shoulders, and led him out of the shop once again. Makoto just stared at him, not even sure what to say after... that.

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Hobbesisalive said:
Ioko looked kinda amazed as Yoshi summed up what he was going to take. She absently nodded at his question and got on her feet to head towards the counter. "Eh..I want to order one latte and..." The girl shot a glance to the male, indicating him to help her with his order.

Satsuki got dragged along with the girl and pointed to Makoto, ready to blame him for everything, when there was something being yelled at them. The cashier pointed at his friend and said something about vomiting. Satsuki thought that the cashier was plainly insulting him so he pulled away from Senna's grip and walked back towards the female cashier, Stopping real close at her face. "You want me to vomit on you ? Everyone one would, seeing that pig face you are trying to hide so desperately with thick layers of Make-up." He didn't yell at all, just stayed really calm while he kicked her in the ground with his insults. When one of his friends was being bullied, or what could be considered as a insult, Satsuki immediately got real angry and couldn't stop himself from at least saying one thing or two back. This would be perfect, if it actually had been an insult. Now Satsuki was only being real scary.

Yoshi quickly went up next to her and ordered his coffee and a blueberry danish. He paid the lady and they waited for their coffee. "You could have stayed sitting, I would have brought it over to you." he said to Ioko. Once their order was ready, they walked back to the table and sat down. Yoshi broke the danish in half and handed the half with more filling to Ioko. "Here you go." he said with a smile as he sipped his drink. "Ahhh that hits the spot." @Hobbesisalive


Senna was totally embarrassed by Satsuki's outrage. She had half a mind to leave the two of them. She watched Makoto go inside and apologize and drag the other out. She let out a sigh, knowing she could never go back in that chocolate shop again. "What was that about? Satsuki san, talking to a worker like that." She turned around in a huff. @Hobbesisalive @BobbyW
NickOnTheReg said:
Yoshi quickly went up next to her and ordered his coffee and a blueberry danish. He paid the lady and they waited for their coffee. "You could have stayed sitting, I would have brought it over to you." he said to Ioko. Once their order was ready, they walked back to the table and sat down. Yoshi broke the danish in half and handed the half with more filling to Ioko. "Here you go." he said with a smile as he sipped his drink. "Ahhh that hits the spot." @Hobbesisalive


Senna was totally embarrassed by Satsuki's outrage. She had half a mind to leave the two of them. She watched Makoto go inside and apologize and drag the other out. She let out a sigh, knowing she could never go back in that chocolate shop again. "What was that about? Satsuki san, talking to a worker like that." She turned around in a huff. @Hobbesisalive @BobbyW
Ioko shook her head while they sat. "I am perfectly fine, carrying the cups myself." She gave him a brief smile and sipped from her Latte, sometimes nibbling on the Danish Yoshi had given her. "Mooorrrning," She chuckled, now it looked like Yoshi started to wake up.


Satsuki opened his mouth in protest but finally let himself being dragged, although he was pointing daggers at Senna and Makoto. "What was that? That, why are you all blaming me as the bad guy here." He looked at Senna and crossed his arms against his chest, shifting his gaze to his friend while doing so. "And you! I didn't know you were such a pussy." The male huffed and adjusted his bag. He really thought he had done the good thing, but it seemed like the two before him weren't that happy with it. @BobbyW
Hobbesisalive said:
Ioko shook her head while they sat. "I am perfectly fine, carrying the cups myself." She gave him a brief smile and sipped from her Latte, sometimes nibbling on the Danish Yoshi had given her. "Mooorrrning," She chuckled, now it looked like Yoshi started to wake up.

Satsuki opened his mouth in protest but finally let himself being dragged, although he was pointing daggers at Senna and Makoto. "What was that? That, why are you all blaming me as the bad guy here." He looked at Senna and crossed his arms against his chest, shifting his gaze to his friend while doing so. "And you! I didn't know you were such a pussy." The male huffed and adjusted his bag. He really thought he had done the good thing, but it seemed like the two before him weren't that happy with it. @BobbyW

Yoshi smiled. "Morninggggg" he said with a laugh. He finished his part of the Danish and drank the rest of his coffee. "This place sure is lively so early in the morning. How is your latte?" he asked her as he looked at her. She was seeming to open a bit to him which made Yoshi happy. @Hobbesisalive


Senna turned and looked at Satsuki, "I'm mad at both of you causing a scene." she didn't want to be embarrassed like that again. Her mouth then dropped when she heard Satsuki call Makoto that. She was taken back, they were suppose to be friends she thought. "Satsukisan, KotoKun, what is going on between you two? what happened?" she wanted to know. She began pouting looking at the two of them. @BobbyW @Hobbesisalive
Hobbesisalive said:
Ioko shook her head while they sat. "I am perfectly fine, carrying the cups myself." She gave him a brief smile and sipped from her Latte, sometimes nibbling on the Danish Yoshi had given her. "Mooorrrning," She chuckled, now it looked like Yoshi started to wake up.

Satsuki opened his mouth in protest but finally let himself being dragged, although he was pointing daggers at Senna and Makoto. "What was that? That, why are you all blaming me as the bad guy here." He looked at Senna and crossed his arms against his chest, shifting his gaze to his friend while doing so. "And you! I didn't know you were such a pussy." The male huffed and adjusted his bag. He really thought he had done the good thing, but it seemed like the two before him weren't that happy with it. @BobbyW
Makoto nodded when Senna finished her statement, indicating that he had the same opinion as her, on that matter. Man... i guess i don't really have a choice.. i.. have to tell them... And as he thought, the boy was about to explain on what the woman was referring to... when Satsuki then commented on his actions. "...Excuse me? you're calling me a pussy?" The boy squinted his eyes at Satsuki and got right up at his face, his whole expression changing into a somewhat startled/aggressive look. Now it all came down to his friends next response... He didn't even pay attention to Senna's obvious confusion, things were starting to get serious.

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BobbyW said:
Makoto nodded when Senna finished her statement, indicating that he had the same opinion as her, on that matter. Man... i guess i don't really have a choice.. i.. have to tell them... And as he thought, the boy was about to explain on what the woman was referring to... when Satsuki then commented on his actions. "...Excuse me? you're calling me a pussy?" The boy squinted his eyes at Satsuki and got right up at his face, his whole expression changing into a somewhat startled/aggressive look. Now it all came down to his friends next response... He didn't even pay attention to Senna's obvious confusion, things were starting to get serious.
Satsuki didn't understand a single thing of what the two were saying. He had just done a good thing! What was wrong with them, and it got even more confusing as Makoto replied kinda aggressive, causing the male to take a step closer. Ready to talk some sense into him. "Yes I AM calling you a pussy!" Satsuki hissed, now able to almost touch Makoto's hair with his nose. "You should thank me!" he continued, not aware of the fact that is was all a misunderstanding.
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Hobbesisalive said:
Satsuki didn't understand a single thing of what the two were saying. He had just done a good thing! What was wrong with them, and it got even more confusing as Makoto replied kinda aggressive, causing the male to take a step closer. Ready to talk some sense into him. "Yes I AM calling you a pussy!" Satsuki hissed, now able to almost touch Makoto's hair with his nose. "You should thank me!" he continued, not aware of the fact that is was all a misunderstooding.
Watching as Satsuki stepped even closer to him, accompanied by the reply of his, just heated the atmosphere. "Do you even realize what you're saying?!" Makoto started raising his voice mid-sentence, now actually yelling at his friend. "How in the ACTUAL HELL was that of any help!" The boy gestured over to the chocolate shop, while saying that. At that point, he didn't bother to go on and explain that this was all just a misunderstanding, Satsuki's remarks were too provocative to just shove aside.
Ioko smiled and took another sip from her latte, creating a coffee moustache as she did so. "I like it." he girl replied while looking into the cup. "I really like it." she continued with a serious face, not aware of the coffee made moustache.


Satsuki leaned his head against two fingers and sighed closing his eyes. "God, Makoto I am really trying to not hit you." he glared at him and tried to understand why the boy was so mad. But he got only more furious himself with Makoto's question. "No help? Ha." Satsuki took a step back and turned around, walking back to where they came from, but he suddenly stopped and looked back with a daring expression in his face, next to the fact that he was still angry. "It is better then pissing yourself when it gets scaaary." Satsuki lit up a cigarette and kept glaring at the boy. Not really being concerned about how it could end. At this point he just wanted to rub everything he could in Makoto's face.

Senna just watch the two go back and forth. she was getting more and more frustrated with both of them. She kept trying to stop them but her words were falling on deaf ears. "BAKAAAAA!! Stop it you two!" she was waving her arms in front of them. Nothing, she pouted and crossed her arms. "You two are supposed to be friends." She added. Senna was starting to get teary eyed. She hated conflict. "MAKOTO!!! SATSUKIII!!! STOPPPPPP!" she yelled. @Hobbesisalive @BobbyW


Yoshi looked up and started giggling when he saw Ioko's latte stache. He picked up his napkin and reached over the table. Without asking her, he wiped it off. "There you go." he said with a smile. "Saving some for later are we?" he added with a grin. @Hobbesisalive
Hobbesisalive said:
Ioko smiled and took another sip from her latte, creating a coffee moustache as she did so. "I like it." he girl replied while looking into the cup. "I really like it." she continued with a serious face, not aware of the coffee made moustache.

Satsuki leaned his head against two fingers and sighed closing his eyes. "God, Makoto I am really trying to not hit you." he glared at him and tried to understand why the boy was so mad. But he got only more furious himself with Makoto's question. "No help? Ha." Satsuki took a step back and turned around, walking back to where they came from, but he suddenly stopped and looked back with a daring expression in his face, next to the fact that he was still angry. "It is better then pissing yourself when it gets scaaary." Satsuki lit up a cigarette and kept glaring at the boy. Not really being concerned about how it could end. At this point he just wanted to rub everything he could in Makoto's face.

Makoto slowly shook his head in disbelieve. What was going on inside Satsuki's head? is that guy insane? He took a step back himself, pacing around a little, when he then heared the other male throw one last comment at him. Makoto immediatly turned his head back towards his friend, locking his eyes on. That's it... The boy then approached Satsuki, who had now, not only increased the distance between them two, but also lit a cigarette. Then, when he was right in front of him once again, the boy glared at Senna from the corner of his eye, who desperately tried to make them stop... but it couldn't be helped. Makoto raised his hand swiftly, and slapped Satsuki right across the face, making the cigarette he had newly lit fall down to the ground. That wasn't your usual 'Boys just being boys' kind of hit, no, this one was serious, and you were able to see that in Makoto's eyes. funtime was over.

BobbyW said:
Makoto slowly shook his head in disbelieve. What was going on inside Satsuki's head? is that guy insane? He took a step back himself, pacing around a little, when he then heared the other male throw one last comment at him. Makoto immediatly turned his head back towards his friend, locking his eyes on. That's it... The boy then approached Satsuki, who had now, not only increased the distance between them two, but also lit a cigarette. Then, when he was right in front of him once again, the boy glared at Senna from the corner of his eye, who desperately tried to make them stop... but it couldn't be helped. Makoto raised his hand swiftly, and slapped Satsuki right across the face, making the cigarette he had newly lit fall down to the ground. That wasn't your usual 'Boys just being boys' kind of hit, no, this one was serious, and you were able to see that in Makoto's eyes. funtime was over.
Just when Satsuki thought that it was all going to be a joke, Makoto walked to him and glared too. Satsuki raised an eyebrow and was about to smoke when everything got black for a tiny second, leaving a burning pain on his cheek. Instead of anger, confusion replaced the expression on his face. Why was Makoto looking like that, what had he done wrong? He raised his arm but let it sank again. His face was neutral now and for a moment he looked him in the eye, then back at Senna and then at his own hands. The male knew he could do two things. Or he could hit Makoto back, or he could just walk away like a mature man. Of course Satsuki chose for the first option. He suddenly frowned and threw all his weight into the boy, causing the two of them to fall on the pavement. Satsuki quickly climbed on top of Makoto and grabbed his collar. "Are you trying to make a statement? Making me look dumb?" Just thinkimg about this caused Satsuki to rage and he punched the boy in his head, then leaned back and covered his eyes with his hands. "Well.." he mumbled and looked at his friend. The raging was gone for now, he was still angry but his eyes were only focused on the boy beneath him. It felt like he had done something terribly wrong, he just couldn't guess what it was.
Senna couldn't believe her eyes when Makoto struck Satsuki and they he retaliated. Her mouth dropped, her eyes began to tear up. She dropped the bag of chocolates. "You two." she muttered out. Senna hated conflict and fighting. She didn't want to be there anymore. "I-I-I HATE YOU BOTH" she yelled at them and ran off. She ran as fast as she can brushing people out of the way. She couldn't believe this fun day turned bad so fast. Over something she had no clue what. "Those two ruined things." she said to herself in tears as she continued running. Senna had no clue where she was going or where in the city she was. She finally stopped gasping for air. When she caught her breath she looked up and knew she was lost. "Where am I?" she wondered as she leaned against a wall pouting still. @Hobbesisalive @BobbyW
Hobbesisalive said:
Just when Satsuki thought that it was all going to be a joke, Makoto walked to him and glared too. Satsuki raised an eyebrow and was about to smoke when everything got black for a tiny second, leaving a burning pain on his cheek. Instead of anger, confusion replaced the expression on his face. Why was Makoto looking like that, what had he done wrong? He raised his arm but let it sank again. His face was neutral now and for a moment he looked him in the eye, then back at Senna and then at his own hands. The male knew he could do two things. Or he could hit Makoto back, or he could just walk away like a mature man. Of course Satsuki chose for the first option. He suddenly frowned and threw all his weight into the boy, causing the two of them to fall on the pavement. Satsuki quickly climbed on top of Makoto and grabbed his collar. "Are you trying to make a statement? Making me look dumb?" Just thinkimg about this caused Satsuki to rage and he punched the boy in his head, then leaned back and covered his eyes with his hands. "Well.." he mumbled and looked at his friend. The raging was gone for now, he was still angry but his eyes were only focused on the boy beneath him. It felt like he had done something terribly wrong, he just couldn't guess what it was.
Although Makoto knew Satsuki well enough, to determine his next action as a response to his slap, the sudden lunge took him by surprise. his friends weight, was more than enough to slam him to the ground with ease, Makoto wasn't known to be very strong... but, even lying on the cold sidewalk, the boy's expression didn't change. "..Look around you! i wasn't needed to make you look du-" Then Satsuki struck him on the head. This time hurt... alot, maybe because it was actually, seriously meant, at least in that moment. ...Why is this happening?... Makoto moved one of his arms over face now as well, convering his eyes in a similar manner as Satsuki did.

He noticed how it began to snow, or well, a combination of both rain and snow. They were just lying there on the street in silence... until then, Senna snapped, running into the in her case, unknown city.
"Wait, Senna!" Makoto immediatly uncovered his eyes, reaching out in an childish attempt to maybe stop her, but, not only was he still on the ground, no, Satsuki's weight was hindering his movement. Realizing it couldn't be helped, the boy reached out for Satsuki, grabbed him by the collar, and pulled the male towards himself, still lying beneath his friend. "This is all your fault! Do you even realize that?!"

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BobbyW said:
Although Makoto knew Satsuki well enough, to determine his next action as a response to his slap, the sudden lunge took him by surprise. his friends weight, was more than enough to slam him to the ground with ease, Makoto wasn't known to be very strong... but, even lying on the cold sidewalk, the boy's expression didn't change. "..Looks around you! i wasn't needed to make you look du-" Then Satsuki struck him on the head. This time hurt... alot, maybe because it was actually, seriously meant, at least in that moment. ...Why is this happening?... Makoto moved one of his arms over face now as well, convering his eyes in a similar manner as Satsuki did.
He noticed how it began to snow, or well, a combination of both rain and snow. They were just lying there on the street in silence... until then, Senna snapped, running into the in her case, unknown city.
"Wait, Senna!" Makoto immediatly uncovered his eyes, reaching out in an childish attempt to maybe stop her, but, not only was he still on the ground, no, Satsuki's weight was still hindering his movement. Realizing it couldn't be helped, the boy reached out for Satsuki, grabbed him by the collar, and pulled the male towards him. "This is all your fault! Do you even realize that?!"

BobbyW said:
Although Makoto knew Satsuki well enough, to determine his next action as a response to his slap, the sudden lunge took him by surprise. his friends weight, was more than enough to slam him to the ground with ease, Makoto wasn't known to be very strong... but, even lying on the cold sidewalk, the boy's expression didn't change. "..Looks around you! i wasn't needed to make you look du-" Then Satsuki struck him on the head. This time hurt... alot, maybe because it was actually, seriously meant, at least in that moment. ...Why is this happening?... Makoto moved one of his arms over face now as well, convering his eyes in a similar manner as Satsuki did.
He noticed how it began to snow, or well, a combination of both rain and snow. They were just lying there on the street in silence... until then, Senna snapped, running into the in her case, unknown city.
"Wait, Senna!" Makoto immediatly uncovered his eyes, reaching out in an childish attempt to maybe stop her, but, not only was he still on the ground, no, Satsuki's weight was still hindering his movement. Realizing it couldn't be helped, the boy reached out for Satsuki, grabbed him by the collar, and pulled the male towards himself, still lying beneath his friend. "This is all your fault! Do you even realize that?!"

Satsuki stared at Senna running awat, but didn't even made an attempt to stop her. He just blinked and looked blankly as the girl dissapeared between the people. Then he was suddenly grabbed by his collar and Makoto blamed him for this being his fault. The male clenched his fists and avouded Makoto's eyes. He couldn't stand the feeling, he just stood up for his friend, but yes maybe he had been too harsh against the cashier. Still, he didn't deserve this. Satsuki slowly shifted his gaze to Makoto again, still blank and he didn't say anything. The time when his best friend from 5 years ago, discovered that Satsuki was in love with him had been terrible. His classmates started to blame everything on him. They called him gross for no reason, he was the one always being a mistake. Of course Satsuki knew Makoto wasn't like that. But this situation gave him the same feeling. At that time he had always hit back, feeling relieved when his hands reached the heads, noses and other places of the kids that bullied him. Still, he didn't feel the urge to slap or harm the boy beneath him anymore.

Satuki rubbed in his eyes and tried to escape from Makoto's grip. Which didn't work. It was starting to snow/rain now and he could feel the snowflakes fall on his neck. Once again he tried to escape Makoto's grip, but he gave up after that and just let his head hang, which created a pretty weird picture. Makoto holding Satsuki by his collar while he just hang like a stuffed doll.
Senna shivered a bit once it started to snow/rain. She didn't bring her umbrella nor a heavy jacket. She was lost and had no clue where anything was. "Excuse me sir." She tried asking for directions but they walked by her. She was a tiny girl in the big city and people were staring. Senna clutched her backpack and kept walking. Some guys were trying to hit on her she just yelled and ran away. Further into the city. "I- I hate it here, I want to go home." She said to herself fighting back tears. If she didn't leave things back at the tent she would have just went home. She was done with this big city. She didn't like it anymore. She found a book store and went inside to warm up and she felt somewhat safe. "Um, Excuse me." she said to the manager. "Is it okay if I stay in here a bit while to warm up? I'll buy a book I promise I won't be just browsing." she asked him. The manager found her odd for asking such a thing and smiled. Senna stood at the doorway a bit looking outside. @BobbyW @Hobbesisalive
Hobbesisalive said:
Satsuki stared at Senna running away, but didn't even made an attempt to stop her. He just blinked and looked blankly as the girl dissapeared between the people. Then he was suddenly grabbed by his collar and Makoto blamed him for this being his fault. The male clenched his fists and avoided Makoto's eyes. He couldn't stand the feeling, he just stood up for his friend, but yes maybe he had been too harsh against the cashier. Still, he didn't deserve this. Satsuki slowly shifted his gaze to Makoto again, still blank and he didn't say anything. The time when his best friend from 5 years ago, discovered that Satsuki was in love with him had been terrible. His classmates started to blame everything on him. They called him gross for no reason, he was the one always being a mistake. Of course Satsuki knew Makoto wasn't like that. But this situation gave him the same feeling. At that time he had always hit back, feeling relieved when his hands reached the heads, noses and other places of the kids that bullied him. Still, he didn't feel the urge to slap or harm the boy beneath him anymore.
Satuki rubbed in his eyes and tried to escape from Makoto's grip. Which didn't work. It was starting to snow/rain now and he could feel the snowflakes fall on his neck. Once again he tried to escape Makoto's grip, but he gave up after that and just let his head hang, which created a pretty weird picture. Makoto holding Satsuki by his collar while he just hang like a stuffed doll.
Makoto kept his eyes locked onto Satsuki, despite the fact that he noticed how his friend tried to avoid them. It takes two people to tango, and Makoto was fully aware of that... the boy knew that, this wasn't just Satsuki's fault, it was him, who took a role in this dispute just as well... and, quite honestly, he also felt that way. Blaming his friend for the faults of them both was currently the most convinient way to escape the guilt in his heart. At the sight of Satsuki trying to escape his grip, he just tightened it, gnashing his teeth. After a certain amount of attempts from his friend, Makoto actually started shivering. It felt like, letting him go, would mean that he'd have to take his part of the blame, and he just wasn't able to deal with that. Then... once Satsuki gave up, and just stayed in the boy's grip as it was, Makoto was shivering uncontrollably... he felt a liquid running down his cheeks.. but, no, that wasn't a rain drop, that... was a tear. He was able to feel a lump in his throat, and a faint squeek-like sob, managed to escape his lips. Alright, now it was obvious, Makoto was crying.

BobbyW said:
Makoto kept his eyes locked onto Satsuki, despite the fact that he noticed how his friend tried to avoid them. It takes two people to tango, and Makoto was fully aware of that... the boy knew that, this wasn't just Satsuki's fault, it was him, who took a role in this dispute just as well... and, quite honestly, he also felt that way. Blaming his friend for the faults of them both was currently the most convinient way to escape the guilt in his heart. At the sight of Satsuki trying to escape his grip, he just tightened it, gnashing his teeth. After a certain amount of attempts from his friend, Makoto actually started shivering. It felt like, letting him go, would mean that he'd have to take his part of the blame, and he just wasn't able to deal with that. Then... once Satsuki gave up, and just stayed in the boy's grip as it was, Makoto was shivering uncontrollably... he felt a liquid running down his cheeks.. but, no, that wasn't a rain drop, that... was a tear. He was able to feel a lump in his throat, and a faint squeek-like sob, managed to escape his lips. Alright, now it was obvious, Makoto was crying.
Satsuki could feel Makoto shivering, first he thought it was from the rain and snow, but soon it seemed that the boy was starting the cry. Satsuki lifted his head and didn't know how to respond, but he took this chance to escape from Makoto's grip with a ferm turn to left. After all Satsuki was still bigger. He got on his feet and grabbed his bag that was laying on the streets. He had absolutley no idea why his friend was crying, maybe his face hurted from the punch he gave him. The male looked at the boy for a while and clenched his theeth. He was still angry, and was not in the mood to comfort him. "Grow up." he softly said while he made his way back to camp.

Ioko blinked as the male suddenly got closer and loked back at him with no change in expression. Instead she gave him her thumbs up, or something like that. She looked outside and saw that it started to rain, she also saw a girl runnig through the rain. Ioko pointed at the girl with the pigtails in and chuckled. "Haha she looks lost."

Hobbesisalive said:
Satsuki could feel Makoto shivering, first he thought it was from the rain and snow, but soon it seemed that the boy was starting the cry. Satsuki lifted his head and didn't know how to respond, but he took this chance to escape from Makoto's grip with a ferm turn to left. After all Satsuki was still bigger. He got on his feet and grabbed his bag that was laying on the streets. He had absolutley no idea why his friend was crying, maybe his face hurted from the punch he gave him. The male looked at the boy for a while and clenched his theeth. He was still angry, and was not in the mood to comfort him. "Grow up." he softly said while he made his way back to camp.
Ioko blinked as the male suddenly got closer and loked back at him with no change in expression. Instead she gave him her thumbs up, or something like that. She looked outside and saw that it started to rain, she also saw a girl runnig through the rain. Ioko pointed at the girl with the pigtails in and chuckled. "Haha she looks lost."

Too many thoughts were shooting through Makoto's had, so many that he happened to loosen his grip on Satsuki's collar, therefor, giving him an opening to get out of there. He could feel how his friend just stared at him in silence, like he was some kind of zoo animal.... while he was lying there on the, cold sidewalk, crying like a little girl... But, the last comment, that Satsuki dropped before heading off, got him good. It felt like a gunshot, aimed directly at his heart. Grow up... He kept repeating the words in his mind,.. lying there for about another 5 minutes, before slowly starting to get off of the ground, and back on his feet. He still felt a little wobbly, but another most important thought shot into his head. I need to find Senna... she's on her own... in Tokio... He rubbed the tears out of his face, and proceeded into the direction the girl ran, she'd had to be somewhere around these parts. How far did she run?... Senna was pretty upset... The boy just kept walking and walking, searching various kind of shops, which might've caught the girls interest, until then coincidentally entering a bookstore, in which Senna was located. "Thank god, there you are..." Makoto approached her, although keeping a little distance between them still.


Yoshi smiled at her when she gave him the thumbs up. Now he felt awkward. "Sorry, just had to get it." he said before following Ioko's gaze. "Yeah, tiny girl." he said with a small chuckle. He finished his coffee. "Oh man I feel refreshed now! I'm ready whenever you are Iokochan!" he said. "Let's ninja this tower!" he added with a glance side to side and a finger over his mouth. "shh shh" @Hobbesisalive

BobbyW said:
Too many thoughts were shooting through Makoto's had, so many that he happened to loosen his grip on Satsuki's collar, therefor, giving him an opening to get out of there. He could feel how his friend just stared at him in silence, like he was some kind of zoo animal.... while he was lying there on the, cold sidewalk, crying like a little girl... But, the last comment, that Satsuki dropped before heading off, got him good. It felt like a gunshot, aimed directly at his heart. Grow up... He kept repeating the words in his mind,.. lying there for about another 5 minutes, before slowly starting to get off of the ground, and back on his feet. He still felt a little wobbly, but another most important thought shot into his head. I need to find Senna... she's on her own... in Tokio... He rubbed the tears out of his face, and proceeded into the direction the girl ran, she'd had to be somewhere around these parts. How far did she run?... Senna was pretty upset... The boy just kept walking and walking, searching various kind of shops, which might've caught the girls interest, until then coincidentally entering a bookstore, in which Senna was located. "Thank god, there you are..." Makoto approached her, although keeping a little distance between them still.

Senna was finally starting to dry off, the bookstore kept her mind and preoccupied. She didn't notice Makoto enter the bookstore at first. She found the new One Piece manga and got so excited. "Ojiisan! I'll take thes-" she stopped and dropped the book once she saw Makoto. "Koto........kun" is all she could say. She picked up her book and paid for it. Senna then walked up to him and examined his face. "You've been hit. Are you okay?" She asked touching his face, looking closer. Senna just wanted to forget about the whole thing, she was more concerned about Makoto. @BobbyW
NickOnTheReg said:
Yoshi smiled at her when she gave him the thumbs up. Now he felt awkward. "Sorry, just had to get it." he said before following Ioko's gaze. "Yeah, tiny girl." he said with a small chuckle. He finished his coffee. "Oh man I feel refreshed now! I'm ready whenever you are Iokochan!" he said. "Let's ninja this tower!" he added with a glance side to side and a finger over his mouth. "shh shh" @Hobbesisalive


Senna was finally starting to dry off, the bookstore kept her mind and preoccupied. She didn't notice Makoto enter the bookstore at first. She found the new One Piece manga and got so excited. "Ojiisan! I'll take thes-" she stopped and dropped the book once she saw Makoto. "Koto........kun" is all she could say. She picked up her book and paid for it. Senna then walked up to him and examined his face. "You've been hit. Are you okay?" She asked touching his face, looking closer. Senna just wanted to forget about the whole thing, she was more concerned about Makoto. @BobbyW
Makoto gave Senna a faint smile, once she actually noticed, that the boy entered the Bookstore, trying to say hello with it. "Don't worry.. i'm fine.. argh..." The boy winced together as Senna started examining his bruise, which, due to her reaction seemed to be more obvious than he thought. "The bastard just knows what he's doing..." He added, referring to Satsuki... and his fist. "...Also, i'm.. i'm sorry." He really was, his, and the other males actions were just out of line. Makoto looked her in the eyes, which were also, expressing apologies.
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BobbyW said:
Makoto gave Senna a faint smile, once she actually noticed, that the boy entered the Bookstore, trying to say hello with it. "Don't worry.. i'm fine.. argh..." The boy winced together as Senna started examining his bruise, which, due to her reaction seemed to be more obvious than he thought. "The bastard just knows how what he's doing..." He added, referring to Satsuki... and his fist. "...Also, i'm.. i'm sorry." He really was, his, and the other males actions were just out of line. Makoto looked her in the eyes, which were also, expressing apologies.
Senna brushed off his apology. "It's in the past, we have to get ice on that bruise." she said Senna grabbed his hand and led him outside. "Where is the closest clinc Makoto." she looked at him with a stern look. "Once you're treated then you will tell me everything." her tone changed as she was very serious. She was still pissed at both of them but anger only led to worse things. She decided to ignore it and just move on. @BobbyW

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