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Realistic or Modern Hop around the world

Makoto's eyes followed Yoshi as he ran back into his tent, scrambling for Marshmellows. I think i'm gonna go to bed He stood up from his spot at the fire place, and stretched himself greatly, when then Yoshi returned o the group with a few bags of food jn his arms. The boy thought about eating one of the said smores before actually going to sleep, but decided to skip on that. Eh, maybe next time... I'm too exhausted. Makoto gave the others a little wave, and headed inside the three person tent. "Night guys." He looked at Satsuki, who was currently curled up in his blankets, but didn't bother interacting with him. He seemed to be asleep, after all. The boy quickly undressed himself, almost falling over im the process. "...Whew.." Makoto then sliped under his blankets as well, with the intention to fall asleep as soon as possible.
BobbyW said:
Makoto's eyes followed Yoshi as he ran back into his tent, scrambling for Marshmellows. I think i'm gonna go to bed He stood up from his spot at the fire place, and stretched himself greatly, when then Yoshi returned o the group with a few bags of food jn his arms. The boy thought about eating one of the said smores before actually going to sleep, but decided to skip on that. Eh, maybe next time... I'm too exhausted. Makoto gave the others a little wave, and headed inside the three person tent. "Night guys." He looked at Satsuki, who was currently curled up in his blankets, but didn't bother interacting with him. He seemed to be asleep, after all. The boy quickly undressed himself, almost falling over im the process. "...Whew.." Makoto then sliped under his blankets as well, with the intention to fall asleep as soon as possible.
Yoshi looked up and waved "Goodnight Makoto!" he said as he put the marshmellows on the stick and handed two to Senna. "Here hold them over the fire." He instructed her. "Now for smores, Once the marshmellow is nice, you take a graham cracker then a piece of chocolate, then marshmellow then, graham cracker on top. BAM" he said.

Senna took the Marshemellows and held them as Yoshi said. "HAIIII, I will try not to burn them." she said. "Goodnight Kokosan" she yelled and waved with a smile to him. Her mouth watered. "That sounds so good." she said getting excited for the food. Senna's sweet tooth was starting to take over. "How long do I keep this here?" she asked him. "Ioko-senapi are you excited?" @Hobbesisalive @BobbyW
BobbyW said:
Makoto's eyes followed Yoshi as he ran back into his tent, scrambling for Marshmellows. I think i'm gonna go to bed He stood up from his spot at the fire place, and stretched himself greatly, when then Yoshi returned o the group with a few bags of food jn his arms. The boy thought about eating one of the said smores before actually going to sleep, but decided to skip on that. Eh, maybe next time... I'm too exhausted. Makoto gave the others a little wave, and headed inside the three person tent. "Night guys." He looked at Satsuki, who was currently curled up in his blankets, but didn't bother interacting with him. He seemed to be asleep, after all. The boy quickly undressed himself, almost falling over im the process. "...Whew.." Makoto then sliped under his blankets as well, with the intention to fall asleep as soon as possible.
Satsuki heard faint steps and opened his eyes slighlty, watching Makoto from the corner of his while the boy plopped down. He still felt bad about he reacted but decided not think about it anymore. There wasn't really anything he could do anyway.

Ioko watched Yoshi ran away and she looked at the stuff inside his arms when he returned, feeling somewhat excited. She shook her head at his question and grabbed two marshmellows to follow his instruction. Once the two things were on a stick she held them in the fire. As kid Ioko had done this many times, so she wasn't going to let burn. It had to be perfect. She gazed at Senna and grinned, it was nice sharing her excitement with someone. And for Senna, it looked like Ioko had guessed her to be different. Still she didn't like how the girl reacted in some ways, but she was nice. And well kind of funny.
Hobbesisalive said:
Satsuki heard faint steps and opened his eyes slighlty, watching Makoto from the corner of his while the boy plopped down. He still felt bad about he reacted but decided not think about it anymore. There wasn't really anything he could do anyway.
Ioko watched Yoshi ran away and she looked at the stuff inside his arms when he returned, feeling somewhat excited. She shook her head at his question and grabbed two marshmellows to follow his instruction. Once the two things were on a stick she held them in the fire. As kid Ioko had done this many times, so she wasn't going to let burn. It had to be perfect. She gazed at Senna and grinned, it was nice sharing her excitement with someone. And for Senna, it looked like Ioko had guessed her to be different. Still she didn't like how the girl reacted in some ways, but she was nice. And well kind of funny.
Yoshi smiled and made a bunch of smores so when the marshmellows were ready. "There, we have a lot so make as many as you please." he said. He couldn't wait for these to be done it's been years since he's had these. "How many do you want Ioko?" he asked looking at her. He himself had two marshmellows on one stick roasting over the fire.

Senna kept checking the fire to see if they are burned. They smelt good and she was happy. "These are going to be so good." she said smiling at the other two. "Yoshi, mine are ready." she said running over to him and putting them on the graham cracker. She picked up two and brought one to Ioko. "Here you take one. Yoshi can wait." she said smiling. @Hobbesisalive
NickOnTheReg said:
Yoshi smiled and made a bunch of smores so when the marshmellows were ready. "There, we have a lot so make as many as you please." he said. He couldn't wait for these to be done it's been years since he's had these. "How many do you want Ioko?" he asked looking at her. He himself had two marshmellows on one stick roasting over the fire.
Senna kept checking the fire to see if they are burned. They smelt good and she was happy. "These are going to be so good." she said smiling at the other two. "Yoshi, mine are ready." she said running over to him and putting them on the graham cracker. She picked up two and brought one to Ioko. "Here you take one. Yoshi can wait." she said smiling. @Hobbesisalive
Ioko looked over to the sweets Yoshi had prepared and shrugged. 'Hm two.' Her gaze lingered on the things, but before the boy could hand them over, Senna gave her one. She chuckled and quickly gulped it down, without using the Marshmallows. But Ioko enjoyed the taste anyway and gave her thumbs up towards Senna and Yoshi.
Hobbesisalive said:
Ioko looked over to the sweets Yoshi had prepared and shrugged. 'Hm two.' Her gaze lingered on the things, but before the boy could hand them over, Senna gave her one. She chuckled and quickly gulped it down, without using the Marshmallows. But Ioko enjoyed the taste anyway and gave her thumbs up towards Senna and Yoshi.
"Well someone is hungry." Yoshi said laughing. "Didn't even wait for the marshmellows. Guess you have two nice warm marshmellows to eat right off the stick." he added. He was impressed she was able to eat those so fast. Yoshi let out a yawn and cracked his knuckles like on the train. "Sorry." he said with a smile. " Couldn't help it."

Senna watched Ioko eat really fast.. "So Fasttt." she said as she went back over to her marshmellows. "They are done, My turn." She said as she put one into her mouth. She paused for a moment. "Hot hot hot hot hot hot." She drank some water. "My tongue, but it's sooo good." she said as she bit into the other one. This one was at least a little bit cooled down.

NickOnTheReg said:
"Well someone is hungry." Yoshi said laughing. "Didn't even wait for the marshmellows. Guess you have two nice warm marshmellows to eat right off the stick." he added. He was impressed she was able to eat those so fast. Yoshi let out a yawn and cracked his knuckles like on the train. "Sorry." he said with a smile. " Couldn't help it."
Senna watched Ioko eat really fast.. "So Fasttt." she said as she went back over to her marshmellows. "They are done, My turn." She said as she put one into her mouth. She paused for a moment. "Hot hot hot hot hot hot." She drank some water. "My tongue, but it's sooo good." she said as she bit into the other one. This one was at least a little bit cooled down.

Ioko shook her head and smiled. 'I had enough, I guess I will wrap it up and go to bed too.' She got on her feet and quickly gulped down the two marshmallows before turning to her sleep place. 'Good night you two.' Then the girl stepped into their cosy tent and was amazed by the many stuffed animals Senna had displayed. She shrugged and quickly undressed herself into her sleep wear.

(Should we time skip after you post? @NickOnTheReg )
Hobbesisalive said:
Ioko shook her head and smiled. 'I had enough, I guess I will wrap it up and go to bed too.' She got on her feet and quickly gulped down the two marshmallows before turning to her sleep place. 'Good night you two.' Then the girl stepped into their cosy tent and was amazed by the many stuffed animals Senna had displayed. She shrugged and quickly undressed herself into her sleep wear.
(Should we time skip after you post? @NickOnTheReg )
(( I'm for that, sounds like a plan @Hobbesisalive ))

"Goodnight Ioko" Yoshi said with a smile as he watched her walk to the tent. He then looked at Senna, "You should get some sleep too." he added as he put the fire out with snow and made sure no more burning embers were around. He yawned himself and once all was taken care of and cleaned up he sat outside for a bit longer looking up at the skies. It sure was a beautiful night, and only the first. He couldn't wait to move on and to see the world. He was indifferent about the people he was traveling with but after tonight they seemed okay.

"Goodnight Ioko-senpai" Senna said with a smile. She looked at Yoshi and said, "HAII, I'm going to bed too. Don't try anything funny and no peeping." her face was very serious as she ran back into their tent. Once inside she got herself ready and climbed into her sleeping bag. Ioko must have been more tired than she thought, she was already asleep. Senna whispered "Goodnight Ioko, Goodnight world." she said as she curled up with one of her stuffed animals and fell asleep.

The male rubbed in his eyes as the light slowly woke him up. He sat up and stretched his arms, letting a yawn escape his mouth while doing so. It was 6:24 in the morning, as he could see when he took a glance at his watch. Satsuki sighed and pulled the blankets away. He took a look at the others and guessed he was the only one up. Maybe one of the girls was already awake, but he guessed that that wasn't the case, it were girls after all.

The boy got on his feet and quickly pulled a oversized sweater over his head, together with his trousers. It was still winter, so going outside in just a shirt was too cold.

Once Satsuki was outside, the scenery hit him. The sunrise had just started and made the whole feel field shimmer with dew. It was a magical sight. The boy chuckled and put his hands in his pockets, watching how the world awakened.

Winter - Outside Tokio - 6:24 AM


@NickOnTheReg @BobbyW
The sound of his comrade, rusteling through their shared tent, managed to wake the boy up. He rubbed the sleep out of his eyes, which were currently getting used to the rising sun. I wonder how late it is... ah, my phone should still be in my pants. He thought, while pulling said trousers into his arms. The boy removed the cell phone from his jeans and took a brief look at the time. It was 6:24... Now, he probably would've decided to just screw it, close his eyes and sleep for another hour, but... unfortunatly, his body just wasn't too keen on doing that. Sleeping just wasn't an option anymore. Man... He grabbed his blankets, and pushed them out of the way, now rising up from the ground. A great yawn, accompanied by a stretch, was what Makoto's next actions were. The male groggily dragged himself over to the tents exit, and peeked his head outside. "...Morning." Was what Makoto... mumbled, after spotting Satsuki, admiring the scenery. Yes, the sunrise in front of him was indeed amazing, but he didn't pay too much attention to that.

BobbyW said:
The sound of his comrade, rusteling through their shared tent, managed to wake the boy up. He rubbed the sleep out of his eyes, which were currently getting used to the rising sun. I wonder how late it is... ah, my phone should still be in my pants. He thought, while pulling said trousers into his arms. The boy removed the cell phone from his jeans and took a brief look at the time. It was 6:24... Now, he probably would've decided to just screw it, close his eyes and sleep for another hour, but... unfortunatly, his body just wasn't too keen on doing that. Sleeping just wasn't an option anymore. Man... He grabbed his blankets, and pushed them out of the way, now rising up from the ground. A great yawn, accompanied by a stretch, was what Makoto's next actions were. The male groggily dragged himself over to the tents exit, and peeked his head outside. "...Morning." Was what Makoto... mumbled, after spotting Satsuki, admiring the scenery. Yes, the sunrise in front of him was indeed amazing, but he didn't pay too much attention to that.
Satsuki screened of the sun with hands and grinned at the whole place. Snow was starting to melt, so walking would be easier for them from now on.

The boy turned his head when a familiar voice greeted him. He smiled and waved. "Goooodmornin'" his mood from yesterday was totally gone, sleeping had always been the best medicine when he wasn't at his best.
Hobbesisalive said:
Satsuki screened of the sun with hands and grinned at the whole place. Snow was starting to melt, so walking would be easier for them from now on.
The boy turned his head when a familiar voice greeted him. He smiled and waved. "Goooodmornin'" his mood from yesterday was totally gone, sleeping had always been the best medicine when he wasn't at his best.
Makoto returned the smile Satsuki gave him, and pulled his head back inside the tent. He was intending to go outside as well, but doing so in only a pair of boxers, and a Tank Top probably wasn't that good of an idea. The boy quickly gathered his trousers and a simple pullover, slipping into both of them. Alright...

Properly dressed, Makoto exited the tent, he shared with the Yoshi and Satsuki, placing himself next to the mentioned male. He thought about maybe waking Yoshi up, but since it was still relatively early, the boy decided to let his comrade sleep a little more. "...So.. you're a morning person?" He asked Satsuki, gazing at him from the corner of his eye, while facing the sunrise.
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Senna heard commotion outside and rolled around. "What time is it?" she said quietly as to not wake Ioko. She looked at her phone and a groan came out. She hated waking up early but once she was up, she was up. She wrapped herself in 3 blankets and walked out of the tent with her stuffed Happy plush. Her hair was a crazy mess but she didn't care at this point. It was way to early. "So it's you too awake." She rubbed her eyes and looked at the sunrise. "Ahh so pretty. Good morning Kokosan and Satsuki" She said with a smile sitting down.


Yoshi rolled over and blinked. He heard Senna's voice over the others, "It's way to F@$King early." came out of his mouth as he sat up. He was tempted to go back to sleep. His movement didn't last long as he laid back down. He grabbed his phone and checked his phone. He tweeted out.

" Day 2, Everyone seems nice that I have met up with. Hoping for more fun adventures #HopAroundTheWorld"

He was scrolling through his timeline and then the old phone onto face happened. "Damnit ouch." he said as he rubbed his nose. Well he was awake now. Yoshi sat up and put a hoodie on and shoes. He walked outside and squinted into the Sun. "Soooo Bright" He walked over to everyone. "Morning everyone." he said with a yawn. @Hobbesisalive @BobbyW
BobbyW said:
Makoto returned the smile Satsuki gave him, and pulled his head back inside the tent. He was intending to go outside as well, but doing so in only a pair of boxers, and a Tank Top probably wasn't that good of an idea. The boy quickly gathered his trousers and a simple pullover, slipping into both of them. Alright...
Properly dressed, Makoto exited the tent, he shared with the Yoshi and Satsuki, placing himself next to the mentioned male. He thought about maybe waking Yoshi up, but since it was still relatively early, the boy decided to let his comrade sleep a little more. "...So.. you're a morning person?" He asked Satsuki, gazing at him from the corner of his eye, while facing the sunrise.
Satsuki nodded at the question. For so long he could remember, he had always been awake early. Driving his parents crazy with it when he was young.

The male adverted his eyes from the sun and locked them onto Makoto, but shifted them to the girl as she joined them. "Gooooodmorning!" a grin slit his lips and he clapped his hands. "Who is hungry?" @NickOnTheReg

Ioko mumbled a bit when she heard noise outside the tent. She just pulled the blankets over her head and continued to sleep.
Makoto saw how Satsuki was nodding from the corner of the eye, which led to him, letting a small chuckle escape. It's not like he hated mornings himself, or anything like that, he just tended to be more... quiet, after waking up. The boy turned his head towards the other male, creating eye contact for a second, before he heared the faint, tapping of footsteps approaching them. "Uh-huh... morning Senna" He gave the girl a.. rather weak smile... he was still kind of tired. Then, another person awoke from their sleep. "Yeah... morning Yoshi." This time, he did a little gesture with his hand. it was intended to be a wave, but he really just raised his hand, for a bit.



Senna smiled "Ohayooooo" she said as she sat down. It didn't take her long wake up. She pulled out her brush and started brushing the left side counting. "1,2,3,4..." It was her morning routine, 100 times each side. Her stomach rumbled once food was mentioned. "Pancakes!" she said with a smile. It was always her first choice, she was really a little kid.


"Way to cheerful in the morning" Yoshi said with a chuckle as he rubbed his eyes. "The sunrise sure is pretty though." he added. He stretched and cracked his knuckles and neck, waking himself up more. "You two went to bed somewhat early last night. everything alright?" he asked the two guys. He noticed Ioko wasn't awake yet and tried to be quieter. Yoshi then started trying to gather things for a morning fire.

@Hobbesisalive @BobbyW
Satsuki chuckled at Senna's response and shook his head. "Nope no pancakes! We are travelling. Not on a cruise ship madame." he smiled and hopped back inside the tent, returning with breads in his hands. "We still have to bake them though. But we have Ioko for the fire!" the boy put the breads in the hands of Makoto and walked towards the tent of the girls. "Iooooko sleeping beauty wake up."

Ioko opened her eyes as her name was called. She peeked her head outside and sighed, quickly getting back to get dressed. The girl put on her coat and trousers and hobbled outside. Giving Satsuki a brief smile before she turned towards the fire pit. "Somebody said fire?" she said as a yawn broke her sentence.

@BobbyW @NickOnTheReg
Makoto chuckled at Senna's comment, as well as Satsuki's response to it. Aww... I could do with some Pancakes... He rubbed the back of his head, and watched the other mle as he jumped back into the tent, returning with a bunch of bread. The boy was about to comment on Satsuki's remark, when said person pressed the breads just into Makoto's hands. He squinted his eyes at him, as he watched Satsuki head for the girl's tent, waking up Ioko. Letting out a deep sigh, Makoto turned his head towards Yoshi and started answering the previously asked question. "Uhh... Don't worry, we're both fine... me and him had a little... dispute, yesterday, but we've managed to sourt things out." He gave the red haired one a little smile, ensuring him that everything was alright.



Senna pouted since she wasn't getting pancakes. "Well what is there?" she asked as she finished her left side then started the right side. "I'm going to get dressed." she added before standing up and walking back towards the tent. "Ohayo Ioko-Senpai" she said with a smile before walking inside. "Now what to wear." She sat down and continued brushing her hair. Senna laid out a cute white skirt and blue knee high socks. Before she decided she yelled out to. "Is it too cold for a skirt?" she asked. She did have winterish skirts as well and a few pairs of pants.


Yoshi smiled when Ioko walked out of the tent. "Morning taicho" he said with a grin, he then looked back at Makoto. "Dispute? Does this happen often? he questioned. He didn't want to deal with it all the time. "But as long as you guys are good then it's non of my business." He then put the new kindling in the fire pit. "It's ready whenever you want it start it."

@Hobbesisalive @BobbyW
NickOnTheReg said:
Senna pouted since she wasn't getting pancakes. "Well what is there?" she asked as she finished her left side then started the right side. "I'm going to get dressed." she added before standing up and walking back towards the tent. "Ohayo Ioko-Senpai" she said with a smile before walking inside. "Now what to wear." She sat down and continued brushing her hair. Senna laid out a cute white skirt and blue knee high socks. Before she decided she yelled out to. "Is it too cold for a skirt?" she asked. She did have winterish skirts as well and a few pairs of pants.


Yoshi smiled when Ioko walked out of the tent. "Morning taicho" he said with a grin, he then looked back at Makoto. "Dispute? Does this happen often? he questioned. He didn't want to deal with it all the time. "But as long as you guys are good then it's non of my business." He then put the new kindling in the fire pit. "It's ready whenever you want it start it."

@Hobbesisalive @BobbyW
Ioko smiled towards Senna and Yoshi. But quickly focused on getting the fire started again.

Satsuki heard what Makoto and Yoshi said and he walked towards the group, taking the breads out of the hands of Makoto when he reached them. "I'll make sure it won't happen again." the boy said with a stern face, he just wanted to change the topic and rubbed his neck. "Ah sorry, that was a scary face." he grinned and walked with the breads towards the fire, that yet had to be made.
NickOnTheReg said:
Senna pouted since she wasn't getting pancakes. "Well what is there?" she asked as she finished her left side then started the right side. "I'm going to get dressed." she added before standing up and walking back towards the tent. "Ohayo Ioko-Senpai" she said with a smile before walking inside. "Now what to wear." She sat down and continued brushing her hair. Senna laid out a cute white skirt and blue knee high socks. Before she decided she yelled out to. "Is it too cold for a skirt?" she asked. She did have winterish skirts as well and a few pairs of pants.


Yoshi smiled when Ioko walked out of the tent. "Morning taicho" he said with a grin, he then looked back at Makoto. "Dispute? Does this happen often? he questioned. He didn't want to deal with it all the time. "But as long as you guys are good then it's non of my business." He then put the new kindling in the fire pit. "It's ready whenever you want it start it."

@Hobbesisalive @BobbyW
Hobbesisalive said:
Ioko smiled towards Senna and Yoshi. But quickly focused on getting the fire started again.
Satsuki heard what Makoto and Yoshi said and he walked towards the group, taking the breads out of the hands of Makoto when he reached them. "I'll make sure it won't happen again." the boy said with a stern face, he just wanted to change the topic and rubbed his neck. "Ah sorry, that was a scary face." he grinned and walked with the breads towards the fire, that yet had to be made.
Makoto opened his mouth, intending to answer Yoshi's following question, when then, Satsuki approached them, took the breads out of his hand once again, as well as reply instead of him. His friend clearly meant what he said, you were able to tell that from the look in his eyes. "S-Satsuki..." The boy mumbled under his breath, his eyes following said male. Makoto rubbed the back of his head, and then patted Yoshi on his back, befpre joining Satsuki and Ioko at the fire.

He looked at Satsuki and then back at Makoto. "Fair enough." he said as he walked back towards the tent to get dressed. He heard Senna ask, "Skirts would be fine." he said. He walked into the tent and put on a white button long sleeve and black skinny jeans. He adjusted his hair. Yoshi walked back towards the firepit hungry.


"You just want to see me in a skirt pervert." she said towards Yoshi. She laughed and put on a cute white skirt with black leggings underneath and a cute black polo shirt. "Okay I think I'm ready. She put on her eye liner and her hair up in her usual pigtails. She walked out to join everyone around the morning fire. It was still to early for her but she is awake.

@Hobbesisalive @BobbyW
NickOnTheReg said:
He looked at Satsuki and then back at Makoto. "Fair enough." he said as he walked back towards the tent to get dressed. He heard Senna ask, "Skirts would be fine." he said. He walked into the tent and put on a white button long sleeve and black skinny jeans. He adjusted his hair. Yoshi walked back towards the firepit hungry.


"You just want to see me in a skirt pervert." she said towards Yoshi. She laughed and put on a cute white skirt with black leggings underneath and a cute black polo shirt. "Okay I think I'm ready. She put on her eye liner and her hair up in her usual pigtails. She walked out to join everyone around the morning fire. It was still to early for her but she is awake.

@Hobbesisalive @BobbyW
Ioko watched how Senna got ready and stared in amazement how the girl made herself cute and pretty. She looked at her own hair and sighed, it was messed up so she quickly got it in a bun and smiled. Still her clothes were not cute at all. She wore simple shorts with knee lenght socks underneath it. On top of that the girl wore her boring black sweater, with a coat to finish it. Ioko still lingered her gaze on Senna. "You look cute." she said, having her face natural. Then she quickly looked to the fire again and felt suddenly odd for wearing such simple clothes.
Hobbesisalive said:
Ioko watched how Senna got ready and stared in amazement how the girl made herself cute and pretty. She looked at her own hair and sighed, it was messed up so she quickly got it in a bun and smiled. Still her clothes were not cute at all. She wore simple shorts with knee lenght socks underneath it. On top of that the girl wore her boring black sweater, with a coat to finish it. Ioko still lingered her gaze on Senna. "You look cute." she said, having her face natural. Then she quickly looked to the fire again and felt suddenly odd for wearing such simple clothes.

She blushed and squirmed at Ioko's kinds words. "Ioko-senapi." Senna was bright red. "I'm not as beautiful as you though." she responded. To Senna, she thought Ioko looked mature and refined. Just pure beauty, she didn't have to do anything to herself. Senna sat down on a blanket and looked around. "Where to next?" she asked. @Hobbesisalive
Makoto listened to the rambling of the others, a obvious smile being displayed on his lips. Just sitting there with the others, conversing with one another was something he enjoyed greatly. Both of them are beautiful, in my opinion. He blushed a bit at the thought, before locking his eyes onto the fire place. "So, what are our plans for today?" Makoto asked, not really focusing on anyone specfically.

@Hobbesisalive @NickOnTheReg

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