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Realistic or Modern Hop around the world

Hobbesisalive said:
Satsuki smirked and did the eyebrow wiggle thing. He was amused by the laugh of Makoto and started chuckling as well. "Oh did I forgot to mention. I am the Dark Lord. That is why you are part of this group." The male's smirk returned and he leaned a bit forward again. Creating a psycho expression while he did so. "It aaalll makes sensssee!" he wishpered in a snake like voice. Satsuki had always liked acting.
Makoto was amused by Satsuki's wiggling eyebrows, and therefor, continued chuckling. "Oh no, what a Plot-twist!" The boy replied to Satsuki's explanation. Although they weren't exactly the closest back in school, Makoto always enjoy being around the male, he was just a generally fun guy. His change of expression, and snake-like voice acting, automatically made Makoto laugh even harder. He was enjoying the conversation.
NickOnTheReg said:
" I did as a kid and most my teens, but coming here so often you meet people that ruin the city for you." Is how Yoshi responded. He did use to love this place. But that's the past. He doesn't want to think about it.
Ioko looked away from him and wondered how people could ruin something for you. She was the total opposite of that, she ruined it for herself. But that was in the past and she was living on with a bright smile, which she returned to Yoshi. 'You probably choose the wrong friends' The female thought that everything could be blamed on yourself. Nothing was only caused by others. A part always laid by the person who claimed to have done nothing. Exactly, nothing.

BobbyW said:
Makoto was amused by Satsuki's wiggling eyebrows, and therefor, continued chuckling. "Oh no, what a Plot-twist!" The boy replied to Satsuki's explanation. Although they weren't exactly the closest back in school, Makoto always enjoy being around the male, he was just a generally fun guy. His change of expression, and snake-like voice acting, automatically made Makoto laugh even harder. He was enjoying the conversation.
Satsuki grinned as he made the boy laugh again. He loved to entertain others and was kinda proud of it, and even sometimes he could show off with it. Only if he was in the mood though. The male leaned back in the black coloured seat again and crossed his arms behind his head, making his dark hair tickle his elbows. 'My life is a plot twist.' He claimed, his eyes focusing on the window near them. It was scary how close the words laid by the truth.



Season - Winter - 12 Januari - 17:19 - Tokyo Train Station.
Hobbesisalive said:
Satsuki grinned as he made the boy laugh again. He loved to entertain others and was kinda proud of it, and even sometimes he could show off with it. Only if he was in the mood though. The male leaned back in the black coloured seat again and crossed his arms behind his head, making his dark hair tickle his elbows. 'My life is a plot twist.' He claimed, his eyes focusing on the window near them. It was scary how close the words laid by the truth.
Makoto's laughter calmed down at Satsuki's statement, leaving a faint smile on his lips. ...He looks serious, i wonder what's on his mind. "Something wro-" The boy was about to question the male in front of him, regarding his previous response to his 'Plot-Twist' statement, when he then heared the loud screeching of the train, coming to a halt. "I guess it's time to go." Having the train arrive at their destination, seemed to have distracted Makoto from his previous thoughts, completely forgeting about the question, he was about to ask.

The boy jumped out of his seat, and stretched himself. They ride took a bit longer than expected, and he was happy that they've finally arrived. He threw his backpack onto himself, and gave Satsuki a quick gesture with his hand, indicating him to get a move on. "We should probably check for the others, before exiting the train."
BobbyW said:
Makoto's laughter calmed down at Satsuki's statement, leaving a faint smile on his lips. ...He looks serious, i wonder what's on his mind. "Something wro-" The boy was about to question the male in front of him, regarding his previous response to his 'Plot-Twist' statement, when he then heared the loud screeching of the train, coming to a halt. "I guess it's time to go." Having the train arrive at their destination, seemed to have distracted Makoto from his previous thoughts, completely forgeting about the question, he was about to ask.
The boy jumped out of his seat, and stretched himself. They ride took a bit longer than expected, and he was happy that they've finally arrived. He threw his backpack onto himself, and gave Satsuki a quick gesture with his hand, indicating him to get a move on. "We should probably check for the others, before exiting the train."
Satsuki turned his head towards the male and leaned his hand on his legs. He knew what the boy wanted to ask and it never was his attention to draw that question out of him, so the male was relieved when the train stopped and Makoto his question and thoughts forgot. He nodded and grabbed his bag, struggling to keep his balance when the train made his last attempt to fully come stand still. His back hung over his shoulder and Satsuki adjusted it over his other shoulder, carrying the weight with his upper body. 'Ready to go?' He asked to the female he had be talking before too.

Makoto watched how Satsuki did as suggested, reminding one of the others that it was time to go. Alright then... The boy shifted his gaze towards one of the girls, he had spotted earlier, locking his eyes onto her. He now started moving towards said female, giving her a little wave while at it. She had long, beautiful blue hair, tied up in Pigtails. "Uhmm, hi there. You're part of the traveling-group, if i'm not mistaking." He was sure that he'd seen her earlier, when all of them were entering the train. "I'm Makoto, and i just wanted to make sure you were ready to leave... you know, since the train stopped."

He gave her a bright, friendly smile, while stating that. The boy adjusted his Backpack on his back, since it was starting to slide off of his shoulders.

BobbyW said:
Makoto watched how Satsuki did as suggested, reminding one of the others that it was time to go. Alright then... The boy shifted his gaze towards one of the girls, he had spotted earlier, locking his eyes onto her. He now started moving towards said female, giving her a little wave while at it. She had long, beautiful blue hair, tied up in Pigtails. "Uhmm, hi there. You're part of the traveling-group, if i'm not mistaking." He was sure that he'd seen her earlier, when all of them were entering the train. "I'm Makoto, and i just wanted to make sure you were ready to leave... you know, since the train stopped."
He gave her a bright, friendly smile, while stating that. The boy adjusted his Backpack on his back, since it was starting to slide off of his shoulders.

Senna jumped when the boy spoke being startled. She looked up at him. "I-I'm Senna, nice to meet you." She finally let out bowing and trying to hurry and gather her things. "Y-yes I'm with the group. I'm late I don't wanna get left behind." Her mind decided to jump to conclusions of her being left behind and alone. She picked up her backpack. "I've never been here." Senna added. She's never left home so this was a little scary for her. @BobbyW

Hobbesisalive said:
Ioko looked away from him and wondered how people could ruin something for you. She was the total opposite of that, she ruined it for herself. But that was in the past and she was living on with a bright smile, which she returned to Yoshi. 'You probably choose the wrong friends' The female thought that everything could be blamed on yourself. Nothing was only caused by others. A part always laid by the person who claimed to have done nothing. Exactly, nothing.
Satsuki grinned as he made the boy laugh again. He loved to entertain others and was kinda proud of it, and even sometimes he could show off with it. Only if he was in the mood though. The male leaned back in the black coloured seat again and crossed his arms behind his head, making his dark hair tickle his elbows. 'My life is a plot twist.' He claimed, his eyes focusing on the window near them. It was scary how close the words laid by the truth.



Season - Winter - 12 Januari - 17:19 - Tokyo Train Station.

Yoshi stood up and started gathering his things once the train stopped. "Finally" he said. He looked at the girl. "Coming?" He added with a smile. "After you." @Hobbesisalive
NickOnTheReg said:
Senna jumped when the boy spoke being startled. She looked up at him. "I-I'm Senna, nice to meet you." She finally let out bowing and trying to hurry and gather her things. "Y-yes I'm with the group. I'm late I don't wanna get left behind." Her mind decided to jump to conclusions of her being left behind and alone. She picked up her backpack. "I've never been here." Senna added. She's never left home so this was a little scary for her. @BobbyW
Makoto let out a small chuckle, when he saw the girl jump. He found it to be cute. "Oh no, don't worry, we aren't going to leave anyone by themselves!" He took a quick look around him, letting his gaze wander off a bit. "You've never been to Tokio before? well, then stick to me, or Satsuki over there, we actually live here." He gave a quick gesture over to the male he mentioned, who was currently conversing with another girl. "Ah and, we don't have to be that formal, bowing isn't necessary." Makoto again, gave her a smile while mentioning that, even patting her on the shoulder. "Where are you from?" She seems like a shy, type of person.
NickOnTheReg said:
Senna jumped when the boy spoke being startled. She looked up at him. "I-I'm Senna, nice to meet you." She finally let out bowing and trying to hurry and gather her things. "Y-yes I'm with the group. I'm late I don't wanna get left behind." Her mind decided to jump to conclusions of her being left behind and alone. She picked up her backpack. "I've never been here." Senna added. She's never left home so this was a little scary for her. @BobbyW

Yoshi stood up and started gathering his things once the train stopped. "Finally" he said. He looked at the girl. "Coming?" He added with a smile. "After you." @Hobbesisalive
Ioko grabbed her things and out her phone in her pocket. Where it hopefully would be safe. The female smiled as Yoshi let a her go first. Her expression immidiatley changed towards an amazed one when Ioko was hit by little snowflakes that were falling out of the greg coloured sky. "Snow!" she whispered more to herself then anyone else.
BobbyW said:
Makoto let out a small chuckle, when he saw the girl jump. He found it to be cute. "Oh no, don't worry, we aren't going to leave anyone by themselves!" He took a quick look around him, letting his gaze wander off a bit. "You've never been to Tokio before? well, then stick to me, or Satsuki over there, we actually live here." He gave a quick gesture over to the male he mentioned, who was currently conversing with another girl. "Ah and, we don't have to be that formal, bowing isn't necessary." Makoto again, gave her a smile while mentioning that, even patting her on the shoulder. "Where are you from?" She seems like a shy, type of person.
Senna looked at his hand as he pat her shoulder. Then back up at him. "You live here?" She asked in amazement. "I- I'm from Okinawa." She said as they stepped out. She looked up as she was noticing snow. "Snowwww." She let out a little squee. Senna loved snow. She pulled out her natsu dragneel cosplay scarf and put it around her neck. She was a walking fandom. "If it won't bother you to much I'll tag along. Sorry" she said bowing again. She's a very formal and apologetic person. "I don't want to cause you trouble." Her stomach rumbled a bit and she put her hands over it. @BobbyW

Hobbesisalive said:
Ioko grabbed her things and out her phone in her pocket. Where it hopefully would be safe. The female smiled as Yoshi let a her go first. Her expression immidiatley changed towards an amazed one when Ioko was hit by little snowflakes that were falling out of the greg coloured sky. "Snow!" she whispered more to herself then anyone else.

Yoshi waked out behind Ioko and stopped next to her. A groan coming out of his mouth as he hated snow. "Damnit." He said to himself. "Camping in this?" He said out loud. @Hobbesisalive
NickOnTheReg said:
Senna looked at his hand as he pat her shoulder. Then back up at him. "You live here?" She asked in amazement. "I- I'm from Okinawa." She said as they stepped out. She looked up as she was noticing snow. "Snowwww." She let out a little squee. Senna loved snow. She pulled out her natsu dragneel cosplay scarf and put it around her neck. She was a walking fandom. "If it won't bother you to much I'll tag along. Sorry" she said bowing again. She's a very formal and apologetic person. "I don't want to cause you trouble." Her stomach rumbled a bit and she put her hands over it. @BobbyW

Yoshi waked out behind Ioko and stopped next to her. A groan coming out of his mouth as he hated snow. "Damnit." He said to himself. "Camping in this?" He said out loud. @Hobbesisalive
Makoto nodded as a response to her question. Ah, i think a friend of dad lives in Okinawa. The boy, of course already noticed how it was snowing, when looking out of the window earlier, but didn't pay much attention to it then. "Huh, i wonder if we're still going to camp with that kind of weather... then again, staying at an Hotel would be expensive..." He mumbled, under his breath. Well i still have.. well, a third option. Home... but, i'll still have to decide if i'm going to take advantage of that.

"N-No! you aren't a bother or anything like that, really!" He noticed how the girl bowed again. It made him feel kind of embarrassed. having someone as formal as her with him, was unsual for Makoto.

While rubbing the back of his head, the boy could hear the faint grumbling of Senna's stomach. "Oh... you're hungry?" Makoto placed his backpack on the floor, and started scrambling through it. He remembered how he prepared a sandwich for himself last night, just in case he got hungry before arriving at Tokio, where he could potentially give his parents a quick visit. The boy pulled out the box, in which the sandwich was placed in, and removed his lunch from it. The sandwich was cut in two halfs, that way he was still able to keep one if it for himself. "There you go, it isn't much, but enough to keep you alive." He extended his hand, indicating her to take the sanwich out of his hand.
BobbyW said:
Makoto nodded as a response to her question. Ah, i think a friend of dad lives in Okinawa. The boy, of course already noticed how it was snowing, when looking out of the window earlier, but didn't pay much attention to it then. "Huh, i wonder if we're still going to camp with that kind of weather... then again, staying at an Hotel would be expensive..." He mumbled, under his breath. Well i still have.. well, a third option. Home... but, i'll still have to decide if i'm going to take advantage of that.
"N-No! you aren't a bother or anything like that, really!" He noticed how the girl bowed again. It made him feel kind of embarrassed. having someone as formal as her with him, was unsual for Makoto.

While rubbing the back of his head, the boy could hear the faint grumbling of Senna's stomach. "Oh... you're hungry?" Makoto placed his backpack on the floor, and started scrambling through it. He remembered how he prepared a sandwich for himself last night, just in case he got hungry before arriving at Tokio, where he could potentially give his parents a quick visit. The boy pulled out the box, in which the sandwich was placed in, and removed his lunch from it. The sandwich was cut in two halfs, that way he was still able to keep one if it for himself. "There you go, it isn't much, but enough to keep you alive." He extended his hand, indicating her to take the sanwich out of his hand.
Senna's eyes grew wide when the sand which was in front of her. "Really?" Her voice got high. "Thank you thank you thank you." She kept saying over and over taking the sandwhich and biting it instantly. "It's very good." A smile came across her face. "Camp? In this? Won't we get attacked by bears and perverts?" She asked with quite a serious look. Senna was very book smart, but interacting in the real world was never her strong suit.
NickOnTheReg said:
Senna's eyes grew wide when the sand which was in front of her. "Really?" Her voice got high. "Thank you thank you thank you." She kept saying over and over taking the sandwhich and biting it instantly. "It's very good." A smile came across her face. "Camp? In this? Won't we get attacked by bears and perverts?" She asked with quite a serious look. Senna was very book smart, but interacting in the real world was never her strong suit.
"It's fine, really!" Makoto chuckled as he saw Senna, gulping down the Sandwich, and nodded as a response to the girls compliment.She sure was hungry... . The boy wasn't exactly a good cook, but, messing up a sandwich is almost impossible. Oh well, as hungry as she is, she'd probably find anything edible delicious Makoto rubbed his head, about to sink into his thoughts, when the girl then questioned regarding the.... weather... and Bears... and... perverts. "U-Uhmm... I don't...?" His mouth was open, but he wasn't able to say anything. that, just caught him off-guard, and... her seriousness, just made it worse. "Uhmm... "In case any bears and.. perverts, are going to ambush us, you can still rely on me." He smiled at her, before quickly adding on to his previous statement. "A-And the others."
BobbyW said:
"It's fine, really!" Makoto chuckled as he saw Senna, gulping down the Sandwich, and nodded as a response to the girls compliment.She sure was hungry... . The boy wasn't exactly a good cook, but, messing up a sandwich is almost impossible. Oh well, as hungry as she is, she'd probably find anything edible delicious Makoto rubbed his head, about to sink into his thoughts, when the girl then questioned regarding the.... weather... and Bears... and... perverts. "U-Uhmm... I don't...?" His mouth was open, but he wasn't able to say anything. that, just caught him off-guard, and... her seriousness, just made it worse. "Uhmm... "In case any bears and.. perverts, are going to ambush us, you can still rely on me." He smiled at her, before quickly adding on to his previous statement. "A-And the others."
Senna smiled. "Thank you thank you." She hugged him. Quickly realizing what she did she backed off "s-sorry." She said embarrassed and looking at the ground. "I just never been outside of my town before, my father journied across the world so I wanted to prove I can do it too. But I will probably slow everyone down, and get in the way and you'd all plot and leave me behind." She was starting to tear up. She tends to think of the worse case scenarios all the time and has no self confidence. Senna wiped her eyes. "Sorry, I'm babbling. So you grew up here? What was it like?" She asked
NickOnTheReg said:
Senna looked at his hand as he pat her shoulder. Then back up at him. "You live here?" She asked in amazement. "I- I'm from Okinawa." She said as they stepped out. She looked up as she was noticing snow. "Snowwww." She let out a little squee. Senna loved snow. She pulled out her natsu dragneel cosplay scarf and put it around her neck. She was a walking fandom. "If it won't bother you to much I'll tag along. Sorry" she said bowing again. She's a very formal and apologetic person. "I don't want to cause you trouble." Her stomach rumbled a bit and she put her hands over it. @BobbyW

Yoshi waked out behind Ioko and stopped next to her. A groan coming out of his mouth as he hated snow. "Damnit." He said to himself. "Camping in this?" He said out loud. @Hobbesisalive
Ioko chuckled at his groan and immidiatley fired up when the male mentioned something about camping. She turned around and and looked fierce. "Of course we are going to camp in here. You decided to ho on a journey, well here it is! Don't back away by the first snow!' After that she smiled and adjusted her back on her shoulders. She loved challenges like these and even loved it more to share them with other. No lame avoiding the situation with going to a hotel. The girl turned towards the group in general and formed a cup around her mouth with her hands. "Who is going to camp with me outside!?"

-How she looks being fired up and all

NickOnTheReg said:
Senna smiled. "Thank you thank you." She hugged him. Quickly realizing what she did she backed off "s-sorry." She said embarrassed and looking at the ground. "I just never been outside of my town before, my father journied across the world so I wanted to prove I can do it too. But I will probably slow everyone down, and get in the way and you'd all plot and leave me behind." She was starting to tear up. She tends to think of the worse case scenarios all the time and has no self confidence. Senna wiped her eyes. "Sorry, I'm babbling. So you grew up here? What was it like?" She asked
Makoto blushed a bit, when Senna suddenly hugged him. Whoa... "I-It's okay." He took a small step back, once the girl released him from her grip. Not like he didn't enjoy it, it just.. like her comment before, caught him off-guard. The boy listened to her little.. story/prediction, noticing how Senna started to tear up. Crap... iwas that my fault? did i say anything wrong?... why is she starting to cry! He was glad, that she was able to gather herself again, trying to change the subject. "U-Uhmm.. pretty uhh... pretty ok. It's not as exciting as it sounds, Tokio's just a city, like others are too." Makoto rubbed the girls back, trying to comfort her a bit.

He noticed how the red haired girl, the one that uhh... *Saved' him earlier, questioned the group in general, if they were going to camp outside with her, but since he was still deciding on if he was going to sleep at his place, or not, he didn't give her an answer.
Wow... she sure seems fired up...

Hobbesisalive said:
Ioko chuckled at his groan and immidiatley fired up when the male mentioned something about camping. She turned around and and looked fierce. "Of course we are going to camp in here. You decided to ho on a journey, well here it is! Don't back away by the first snow!' After that she smiled and adjusted her back on her shoulders. She loved challenges like these and even loved it more to share them with other. No lame avoiding the situation with going to a hotel. The girl turned towards the group in general and formed a cup around her mouth with her hands. "Who is going to camp with me outside!?"
-How she looks being fired up and all

Yoshi's eyes grew wide when Ioko got serious and loud. Like was he really being scolded. He raised his hand. "Yes yes I'm coming." Yoshi said reluctantly. He hated snow but she was right. He was there for an adventure.

BobbyW said:
Makoto blushed a bit, when Senna suddenly hugged him. Whoa... "I-It's okay." He took a small step back, once the girl released him from her grip. Not like he didn't enjoy it, it just.. like her comment before, caught him off-guard. The boy listened to her little.. story/prediction, noticing how Senna started to tear up. Crap... iwas that my fault? did i say anything wrong?... why is she starting to cry! He was glad, that she was able to gather herself again, trying to change the subject. "U-Uhmm.. pretty uhh... pretty ok. It's not as exciting as it sounds, Tokio's just a city, like others are too." Makoto rubbed the girls back, trying to comfort her a bit.
He noticed how the red haired girl, the one that uhh... *Saved' him earlier, questioned the group in general, if they were going to camp outside with her, but since he was still deciding on if he was going to sleep at his place, or not, he didn't give her an answer.
Wow... she sure seems fired up...

Senna looked at him. "But there's so much to do here. And all the pocky you can eat!" She said eagerly. Once she heard the screaming she hid behind Makoto. "Who's she and why is she so angry?" Senna asked him. "Is she with us. Will she hate me?" She asked another pointless question.
NickOnTheReg said:
Yoshi's eyes grew wide when Ioko got serious and loud. Like was he really being scolded. He raised his hand. "Yes yes I'm coming." Yoshi said reluctantly. He hated snow but she was right. He was there for an adventure.
Senna looked at him. "But there's so much to do here. And all the pocky you can eat!" She said eagerly. Once she heard the screaming she hid behind Makoto. "Who's she and why is she so angry?" Senna asked him. "Is she with us. Will she hate me?" She asked another pointless question.
Ioko saw that she only scared people and only Yoshi answered her question. Why were they all so silent, you had to be exited for an adventure right? It somehow pissed her off and she turned normal again, facing the red haired guy. "Hm, good." Her answer was simply, but it was due to her pissed off state she was currently in. For her it was camping or returning home.
NickOnTheReg said:
Yoshi's eyes grew wide when Ioko got serious and loud. Like was he really being scolded. He raised his hand. "Yes yes I'm coming." Yoshi said reluctantly. He hated snow but she was right. He was there for an adventure.
Senna looked at him. "But there's so much to do here. And all the pocky you can eat!" She said eagerly. Once she heard the screaming she hid behind Makoto. "Who's she and why is she so angry?" Senna asked him. "Is she with us. Will she hate me?" She asked another pointless question.
Makoto scratched his cheek, listening to Senna. "Well, i guess you get used to it, after a while... i mean, it's the same with... going on vacation. sure, going over to spain is exciting if you're a tourist, but once you actually live there, it's just not that special." He took a brief moment to think his next sentence through, when he then noticed how Senna rushed behind him, hiding. It made the boy chuckle a bit, he again, just found the girls reaction really cute. "Don't worry, she's nice." The boy was thinking about earlier in the train, when the Red haired girl actually pushed him back into his seat, keeping him from falling. "...Just, a bit.. fired up, it seems."
Satsuki heard someone yell and turned his head towards the girl he had been sitting next to. He grinned and walked up to her, placing a hand on her head. "Sign me up for a tent with you!" A small smirk could be seen on his face as he teased the female a bit. Flirting was generally just really in his nature. And the male did enjoy it as much as he did it.
BobbyW said:
Makoto scratched his cheek, listening to Senna. "Well, i guess you get used to it, after a while... i mean, it's the same with... going on vacation. sure, going over to spain is exciting if you're a tourist, but once you actually live there, it's just not that special." He took a brief moment to think his next sentence through, when he then noticed how Senna rushed behind him, hiding. It made the boy chuckle a bit, he again, just found the girls reaction really cute. "Don't worry, she's nice." The boy was thinking about earlier in the train, when the Red haired girl actually pushed him back into his seat, keeping him from falling. "...Just, a bit.. fired up, it seems."
Senna nodded and let out "I'll be camping" she said raising her hand stepping out from behind him. "Well that's if it's okay." She added. First night, she can face this fear she thought. She looked back. "You coming too kotosan" she already decided to nickname him without his permission. @Hobbesisalive @BobbyW

Hobbesisalive said:
Ioko saw that she only scared people and only Yoshi answered her question. Why were they all so silent, you had to be exited for an adventure right? It somehow pissed her off and she turned normal again, facing the red haired guy. "Hm, good." Her answer was simply, but it was due to her pissed off state she was currently in. For her it was camping or returning home.

Before Ioko walked away Yoshi pointed out. "We have others." He said pointing to the girl in blue pigtails and the guy she was with. "See others will join, just give it time." He said with a smile to her. He was trying to cool the situation and make everyone happy.
NickOnTheReg said:
Senna nodded and let out "I'll be camping" she said raising her hand stepping out from behind him. "Well that's if it's okay." She added. First night, she can face this fear she thought. She looked back. "You coming too kotosan" she already decided to nickname him without his permission. @Hobbesisalive @BobbyW

Before Ioko walked away Yoshi pointed out. "We have others." He said pointing to the girl in blue pigtails and the guy she was with. "See others will join, just give it time." He said with a smile to her. He was trying to cool the situation and make everyone happy.
Ioko smiled back but felt empty inside, she didn't mean to force others so she quickly waved her hands towards the boy from earlier and the girl with the pigtails in. 'You don't have to..I mean..It is okay if you stay in a hotel I understand...'' She gave a brief smile and wanted to walk towards nowhere when a hand was placed on her skull. Her face stayed the same while the male spoke to her. ''One tent? Well I guess I can share my blankets.' The female sighed a bit and removed the hand from her hair, Not reading the atmosphere at all.

@I am Rping with myself xD

Satsuki's eyes widened when the girl actually took serious what he said. So he slapped him self with the palm of his hand and scooted over to Makoto and the other girl instead. "Is she serious?" The male didn't have a problem sharing the tent with her, but well...maybe she was joking too.

NickOnTheReg said:
Senna nodded and let out "I'll be camping" she said raising her hand stepping out from behind him. "Well that's if it's okay." She added. First night, she can face this fear she thought. She looked back. "You coming too kotosan" she already decided to nickname him without his permission. @Hobbesisalive @BobbyW

Before Ioko walked away Yoshi pointed out. "We have others." He said pointing to the girl in blue pigtails and the guy she was with. "See others will join, just give it time." He said with a smile to her. He was trying to cool the situation and make everyone happy.
Koto-san?... "Uhmm.." Now he was cornered. Just straight up refusing Senna to tag along, would be far too harsh for him to even concider. He was dealing with a pretty fragile person, after all. ...But... Home...! Although he was still in the process in deciding on where to spend tge night, chances were, that Makoto most likely would've chosen his comfy bed, over a small tend, somewhere in the wild. He sighed deeply, a tini tiny bit of annoyance mixed in it. "..Sure, count me in." I don't think that i've ever been given a nickname before.. people tend to sticking with Makoto... oh well.

Hobbesisalive said:
Ioko smiled back but felt empty inside, she didn't mean to force others so she quickly waved her hands towards the boy from earlier and the girl with the pigtails in. 'You don't have to..I mean..It is okay if you stay in a hotel I understand...'' She gave a brief smile and wanted to walk towards nowhere when a hand was placed on her skull. Her face stayed the same while the male spoke to her. ''One tent? Well I guess I can share my blankets.' The female sighed a bit and removed the hand from her hair, Not reading the atmosphere at all.
@I am Rping with myself xD

Satsuki's eyes widened when the girl actually took serious what he said. So he slapped him self with the palm of his hand and scooted over to Makoto and the other girl instead. "Is she serious?" The male didn't have a problem sharing the tent with her, but well...maybe she was joking too.

"N-no! I want to camp! It's something I have to do. She said walking closer. Inch by inch but for her it was big steps. She looked back at Makoto once he agreed. "Koto-San is in too." She said back towards the girl. She was getting nervous but excited at the same time. She made a friend she hopes and this gave her some confidence that she could do this. She twirled around in the snow and took out her phone. "I must document this!" She said as she ran back over to Makoto and got next to him. She snapped a picture and posted it on Twitter. "Day 1!" It said. @BobbyW
Ioko smiled a bit and was surprised to hear the girl talking. She looked okay, a bit too shy and quiet for her taste, but okay. "Your name is Koto-San? The one that almost fell from his seat?" She looked serious and faced the boy, misunderstanding the situation once again, as his name wasn't of course Koto-San.

Satsuki followed the two and added himself with the group again. It looked like they were all going to camp anyway, he was fine with that. "Everyone has a own tent?" He asked before the group would actually move to a good place. If it happened that one of them didn't have a tent, he could share his.

@BobbyW @NickOnTheReg
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NickOnTheReg said:
"N-no! I want to camp! It's something I have to do. She said walking closer. Inch by inch but for her it was big steps. She looked back at Makoto once he agreed. "Koto-San is in too." She said back towards the girl. She was getting nervous but excited at the same time. She made a friend she hopes and this gave her some confidence that she could do this. She twirled around in the snow and took out her phone. "I must document this!" She said as she ran back over to Makoto and got next to him. She snapped a picture and posted it on Twitter. "Day 1!" It said. @BobbyW
Although... he wasn't really too exciting about that they were going to camp, Makoto gave Senna a re-assuring smile, when she looked back at him. Oh.. man.. He rubbed the back of his head, and was about to yawn, when the girl rushed back towards him, quickly shooting a photo of both of them. There it was, a picture, with Senna, and a yawning Makoto in it. "You aren't going to pos-" The boy tried to say, when he then witnessed her, actually posting it on twitter. ...Greeeaaat.... "...Nevermind." That girl, sure was something special.

Makoto then turned towards the... loud, red haired girl. "U-Uhmm... my name is Makoto, Koto-san is a.. nickname Senna gave me, also, uhmm... thanks for saving me, earlier." The boy rubbed the back of his head. Since he didn't get to thanking her, for the help earlier in the train, this was a fairly good moment to do so.

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