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Realistic or Modern Hop around the world

BobbyW said:
Makoto dragged himself after Senna, trying to hold his pace at a similar rate to hers, at which he was struggling with. "H-Hey! wait up!" So... a little girl is literally faster than me... uff. Fortunately, it didn't take him too long, to finally catch up with the girl, at least once she started taking pictures from the building. Besides the two of them, there was also a family visiting the shrine, which would turn out to be most fortunate for Senna. The girl asked said people to shoot a photo of them, held onto Makoto's arm, and posed. As a response, 'Koto-Kun' did as she asked him to and smiled at the camera/phone. The way, Senna suddenly took a hold of his arm, triggered the boy to display a faint red color, painted across his cheeks. "Y-You know, you could ask me next time before shooting a photo.. or asking someone else to shoot a photo of me."
Senna took her phone back. "Arigato" she said and bowed to them. She turned back to Makoto. "Gomen, but I feel like if I'd ask you'd say no. So I just want to take as many as I can of new friends and memories that are happening." She smiled and walked towards the shrine. She placed 500yen in the box and shoke the rope, clapped her hands and prayed and wished. After a bit she stepped back and bowed. She stood back and waited for Makoto to finish @BobbyW
NickOnTheReg said:
Senna took her phone back. "Arigato" she said and bowed to them. She turned back to Makoto. "Gomen, but I feel like if I'd ask you'd say no. So I just want to take as many as I can of new friends and memories that are happening." She smiled and walked towards the shrine. She placed 500yen in the box and shoke the rope, clapped her hands and prayed and wished. After a bit she stepped back and bowed. She stood back and waited for Makoto to finish @BobbyW
Makoto sighed at Senna's explanation to his comment, before patting her on the shoulder. That girl sure is something special. He followed the female into the shrine, doing exactly as she did herself, in a bow-clap-bow order. The boy then did a quick prayer, before quietly mumbling his wish. Then, once he had finished, Makoto returned back to the girl, giving her a little smile. "So! what did you wish for?"
BobbyW said:
Makoto sighed at Senna's explanation to his comment, before patting her on the shoulder. That girl sure is something special. He followed the female into the shrine, doing exactly as she did herself, in a bow-clap-bow order. The boy then did a quick prayer, before quietly mumbling his wish. Then, once he had finished, Makoto returned back to the girl, giving her a little smile. "So! what did you wish for?"
Senna looked at him. "Bakaaaa" she said with a smile and giggle. "I can't tell you, then it won't come true." She skipped as they walked back down. " I should get something for Otousan and Okaasan." Senna said. "Like a postcard of every city we go to." She said with a smile. "What about you Koto-Kun? Are you going to?" @BobbyW
NickOnTheReg said:
Senna looked at him. "Bakaaaa" she said with a smile and giggle. "I can't tell you, then it won't come true." She skipped as they walked back down. " I should get something for Otousan and Okaasan." Senna said. "Like a postcard of every city we go to." She said with a smile. "What about you Koto-Kun? Are you going to?" @BobbyW
Makoto rubbed the back of his head at her comment, simply letting out a small chuckle. He held his pace with the girl, that was now continuing her way out of the shrine. Then, once they had exited the building, Makoto gave his friend a little smile, as a response to her next statement. "Maybe for my brother, Hiroyuki." Mentioning his family, brought the boy on another idea, or a thought, he had remembered once again. "By the way, we'll have to stop by at my place, since sharing a tent with... Satsuki, isn't an option right now." After a brief moment, he added, "I think my dad shuld have one lying around."
BobbyW said:
Makoto rubbed the back of his head at her comment, simply letting out a small chuckle. He held his pace with the girl, that was now continuing her way out of the shrine. Then, once they had exited the building, Makoto gave his friend a little smile, as a response to her next statement. "Maybe for my brother, Hiroyuki." Mentioning his family, brought the boy on another idea, or a thought, he had remembered once again. "By the way, we'll have to stop by at my place, since sharing a tent with... Satsuki, isn't an option right now." After a brief moment, he added, "I think my dad shuld have one lying around."
Senna looked up at home. "Oh I like that name. How old is he?" She forgot he lived in the city. "Oh yeah you're close by." She paused for a moment when he said they had to stop by your place. "Meet your parents?!? I can't wait!" Senna said with a smile. "You and Satsuki-San will make up. I'll make sure of it!" She said with a determined look on her face. @BobbyW
Hobbesisalive said:
Satsuki felt like he was shaking the hand of a little kid, but she was probably older then hin which made the situation quite funny. "Yes we are all camping, well we are sharing a tent but still." he answered her question as he let go of her hand, running it quickly through his hair. "And I don't mind, I needed a companion anyway." the boy smiled and gazed around the street they were standing in. "So what do you want to see? I can give you a quick or full tour?" the boy locked his eyes on her waited for her to reply.

Ioko chuckled as she saw how nervous the boy behind her was, she stepped into the elevator at the same time with him and quickly pressed the 38 etage button. "Up to the top!" she whispered so no one coukld hear them. It would be quite the challenge, going up 38 stages and not being noticed. It was almost doomed to fail already, but Ioko loved challenges so she didn't mind if they eventually got caught. @NickOnTheReg

Yoshi watched her press the 38 button. "Well at least we don't have to climb the stairs." he said laughing. If they got caught, he wouldn't know what to do. Well he'd take all the blame and make sure Ioko escaped. That's what he would do. He gave himself a fist pump of confidence as they scaled the floors. Maybe people would think he's new since he is kinda dressy and Ioko, well she looks amazing he thought. @Hobbesisalive
Hobbesisalive said:
Satsuki felt like he was shaking the hand of a little kid, but she was probably older then hin which made the situation quite funny. "Yes we are all camping, well we are sharing a tent but still." he answered her question as he let go of her hand, running it quickly through his hair. "And I don't mind, I needed a companion anyway." the boy smiled and gazed around the street they were standing in. "So what do you want to see? I can give you a quick or full tour?" the boy locked his eyes on her waited for her to reply.
"I think the company is p-pretty nice. And I don't need a tour or anything, I've been here about a week already. That hot-hotel chewed up most of my funds.." It probably wasn't wise to stay there the whole time, but-- goddamn.. The beds. She was a sucker for the nice beds. She felt pretty well rested as well, which was nice. "I think it would be fun to go camping. I was gunna t-take a look in some shops, but I guess I-I should save up what I have left. Gregory is mailing me a monthly allowance for support, a-and I've got the money I've worked up for.."

Ellie looked down towards the bag in Satsuki's hand. There seemed to be some black kitten toy in there holding a sign, what did it say? No, she shouldn't pry.. She decided to leave it alone for now.
NickOnTheReg said:
Yoshi watched her press the 38 button. "Well at least we don't have to climb the stairs." he said laughing. If they got caught, he wouldn't know what to do. Well he'd take all the blame and make sure Ioko escaped. That's what he would do. He gave himself a fist pump of confidence as they scaled the floors. Maybe people would think he's new since he is kinda dressy and Ioko, well she looks amazing he thought. @Hobbesisalive
Ioko looked at the little numbers displayed above the door, which switched everytime they reached another floor. It was onky going slow, what made Ioko annoyed. So she sighed and grabbed her hair to put into a office like bun. Luckily there was a little mirror in the elevator, so she adjusted some hairs here and there and closed her coat. Now the girl looked more like someone who actually acted like her age, which was needed when another person would enter the lift. After a minute the elevator stopped and for a split second Ioko's eyes widened a bit. The doors opened and a man with a suitcase entered. He nodded at both of them as greeting, Ioko nodded back and looked at the button the man pressed. Number 16. That was visual development, which Ioko knew because her father had once worked hear. She as kid had visited quite often so it was all set in her mind. "Going to the development again Otani-kun?" the girl smiled towards the male and he turned around. "Ah Ioko, yes indeed. You have grown, last time I saw you, you were around 16?" Ioki blinked and shrugged. "Hm" the male smiled and winjed at her once they arrived at number 16. "I'll treat you to coffee some day!" then his face dissapeared. She looked to Yoshi and smiled. The fact that she hadn't told him about her past with this office wasn't on purpose. She just never thought it would interest him, or well it didn't interest her so she had never opened her mouth about it.
Hobbesisalive said:
Ioko looked at the little numbers displayed above the door, which switched everytime they reached another floor. It was onky going slow, what made Ioko annoyed. So she sighed and grabbed her hair to put into a office like bun. Luckily there was a little mirror in the elevator, so she adjusted some hairs here and there and closed her coat. Now the girl looked more like someone who actually acted like her age, which was needed when another person would enter the lift. After a minute the elevator stopped and for a split second Ioko's eyes widened a bit. The doors opened and a man with a suitcase entered. He nodded at both of them as greeting, Ioko nodded back and looked at the button the man pressed. Number 16. That was visual development, which Ioko knew because her father had once worked hear. She as kid had visited quite often so it was all set in her mind. "Going to the development again Otani-kun?" the girl smiled towards the male and he turned around. "Ah Ioko, yes indeed. You have grown, last time I saw you, you were around 16?" Ioki blinked and shrugged. "Hm" the male smiled and winjed at her once they arrived at number 16. "I'll treat you to coffee some day!" then his face dissapeared. She looked to Yoshi and smiled. The fact that she hadn't told him about her past with this office wasn't on purpose. She just never thought it would interest him, or well it didn't interest her so she had never opened her mouth about it.
Yoshi was so nervous when the man entered then his mind seemed to have hit a brick wall. What the hell? eh? he thought to himself when he saw Ioko talk to the guy and apparently he knew her for a long time. Once the man left Yoshi looked long and hard at Ioko. "So..." he said as he leaned against the elevator wall. "Do you care to explain what just happened and why I almost had a mini heart attack." he added @Hobbesisalive
NickOnTheReg said:
Senna looked up at home. "Oh I like that name. How old is he?" She forgot he lived in the city. "Oh yeah you're close by." She paused for a moment when he said they had to stop by your place. "Meet your parents?!? I can't wait!" Senna said with a smile. "You and Satsuki-San will make up. I'll make sure of it!" She said with a determined look on her face. @BobbyW
As they continued their way towards Makoto's place, a smile started to display on the boys lips, before responding to her question, "Oh, Hiroyuki's 10 years old." Then, following to Senna's next statement, he added, "...Is meeting my parents such a exciting thing to do? I mean, i guess i would understand it if you were my girlfriend." Makoto repeated the reply in his head, after actually speaking it out, letting him blush as a response. After the time they had spend together today, the thought of it seemed a little more realistic to the boy, Senna was indeed special.
BobbyW said:
As they continued their way towards Makoto's place, a smile started to display on the boys lips, before responding to her question, "Oh, Hiroyuki's 10 years old." Then, following to Senna's next statement, he added, "...Is meeting my parents such a exciting thing to do? I mean, i guess i would understand it if you were my girlfriend." Makoto repeated the reply in his head, after actually speaking it out, letting him blush as a response. After the time they had spend together today, the thought of it seemed a little more realistic to the boy, Senna was indeed special.
Senna stopped and blushed a lot. "K-ko-Koto-Kun." She said as she continued walking next to him. "I-I-I can't be your girlfriend, you haven't even taken me on a date." She said squeeing in her mind. No one has ever said the g- word around her. Senna then changed the subject quick. "10? Kawaiii, I bet he looks up to you." She added. @BobbyW
Ioko looked at the boy and blinked. "Ah that was a colleague of my father." She simply said before continuing her sentence. "Oh, and I think it was just the shock that made you think that you had a heart attack." She didn't get the sarcastic point at all and stayed realistic. The girl grinned and put her thumbs up. "No worries." Then the lift finally stopped at their floor and she enjoyed the wind as they set foot on the stones. "Finally"
Hobbesisalive said:
Satsuki put his hands in his pocket while they made their way towards camp he guessed. He noticed that the girl stuttered a lot so at one point he stopped walking and faced her. "Am I that scary?" A brief smile slipped on Satsuki's face. He was just wondering, maybe he looked intimidating or something.
Ioko looked at the boy and blinked. "Ah that was a colleague of my father." She simply said before continuing her sentence. "Oh, and I think it was just the shock that made you think that you had a heart attack." She didn't get the sarcastic point at all and stayed realistic. The girl grinned and put her thumbs up. "No worries." Then the lift finally stopped at their floor and she enjoyed the wind as they set foot on the stones. "Finally"
Yoshi facepalmed at Ioko's response. He was going to answer but didn't. Seeing her face light up once they reached the top floor and roof. The wind was something and it felt better since the rain pretty much stopped. "Ah this feels nice." He said with a smile @Hobbesisalive
Hobbesisalive said:
Satsuki put his hands in his pocket while they made their way towards camp he guessed. He noticed that the girl stuttered a lot so at one point he stopped walking and faced her. "Am I that scary?" A brief smile slipped on Satsuki's face. He was just wondering, maybe he looked intimidating or something.
Ellie paused a moment. Scary? Why would he be scary? "Huh? Uh. N-No, I don't think so. D-Do other people usually think you're scary?" Poor guy. Most people avoided Gregory (adoptive father) because he was so damn big, but in reality he was just a giant puppy dog. Hehe. She thought on it a moment.. Did she look nervous? Probab-- oh.. The stutter. Of course.. Her face flushed slightly, and she turned to explain. "O-Oh, the uh.. T-The stutter, it. I-I've had it forever. J-Just from, uh.. Stress." And for some reason, actually talking about the stutter just sent it flying out of control. Oh well. She'd get over it, just like she always did. "I-It's a long story. B-But, no, I don't think you're very scary." He was kind of cute, actually, for a boy. Maybe, if Satsuki listened close enough, she could hear the little 'ping' of Ellie's gaydar.

Currently: 18:23 PM

Everyone slowly gets back to camp.


Ioko had enjoyed her day till the fullest, despite the rain and snow, sitting on the roof came out quite well. As she and Yoshi made their way down the building via the elevator, she gave him a brief smile. It was due to him she had enjoyed it this much. The girl crossed her arms behind her back and waited till the elevator reached floor 0. "Thanks." She said, giving him a small grin. Then Ioko opened the door and walked out, they were heading towards camp so she expected Yoshi to follow.


satsuki had hang around town with Elizabeth the rest of the day, and he wanted to introduce her to the others so he turned his face her way and grinned. "Want to tag along to camp? I am sure the others will be pleased to meet you," It was a fun girl to be around, a little shy maybe and a little clumsy but she could make him laugh. With some time the two could be friends, Satsuki was sure of that.

As they neared camp, he felt a little nervous. Just because he had to face Makoto again, but he wasn't going to drag the whole problem out. No the male decided to approach him immediately. Satsuki wasn't the kind of type that could sit around all day waiting for something to happen. He was the one that made it happen.

@Alice Ventura @BobbyW
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After a little while, the two of them finally made their way towards Makoto's place, intending to take the tent, he had thought to be lying around somewhere in his house, with them.... unfortunately for him, it turned out out that his father apparently broke it at his last camping trip, together with Hiroyuki. So, Makoto and Senna had to stand through almost half an hour, getting teased by his family, for basically nothing. "Uhh... i think i should apologize... for uhmm... my mom.. and, dad.. and brother... so basically my whole family." He said, while rubbing the back of his head. The boy knew that his parents wouldn't let the sight of their son, bringing a girl with him to their house, slide off. ...They could've at least tried to be mature about it... Despite that, Makoto's real problem at the moment, would be the fact that he'd might to share a tent with Satsuki for the night, once again. Now that wouldn't really be a problem, under normal circumstances, but after the incident in front of the chocolate shop, literally sleeping next to that guy, wasn't exactly the most comfortable place for him. As they continued their way towards the camp, Makoto could feel his heart starting to beat faster, step by step. arriving at their destination would mean to inevitably face Satsuki again... and the thought of that made the boy nervous.

@Hobbesisalive @NickOnTheReg

Yoshi enjoyed the day and couldn't believe how fast the time went by. Being with Ioko was amazing and he was so happy it was just those two. He feel like they have a connection on a different level. Knowing Yoshi it's probably completely one sided and he just thinks it's like that. Either way he made a good friend and he was very happy about that. Yoshi smiled back at her as the elevator decended down the tall building. "Anytime." He said with a smile as they exited back into the main lobby and working their way towards the camp site. "I wonder if others had a good day." He said to her. @Hobbesisalive


Senna was bright red almost the whole time at Makoto's house. She saw how uncomfortable he was getting with the constant teasing. Yet Senna remained calm and cheerful. She bowed when they left and thanked them for allowing her to be there. "Koto-Kun, you don't need to apologize." She said with a smile. "They were very nice." She added as she skipped back towards camp. "With no tent you and Satsuki-San can make up and be friends again!" She said further into the walk. "Ne, I want to buy bread for everyone before we get back." Senna said looking at Makoto.
NickOnTheReg said:

Yoshi enjoyed the day and couldn't believe how fast the time went by. Being with Ioko was amazing and he was so happy it was just those two. He feel like they have a connection on a different level. Knowing Yoshi it's probably completely one sided and he just thinks it's like that. Either way he made a good friend and he was very happy about that. Yoshi smiled back at her as the elevator decended down the tall building. "Anytime." He said with a smile as they exited back into the main lobby and working their way towards the camp site. "I wonder if others had a good day." He said to her. @Hobbesisalive


Senna was bright red almost the whole time at Makoto's house. She saw how uncomfortable he was getting with the constant teasing. Yet Senna remained calm and cheerful. She bowed when they left and thanked them for allowing her to be there. "Koto-Kun, you don't need to apologize." She said with a smile. "They were very nice." She added as she skipped back towards camp. "With no tent you and Satsuki-San can make up and be friends again!" She said further into the walk. "Ne, I want to buy bread for everyone before we get back." Senna said looking at Makoto.
Makoto shifted his gaze over to Senna, returning the smile she was currently displaying. He nodded as a response, before changing back into a neutral expression, because of her next comment. The boy didn't say anything, until now, Makoto never gave her a clear answer, regarding the whole 'making up with Satsuki' thing.. for a good reason. Therefor, having Senna change the topic without any influence from his side, was most fortunate for him. "Bread? I'm sure we'll be able to stop by a store, before heading back." Makoto slid his hands into his pockets, after driving one of them through his hair.
BobbyW said:
Makoto shifted his gaze over to Senna, returning the smile she was currently displaying. He nodded as a response, before changing back into a neutral expression, because of her next comment. The boy didn't say anything, until now, Makoto never gave her a clear answer, regarding the whole 'making up with Satsuki' thing.. for a good reason. Therefor, having Senna change the topic without any influence from his side, was most fortunate for him. "Bread? I'm sure we'll be able to stop by a store, before heading back." Makoto slid his hands into his pockets, after driving one of them through his hair.
Senna smiled. "Since you're with me, you get to pick what kind you want." She said. They continued to walk, by now the rain/snow has stopped and she is skipping along. "Tokyo is a big place koto-kun, I don't know if it's for me." Senna stated. "I use to dream of the city when I was growing up, but now I don't know if I like it. I mean it's fun trip but not permanently." They approached a store where Senna could buy some bread for everyone back at the camp. "But I'd come visit you." She said with a giggle and smile before twirling around entering the store. @BobbyW
NickOnTheReg said:

Yoshi enjoyed the day and couldn't believe how fast the time went by. Being with Ioko was amazing and he was so happy it was just those two. He feel like they have a connection on a different level. Knowing Yoshi it's probably completely one sided and he just thinks it's like that. Either way he made a good friend and he was very happy about that. Yoshi smiled back at her as the elevator decended down the tall building. "Anytime." He said with a smile as they exited back into the main lobby and working their way towards the camp site. "I wonder if others had a good day." He said to her. @Hobbesisalive


Senna was bright red almost the whole time at Makoto's house. She saw how uncomfortable he was getting with the constant teasing. Yet Senna remained calm and cheerful. She bowed when they left and thanked them for allowing her to be there. "Koto-Kun, you don't need to apologize." She said with a smile. "They were very nice." She added as she skipped back towards camp. "With no tent you and Satsuki-San can make up and be friends again!" She said further into the walk. "Ne, I want to buy bread for everyone before we get back." Senna said looking at Makoto.
Ioko shrugged and turned her head towards Yoshi. "I am sure they have a good day, it seemed that Makoto and Satsuki already knew eachother, so Senna is in good hands as well. (Haha nope)" for a moment the girl stopped, maybe they should consider buying food for everyone. "Do you think we need to buy food?" She looked around and her red colored eyes lingered on a small store. "Well only the desserts matter, we can buy cake?" A innocent smile slipped on the female's lips while she aksed.
Hobbesisalive said:
Ioko shrugged and turned her head towards Yoshi. "I am sure they have a good day, it seemed that Makoto and Satsuki already knew eachother, so Senna is in good hands as well. (Haha nope)" for a moment the girl stopped, maybe they should consider buying food for everyone. "Do you think we need to buy food?" She looked around and her red colored eyes lingered on a small store. "Well only the desserts matter, we can buy cake?" A innocent smile slipped on the female's lips while she aksed.
Yoshi paused and looked at her. That poor girl. He thought in his head. He paused when he caught Ioko's gaze looking at a cake shop. "True desserts matter, yeah let's get some cake for everyone." He said as he started walking with her inside. "It smells good in here." He added once entering and looking around. His stomach rumbled and his mouth watered looking at all these sweets. @Hobbesisalive
NickOnTheReg said:
Senna smiled. "Since you're with me, you get to pick what kind you want." She said. They continued to walk, by now the rain/snow has stopped and she is skipping along. "Tokyo is a big place koto-kun, I don't know if it's for me." Senna stated. "I use to dream of the city when I was growing up, but now I don't know if I like it. I mean it's fun trip but not permanently." They approached a store where Senna could buy some bread for everyone back at the camp. "But I'd come visit you." She said with a giggle and smile before twirling around entering the store. @BobbyW
Makoto listened to Senna's statement regarding her opinion about Tokyo as a whole, only nodding here and there to let her know that he was paying attention. "It's not for everyone... but, well i don't know anything else." He said, looking at the giant buildings, that were currently surrounding the two before having a faint frown appear on his face. Huh... that's true.. i really don't know anything else... what if that's the only reason, why my opinion of the city is still somewhat high? i mean... both Satsuki and Senna don't seem to enjoy it... The boy sighed heavily, before then, the previous frown of his changed into a weak smile. "And i'll make sure to visit you in Okinawa." As they entered the store, Makoto moved directly towards the 'bread corner' of the market, coming to a halt right in front of the shelves. Then, the boy closed his eyes, made a swift spin, and randomly pointed at... somewhere... Since Senna said, that he'd be the one to pick the bread for today, they'd had to pick whatever Makoto happened to point at. "...And?... what is it?" He opened one of his eyes, peeking at the girl next to him.
BobbyW said:
Makoto listened to Senna's statement regarding her opinion about Tokyo as a whole, only nodding here and there to let her know that he was paying attention. "It's not for everyone... but, well i don't know anything else." He said, looking at the giant buildings, that were currently surrounding the two before having a faint frown appear on his face. Huh... that's true.. i really don't know anything else... what if that's the only reason, why my opinion of the city is still somewhat high? i mean... both Satsuki and Senna don't seem to enjoy it... The boy sighed heavily, before then, the previous frown of his changed into a weak smile. "And i'll make sure to visit you in Okinawa." As they entered the store, Makoto moved directly towards the 'bread corner' of the market, coming to a halt right in front of the shelves. Then, the boy closed his eyes, made a swift spin, and randomly pointed at... somewhere... Since Senna said, that he'd be the one to pick the bread for today, they'd had to pick whatever Makoto happened to point at. "...And?... what is it?" He opened one of his eyes, peeking at the girl next to him.
Senna blushed when Makoto said he'd visit her. "Really? You'd have to come to the water, and there is hot springs and everything. We have spare rooms at my house so you could stay there." Senna was bright red talking, she quickly covered her mouth and a small laugh came from it. "Gomen" she said through her hands. Once Makoto pointed at the bread Senna let out a big squee. "Sweet bean bread! I love it." She said grabbing a couple for everyone with some extras incase they wanted seconds. "Koto-Kun, grab some juice." She said as she walked to the counter. @BobbyW
NickOnTheReg said:
Senna blushed when Makoto said he'd visit her. "Really? You'd have to come to the water, and there is hot springs and everything. We have spare rooms at my house so you could stay there." Senna was bright red talking, she quickly covered her mouth and a small laugh came from it. "Gomen" she said through her hands. Once Makoto pointed at the bread Senna let out a big squee. "Sweet bean bread! I love it." She said grabbing a couple for everyone with some extras incase they wanted seconds. "Koto-Kun, grab some juice." She said as she walked to the counter. @BobbyW
Listening to Senna, rambling about Okinawa, and how she'd enjoy if Makoto would visit, made the boy's already visible smile even brighter. Yup, i'll definitely have to visit sometime. He was happy, that the 'bread-rolette' thing turned out to pick a sourt of bread that the girl enjoyed. Then, after Senna had everything bread related she needed, the two of them made their way to the counter, with Makoto taking a little detour, in order to grab some juice, like Senna asked him to. Let's see... He took a big bottle of what seemed to be some kind of Berry-juice mix, before returning to Senna again. "Alright, that should do it."

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