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Fantasy «╳» Highland Academy «╳» A School For the Supernatural

"I really am sorry." she said, smiling sincerely "I should have been more careful. My name is Avaline, Ava for short. What's your name?" She asked curiously. She really did want to know, the boy had been standing all alone, so she was guessing he didn't have many friends.

Hartley gave a small chuckle, not entirely certain what he meant, but liking the sound of it. "I would help but... I don't know where we are. How old are you anyway?" She brushed right over the first sentence, certain she'd be less help and more counterproductive. Pausing, she leaned in and inspected him closely. "Are you a half breed?" @AriesKurisu
"Well that makes two us lass" He chuckled a bit and got a tint of red when she started inspecting him and asking if he was a half breed, "No actually, I'm a full blooded stag" This often confused him as well, he guessed he was given a human appearance because of his mother but doesn't posses any human blood..
"I-it's really fine.." Wynn replied, fiddling with the campus map still in his hands. "Oh, um I'm Wynn Song. I mean Wynn. Just Wynn." He stated though his voice started to trail off at the end of the sentence. He kept his eyes on the ground, attempting to avoid eye contact. You're making a fool out of yourself Wynn... The first person you talk to at this school besides Blake and you can barely get a full sentence out. He thought to himself, already feeling embarrassed.

"Nice to meet you Wynn." She smiled before hearing a teachers voice a distance away. "Have you seen the girl on the janitors cart?? She has orange hair." Avaline's eyes widened and she turned to Wynn "Will you help me?" The teacher grew closer.

A smile rose to her face. "Ah, some sort of animal nonetheless. A stag huh? That sounds really pretty..." Hartley trailed off, picturing the sight in her head, with a cloudy gaze. She turned back to him with another smile. "Well, let's say we find somewhere helpful together, huh?"

Wynn looked at Ava, obviously confused. "Um eh... what?" He stammered before nodding. "Um S-sure. Okay. W-what do you need help with?" He finally got out. Wynn what are you getting yourself into... He thought, but he would have felt guilty to have just left this girl hanging.

He smiled a bit scratching his head, ruffling his snow white hair. "Sound like a plan!" Aakil looked back at her a second time and found there were ears atop her head, "Grand ears you have there! Your'e a cat I assume?" He asked through his Irish accent.
Hartley's ears twitched at the mention of them as if aware of the attention. "Oh, yes. Though most don't like us cat people. We tend to be sneaky." With her last comment, she gave him a playful wink and turned to start walking. "Tell me more about stags." She requested, intrigued by him.
"Thank you so much!" She exclaimed, quickly kissing him on the cheek. Avaline placed her hand on his forehead and chanted a few hurried words. Suddenly, she began transforming into Wynn. She looked almost exactly the same and no one would notice unless they looked extremely close. Her eyes slightly glowed, that was the only change. She grinned at Wynn and took his books from him as she pushed him gently into the bushes, putting her finger over her mouth, the symbol for stay quiet. "If this doesn't work, we're damned." she murmured in her own voice. She sat down and pretended to read Wynn's book. The teacher walked over, "Mr. Song!" the male staff member exclaimed "Y-ye-es sir?" Avaline said in a perfect replica of Wynn's voice. "Have you seen that girl!? The one on the janitor's cart?!" he asked. "No sir." Avaline replied. "Well okay then." The teacher sighed and walked off.

(I think I'm going to bed. Night! @Rosyshark)
Aakil thought the twitching of her ears was kinda cute... "Oh really? Wouldn't have thought that, you seem to be quite sound" When Aakil spotted her wink he got a slight scarlet across his cheek. He then heard her ask about stags, rather nice. No one really asked before. "Well, not much to tell. White stags are a male only species. And we are considered messengers of the underworld in celtic religion." He took a breath before continuing, "We are a part of nature as we are of humanity, it's difficult to explain perfectly...", He paused and looked back to the strange lass, "I never did catch yer name lass"
It was safe to say Wynn was thoroughly confused. One moment Ava kissed his cheek, then the next he was looking at what looked like him and getting pushed into the bushes. He watched the exchange between Ava-wynn and the teacher, his face still a little red from the kiss. He always did fluster easy. Once the teacher walked away his head popped up from out of the bushes, and he seemed ready to ask a million questions but all he could think to say was, "... huh the teacher actually knew my name."

@LoveLures Night!)
Hartley stifled a giggle at his words and noticed him blush. Aww, he's cute, she thought. When he began to speak of stags, she listened intently, giving him her full attention. The species sounded incredibly interesting and although she had a lot more questions, she decided to find out on her own and not harass him with a large multitude of questions. "My name? I'm Hartley, what's yours?"
Aakil was intrigued at her intently listening, it was quite nice... He didn't want to overload her about talking about himself the whole time, "It's Aakil Wilson. Pleasure to meet you" He said with a gentle smile. "I personally don't know much about cats, mind telling me about them?" He was especially curious after he had met this strange girl, a good strange.
"Same to you!" Hartley cocked her head to the side, pondering. She gathered together what she remembered and knew. "Let's see... We tend to be very agile and playful," Hartley began slowly, recalling a particularly shiny set of keys. "The half breed cats are especially popular in Japan and they call us Nekos although Neko itself just means cat... or was it girl... And the cat creatures as I said are known for being conniving." A small part of her hoped her explanation wasn't too all over the place and she chuckled awkwardly, embarrassed by the thought.
Aakil laughed at the fact her explanation was all over the place and just continued playfully laughing. "You're really strange!" But he smiled at the fact. "Japan? I haven't been there yet... I heard the food is quite tasty"
"Strange?" Hartley repeated. She knew some used the word in a bad way but the way he smiled and laughed only made her happy to hear it. Really, she liked his accent a lot. "I like when you talk..." She said honestly, the words just slipping out. Realizing it might have sounded weird, she blushed and averted her eyes, changing the subject as quickly as possible. "Well, Japanese food. It is really tasty. So much fish... I get sushi quite often, I wouldn't mind getting you some."
Aakil was evermore surprised at her when she said she liked her accent, "Oh um.. Thank you... Hartley.." Aakil was embarrassed so easily and he averted his eyes and played with hair a little and "floofed" it and his blush wasn't making it at all better. When she changed the subject he stuttered over his words a wee. "Hm.. I've never eaten fish before, my sister and mum think it's good though"
"Never eaten fish?! Well, you've been missing out." Hartley exclaimed with mock shock. The flush from her cheeks was beginning to fade replaced with more curiosity and fascination.
"Guess I'll have to fix that huh?" He said with a little chuckle... Although deer and stags were vegetarians.. He could try it once. But he forgot to ask something of her, he turned towards her and asked, "Are you a student of the academy around here?"
Avaline pulled him out of the bushes and hugged him. "Thank you so much!" the girl repeated as she hugged him, her hair rapidly turning a beautiful rose color, the color of gratitude. Ava released him. "It would have been horrible if I had detention on the first day." She looked at him with her mix-matched eyes in thought and then nodded, "Yeah, I guess he did know your name." Ava smiled @Rosyshark
Kaue watched the two girls part ways and heaved a sigh of relief. He leaned back and closed his eyes again. He knew that the first time he had come forward it was to interact but now that he had seen some quality interaction and the bonds of friendship, he was pretty sure that he just wanted some time with nature. The rays of sun on his face were warming and he felt like he could sleep forever. He knew that some sort of lesson would be happening at some point but until that happened he would stay out here with the company of nature. He felt around until he felt his staff and he twirled it around blindly. He whacked himself in the face with one end and slightly embarrassed he set it down again.
(@Fantasy Crazy Your character looks perfectly fine to me, but I'm not an admin and Frankie seems offline. Sorry .-.)
Wynn's gaze was locked on Ava's hair. That's new. He thought and realized she was still talking to him. "N-no problem.... You turned into me." He added obviously very curious about that. Well really everything about this girl made him curious. Why was she riding a janitor cart? How did she turn into him? Why did her hair change color? And also why she wasn't in dress code, but that wasn't the main question on his mind.


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