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Fantasy «╳» Highland Academy «╳» A School For the Supernatural

Blake had grown bored of just sitting around, and she had already filled the entire page of her book with scribbles. Shutting the book she stood up and put it in her bag and began to walk around looking for any familiar face. And by familiar face she meant Wynn. She stopped though,distracted by a.... levitating boy? She really wasn't sure why she was even slightly surprised by that considering the school she was in. She looked back in time to see him knock his head on a branch. That looked painful. She thought. She considered going over and asking if he was okay, but then she remembered she was looking for Wynn. But then again Wynn had made her promise to go talk to others this year. This really was a predicament for her. She was also so caught up in her thoughts she hadn't realized to others it looked like she was just staring at this boy for an creepy amount of time.

"I understand. Bluntness doesn't really bother me, if you're wondering." She gave him a small smile, "So anyways, when can we go meet her?" she asked excitedly, her hair now bright green. Avaline had always liked meeting new people.

Wynn thought for a moment. "Um... Well now if you want... And if we can find her." He answered looking around. He would attempt to call her cell phone... But knowing Blake it would be in her room and out of battery."She should be around here somewhere... Last time I saw her was around the courtyard."

Avaline looked around for a second before realizing she didn't know what Wynn's sister, Blake, looked like. She turned to Wynn, "Hey, Wynn, what exactly does your sister look like? I need to know so I can help you look." she told him.

"Oh well first off. She look absolutely nothing like me." Wynn started. "She's taller, had short hair that's really dark green, she also has tanner skin. Wears glasses And looks very unimpressed with everything." He finished, hoping that description of Blake would be good enough. Usually people just looked for a girl that looked like him not realizing they're adopted.

Kaue glanced at the branch and patted it sadly. "Sorry. Hope you're not hurt." The branch, being a branch, didn't respond but Kaue was okay with that. He slung his staff over his shoulder and noticed the girl staring at him. Had to be the whole floating thing. He looked down at the ground and shrugged. He could get a prosthetic but where was the fun in that? He shrugged to himself and made his way over to the two chatting girls.

"Can't help but notice a serious conversation going on here. Everything alright?" Not only was he a little open to conversation but he was also a little embarrassed that somebody noticed him whack his head.

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Blake instantly stiffened. Had that guy been talking to her, or to someone else? She looked around to see if there was anyone else and noticed that Wynn wasn't too far off, but hadn't seemed to noticed her yet... And was talking to a girl. That was new. She looked back at the floating boy. If she didn't say anything after staring for so long it would make her seem weird and creepy. But if she did talk.... Well then she would have to talk. "That looked like it was going to leave a bruise." She finally said to the boy referring to how he his his head in her normal almost monotone voice.

((Oh my gosh I'm sorry! I forgot for a moment when I wrote that post that you have two characters!))

"Eh, I guess it will. I could just heal it, but sometimes you just need to experience the natural way of things. If it were more serious then I would heal it I guess. But what's the rush, we have loads of time in our lives left. A bruised ego will dissapear after a while!"

He shrugged lightly. "So, who're you looking for? I mean, you probably weren't looking for someone to bump their noggin, any way I can help?" He looked up at the sky. "You can see the sky so much better from this school. Do you like nature?" He forced his mouth shut before he went off on an environmental tangent.

(heh it's fine ^^ Sorry for taking a while to respond, notifications are being weird for me.)

Blake wasn't sure which to answer first so she went with the latter. "It's nice I guess. Rain's nice... And trees." She said, her expression staying unchanged. Despite her lack of words she really did enjoy being outdoors. Sunlight felt nice to her and she always enjoyed find small insects and whatnot. She looked down at his feet, or foot really, then back up at him. "How are you doing that?" She asked, meaning the floating.

Clow spent the rest of his afternoon training with his sister and her arsenal of weapons where they moved as one when he wasn't launching rocks or toppling trees, his sister would launch missiles and smoke bombs and using her knife fingers to slice and dice. Then with grace he would launch daggers into the air and use them as portable weapons cutting scattered leaves as they fell oh so gracefully. He barely broke a sweat but knew that this would be enough for today and only attacked with her sister to keep up strength.
"Oh the levitating thing? I'm a mage or a warlock or a wizard or whatever you call them here. My wandless power is flight which I use to levitate because it's cheaper in a sense than buying a prosthetic. And why should I cover up something that was meant to happen? The universe has a semi-set plan for all of us, we take what we get and make the most of it. Like this courtyard of sorts. It's a natural expanse with lots of green space, flowers and some trees. But not everybody will utilise this space after today." He once again noted the fact that he was going off on a tangent and stopped himself.

Nature, he found, is the only thing you needed to survive. Everything else is a little nice but not needed. He took a deep breath and glanced around at the green space again. "So, out of curiosity, what supernatural being are you? If you don't want to answer though that's cool, everyone has their own comfort zones."

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Blake went quiet, or she would have if she had even been saying anything. She hated when people asked her that. Not because she was uncomfortable with it, but because she didn't have a proper name for it. "I'm a thing." She simply replied. Wait.... That won't answer it. "I haven't found a name for it yet." She elaborated. "The best way to describe it... Think of an elemental. A being made of that element with control over it and can take on a human form. I'm something similar to that. But with shadows and darkness." She finished. "But I am still not sure if that could count as being an elemental because I don't think darkness is an element."

(Sorry about the lateness of my replies, I've been extremely busy. @Rosyshark)

Avaline nodded, "Okay, I can work with that." The young girl glanced around for a minute before spotting a girl pretty similar to his description. After staring at her for a moment, she was 99.9 percent sure it was Blake, but she wanted to check with Wynn first, "Wynn, is that her?" she asked, pointing at the girl taking to the dark-skinned floating man.
Wynn looked over and at first was just surprised to see her talking to someone. "Yeah that's her. I wonder who she's talking to." He said softly. "I hope she's making friends!" He added, sounding a bit more excited than before. He couldn't help it, he wanted to see his sister actually make a friend. And whoever she was talking to looked like a nice guy.

He grinned and nodded. "That's pretty cool! And you don't need a staff to channel your power? Double cool! But don't call yourself a thing, don't degrade yourself. Darkness is an element, so call yourself an elemental with pride! Unless you don't want to be called an elemental. In which case you'll figure out the title you want in your own time." He nodded slowly as he finished.

Blake nodded a bit. "I don't degrade myself by saying thing. If I had been looking to do that I probably would have said unholy abomination that crawled out of the depths of the abyss.... Though I could see some seeing that at a title to be proud of." She said, meaning the last part as a joke, though with her tone of voice she probably sounded serious. "But yes, I don't need anything to channel my powers. It's all through emotion and feeling."

Thanantos Olympia gets up from his bed in his dorm of Highland Academy groaning "I don't want to get up but might as well." After laying for a few moments he gets up and heads to get dressed.
Avaline smilied, 'She seems nice. And she is quite pretty.' the teenager giggled before turning to Wynn "Are we going to see them?" The boy Blake was talking to was dark-skinned and appeared to be floating 'Floating?' she thought before realizing one of his legs was missing, 'Ohhhhh, that makes since' she thought.

Wynn looked at Ava then back at Blake and the boy she was talking to. "S-sure, if you want to." he replied. Though he was still wondering how Blake managed to strike up a conversation. He must have spoken first. He thought, knowing how his sister was. Even if she enjoyed company and talking to others she was always so resistant to be the first one to speak.

"Let's go see them then." she grabbed Wynn's arm and started to move him toward the girl and the man, but then stopped. Avaline turned to Wynn, "Wait, do you know what the guy's name is?" she asked.


Evangeline got up and walked over to the large tree in the middle of the courtyard. She pulled up a rock up from the ground and then jumped into the tree. She sat on a low branch and glanced at the rock. It was a dark brown rock with tan spots. Most people would call it ugly, but Evangeline was aware of the beauty inside. The girl tapped the rock softly and, only because of her rock and earth powers, it split open, revealing a bright purple center. She smiled.

"Ummm." Wynn looked at the guy talking to his sister. "Nope. I-I actually have never seen him before." He answered. Actually so far he only knew two names besides his own and that was Ava and Blake. He really hadn't socialized much since he got here.

Kaue chuckled a bit. "Unholy abomination that crawled out of the depths of the abyss huh? I guess it does kind of have a bit of a ring to it. I mean, I could imagine some really corny villain from those movies with a title like that. Except for he, or she, would look a little more beastly. Maybe they would have a snake tail or something like that and they would swear with every other word. I could also see them wearing one of those hats that people don't seem to like. What are they called..." He snapped his fingers for a minute and tried to recall the name of the hat.

"Fedora! That's the hat! He would be a fedora and trench coat wearing half snake half... mongoose creature. So you don't need anything to channel your power? That's really cool! It must be nice to not have to carry around a staff or anything! Wait! I never introduced myself! Sorry, I am Kaue!"

@Rosyshark ((sorry for the late reply :D ))
Blake held back laughing at Kaue's description of a Unholy abomination, especially at the thought of it having a fedora. But even though she held back laughing the corner of her mouth did twitch a bit. "I'm Blake." She replied, introducing herself in turn. "And I suppose it's nice. I suppose I don't need to since I think I'm sort of made out of what I control." She added, a bit thoughtfully. "It feels natural to me. Like opening or closing your hand or wal-" She stopped herself from finishing that sentence remembering that the person she was speaking to was in fact missing a leg. Though he didn't seem like the type to be sensitive about it she didn't want to risk offending.

@CasualDragon (It's fine ^^ )
She looked down from her spot then saw the girl she was talking to earlier was there "Huh..." she jumped down from her high branch then climbed down to the girls branch level and poked her shoulder "Hi...again."

"Walking? Oh don't worry about the whole leg thing! I lost it years ago, this is like walking to me! I mean if I wanted to look a little more natural I could always swing my legs or something." He swung his legs back and forth in a walking type pose. "Not too comfortable though. So, I haven't seen you around here before, how long have you been coming here?"


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