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Fantasy «╳» Highland Academy «╳» A School For the Supernatural

Clow soon finished unpacking and made his way out to the courtyard even though he would enjoy the quiet more there was nothing to do. He would of went to what he thought the schools library was but they only had a book store the first year it was a bit of a disappointment. So he brought his own books from home and started to read under a nice cool shady tree.
"Well.... not exactly." Avaline said. "I just made my body into a copy of your appearance, so I didn't actually turn into you. You see, I can't hear your thoughts... well unless I wanted you, but that has nothing to do with that power." She smiled. "Look." the girl closed her eyes and imagined the teacher that had just gone by. In a few seconds she was a perfect replica. "See?"

(@Rosyshark Sorry I didn't respond, I've been working in my garden and getting leaves out of the pool all day)
Wynn looked in shock as Ava turned into the teacher. "Oh... Wow..." He murmured. "That's....Really cool..." He added, poking her arm to see if it was real. "What are you?" He asked then he realized how that sounded. "S-sorry that sounded insensitive, I mean.... I don't know how else to word it.." He finally said, giving up on find polite way to ask someone what they are.

@LoveLures It's fine, I was actually not at home at that time.)
Avaline smiled. "Thank you!" she chirped before turning back. Once she realized his question, she looked at him gently, for she could see he was embarrassed, "It's okay. People ask me that all the time. You see, no one really knows what I am." the girl shrugged "I also have these." She ruffled her back and slowly spread her 15-foot black wings, making sure not to hit anyone.

Wynn stared in awe at the wings that he now saw. "Wow, they're so pre- I mean, they're so cool." He commented, looking very much impressed. "What about your hair though?" He asked. "I-I mean I saw it change color. D-does it just do that sometimes or can you control that?" He hoped he wasn't bothering the girl with all his questions.

Avaline sighed, though not at him, "Unfortunately I cannot, It is my curse. As I previously stated, I have the ability to read minds and take on appearances, yes? Well since I have those powers, some stupid idiot decided I should be cursed. So they cursed my hair to reflect my emotions." Ava huffed, her hair turning a bright red. As she noticed her now red hair, she sighed "I think I am honestly going to cut it and go bald." she murmured.

(I am going to post a color-chart for Ava's hair in OOC, in case anyone's confused. I certainly would be!) @Rosyshark
Wynn's head tilted a bit, thinking over what she had said. "I dunno, it doesn't look bad or anything. I-I mean there are worse curses that could have happened." He rambled a bit. "B-but if it really bothers you and you cut it, you could wear any wig you wanted....Wow.. Imagine the possibilities. A new hair style each day." He added, though that last comment was more to himself as he got lost in imagining how awesome it would be to have whatever hair style you wanted whenever.

"It's just..... really annoying, knowing I'm an open book, well as long as a person knows what each color means." Avaline sighed "Anyway, I can't cut it and it won't go in a wig or anything. Trust me, I've tried!" she huffed again and took a deep breath, "Sorry for making you listen to my many rant. I do that sometimes." Avaline smiled, "So anyway, If you don't mind me asking, what are you?" she asked, somewhat quoting him.

"Oh i-it's fine, I don't mind listening." Wynn quickly stated. He looked like he had to think for a bit in response to her question though. "um.... Light elemental? I-I mean I don't know if that's the right term for it but that's just what my sister and I call it because it's like what other elementals are...but with light." He stated, trying to think of the right way to put it.

Avaline nodded, "I get it. That probably is the right term. I mean, I don't know for sure, but what else would you call it? 'Magical Light Prince' or something idiotic like that?" Avaline snickered

Wynn stifled a laugh with his hand. "My sister suggested calling me a human lightning bug." He added, smiling a bit. "But It means I can do things like this." He held a hand up and a small light emerged from his palm, glowing brightly. He then clenched his hand closed, seemingly snuffing the light, yet when he opened his hand and instead of the light it was what looked like a small brightly glowing pearl.

Avaline smiled as she saw she had gotten him to laugh. He just seemed so nervous and Ava was glad she had gotten him to forget his anxiousness momentarily. She then stared at the light, it was beautiful and then stared even more in awe as it turned into a pearl. She grinned "That is truly awesome." she murmured.

"T-thanks." Wynn smiled a bit. "It's not really a good self defense thing but... I-It's pretty so I like it." The pearl turned back into a light and stayed suspended in the air for a little bit before fading. "I-it's also handy for reading. W-when we were little I used to use them as reading lights for my sister." He went on, before suddenly stopping. "S-sorry, didn't mean to ramble there."

"I think it's quite beautiful, honestly." She smiled as the pearl vanished. She listened intently as he rambled and giggled. He just seemed so fond of this sister girl. She seemed nice enough. When he started to apologize for rambling, she cut him of and held up her hand, "It's fine, I ramble sometimes to, everyone does." She smiled "Anyways, I would love to meet your sister, she seems nice."

Wynn looked a little surprised by the comment. "Well... I could introduce you, she is pretty nice." He added. Well she's nice sometimes. He thought to himself. Still he knew Blake was almost worse than he was at meeting people but she did enjoy company. Couldn't hurt to see how she and Ava got along. As long as Blake didn't scare her away.

"Good!" Avaline smiled and then heard his next comment"Only sometimes?" she asked, confused, and then realized he had thought it, not spoken it aloud. Avaline blushed. "Sorry, that happens sometimes." Sometimes her powers just didn't want to so what she wanted them to.

Wynn looked in surprise at the girl. "You can read thoughts?" He asked, resisting the urge to do the whole "What am I thinking right now?" Sort of thing. He couldn't say he was upset about her doing that though, she hadn't meant to. "It's fine though. Um but what I meant was.. Well Blake is not very friendly looking... Just if she seems like she doesn't like you, she probably really does. I mean she makes it much more obvious if she doesn't like someone." He rambled a bit. "But that's even if you want to meet her."


"Yep. Just another wonderful question of the What-The-Hell-Am-I guessing game. And also, you were just mentally deciding in your head whether or not you should think 'What am I thinking right now', but decided against it" Avaline said, smiling. "I get it. That's how one of my friends, Axel, is like that in a way, except instead of seemingly disliking you, he just ignores you to the point where it's extremely frustrating."
Wynn blushed a bit and chuckled when she said what he thought. "Heh it does sound similar. Except Blake just looks like this all the time." He said as he put on his best deadpan expression. "And she's can be very.... blunt. But she can actually be pretty funny and nice sometimes." He added. He knew he was used to how Blake was so it never bothered him, but he didn't really know how others would react.

Hartley thought for a moment before responding. "I think so. Are you?" She looked around again, as if recalling once more that it was indeed a school. "Hey, if we both do, that means we get to see each other sometimes," She added with a bright smile, the thought making her happy.

( Omg! Omg! Omg! Why was none of this showing in my alerts!!! I'm so lost! )

She remembered getting up and walking away, waving polite goodbye to the girl then turning a corner and BAM! She walked smack into a pole. So she ended up in the book store, the old man who worked there handing her countless bags of ice until she was holding them all up -six bags of ice if you must know- and repetively swore she was fine. After spending three hours in there reading she didn't recall what she did for the rest of the time. Did she get into a fight and black out? Did she get stuck in a tree? Either way she couldn't remember. She most likely did something stupid. Hah! She knew she did something stupid. She walked down the sidewalk along the stores and over to the courtyard. Pretty tree, she thought as she noticed the sun sprinkle threw some leaves then she turned towards it. She crouched down then, with feline skill, jumped up, grabbed hold of a branch and grabbed a seat. She looked down -it looked like there was someone there but she couldn't tell who -it was a big tree they probably wouldnt notice her- then looked around at the students buzzing in and out of the shops. She adjusted herself so she was looking up at the sky and smiled. It was so pretty. It was just like Kiki to find something beautiful about something ordinary. She held her fingers out then blew and light bounced from her finger tips and flittered around her in the air.
Maxwelle said:
Hartley thought for a moment before responding. "I think so. Are you?" She looked around again, as if recalling once more that it was indeed a school. "Hey, if we both do, that means we get to see each other sometimes," She added with a bright smile, the thought making her happy.
He smiled brightly, "Yep I do! But I couldn't find the front office... But this is much nicer" He smiled again with a slight chuckle and he added, "I guess we do get to see eachother." He smiled a bit
"Want to look together?" she asked, looking at him with a curious expression. It would make sense, since they were both lost. Hartley lightly scratched her ear with a curled hand, feeling as if something were on them since they were very sensitive. "Say, how old are you anyway?" She asked, the question occurring to her.
Aakil laughed a little to himself watching her scratch her ears as it was kinda cute at how she curved her hand, "Sure! and I'm a senior this year, 17. How about yourself?" He inquired.
Kaue rapidly blinked and pushed his torso from the ground. That was the second time he had fallen asleep today. He rubbed at his eyes before levitating himself off the ground. Not paying attention to what he was doing he knocked his head on a branch. "Oww." He murmered rubbing the top of his head.

((Sorry my posts have sucked! I've been a little busy at the moment!))

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