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Fantasy «╳» Highland Academy «╳» A School For the Supernatural

Titan scoffed. "You shouldn't be laying on the ground in the first place. It's neither normal nor flattering," She mocked, shaking her head side to side as she did so. She pushed her sunglasses further up onto her nose. It did irritate the skin, considering how often she wore them, but they were necessary--she must remain incognito if she had any hope in finding Gerard. She pulled the jacket and buttoned it up across her chest and stomach to hide the new grass stains on her new uniform. "Great..." She muttered as she noticed the green and brown stains on her shirt, skirt, and stockings.

"First I don't aim to flatter, second I tripped and third I am normal in absolutely No and I mean NO circumstances what so ever." she retorted, crossing her arms and glaring. She noticed that the girl wore a pair of sunglasses and a Jacket. What in the world is she wearing! its boiling! her mind screamed "Well, I'm off to hide in the book store you just do whatever it was you were doing that made you trip on me." she said, completely shocked at her own audacity, she turned on the heal of her shoe and walked away.

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Clow took intuitive and kept onto his sisters shoulder and clenched tightly and commanded for the robot to take him to the dorms. They both proceeded to move to the dorm as they continued talking to one another. He didn't bother to speak to any of the other students not that he disliked them he just prefer to not interact with others. Still people still stared, he was sitting in a giant robot and she has quite the arsenal in case of danger she would eliminate in the spot, if commanded to of course.
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The pause was strange but Hiro dismissed it thinking that maybe the guy had the same problem as himself, hating his first name or it was some kind of cultural thing. Shrugging his shoulders, he didn't want to seem nosy asking the reason since he too was doing the same thing,"Nice to meet you King." He said watching as King tucked away the sketchbook back into his bag,"Yeah, I'm new to the school so I hope you don't mind me bugging you from time to time." He said feeling bad that so far he only knew King but this was his first day, he had plenty of time to chat up some buddies besides King.

{ I'm such a horrible person omg, I'm so sorry I haven't been on in so long Dx }

Titan rolled her eyes and pulled the hood on her jacket further down her forehead. This was going to be another long year. Why was school even necessary, anyway? She didn't care about academics. Her grades were merely satisfactory. Most of her time was spent planning out and sketching paintings while she was supposed to be doing work. "Run, little fairy girl," She taunted as she tucked her hands in her jacket pockets and began to walk away.



Gerard bit his bottom lip and glanced to the side. "Yeah, umm, that's...Radical," He spoke quiet and nervously, as if sharing juicy gossip. "Just...Don't attract to much attention when you're around me, or tell anyone about me. I have to... Never mind, that's not important, but..." He tucked a strand of hair behind his ear and rubbed his forehead. "So... Anything else you need?"

Celia arrived at the school in her favorite gown, it was black and white with gray and black strings that trailed behind her, she was also wearing the black and whit striped top hat she used to wear for her preformances, but just thinking about it brought back an unwanted wave of memories that she quickly pushed aside as she walked into the girls dormitory
(Titan is so charming! Lol)

Did this girl just mock her. She clenched her fist, sparks of light bouncing of the fingers dug into her palm. Walk away, don't do something you'll regret. To late. She had already thrown a hand forward, she made a burst of energy then sent it at the girls back, the blast projected a flash of white/gold light threw the courtyard. It was nothing fatal, just painful. Her magic clouded at her fingertips her eyes glowing slightly as she said softly "Well this fairy has a bite."

(Lol, she's really fun to roleplay)

Titan found herself on the ground on her hands and knees, a new rip in her stockings as well as the skin on her knee. She opened her mouth, surprised at the girl's power, a burning sensation spreading through her back. She stood up and spun around on her heels, her beanie falling back backwards onto the ground. She tossed her sunglasses on top of it. "Are you gonna do this? Are we gonna do this?" She scoffed. It had been a long time since Titan had been in a fight. She couldn't say she missed it, but was still glad to be back.
She laughed. A very scary sounding thing when she was angry. She was usually very perky but when someone gets on her bad side, all hell breaks lose. She stared the girl in the eye "Yes we are going to do this but I suggest you change first. That burn on the back of your jacket looks horrible." She nagged, completely aware of the fact she gave the girl that burn herself "Try me." She whispered.
(M'kay, we need to know who's gonna win this before we have them fight. I'd like to point out that Titan is a demon with a bionic arm lol)

(hmm... I'd prefer my character to win because a) there has to be at least one kickass fairy some where in here, and b) she is my character so of course I want her to win lol but what would you choose?)

Kaue gracefully levitated himself from the ground and hovered. He took one last mournful glance at the tranquil pond before making his way back to the main area where all of the excitement was at. Two girls looked like they were going to throw fists and he glanced sorrowfully at the lake and its tranquility again. He gently set himself down in the shade of a tree and held his staff at the ready.

Kaue definitely didn't want to fight, but if things got bad he would start with intimidation. Fight with words, not fists. He thought to himself. He tried to look like he wasn't aware of the fight but he was prepared for a little bit of impromptu therapy.
Eloya said:
(hmm... I'd prefer my character to win because a) there has to be at least one kickass fairy some where in here, and b) she is my character so of course I want her to win lol but what would you choose?)
( woah,. cool down please )
Titan began taking off her glove, almost revealing the solid metal arm replacing her old, normal arm. Instead, she surveyed the courtyard and noticed all of the glances, snickers, and whispers all pointed towards her. She couldn't attract this much attention to herself, especially not this early in the school year. “I don’t fight fairies,” She spat before retrieving her beanie and sunglasses from the grass and taking a deep breath. “Next time, don’t lie on the floor. And yeah, maybe I’ll look where I’m going.”
"Okay then, run away." Referencing to the girls little "fairy" comment from earlier. She hated when people underestimated her simply because she was fairy, she was much stronger then half the magic wielders out there yet that one, highly insignifficant word made them think she was a weakling. She spun on her heel then walked away, atleast she could do so with pride since she wasn't the one who backed away.

Kiki trotted to the creek again -quickly running inside to grab a book- and sat down. She remembered her countless hours of training, with her magic and working on endurance and accuracy then physically running for hours and karate. Her mom had made her take that so she could show people she wasn't just some pretty girl with a drop of magic. She trained until she was a strong girl with a Ocean full of magic, and that still wasn't enough. She plopped down on her back and stared at the blue skies above.
“I will run.” Titan muttered. She didn’t have time for fighting; she was going to find Gerard. This was her year. She didn’t have time for fights, friends—anything of the sort.

Titan tugged her gloves back on tighter as she made her way to the girl’s dorm. Classes didn’t start until noon and it was only 9am. She kicked at rocks and sticks, sending them rolling down the sidewalks in front of her as if they were running from her.
[OOC Notes: Haha! It's fine, I'm a bad person too. >.<]

Hiro was now getting more suspicious with King's character and he felt that if he continued any further with this person, he may get himself into some complicated business that he wouldn't like getting involve with so to make this quick, he gave a shrug towards King,"Uh, sure?" He answered with a puzzled look,"That's all, thanks for the help bruh. See you around." He said waving his goodbyes and quickly took his things with him towards the Boy's Dorm, leaving King behind.

Gerard exhaled. He was lucky the boy was new, otherwise he could've been busted. He might have been able to get by with his real name without Titan being able to find him. After his transformation into a fallen angel, his honey-golden hair had turned to a charcoal black. His sky blue eyes had become a dark brown, but his pupils were still rimmed with the cerulean of his past self. "Hey!" He called after Hiro before he was too far away. "I, umm... I know it's a big school, and all, but could you help me out with something?" He interlocked and released his fingers repeatedly. "If you meet a girl..." He closed his eyes and spoke more quietly. "A girl named Titan, let me know. Don't tell her I'm looking for her, just..." He nodded once at him and swung his foot above the ground.



saprku said:
(Is there anybody that I can roleplay with at the moment?)
(Yeah, I have Titan c:)
Kicking his football into the air, Jason whistled to himself, running to catch it. He loved football—at least, he loved to play it, instead of watching the TV for the NFL. Picking up the ball from the grass, he kicked it again, watching it soar—high, away from him—before landing at the feet of an angry-looking girl. Idiot, he berated himself. Sighing, he began to run over.


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