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Fantasy «╳» Highland Academy «╳» A School For the Supernatural

Titan inhaled sharply and pursed her lips, quickly glancing over to see whatever object it was that had landed several feet from her. "What the hell-" She hissed, moving slightly to the side, even though the ball had already landed and was nowhere near her. "What were you thinking?!" She exclaimed, waiving her hands in the air.

Avaline slid through the long hallway, laughing loudly. She had found a janitors cart and was now riding it, after she had put her stuff in her room, of course. Suddenly, there was two glass doors about 50 feet ahead of her. She fortunately was wearing her high heel boots, which she wore quite often. The boots were tall, black and pink neon, sexy (according to herself) and completely against the dress code, the exact reason why she picked them. The rest of Avery's outfit was also against the dress code and consisted of a neon pink shirt with ruffles in the back, black shinny jeans, and a black bow with bright pink hearts on it. Knowing she was about to hit the door, she closed her eyes. A second later, Avery had broken the beautiful french glass doors and was sailing through the courtyard, passing many students while laughing like the maniac she was. Looking back, she saw a staff member a few hundred feet back and grinned, her already orange and yellow hair turning, if possible, more orange and yellow than it already was.


Evangline sat in the courtyard, next to the pond, in a shadier area and watched a small white and orange koi fish. She smiled softly. It was so nice to be here, away from her tormentors. Evangline stuck her hand in the cold pond and giggled when the fish nibbled at her hand. "I don't have anything." she said quietly to the fish, knowing it would understand her. The small mob of animals that had gathered at her feet were unknown to the young girl, who was still looking at the koi fish. As she felt a young deer rub against her leg, she saw the animals and counted the lot of them. 1 deer, 2 squirrels and 1 bird. Eve grinned.


Axel and Max walked down to the boys dorms, both in their uniforms. As they reached the door, Max went to the left for the younger kids and Axel to the right.


Max grinned as he walked into his new room. It was of medium size with a bunkbed pushed up against the far wall. He quickly walked over to the bed and placed his bag on the top bunk.


Axel sighed. He really didn't want to go to this school. He wanted to stay at home with Max. Work would be done a lot faster there. Axel opened the door to his new room and walked in, quickly summoning his scythe and setting it on his bed. Luckily, the older kids actually had beds.
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"I'm sorry." He said, sheepishly. He picked up the football, and turned to the girl, offering the best smile that he could muster. "I didn't think that it'd go that far." Great, you've already made an enemy, he thought. The girl wasn't looking too happy with him—she hadn't looked that happy in the first place. "Sorry about that." Holding out his hand to shake, he hoped that the girl wasn't as mad as she looked. He'd wanted to try to make friends, this year.

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Kiki noticed a girl was sitting near her at the pond/creek, animals crowding her. Animals would probably crowd her two if her sour mood wasn't giving off bad vibes at the moment. She got up, being well... Kiki she walked over to the girl, she appeared to be looking at some Koi "Hello!" she said cheerfully. She found it funny that her own mood changed within seconds "What ya doing?" she asked tilting her head as one of the squirrels swarmed at her foot, being a fairy she new it liked her. She was so bored that she just walked up to a random person and started a conversation. Lovely.

@Eloya Evangline jumped a bit. She turned around and quickly analyzed the girl. She seemed to be of the fairy species and didn't seem to want to hurt her. Eve sighed and waited a few seconds, then spoke. "Hello." the girl said very quietly, looking up at Kiki. She half wished the girl would just ignore her, or she would tell her to run off, but the better half of her thought against it.
Titan gritted her teeth and shied away from the boy, rubbing her metal arm with her normal one. "It's...It's no big deal," She muttered, her anger slightly falling away. She would have been more angry if the ball had actually hit her. But since it didn't, she owed the boy the least she could give. "Don't worry about it." Titan could tell he was embarrassed and began feeling slightly guilty, something she didn't feel often. "Just be more careful next time."

She smiled slightly then sat down beside her, quickly glancing at the deer "You know, if you come out her at night they glow -the fish-. I enchanted them to do that last year." she said "Want me to go? When I'm bored I have a tendency to walk up to random people and talk to them so if you do it's completely fine." she said quietly.
"It's okay. I probably need to be more social anyway." Evangline murmured softly, unknowingly petting the deer, which had now lay down on her right side, Kiki on the left. "That's cool that you did that." she smiled gently. @Eloya
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"I will." He promised, before turning on his heel, and walking away, quick. Could've been a lot worse, he reflected, thinking about the girl, who he'd forgotten to ask the name of. And he was too embarrassed, and too worried, to go back to ask her, now, anyway. Playing with the football in his hands, Jason chewed his lip. She was a demon, of course, and from what he could tell, not interested in making friends. Well, you'll find a friend, eventually, he thought, resigned.

@frankieromustdie (have to go, sorry)
Hartley walked through the school, peering around at everything curiously. Her eyes twitched with the many sounds and her tail bounced along with her pace. Sure, she'd seen the place before but she didn't remember much of it. Really, a part of her wondered why she was here. Was it Comic Con? A movie? Did she wander into the senior center again? Passing by a flyer she read the word "Academy" and remembered. That's right. School. Reaching behind her, she pulled out a bag of caramel popcorn and began munching on it.
She laughed quietly "If you think of it my way it's actually kind of selfish, I always use to come out here at night and I kept tumbling into things because I couldn't find my way so I made the Koi glow so I could always see the creek." she explained her antics, laughing quietly at its stupidity.
Maxwelle said:
(I do too! Hartley needs someone to interact with please o:)
(okay I would love to! and sorry I'm really bad at starting xD )

It was Aakil's first day at this new academy and he was completely clueless at what he doing. He didn't even know where the front office was sooooo he decided to try and find a student to help him out...
(Looks like someone beat me to it. xD )

Evangline cracked a small smile. It would be kind of funny to see someone stumbling around out here. She giggled softly, covering her mouth with her hand. "Before you lit up the koi, did you ever fall in the pond?" the girl asked.

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(Ah, if they're busy then that's okay.)

Hartley saw another male student on her path to... well, she didn't have a destination. But he did look confused. Walking over to him, she asked in her low voice, "Are you lost?" @AriesKurisu

Aakil heard a woman's voice and he turned his head and saw a young lady and he walked towards her with a smile of embarrassment, "Unfortunately yes lass, quite so."
In the courtyard Blake was making herself busy writing.... something down in a book. She was all alone and had been abandoned by her heartless little brother.... Okay, actually he had gone to finish unpacking and Blake didn't feel like doing the same at her dorm so she opted to sit on her own and look like she was busy when actually she was just scribbling in a notebook. To be honest she was bored, usually she had Wynn to hang out with but she couldn't monopolize all his time. She doubted anyone would come and talk to her. She wasn't the most... friendly looking girl.


On the other hand Wynn was walking out of the boys dorm, having just finished unpacking. He considered going to see what Blake was up to but assumed she was busy. He still had to find out where all his classes were so he wouldn't get lost. Well no time like the present to do that. He pulled out a campus map and busied himself walking towards what he assumed would be where his art class was going to take place. He also looked around at the other students that passed, before looking down again, afraid to make any sort of eye contact.

( @LoveLures if any of yours are around and available to hang with either of them)
"So you are new?" Hartley inquired. New to where? Yes, the academy. Realizing she still had the bag of salty sweet snacks in her hand, she offered some to the boy with a raised eyebrow. Food was a wonderful thing, it was vital to survival, never mind delicious, and to share it with another, to Hartley anyway, was a form of friendliness.
Avaline continued to speed around the courtyard. She didn't realize she was about to hit a boy until she was only about 10 feet away from him. "Watch out!" she yelled and leaned to one side, curving the cart and bringing it to halt, just barely missing the boy and knocking him over in the process with her foot. Avaline jumped down from the cart. "Sorry about that." she said to him, reaching a hand down to help him up. After all, it was her fault.

Wynn had his face still buried in the map when he heard someone yell watch out! He turned to see a.... Girl riding a janitor cart? He was so confused by the sight he didn't even think to move but thankfully the cart stopped in front of him, yet the girl's foot knocked him over. He had to lay on the ground a bit to even process what had just happened. He almost didn't even notice that the girl was holding her hand out to help him up. He just stared for a few seconds. "....Oh! Um I-It's alright. It's fine." He quickly muttered once he came to his senses, standing up on his own instead of taking the girl's hand. "It's fine..." He repeated, in case the first two times hadn't been heard.

Maxwelle said:
"So you are new?" Hartley inquired. New to where? Yes, the academy. Realizing she still had the bag of salty sweet snacks in her hand, she offered some to the boy with a raised eyebrow. Food was a wonderful thing, it was vital to survival, never mind delicious, and to share it with another, to Hartley anyway, was a form of friendliness.
Aakil smiled again, "Yes I am, I've gotten myself more in a dander than schooling.." In Ireland a dander means to have a walk... Sometimes he was hard to understand.. When Aakil saw the girl offer him food, being an animal or spirit he knew the meaning behind it, "Thank you" as he slightly bowed his head in respect.

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