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Realistic or Modern High School [Open]

Hermione grabbed more paper towels. "CHOOOOOOO"! She blasted her paper towels, falling to her knees. "H... help..." She croaked, somehow managing to speak.
Alaskas eyes grow huge. She got on her knees and held her up, making sure she doesn't fall again. She dials 911 at the same time. "Help. I'm at the high Schoo first bathroom to the left. She just fell to her knees and can barely talk! She doesn't seem right!" She hung up right away. "You're okay love." She was trying to convince herself more than the girl.
"No choice." The two EMS guys came in and started talking gibberish to the girl on the ground. Alaska stood up and took steps backwards. She watched from a small distance. "She's been sneezing a lot, sluggish, all that. Thought it was a horrible cold." She muttered trying to talk over the noise.
Liam noticed the Ems' head into the girls bathroom he heads out of class to see whats going on. A crowd begins to form shortly after he gets there he hears chatter about Hermione heading in their looking like death. Liam begins to worry hoping she is alright but knowing he probably shouldn't go in and check on her seeing as it was the girls room so he stood their waiting for a sing of what was happening 
Alaska stepped outside. Almost ran. She ran clumsily into Liam. She fell completely over, face first. "I'm so sorry!" She stated quite loudly. She got to her knees and tried to gain her balance.
Hermione gave in and hurled all over the floor, sneezing ten times afterwards. Pressing her hands against the sides of her head, she rolled over, hearing her glasses crack, her entire body in fiery pain. "Help..." 
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"its ok" Liam said reassuring he as he helped her to her feet "are you ok whats going on...is everything ok" he asked worried of what was happening in their. " are you alright?" he suddenly became very worried about her safety 
@Cal Rader

Danny watched Liam from the distance. Ohhhh... He's kind too... So caring... I want him to be my boyfriend... But we're both guys... I want to kiss him again. To hold him in my arms, have him call me baby... That would be so nice. He watched Liam longingly. Staring at his beautiful face. Fantasizing about kissing his lips again.

(this is almost like "notice me Senpai" stalking lol)
Liam suddenly felt like he was being watched he didn't know why but he really felt like someone was starring at him. he looked over his shoulder and as expected he didn't see anyone. He sighed and stood up realizing alaska was just a bit shook up from whatever was going on inside the bathroom he looked around "hello?" he said now slightly concerned about being watched he was very paranoid about that stuff after what happened 

@Cal Rader

He sensed me! Crap! What should I do?! I feel like giving him another surprise kiss but I know I shouldn't. It was wrong to begin with. I shouldn't have done it in the first place. So Danny just kept to his hiding place. Silent. He just kept watching the boy.
Liam walks away from all the commotion trying to find a quite place to think and calm down as he started to get worked up a bit at the thought of being watched 
The two EMS guys try to put you in a stretcher to take you to the hospital. 

Alaska picked herself self up and walked away from the commotion. Down an empty hall way. Every student seemed to be either by the bathroom or skipping anyway.
@Cal Rader

Danny saw that Liam was feeling real upset right now. He knew he couldn't go to him as this hooded mystery person. So he came out of hiding and maneuvered his way through the swarms of other highschoolers. Using the chaos of the people to blend in unnoticed. With his hood off he moved his way towards where Liam was and revealed himself. Pretending he had just noticed Liam come in and hadn't just been stalking him through the hidden shadows.

"Hey Mr. Liam the survivor!" he called out to Liam teasingly.
Liam looked up as Danny walked over  feeling a bit safer and less paranoid about being watched "Oh hey" He said with a small smile and a forced giggle "I'm glad I'm back and glad you decided to say hi" he said smiling a bit more "so how have you been since everything happened?" He asked genuinely interested in how Danny has been the past month he's been gone did I miss anything important like....you getting a girlfriend or something." He chuckled a bit at his own question yeah great way to play it cool laughing at your own jokes he thought realizing how stupid it is to laugh at your own jokes 
Danny blushed at the comment. If only he knew. But what would that change? He might even try to get me beat up himself.

"Errr, no" he said blushing.

"I don't think my crush and I would work out very well. Doesn't like me probably and probably would even have everybody make fun of me for telling my feelings" he said sullenly.

He didn't give the mystery crush a gender, though he let Liam assume it was a girl.

"So what about you eh? Any girl? Even one you have your eye on?" he asked quickly, interrupting any possible further inquiries on who his crush is immediately.

Wishing immediately he hadn't asked. It would break his heart hearing him say he had a girlfriend already.

Liam could possibly smell the "sugar fields" body spray on him from being so close. Perhaps even recognize it from his mystery kisser. Was he perceptive enough though? Danny smelled just like Liam's shadowy mystery kisser...
Liam left a bit at Danny's responses  when Danny asked about any love interests Liam had he scratched his head and quietly said "well… There's sort of this one guy that I have my eye on"he smiled looking at Danny "but… Not so sure how he feels about me either maybe we should just both ask? "He said obviously hinting at Danny  that he liked him  while nugging Danny slightly with his shoulder 
What?! Did he just say HIM?! A GUY?! Liam likes a GUY?! Grrrrr! I am so gonna kill whatever guy took my sweet Liam from me!

"HIM?!" he asked surprised.

"A GUY? You mean you're... You know.."
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"Gay… If you're asking if I'm gay then the answer is yes" he said very proudly and loudly "I hope that's not an issue for  you" he said looking over at Danny with a look of worry on his face

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He's not even scared of being bullied? How does he just say it like that outright? It could be dangerous. What if I was a homophobe and told everybody and they beat him to death? I'm just a stranger after all. 

"Not with ME no... But aren't you scared someone's going to try to beat you up for it? Things aren't like they are in Canada Liam. People are a bit less nice over here. How can you be so open about it?"
Liam looks at Danny and smiles "if someone wants to try and hurt me for being who I am than i say... Give it your all. Nothing anyone can do will stop me from being proud of who I am" he said with a tone of courage and confidence he truly wasn't affraid of doing what was right he doesn't know where this lack of fear comes from but he knows it's there. "Why? Are you affraid of what people think about you? Is that why you hide?" He asked curiously truthfully not understanding how fearful some people were of others opinions.

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@Cal Rader

He stared at Liam and his confidence. He's so confident...

I REALLY really like him... He stared. Breathless in Liam's presence. Staring dreamily into Liam's eyes. Glossed over eyes.

Without even consciously choosing to his feelings yet again became too much for him to hold in again. He leaned forward suddenly and his lips were suddenly against Liam's. His heart beating so fast...

Liam could possibly even smell the sugar fields body spray. The scent same scent as the mystery guy.

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