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Realistic or Modern High School [Open]

Liam was shock by Dannys' actions but over joyed he put his hand inderungly on the side of Dannys' head kissing him back before pulling away as they were obviously in too public of a space to start making out "you...? Your the one that kissed me earlier" he said happily starring into Dannys' eyes "so... Does this mean we're you know dating?" He asked hoping he knew the answere " I mean if not we probably shouldn't just go around kissing each other"
"Oh! Um... Sorry- I... I don't why I did that just now. I'm sorry... I- I really didn't mean to offend you- um..." he stuttered out embarrassed and surprised at his own actions.

I can't believe I just KISSED him! AGAIN!... Omg! And he kissed me back! Omg! That was AMAZING! Oh that felt so good...
"Hey...hey don't be sport their is nothing to be sorry about" Liam said inderungly placing his hand on Dannys' Cheek rubbing it softly with his thumb atempting to comfort him he must be ashamed to be into a guy Liam thought as he sat comforting Danny but why?

"are you okay...I mean you know I like you right...you have nothing to be ashamed of" he assured Danny hoping to make him feel better 


(Also anyone feel free to jump in I mean this is happening in the middle of a hallway anyone could walk up) 
Hermione awoke with a gasp, covered in thick sweat. She felt wires hooked up to her just before someone hugged her tightly.

"My baby..." 

Hermione knew her mother's voice, even when she felt like reheated canned food.


Her mother sobbed softly, hugging her daughter increasingly desperately.
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@Cal Rader

"Umm... To answer your question...Yes... That was me earlier in the shadows" he said embarrasedly.

"And yes. If that's alright with you then YES, I DO want us to be an official couple" he said bashfully.

"As in dating. As in I want you to be my boyfriend. Meaning I want to be your boyfriend. If- that's alright with you that is" he stuttered out shyly. Please say yes Liam... I REALLY want you to be my boyfriend... To hug you, and to kiss you.... To call you baby... Please say you'll be mine... He begged him with his eyes...
Liam smiled " yeah I would like that very much" he said happily standing offering Danny a hand up "come on lets get to class" he said with a smirk happy that his savior was now his boyfriend 

The two walked through the halls hand in hand towards class "so your not out yet are you" he assumed givin how Danny acted about the entire situation " I mean it's completely fine if your not. I am perfectly fine being discrete if you need some time to handle this" he said reassuring Danny that he was completely supportive of anything he needs. Liam has ruined many relationships by not being as in touch with his partners feelings but he was determined to change that.

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@Cal Rader

"If you are already out, then I will be too. The only reason I would want to keep us a secret is if you weren't out. I wouldn't want to make you a target for bullying, you've already been attacked once. You're too precious to me to put in danger"
Hermione held Ashley for a minute or two before her mum took her back, cradling her in her arms but rarely took her eyes away from Hermione. 
Liam smiles " aww how sweet. Well I am out so we don't have to worry about that"he put his arm around Danny "your so sweet...you know that...I hope I never loose you" he says reaching class walking in with Danny under his arm 

"Awwww! Mary LOOK! It's a new cute couple!" One girl said to her best friend frantically pointing a Danny and Liam together.

"SQUEEEEL! Oh my god they are SO KAWAII! Jana aren't they just the CUTEST?!" She agreed and enthused to another friend.

"Omgee! Like totally! And a GAY BOY couple too! They're so ADORABLE!"

Danny smiled with an embarrased but flattered blush as he heard the girls dote on him and his new boyfriend. He made sure to sit down in class next to his new boyfriend. By the time he sat down there were already several giggling girls commenting on how cute they were.
Hermione, after a few more days, was discharged from the hospital and allowed to return to school. Her mother insisted on her resting for a few more days but Hermione got her wish as her mother let her leave for school. 
Nyxime Eve Brekke.

The new girl.

The new girl from Norway.

The new girl from Norway who really did not wish to be here.

She had left her best friend behind to come to the Americas. Perfect. She had never had many friends anyways, but starting over, in a new country, was going to be a challenge. Nyx is a poetic girl obsessed with the art of writing. You find yourself quoting her on more than one occasion. The girl keeps her head up and ignores the bullying that is thrown her way more often than not.

Nyx was also a doll. Physically. She is tiny and thin, without much curve and ghostly pale skin ( Being Norwegian ). Her nose, ears, and lips are always pink and her hair being thin, snowy white, and a bit past her shoulders. Big, bright eyes coloured grey. The girl looks as though she could be made of glass, that she could be broken in an instant. Fragile.

Very fragile, mentally.

Nyx swallowed her pills dry as she sat in the back of the classroom, watching just about every girl coo over the couple, which were two boys. She pursed her lips and kept her head down, finishing up a short story.

The girl packed up her journal, shoving it away in her leather satchel. Her lucky leather satchel. She smoothed out her outfit. An oversize, grey sweatshirt over a collared white, long sleeved shirt and fishnet tights paired with a black beanie and black booties.

Nyx --

( Faceclaim -- Charlavail Effron )

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Hermione could tell that there were a lot of non- American students here now, making her feel a bit better. She'd lost her British accent a while ago, years ago, while in France with her pregnant mother and her arsehole father. One thing that Hermione had changed about herself was that she was wearing contact lenses, something she only does when she's lacking confidence. Needless to say, her eyes were starting to itch a little when she opened up her new locker and got a load of dust in her face. Getting her schoolbooks, she, finally, after what felt like forever, she made her way to class. Finally. Taking a seat, slipping into the back row, a pale girl caught her eye but she refocused two seconds later.
Claire looked up at the school and sighed. She didn't seem one little bit impressed with it and she just wanted to be there. She didn't like it, but she didn't love it. She groaned and thought to herself "I probably might not get any friends."

(open for interaction)

 Hermione waited for what seemed like an hour before slipping out of class, miffed that no teacher or anymore students had shown up for her class. In the distance, she spotted a brunette in a pink California shirt which she quite liked. Closing the distance between herself and the girl, humming California Girls by Katy Perry, Hermione greeted her benevolently even though she was miffed inside due to her dead class.

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Claire had been daydreaming for quite a while and they she heard someone that was talking to her. "Huh? O-Oh yeah." Her stuttering had come to a state of the arc shyness and shock.

Jess took a deep breath, pushing her hair back behind her ear and pulling her Batman '66 notebook out of her backpack.  She was sitting at a table in the corner, making sure to keep her head down. She was humming the Jurassic Park themesong to herself, having memorized the whole song and even adding some extra notes to it herself. She opened her notebook and began to write, continuing her The Flash TV show fanfic. 
Liam leaned over to Danny "aww look we have fans" he said with a smile "how long do you think before they come up with a cute couple name for us" he said jokingly opening up his notebook beginning to draw a manga character he had come up with a while back. He couldn't help but look back at Danny every few moments with a smile and before long he flipped to the next page in his book and began drawing Danny as a manga character with an oversized flashlight as a weapon 


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