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Realistic or Modern High School [Open]

@Cal Rader

"Not long." He said with a knowing smirk. 

"I've already come up with one myself so I don't think they should take too much longer to think the same thing themselves" he said.
" yeah probably wont take to long..oh and what would your name for us be" Liam said smiling putting the final lines on his drawing of Danny 

he looked up just in time to notice the teacher walk in but he really didn't care he was having to much fun talking to his boyfriend to care much about the teachers opinion "good morning class hop you are all ready today we will be starting a big project you will each need to pick a partner and grab a packet from my desk I will then be going over the project with you for the period and it will be due in two weeks" the teacher announced loudly to the class 

Liam quickly grabbed Dannys' arm " Got my partner" he said proudly more giggles and such came from some of the girls who thought they were just adorable 

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@Cal Rader

"Danny plus Liam equals Danium" he said simply.

The girls letting out loud fan girl squeels at hearing the name.

"Omgee I was totally just thinking that very same name Mary" one of the girls says excitedly.

"I know right?" The other replies.

"Cutest ship EVER" another agrees.
" Hey after class I want to show you something" Liam said softly leaning over to Danny 

" i think you'll like it buuuut we might not be back for the next class" he said smiling obviously hinting at skipping school for at least a couple classes he then stood up and grabbed the packet for the project off the teachers desk and returned to his seat 

"so what do ya say" he smiled 

Hermione had slipped into Liam and Danny's class, sitting at the back of the room. She grabbed a project pack from the teacher's desk, feeling rather lonely. She'd probably ask her boyfriend to help her over Skype, or find someone from this class to help her.
Liam noticed Hermione walk in the room and sit in the back by her self. " hey ill be right back" Liam said softly leaning over to Danny. He stood up and quietly walked to the back of the class sitting next to Hermione

" Hey Loner" he smiled kinda nudging Hermione "what ya doing back here all by yourself" he continued 


@Rock And Roll Boy
Hermione jumped slightly, smiling a little afterwards. "Liam..." She set her equipment out on her desk. "I think I've become introverted, ever since the move. I don't think I want to talk to anyone here, for this project, I'll just ask my boyfriend for help, through Skype. Or... you could help me"?
"well I am working with Danny buttt...you could work with us if you want I am sure he wouldn't mind and I would love to have you" he smiled as he offered pointing towards Danny and he couldn't help but smile wider when he looked at Danny 

"besides while I am sure your boyfriend is great but not sure its really what the teacher wants" 
Liam smiled at her " yes the rumors are true Danium is a thing" he said with a smile looking over at Danny "well awesome new partner stop being a loner and come join us" he said with a smile pointing at the empty seat where the two had been sitting "I promise we don't bite" he laughed a little at his comment seining hermione brighten up a bit 
Liam walked back to his seat with Hermione he sat down " hey looks like I got us a new partner for the project" Liam said pointing over to Hermione he just couldn't stand to see her as upset as she was plus from what he has been able to tell she was a pretty cool girl so he was happy to invite her into the group 

" I hope its alright with you Danny" he said looking at him with a look of concern hoping it wouldn't upset him not that he thought it would but he always worried about that sort of thing he hated upsetting people 


@Rock And Roll Boy
Liam smiled he was very happy he made Hermiones' day better then a pain shot threw his body he had completely forgot he was still recovering from his injuries "ahhhh" he shouted from the shock of it all and held his side from the pain he wanted to immediately reassure Hermione that it was ok but he could't force any words out of his mouth as he was in to much pain. he lifted his shirt to make sure it wasn't bleeding revealing the stitched up wound which would be mostly healed by now if he hadn't kept ripping it open for over exerting himself  but alone with that wound were several similar scars scattered around his torso he usually would never even think about pulling his shirt up and revealing these but he was just to worried about making sure his newest wound was ok 


@Rock And Roll Boy
Hermione jumped as Liam screamed, retreating a little but she decided to come closer and examine Liam's stitched wounds. "My god, Liam..." She didn't know how he got those wounds, since she was sick for most of last month. "No doubt..." She whispered to Danny.
Liam quickly pulled his shirt back down and smiled awkwardly " Oh I'm fine" he said with an awkward laugh pulling Danny over and kissing him on his forehead " I promise nothing to worry about" he said softly " so lets get to work shall we" he said trying to change the subject  
"Liam, you're not eluding this one. Let's get you to the nurse, the project can wait". She offered her hand, to help him stand up. "You helped me, let me, or Danny, help you".
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@Cal Rader

"Honey I think you should go home, get some rest. You could make things WORSE if you exert yourself with a wound like that still hurting. If a wound not fully healed like that is irritated enough it could cause some serious issues" he said in concern.
@Cal Rader

@Rock And Roll Boy

Danny helped Hermione begining supporting carrying Liam to go treat the wound some more. He needed to get rest. Perhaps see some professional medical people to fully heal it. He really shouldn't be at school with a wound like that. They shouldn't have let him come back to school.
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