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Realistic or Modern High School [Open]

Mitchell suddenly woke up from the state of his black out and he ran up the stairs as fast as he could (to look for everybody of course) to see a group of people

A dead lady 1 person sobbing another person comforting this person, heirmone (sorry if i spelled it wrong) and a bunch of other people kinda shocked

"What did I miss?" Mitchell asked in confusion
can i just post or where do i add my charecter. ] i will delete this as soon as i get a response
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(Just post. @katiebaby420

SKip to the next month though because. Well. Obvious reasons. ?)

Alaska woke up, startled in a nightmare. The shooting. Death. All of it left her haunted. But that was a month ago. She quickly hoped in the shower and deprecated her hair into two thick French braids. She got dressed into dark jeans, black leather boots and a grey ripped tee shirt. She put a POLICE navy blue windbreaker over and started to drive to school. (Sorry it's so sloppy I'm multi tasking.)
 isabel woke up to a house full of people, her parents drinking and her little brother crying. She thought about sleeping in but her brother needed her, he was only 1 and helpless, he still was breast fed or supposed to be. She walked into the kitchen heating up some breast milk already pumped the night before, her mother liked to drink. isabel’s mom and dad werent very good people, little did she know they were contract killers, making a living off other peoples deaths. The one thing they drilled into her head was “ never miss a shot and never let anyone tell you where you belong or how you should feel “ they firmly believed in loving yourself and taking care of whats yours, apparently not there kids. She felt some distain for them, she was only 14 and already a “ teen mom”. People talked about her enough, knowing she was a good student, skipping her last year in middle school, bound for a good collage. Now it was out that she had a son, little did anyone know, how sad why do i have to be the topic of conversation, she spoke to herself as she now fed “ gus . She tilted the bottle helping gus finish his bottle, sucking it down within 5 minutes, burping him now before rocking him in her arms. It was now 4 am, Gus was falling back asleep in her arms, as usual.

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Isabel  walked out of the house at 7 o'clock, despite how tired she was she decided to go to school. As she walked to school only a few blocks away she thought about Gus she always thought about him, she never really thought about herself. Now she was in high school she had to think about herself, her studies, and how she perceives other people.  She worried about what everyone thought about her but at the same time it was none of their business anyway, she had black hair with green tips a 21-year-old body and a 21-year-old brain, still a kid and only starting high school, early. 

She got to school a few minutes late missing the bus on the corner. Walking into school she looked down not wanting to get anyone's attention, she looked tired and out of it. Well they think I'm stoned she worried.
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Hermione woke up in a cold sweat, feeling like absolute crap. Her head was pounding and her nose was running down to her upper lip. "Mum"?! She tried to yell, knowing she either had to yell or wouldn't be able to speak at all. Her throat was in severe pain. "Mu..."! She tried again before lurching forward and vomiting violently over her bedsheets. "Mum..."
Alaska saw a very pretty girl walk in before Alaska. Quite frankly, she looked stoned. Alaska smirked and walked past her, going straight to the music room. She carried her small ukulele case and shuffled quickly into the empty room. Ever since the shooting Alaska had distanced herself. She never made any friends and she never joined clubs after that. She didn't even know her peers name. Alaska closed the door, opened her case and started strumming. The vibrations calmed her. Took her mind off the terrors she relived every moment.
~Isabel walked to her first class " gym " her feelings about gym were as followed , stupid, annoying, pointless, she got enough exercise with gus. She ran into the locker room to change, slipping off her cloths, slipping on shorts and a ugly blue shirt they made her wear. On the other hand she had some alone time, even if it was with over 30 kids.~

~Isabel walked to her first class " gym " her feelings about gym were as followed , stupid, annoying, pointless, she got enough exercise with gus. She ran into the locker room to change, slipping off her cloths, slipping on shorts and a ugly blue shirt they made her wear. On the other hand she had some alone time, even if it was with over 30 kids.~
Liam woke up in pain his stomach filled with pain similar to when the injury was caused. He grabbed his healing wound and sluggishly got out of bed "first day back at school" he mumbled to himself. His mom told him to take as much time as he needed but he was ready to get back tired of being stuck in the house all the time. Liam got dressed and combed his hair  getting ready took a while for him now so by the time he was done with everything he had to do it was time for him to leave for school he got into his car and turned it on for the first time in a month mm feels good to be back he thought to himself as he began his drive to school. As he arrived he grabbed his bag and slowly walked into the school looking around seeing all his peers rushing about made him feel good he was happy he could come back. But he had to be careful of his stomach if people bumped him it wouldn't feel so good so he cautiously walked around the school looking for familiar faces 
@Cal Rader

Danny as usual was nowhere to be found, sitting quietly in the shadows. In some hidden corner. Despite what he did, people still didn't notice him. It was nice actually. Being such a nobody. Everybody either wanted to talk to the big hero, or bully the filthy murderer. But they couldn't find him. So even despite killing that lady, he received no attention for it. It was nice. He was the talk of the school for a very long time. The rumors and gossip, all of which he could overhear because he was good at remaining unnoticed. They all wouldn't stop talking about him. He was thoroughly surprised he wasn't arrested for killing that lady. But they ruled it was a legal killing seeing as Liam was in grave danger at the time and anything less than a deathblow wouldn't have worked.

He saw Liam walk into school. He was so glad he was alright. He wanted to run to him, to k-... Yeah... That word. But he knew it was too danderous... They were both guys so it would be wrong, soley on that fact. So he just sat there in the dark corner with his hood on. Watching Liam, yearning.
"No, mum, I want to go to school..." Hermione whispered, her voice barely there. Her mum was in tears about this: 

"You can't go into school like this, dear, you're insane".

Hermione needed to get to school, she could not afford anymore time off. With a bucket close to her chest, Hermione got up and out of bed. Her laptop beeped, getting an email or something, she didn't know. Opening it up, nearly being sick again, she saw a Skype invite. "Babe..." She rasped, accepting it and seeing her boyfriend on screen. She was crying seconds after, missing him even more, feeling even more nauseas 
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Liam walked towards his first class hoping today would be better than the first day of school. we all know how that turned out. Liam was happy to be back but nervous from missing a month of school he knew he could catch up just fine but didn't like the feeling of not knowing whats going on in school. so he continued slowly walking towards class wondering who the new teacher would be as he walked he unwittingly came extremely close to where Danny was hiding 
@Cal Rader

Danny saw him come near and his urges grew.... Liam is just so cute. I wish he wasn't coming near me. I want so badly for Liam to be my boyfriend... But if somebody found out that I liked him, we would both be in BIG trouble! Liam has already been attacked ONCE. I CAN'T make him a target for bullying... He is just too precious to me... But maybe in the shadows... Maybe in the shadows... No one would know... Not even Liam would know! It's too dark over here. Just ONE kiss... Just one kiss... That's all I ask Liam.... He had come too near to his hiding place in the dark shadowy corner... Danny had been staring longily at Liam and his lips for so long... Captivated, hypnotized. 

From his hiding place he suddenly grabbed Liam's body with tense urgency. He turned him towards his own body and planted a passionate kiss on the boy's lips, pulling him further into the shadows... Liam could not see who it was that kissed him... Nor even discern whether it was a boy or a girl. Danny had only kissed him for a quick few seconds. Though he wanted so badly to continue kissing him, he forced himself regretfully to release him before he could react and silently flitted away.  

It had felt so good... Liam was just so cute...

There one moment, gone the next. Liam left alone in the shadows. Danny ran silently from the scene. Unseen by anybody... He then found another dark corner to sit and silently cry at.

God damn it! WHY?! Why does it have to be HIM?! Why Liam?! A BOY! Why not a GIRL?! It would make things so much easier...

Little did he realize he was the only one in that entire school who used that kind of body spray. A sugary smell. Very sweet. Like the sweetest smelling flower in the forest. Homemade. "Sugar feilds" was the label on his body spray. Little did he know that later on Liam would recall the scent from the kiss. Liam would later be close enough to Danny to smell him. This would happen a few times before Liam made a connection... The smell of his kisser, smells just like Danny... They use the same body spray. Sugar feilds.
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(yeah lol)

Liam stood their in shock at what had happened questions raced through his head who was it? was it a boy or a girl? not that I care either way.  he thought to himself standing their in a small amount of pain from being jerked around but he didn't care. All he cared about was finding out who kissed him was it someone he knew or a complete stranger he didn't know but he couldn't stop thinking about it. He began his journey towards his first class once again passing by the music room he could hear someone inside playing what sounded like a ukulele it sounded beautiful he had to know who was playing. He quietly knocked before opening the door and stepping in just watching guessing she would notice him soon enough. 
Alaska strummed away, for what seemed forever. Once the song was over she took a drink from her water bottle and heard a very faint noise. She shifted her neck around and saw Liam. "Oh hey you." She smiled warmly and started to put away her ukulele. "How's the uh.. Injury?" She tries to make small talk.
"Hey umm" he scratched the back of his head a little " its doing alright still hurts a lot sometimes but it could be worse i suppose" he said awkwardly still thinking about who kissed him " I mean I could be dead right" he said jokingly realizing it was a terrible joke to make he quickly apologized "so you play the ukulele thats cool you pretty good to it sounded amazing" he said attempting to divert the conversation from his awful joke  
"Dear, please, you are not well..." Hermione's mother practically begged as she pulled up beside the school. Ashley seemed to agree, wailing as Hermione exited the car, Hermione nearly falling to her knees. 

"I'm... I'm fine, mum. I'll see you when I finish. Be good for mum, Ashley".

As soon as her mother, reluctantly, drove off, Hermione doubled over and heaved. Can't... vomit... not now. Barely avoiding hurling up her dinner from last night again, if there was any left in her stomach, she let out a huge sneeze that made her stuffed up nose run badly. Stumbling inside, she wanted to die, feeling worse than death. 
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Alaska went quiet and paused for moment at the joke. Thankful he switched the subject she looked him in the eye, "oh thanks. It helps take my mind off things." She stood up and put her bag on her shoulder. She smelled a familiar smell. Day of the shooting. She recognized it almost instantly. "You smell good." Alaska smirked at herself.
"hmm do I that's odd I am pretty sure I forgot body spray today but I don't know my brain is all over the place lately" he said with a little laugh.he looked around he noticed he was standing next to a piano he walked over to the front of it and played a few random keys "so..You've been here all the time I was in the hospital do you know of....ummm anyone that liked me or you know wanted to kiss me" he said dancing around the question as much as possible he didn't know why but it felt very awkward to ask the question which was strange because he was a very open person and didn't ever have trouble talking about anything. But something about this time was different everything was strange  he just didn't know what to do 

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