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Realistic or Modern High School [Open]

[This is after a while for both @ParalyzedEnchantress and @Rock And Roll Boy so we can all catch up. cool?]

Tobias made his way down the hall. All sneaky like. He'd retraced his steps since it was the route he knew best, well ... at all really.

 And that's when the sky fell.

Taking the wind out of him, a girl had fallen on to him. Urghhh ... that's smarts.

Eyeing the girl through his tears he realized he'd seen her. "You're roadblock!" he declared in triumph before he smacked him on the face. He rolled a good 2 meters before stopping.

"Nice arm",he thought. Another girl helped him out and he decided this was the nice cop.
"Why yes we were" the woman replied after a short time " in fact my dear Mr. Harold was my husband, the love of my life, or so I thought until I caught him with that woman" she said getting angrier as the conversation progressed. Liam look back towards the boy nearby. Tacking a deep breath he spoke "so Mr Harold was having an affair you found out... And well you weren't to happy about it, so in between piriods you what went up their and killed your husband. I mean I might not agree with what he did lady. But that doesn't give you the right to kill him. You ripped him from this world before his time you..you monster." Liam once again teared up. "Oh you just think your so smart got it all figured out don't you."She said standing up angrier than before. " well smart one you should probably think before you confront a cold blooded killer I mean what did you think I would just let you walk away. You kids are as stupid as ever." She said stepping around her desk. Another tear rolled down Liam's face as she got closer "no..no I am not stupid I brought one thing you don't have frien..." He was cut short by her grabbing him and chocking him while pushed against a wall she lifted him up with one hand and before anyone knew what was happening she stabbed him in the stomach using her other hand. Liam was silent as more tears rolled down his face. That's when  the boy came from behind her and....

(obviously what he does is up to you so their ya go be Liam's hero)
@Cal Rader

No! He though as she stabbed the boy. He felt great fear, but used his dicipline to act accordingly. He knew that with how angry this woman was and he knew that light flimsy weak hits with the flashlight would not stop her. It was a deathblow or nothing it seemed. Only a deathblow would stop her.  Danny stepped back with one foot and brought his arm back. He gathered martial energy to his body through his training. He then brought his foot forward again at the same time as he swung his arm. The flashlight swung forward with such force.... Through his training it was also rather a surprise attack too. She had no idea he was even there. Therefore she did not see the flashlight coming. A very loud CRACK echoed through the halls as the flashlight connected to with her forehead. She flew backward and the back of her head made another loud crack against the floor of the hallway. The knife flew from her grasp and embedded itself into the seams between some lockers. Blood slightly splattered the area around her head. There she lay on the floor.... Dead.

he wanted to run to Liam but paused because he realized Liam might be scared of him now. Granted he only killed her to protect him from being killed first... But maybe Liam wouldn't get that and see him as a monster. So he stayed there... Frozen and unsure of what to do for the moment.
"Those halls are a bloody nightmare!" she complained with her British accent almost shouting so the others could hear her. She then turned her attention to the girl, handing her over her notebook. "Here, it fell out of your bag." Ada smiled and gently returned her the object. "Oh, zip it!" she shushed the guy who bumped into her the other minute. "The place was crowded as hell, I couldn't move an inch without blasting into someone else!" 

@Rock And Roll Boy

@Mathias No Bias
Liam fell to the floor in pain as Mrs. Harold was struck by a flashlight. Tears soaked Liams' face as he grabbed his stomach. he began to panic but tried to stay calm. Liam removed his shirt revealing several scars across his body. he wasn't ecstatic that people were seeing these scars but he had to slow the bleeding. He wrapped his shirt around his stomach and tied it pulling as har as he could but it wasn't hard enough as he was getting weak from the pain. He waved the boy over " I need you to tie this as tight as you can even if I scream" He weakly explained 
Now accompanying the two girls. "I think you should be out damage dealer while I run interference if we run into a killer" he said to Ada@ParalyzedEnchantress. While said so he was using his board normally to conserve the battery.
"Oh please, with your chicken legs he'd catch you before he'd even start chasing us." Adaline replied rudely, checking out the environment. (Sorry for the short lines, I have a serious writer block.) @Mathias No Bias
(i'm kinda waiting on herm so she doesn't have to play catch up with all the convo, so i'm making mine shorter)

"Well let's just hope you can hit them with that canon(arm) of yours before you trip and fall, Miss Head over heels!" he retorted back. The other girl was a little nervous and stayed silent as the other two seemed to argue.

He checked his board. 65%.
Liam screamed in pain as the boy tied the shirt tightly around his stomach breathing heavy Liam thanked the boy.  " hi...I'm Liam" he coughed a small amount of blood into his hand "Thanks for everything" he said weakly as he passed out. at that moment an officer barged through the door to the office "Oh my boy" she cried" running over to him holding him close to her she grabbed her radio " we have a code 240 requesting backup in the office immediately" she said over the radio looking up at the boy " thank you..I saw what you did thank you for saving my boy" she smiled at the boy as backup arrived emergency medics rushed liam out. his mom continued to make sure the building was safe so nobody else would get hurt. before long things calmed down and school was let out for the next couple of days liams mother found the boy before leaving "if you or any other friends want to see him ill instruct the doctors to let you in as soon as they can" she said warmly before leaving the school 
And I never even got to- No! I won't think like that. I simply cannot think like that about him. It would be beyond wrong... wouldn't it? I mean we're both guys first of all, plus... I won't even say it. I'm sick in the mind... I need to go to a mental hospital after this is all worked out. Well... No... They'll probably send me to prison actually. I killed her... I'm a terrible person aren't I?! He sobbed terribly.
Alaska saw all that had happened... She was quick to the other boy sobbing. "Hey, it's okay." She tried to put others before herself even though she was starting to cry herself. "You did the right thing." She cleared her throat and put her arm around him in comfort. 
Tobias takes out his phone and starts playing 'white and nerdy' by weird Al as he rolls next to Clumsy and Quiet.
"Love, you saved his life. Of course you aren't a monster." She smiles warmly at him with tears slowly streaming down her cheeks.
" I don't even know if I did. I think I FAILED" he sobbed out.

"She was too fast. I couldn't prevent her from stabbing him. I was too late " he said.

" I wish I had been faster..."
"Thanks" he said softly.

Wishing I had k- no! I CANT think like that. What would the church think? What would mom and dad say? What would the neighbors think of me?! I can't be branded as a f@g! He told himself.

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