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Fantasy High School Of The Greek Gods

Nyx stopped spacing out when she notice it had started getting dark. She smiled and walked outside to the gates as she watched the rest of the sunset.

After the sunset, she just stood there watching the moon for a while.

Using Tapatalk
Blinking Eros couldn't resist his curiosity. Taking the flute gently he placed it to his lips and began playing. As he played he imagined the wild garden he often spent his time. The song that came out was cheerful but steady. Like a playful wind nymph.
"A garden how adorable" pan stood up,hoping to see Cupid again he adds before disappearing. "Return it in the morning"

@kira blackthorn

Mnemosyn will continue to right for the remainder of night.
Huh. Stopping at Pans words Eros opened his eyes, which he hadn't realized he had closed, and found himself alone. That seems to be happening a lot today. Finally noticing how dark it was he stood and headed to his dorm. There he crawled into bed and fell into a deep sleep still holding the flute.
Mnemosyn crawled out of the closest as dawn began to break through the sky. She set her book down,which was rare but required. she was only allowed here if she promised to try to mingle. She had to deal with a lot of want to be Heros in the human world,and she was a very unsociable God. She took her shower and changed and looked outside yet again at the sun. "6 Years 9 months 2 weeks 6 days 5 hours and 24 minutes......"
After awhile he found himself waking up because somebody accidentally nudge him. He cracked one eye opened and realized that Thana was actually there next to him. He was too nervous to move so he just kept his hands at his sides as he sweated furiously. 'If I wake her up, it will be so awkward!', he swallowed the lump in his throat and closed his eyes shut awkwardly.

@Daniel reaver (this situation is making me laugh, hahaha. So awkward! Haha!)( :D )(> :D )(^.^)
Thana pushed up against Apollo in her sleep and nuzzled her face into his chest as she drempt happy things

While she continued to push against Apollo kindof hinting for him to hold her while still asleep

Apollo felt his face flushed as he tried to put his hands on her shoulders but quickly withdrew them as she nuzzled closer to him. 'I will just pretend that I'm a pillow and she's just hugging me like how I hug my normal pillows.' he exhaled and inhaled deeply. 'But, but, sooner or later she'll wake up cause it's already morning so...everything will pe perfectly fine, right? Right?' he continuously pestered his self with questions.

@Daniel reaver
Thana nuzzled into him more wanting him to hold her while she was having a good dream. She slowly slid her hands onto his chest and gripped his shirt as she slept trying to get him to hold her
Pan enters into the gates in his true form. He had just came from New Zealand looking slightly annoyed as he mutter to himself.

" how dare he not want to give me one of his sheep. Who decides to take a flock grazing in the middle of the night! Selfish human." Pan had taken it upon himself to watch after this particular flock personally. Seeing as the shepard was a eldery man. When pan asked for his favorite sheep in return,the man refused fearing the worst would fall upon his prize sheep. In furry pan made half his flock go mad. As he turned back into his more approachable form he crossed his arms pouting as he sat down on the bench "I just wanted to play with it. Stupid wind nymphs and there rumors"
He nervously wrapped his arms around her, a single sweat falling down his face. 'She's gonna wake up, oh man, my reputation is a goner.'
Stirred from his sleep by the chirping of birds Eros crawled out of bed and after depositing the flute he realized he still clutched onto the nightstand headed toward the bathroom. Once he was clean he changed into a light blue tunic that fell to his knees and some black shorts. Wrapping the bandage around his eyes he grabbed the flute and walked out to the tree from yesterday. Settling down in the grass he began playing as he imagined a beautiful forest. The tune came out soothing and content.
He sighed when she didn't wake up but he accidentally nudged her face as he tried to wipe his sweat. "Oh gosh..." he muttered nervously.
Eris wandered through the school, looking for something to. As she walked, any painting or picture on the wall fell or cracked. "And who are you, the proud lord said...." She sang as she walked. "That I must bow so low." She sang louder. "Only a cat of a different coat, that's all the truth I know." She tilted her head as she sang. "A coat of gold, or a coat of red, a lion still has claws. And mine are long and sharp, my lord. As long and sharp as yours." She twirled her hand, causing a mini tornado to follow her around. "And so he spoke, and so he spoke. That lord of Castamere. Now the rains weep o'er his hall with no one there to hear." She dropped down to a low whisper. "Yes, now the rains weep o'er his halls, and not a soul to here."
Thana slightly stired when Apollo moved before griping his shirt tighter and slowly starting to slide up to his face in her sleep while she was dreaming of some thing her lips where slightly pushed out in a kissing motion as she moved up closer to apollos face

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Pan shivers as he felt a upset in nature "something chaotic...." Pan stood up tilting his head to the side as he heard the melody of a forest. He made his way over to Cupid. finding him by the tree yet again

"By the tree again. Who knew Cupid was such a nature lover" he let the last words roll off his tongue. He coulndt help the pun,it was almost like a impulse. But pan did actually hold some curiosity if Eros held any intrest in the wilderness what so ever.

@kira blackthorn
'This is bad, I can't kiss a girl while she's sleeping, that's against my manliness policy or something.' he moved his head backward and examine her face, she looks cute while asleep, but only one eye is visible. He tried to remove the locks that are covering her other eye.

@Daniel reaver
Thana stoped moving when he tryed to move her hair out of her face and just layed there with her face pointed up at him while still in a deep sleep as her mouth was still slightly open while she breathed steadily creating a soft sweet little sound every time she breathed @Ravian
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Huh. Eros stopped playing as he heard a familiar voice. Looking toward the voice he smiled brightly. "Of course I like nature silly. What's there not to like about it."
pan laid down by the male his eyes were closed and he smiled happy with his answer "you're just saying that cus I'm the God of wilderness" his voice was teasing.

@kira blackthorn
"Oh Please." Eros says teasingly. "I would never let my decisions be shifted because of anyone. "
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