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Fantasy High School Of The Greek Gods

Upon seeing her sleeping face fully, his eyes softened and his lips quirked upward forming a small yet genuine smile. "Beautiful." he murmured as he caressed her cheeks.

@Daniel reaver

((I will probably away for 3 hours or more. Brb.))
Thana layed there and smiled slightly in her sleep as Apollo caressed her cheeks while she slept and still made that soft smooth sound every time she breathed


(I might be asleep by then so tag me just in case @Ravian)
Nyx looked at the pill of books surprised, though it was surprising her eyes could even get wider. "You must be our other roommate," she stated before going to get ready once more. @aja maji

Using Tapatalk
Eris stopped at her room. "So this is where I will be staying." She shrugged and walked inside, singing. "The trees are growing, The winds are blowing. But not for long, For winter is coming..." She sang under her breath as she walked to the empty bed and placed her stuff on it, falling asleep.
Pan had left his part of the room in shambles. His bed was coverd with a variety of pillows and sheets every color and material. His idea of a made bed was putting a bunch of comfortable stuff in a pile. Various jars of dirt and sand were placed randomly around the room. There was a old wooden chest that laid right beside his bed. In it was strips from clothing ranging from silk to leather.

Pan was not expecting a roommate.

"How very noble of you" pan sat up and playfully snatched his flute away

"I believe this is mine kleptomaniac" he put it away standing as he was about to head back inside.

"So Eros. Who is your rival for the homecoming fight?"


"Nxy......." This was how she usally greeted people. She simply said there name,or there title of she found favor in them. She did not bother to look up as she put her last book on the tower. Mnemosyn oddly did not have a lot of books. She had no need for them since she remembered every word. She only brought ten books with her. Of course these were not normal books. The pages were blank.

Athena Rolled Out Of Bed "So Tired..." She Grabbed Her Clothes For The Day And Went In The Bathroom . When She Came Out She Was Fully Dress ."Class Starts Today." She Smiled And Flew To The Classroom Three Hours Early .
Apollo then realized what he was doing and that it was already morning. He sighed heavily and slid out of her embrace. He went to the bathroom to take care of his hygiene and changed his shirt. He exited the dorm using the stairs, walking too quietly for anyone to hear his footsteps. "What a lovely school." he murmured and sighed once more as he took a good look at the school before sitting on a bench.

@Daniel reaver
Athena Read The Board And The First Assignment Was Training . Athena Smiled When She Walked Pass Apollo "Good Morning ." She Had On All Her Armour And Both Her Swords . @Ravian
"Good morning, Athena." He smiled back at him. "Wow, you look good in you armor. Are you going to a fight?" he teased her and chuckled lightly.

She Smiled "I Am Going To Train . " Athena Stretched "Do You Miss Olympus.? " Then She Looked At The Sky
His eyes widened at her question, he felt like she can see right through his barriers. "..." he sighed, "Yes, but I miss the people in Olympus more." he smiled at her once more as she thought about that place.

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Mnemosyn. Got up a was about to head out the door when she looked back at her journal "I've socialized enough today." She ran back grabing it and her pen and headed to class. She walked into the class room looking up to find Apollo and Athena. She went back to her writings sitting on the floor.
Thana had woken up a while later not realizing that she was in apollos bed as she sat up and streched before rubbing one eye with her hand while geting out of bed to go wash up then changed. A little smile swept across her face before she opened the door to her from and walked out side and looked around to see if any one was around "what time is it" she thought to her self as she started to walk to class
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"If I remember correctly you gave that to me last night with instructions to return it this morning. As I have not the chance to do so but the intention I believe it wasn't stealing." Eros remarked as he to stood. He wanted to play his violin a bit. "As for the fight I'm not sure. I haven't been paying it much attention."
"Aaaah yes now I remember" he looked up at the sky realizing they were late for class. With a mischievous grin a a swift movnent him threw Eros over over his shoulders and began to walk to class. For once pan was actually happy. He doesn't have any actual friends,except for maybe mnemosyn.

"Well God of desire unless you can alter time I suggest we get going"

@kira blackthorn

(I'm in class so I'm going to be in and out)
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Aeolus strolled into class happily and sat down as some wind swept through the class room specifacly going twoards athena and who she was around "morning every one" he said brightly while still proud of what he had done to Thana yesterday

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Athena Smiled At Apollo "Me To ." She Turned And Looked At Aeolus And Was About To Spit At His Feet "You Are Not Worthy Of My Spit." Then She Started Walking To The Training Ground
Upon rollerblading to the entrance of the school, Iris noticed how peaceful it seemed. She hoped she didn't arrive too late considering she came a day later than the rest of her mysterious classmates.
Iris quickly spotted the girl curiously looking at her. She smiled and rolled across the yard up to her. "Hi there!" She smiled courteously.
Thana looked down nervously "h-hi" she said quietly as she played with the edg of her skirt when the girl on roller blades came up to her

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