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Fantasy High School Of The Greek Gods

Pan ran off as fast as he could not very fast as the man was running. He then turned into a lamb and jumped onto the table were the others where, he then jumped onto me-me'a lap hiding his head under her book.

" what in the gods name pan...."
Aris was gonna go cause trouble but decided that today there would be no fight. But the first thing to bug him tomorrow would come and inch from death.
Pan told her what happen trying to play the victim. She picked pan up dropping him on the floor. " I happen to like ares pan. I would even say he is my faveroit god out of the whole bunch"

Pan turned back into his human form. "Well doesn't matter he still tried to kill me...."
(Ack. Sorry I had quite a bit to do D: )

Rainy rubbed her eyes sleepily "W-Well.. I was hoping for some food." she smiled slightly and continued to stretch a little.
((Lol it is fine :P It seems I spoke to soon Lol))

"I think I saw the cafeteria sighn a few halls down. I can lead you there if you want." He smiles warmly.

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Athena Walked Right Into A Truck He Human Body Couldn't Take The Hit And Her Soul Flew Out Of The Body The School Doctors Took The Body And Placed It In A Room For Surgery . They Captured Athenas Spirit And Started To Reconstruct Her Human Body .
Mnemosyn sighed. She was eventually going to have to finish the story. She already had her personality down. She would wait for an event to happen before writing more. She looked around to find pan was gone yet again. She sighed he really enjoyed messing with thana.

@Ryu Kenshin

Mnemosyn got up. She was rather tired. Not sleeping for a couple of days. She did have to confront ares tho. Just in case he really did tried to kill pan. She found her way to where he was. Not really saying anything just staring at him for a couple of moments. She has followed ares around for years. Ever since she could remeber,which was a long time. But she had never really spoken to him.
Thanos walked around the school until he hit the infirmary "hmmmm I wonder whats in here" he said as he started to walk in and look around the place curiously

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Athena Woke But A Lot Of Things Were Different "Where Am I." The Doctor Response "Athena Your At School ." Athena Stood "My Name Is Gaia , Who Is Athena?" The Doctor Put His Hand On His Forehead "We Captured The Wrong Spirit ." The Main Doctor Walked In "Her Physical Appearance Looks Nothing Like Athena." The Main Doctor Smiled "Gaia You Hurt Self But Now You Memory Is A Little Messed Up Go Out And Mingle ." Gaia Walked Out And Noticed A Boy

Thanos stood there at a widow and looked out over the land not noticing a girl as he brushed his hair out of his face "I wonder if it would have been different had I came in this form" he said quietly to him self as he stood there by the window
Gaia Tapped Him "I'm New Can You Help Me ." She Smiled "I Woke Up Here But I Last Remember Playing In The Forest." (Grrr) Her Stomach Growled "And I'm Starving ." She Bowed "Please Help."
Thanos looked over and smiled at the girl "don't be silly athena" he said in a smooth voice before he looked down at her stomach "come one let's find you some food" he said as he stared into her eyes for a sec before softly grabing her hand and pulling her out of the infirmary
"Not To Be Rude But My Name Gaia." She Smiled "This Athena Person Must Favor Me A Lot If People Keep Getting Us Confused ." She Said As She Followed The Boy
He smiled warmly at her. "Alright lets go." He turns and would start walking toward where he thought the cafeteria sighn was. "It is rainy right? I think that is your name." @JadeWuvsCookies
She Looked At All The Meat "I've Seem To Have Lost My Appetite ." She Started To Walk Towards The Door Holding Her Mouth She Whispered To Herself "Gaia Calm Down."
Thanos looked at her curiously then started to follow her "h-hey are you ok" he asked her softly as he walked beside her trying to look at her
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"They Cooked My Friends ." She Began To Cry "I Understand It's The Circle Of Life But Those Are Living Things They Had Families And Friends ."
Thanos looked at her confused "I-i uhhh" he said before he blushed slightly and pulled her into a hug and Peted her head softly "I-it's ok"
Thanos looked down at her confused 'she was just crying a moment ago so why does she want to show me a magic trick' he thought as he slowly nodded his head to her


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