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Fantasy High School Of The Greek Gods

Phoenix walked inside the school looking around at all the new sights. He has only been inside a few schools but this one he was attending as a student. He wandered around the school aimlessly.
Rainy rubbed her eyes and continued walking, tiredly brushing past Phoenix then stopping a looking at him with a puzzled and confused face "Huh.." stretching her wings she looked at him for a second "Oh.. I'm sorry.." she held out her hand "I just took a nap so I'm a bit.. off. I'm Rainy."
He turned toward her looking her up and down. With a smile he shook her hand. His was warm almost like holding your hand out to a fire for warmth. "Hello rainy I am phoenix it is a pleasure to meet you."
A sheep camping prancing up to the group. He weaved through the legs of the Warriors and past thana he came up to me-me. The sheep nudge her.

"Go away I have nothing for you" it rolled on its back and continued to bump into Mnemosyn.
Rainy liked the warmth and squeezed his hand gently and smiled "Hey um - Do you know where to go? I'm a bit lost .."

(Brb bus, I'll be back when I can :o )
Ares walked to the cafeteria and was looking to for some food, but all he found was the vending machine. It would have to do.
Thana giggled softly as a warrior walked over and lifted the sheep into the air "now what could a cute little sheep be doing here" he said as he held the sheep above his head while the others lauphed before Thana stood up and started to head to the cafiteria before the rest started to follow
Mnemosyn followed suit. Very silent. She didn't say much. One could forget she was even there. She didn't speak till spoken to. The sheep fell limp when picked up,pretending to be dead even tho it was clear he wasn't. Mnemosyn looked up at the sheep "it might have fleas,you should leave it for dead"
Thana frowned "I might be death but that doesn't mean I enjoy it" she said as she walked over and pet the sheep softly before the warrior set it down then followed Thana into the cafiteria along with the other ones and sat down

@aja maji
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"I actually didn't know that...." Mnemosyn was never really caught be surprises,well sorta her face stayed pretty emotionless.

Pan turned back into his human form kissing me-me on the cheek. " miss know it all doesn't know something?" He smiled patting her head.

"Pan go away I'm working" she didn't look up at him.

Pan rolled his eyes turning into a sheep and running off again.

Mnemosyn sat down at the table.
Thana watched the sheep run of before scowling at him "I'll take that spul of his one day for what he did to me" she mumbled before Annabel sat next to her and rubbed thanas back comfortingly "it's ok Thana he's just a jerk" she said as she watched him run off

@aja maji
Mnemosyn stopped writing looking up. " if you want people to remeber you how you really are I'd advice you don't insult my lover in front of me,but I can write the typical evil God of death if you please" she looked back down,and continued to write. So far her story has been about the kind misunderstood God. But she could change it anytime.
"It's not my fault he slamed me to the ground earlier" Thana said softly as she stared at the bench as smaller versions of creatures appered on the table and pranced around happily

"Plus the other me is completely different" she said softly
" he did that to me when I first met him. I rewrote his legends. Now everyone thinks he perverted evil being" she smiled a tad bit,it was the first emotion she showed to you all day."of course half of that isn't to far off" she countinued to write." If he really is being a jerk to you just touch him up a bit and he will fall in love with you. It's annoying but he makes for a good servent" me-me surprised herself by making conversation with a person. A comment or two was all she ever said
"But he's yours so I can't try to get him to love me or I'd be doing some thing evil" she said softly as the creatures on the table turned to two tiny armies that stood on either side of the table with flags and swords and everything

@aja maji
Aris was looking at the machine looking for something that popped out at him. This machine has been here since his freshman year and he knew everything that was in it. He just decided on skittles because nothing else sounded good. So he inserted his 1.50$ and it fell into the little slot were he then proceeded to take and open it, spilling the rainbow flavors disks into his hand and tossing them into his mouth.
There were little battle cryed coming from the armies as they ran twoards each other and started to clash like in the olden days with swords and shields and arrows as she watched
Mnemosyn coulnd't help but chuckle.

" pan isn't mine...I'm just one of his many. He isn't a very romantic being." She looked over at at the tiny men raising an eyebrow. It reminded her of her childhood. She would sit in trees watching the brutal battles before her. "Tell me why does a god need companions to keep him safe?"
"I don't there more of a family" Thana said as she looked up from the battle "they sacrificed themselfes to me for some thing they loved and I accepted there souls for there lovers and I've kept them ever since" Thana said as she slightly leaned into Annabel

@aja maji
[QUOTE="Ryu Kenshin]Aris was looking at the machine looking for something that popped out at him. This machine has been here since his freshman year and he knew everything that was in it. He just decided on skittles because nothing else sounded good. So he inserted his 1.50$ and it fell into the little slot were he then proceeded to take and open it, spilling the rainbow flavors disks into his hand and tossing them into his mouth.

A sheep ran into his leg. Running around him then running into his legs yet again.

" I know who they are. And why they died. It's my job. Just wasn't sure why you kept them around" she closed the book. "Well I'm done" she picked up her journal and begin to right. Becoming absorbed into it.
Thana looked around the cafiteria as the battle dissapered and one of the Warriors brought her lunch "you didn't need to do that" she said to him as he smiled back at her "you need to eat mylady" he said softly to thana
Aris would have fallen due to the annoying sheep, but he always has a sturdy stance in case someone irritates him.

Aris looked at the floor too see the skittles spilt "You little shit." Aris wasn't planning on a fight today but he was already getting upset.
The sheep back away a good amount then charged turning into a goat before hitting you. It then gave out a goaty laugh and ran away.
Aris was pretty pissed and wasn't ready for a goat. He fell over and punched the ground in rag before getting up and going in the direction of the goat.

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