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He stumbled on a stuck werewolf, mad elemental, a human, and another human. He pokes the wolf's foot. He turned around and asked Duncan "Do you know what happen here?" Semor had a puzzled look on his face.
Ian had waited with Rebecca for quite sometime, his mother said she would only come at night. Finally her vocie echoed from the sky, "it is time Ian." The moon lost its glow and was no longer a full moon. The whole earth was suddenly lite up as though it was day, and then in a flash everything was dark and without a moon. The Goddess of light had left her place in the hevans and had entered the mortal realm.

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Enkye said:
(Whubbout grinn's kick?)
It's like a small smack on the paw. She didn't feel it most likely))

Bonnie roared and turned and bounded into the forest, shaking the floor as she did.
@ConnorX "I don't know, some kind of weird werewolf thing!" As Bonnie shaked the floor Duncan would have to readjust himself to keep his balance. "OH GOD!"
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Grinn's kick had no effect on the wolf, "Why you!" she grunted

She was soon shaken off balance, landing on her butt.

  • 2nL51AJ.jpg

    Luc was sitting up in the tree, peeling an apple using the blade of his sword. He, really didn't have anything else that he could use, but hey, what worked worked! Gnawing on a slice, he heard the loud sound of a roar underneath him in the forest.

    What, a fight?

    Curious, he stood from his place in the tree, and looked down. It was already getting dark, but the night was beautiful to stay in the trees. Without all the chaos, that is. Feeling the ground shake violently, he dropped his apple, having to use his hands to help him stay up in the tree as he stumbled. But the thrill of adventure was much for him. Finally, a past time other than writing to his long-distance lover!

    Using his feet, he immediately pushed himself away from the tree down towards the noise below, bracing himself as his sword was drawn.

The shake had no real effect on Semor. He kinda got unsteady but no real damage. He saw Grinn fall. He walked over to her and reached his hand. "Need any help miss?"
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"Uh... Hm..." For abit Duncan thought to himself and then a smirk overcame him for a short period, but quickly faded back into his normal expression. "Maybe... I mean... I don't know, ignore it and move on with life? Or be horrifically terrified." As he said this, he had his little buddy, Gemini follow the werewolf. To keep track of her, incase someone else could get hurt.
Wyatt said:
Ian had waited with Rebecca for quite sometime, his mother said she would only come at night. Finally her vocie echoed from the sky, "it is time Ian." The moon lost its glow and was no longer a full moon. The whole earth was suddenly lit uo as though it was day, and I then in a flash everything was dark and without a moon. The Goddess of light had left her place in the hevans and had entered the mortal realm.
i waited with lan to see his mother come down from the sky.the wind whistled through my hair,then all of a sudden the moon was gone."well i think she is coming" i open my hand and there was a little glowing light from my scythe spawning. i waited by lan side till his mother came down from the sky.
creepylover said:
i waited with lan to see his mother come down from the sky.the wind whistled through my hair,then all of a sudden the moon was gone."well i think she is coming" i open my hand and there was a little glowing light from my scythe spawning. i waited by lan side till his mother came down from the sky.
"So what are you two doing in this interesting night?"
Entarriance said:

  • 2nL51AJ.jpg

    Luc was sitting up in the tree, peeling an apple using the blade of his sword. He, really didn't have anything else that he could use, but hey, what worked worked! Gnawing on a slice, he heard the loud sound of a roar underneath him in the forest.

    What, a fight?

    Curious, he stood from his place in the tree, and looked down. It was already getting dark, but the night was beautiful to stay in the trees. Without all the chaos, that is. Feeling the ground shake violently, he dropped his apple, having to use his hands to help him stay up in the tree as he stumbled. But the thrill of adventure was much for him. Finally, a past time other than writing to his long-distance lover!

    Using his feet, he immediately pushed himself away from the tree down towards the noise below, bracing himself as his sword was drawn.

  • (wrong tab :o

ConnorX said:
The shake had no real effect on Semor. He kinda got unsteady but no real damage. He saw Grinn fall. He walked over to her and reached his hand. "Need any help miss?"
Grinn slaps his hand away, "I can get up by myself!" she grumbled

"But this wolf person means business," she said with a scowl

Grinn then ejected more fire out of her legs.
Enkye said:
Grinn slaps his hand away, "I can get up by myself!" she grumbled
"But this wolf person means business," she said with a scowl

Grinn then ejected more fire out of her legs.
"Lets just leave her alone huh? Sounds like a good plan right?" I say with cautiousness. "Ya know let her calm down."
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As she did this, Duncan jumped back again. "SO! THAT FIRE!" Duncan said, trying to sound calm, but horrendously failing.
A bad girl, eh? He smirked at the girl, he summons a throwing card and flips it over and over. "The thing will get over it. It'll become human again and come back." It always happened in the school. "You don't need to worry about the wolf."
Revenant said:
As she did this, Duncan jumped back again. "SO! THAT FIRE!" Duncan said, trying to sound calm, but horrendously failing.
I look at Duncan with disbelief and humor on my face, "Really, Its just a little fire, out of someone's legs."
creepylover said:
i waited with lan to see his mother come down from the sky.the wind whistled through my hair,then all of a sudden the moon was gone."well i think she is coming" i open my hand and there was a little glowing light from my scythe spawning. i waited by lan side till his mother came down from the sky.
Iva looked at Felix witha crooked grin on her face and said "sorry you weren't invited to this part." She the threw a ball of light at him and any other intruders, making them disappear from the fight. "I will give you two the first punch." She spoke to Ian and Rebecca.


Ian ready his fist however he knew light magic woulf not defeat her so he wuickly changed into a dragon once again.
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"I say we kill it." Grinn smirked, "WITH FIRE!"

She then clapped her hands together, emitting a white gas around her.

"Time for you to die!"

The white gas combusted and covered her in a veil of fire. She went in for a series of kicks.
As the full moon set, her wolf form did not leave her. Her aggression left. She shook her wolf head and sniffed the air, smelling fire and fear. Her ears flattened, and she whimpered as she turned around and slowly approached them again, wanting to see how bad she's injured them. Once there she laid down and whimpered, trying to tell them she didn't mean to. Her ears stayed flat, and she dug her nose into her paws.
"Son of a gun."

Bob Roberts wasn't having a good time. He'd just been sent off to a crappy school he never wanted to go to, he had to sleep outside the school, he'd lost his beauty rest, and worse yet some idiots thought it was a good idea to start fighting in the middle the night.

"STOP! IN THE NAME OF THE LAW!" Bob exclaimed, raising a hand and running towards the fight. He'd try to bluff the fools into thinking he was something more dangerous than he actually was. Using his magic to change the airs around him into a vampire-like stench, he'd hope to intimidate the scufflers into backing down.
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Duncan turned to him, and then turned back to the girl. And his head just kept switching around, before he said. "A little fire out of someones legs? A LITTLE F- What!?!"
Pastamancer said:
"Son of a gun."
Bob Roberts wasn't having a good time. He'd just been sent off to a crappy school he never wanted to go to, he arrived a couple of minutes late because of his leisurely pace, and worse yet some nincompoops were fighting in the halls.

"STOP! IN THE NAME OF THE LAW!" Bob exclaimed, raising a hand and running towards the fight. He'd try to bluff the fools into thinking he was something more dangerous than he actually was. Using his magic to change the airs around him into a vampire-like stench, he'd hope to intimidate the scufflers into backing down.
We are outside and its after midnight. Might want to edit your post))
Enkye said:
"I say we kill it." Grinn smirked, "WITH FIRE!"
She then clapped her hands together, emitting a white gas around her.

"Time for you to die!"

The white gas combusted and covered her in a veil of fire. She went in for a series of kicks.
"WOAH hold on there, lets just cool out heads, and well, legs."
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