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[QUOTE="Queen of Fantasy](Actually she more of a freakishly giant wolf. Like a European wolf.)
Bonnie whined as they surrounded her with sympathy. She stood and nudged her nose on their faces, wanting forgiveness.

"It's ok, dont worry about it."
Bonnie panted, happily as the two boys accepted her apology. She linked their faces and wagged her large poof tail, like a playful puppy.
"Of all the things I expected... I uh, I didn't expect this..." Duncan said, unusually calm for a change.
[QUOTE="Queen of Fantasy](Actually she more of a freakishly giant wolf. Like a European wolf.)
Bonnie whined as they surrounded her with sympathy. She stood and nudged her nose on their faces, wanting forgiveness.

"hey wolf, can you change back into a humanoid shape?" Grinn said monotonously.
The wolf looked toward Grinn and shook her head. She pointed with her snout at the moon. Trying to show them that when morning comes is when she can transform back.
[QUOTE="Queen of Fantasy]Bonnie panted, happily as the two boys accepted her apology. She linked their faces and wagged her large poof tail, like a playful puppy.

I laugh, "I've always like animals more than humans, and your a little of both." Then with a mischievous look say to Bonnie, "Want to have a race?"
[QUOTE="Queen of Fantasy]The wolf looked toward Grinn and shook her head. She pointed with her snout at the moon. Trying to show them that when morning comes is when she can transform back.

"Ah, so you turn with the moon," Grinn looked up at the moon.

She sat down, and stared up. "Why you guys in this school?" she questioned.
FeIix said:
I laugh, "I've always like animals more than humans, and your a little of both." Then with a mischievous look say to Bonnie, "Want to have a race?"
Bonnie panted happily and nodded, and ran in a few circles before dashing into the forest, then looking behind her hoping Felix was following.
"The world isn't ready for a w-Vampire Lord of my caliber. So I lie in wait." Bob explained to the weird chick with a sage nod. Pretending to be older than he was would be hard, but he could do it. Deception was the game.
[QUOTE="Queen of Fantasy]Bonnie panted happily and nodded, and ran in a few circles before dashing into the forest, then looking behind her hoping Felix was following.

I shift into a Timber Wolf (fastest wolf breed) and run after Bonnie
Pastamancer said:
"The world isn't ready for a w-Vampire Lord of my caliber. So I lie in wait." Bob explained to the weird chick with a sage nod. Pretending to be older than he was would be hard, but he could do it. Deception was the game.
"Hah hah hah." Grin laughed, "vampire lord?"

She saw through part of his bluff, "In the vampire world nowadays it's more like a vampire general."
FeIix said:
I shift into a Timber Wolf (fastest wolf breed) and run after Bonnie
Bonnie ran as fast as she could. Though her wolf breed was not fast, her heightened abilities made her fast.
"Well... That happened.. I think... I think I'm gonna lay down here...Just for abit." He said falling on to his back and laying down.
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Wyatt said:
Ian's hot breath could have melted steel, however it had no effect on the goddess. He continuously attacked her with fire to no success. She merely smirked as said "Darling you will have to do much better than that if you wish to bet me." Iva then looked at Rebecca waiting for her to attack the Iva.
i looked at iva attack lan and i got mad so i cast a spell of fire on her but it didnt really work so i did a couple more spells but that also didnt work that well."lan distract her for me for a second".as i say that i turn around.
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[QUOTE="Queen of Fantasy]Bonnie ran as fast as she could. Though her wolf breed was not fast, her heightened abilities made her fast.

I run along with Bonnie and take twists and turns to make it more challenging.
"I'm not HIP and IN THE KNOW with you young'ns, I've been OUT OF THE LOOP too long, you see." Bob knew he had to ride this lie through. Only lying could save him now, and even then settling for a 'regular vampire' wouldn't be too bad.
[QUOTE="Queen of Fantasy]Bonnie did the same, keeping up with him.

While running i accidentally take a path that leads away from the direction we were going and stop running and turn around and run immediately trying to regain momentum.
Pastamancer said:
"I'm not HIP and IN THE KNOW with you young'ns, I've been OUT OF THE LOOP too long, you see." Bob knew he had to ride this lie through. Only lying could save him now, and even then settling for a 'regular vampire' wouldn't be too bad.
"Kehhh?" Grinn smiled, "You know? I have a love hate relationship with vampires."

She felt her metal visor. "I love being with my kind, it makes me feel safe, but I hate what they did to me." she looked to the side.

"But that's enough about me, tell me more about yourself."
creepylover said:
i looked at iva attack lan and i got mad so i cast a spell of fire on her but it didnt really work so i did a couple more spells but that also didnt work that well."lan distract her for me for a second".as i say that i turn around.
Ian stopped his firy attack and the tackled his mother, however Iva was like a stone wall and did not move. Instead she laughed a cruel laugh. She then waved her hand and Ian went flying crashing to the ground leaving a large hole where he layed. He quickly got back up but his mother quickly slammed him into the ground again.
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Eventually, Duncan stood up, and began to look around. "Man... All of you guys have cool powers..." He said after pondering this for abit.
Oh no, was this a challenge to Bob's authenticity? Bob knew so, and it was a pretty underhanded way to go about it. Cyborg Vampire Girl wasn't getting anything out of him, nothing that was remotely correct anyways. Some dumb part of him wanted to mess with everyone, and the rational concept of just walking away was alien to him right now. He had so much power! It was glorious! If he wove a good enough tale, it stood to reason, NO ONE would mess with him! Bob would be invincible!

"Well, I was born and raised in Sumeria, and after being turned into a vampire I ran off to Egypt and eventually they managed to seal me away in one of the pyramids. It was so well-designed, I couldn't find my way out safely until I gained my strength back, and by then I was buried in sand! So I waited for a long, long time and eventually, some punk kid with brushes and shovels dig me out! I pretend to be dead, of course. Going loud wouldn't do anything but hurt me. So they carry me out in a sarcophagus, and I make my escape from there. I look young, so I weaseled my way into an adoption agency after a long while, and I recently got adopted and sent here."
Pastamancer said:
Oh no, was this a challenge to Bob's authenticity? Bob knew so, and it was a pretty underhanded way to go about it. Cyborg Vampire Girl wasn't getting anything out of him, nothing that was remotely correct anyways. Some dumb part of him wanted to mess with everyone, and the rational concept of just walking away was alien to him right now. He had so much power! It was glorious! If he wove a good enough tale, it stood to reason, NO ONE would mess with him! Bob would be invincible!
"Well, I was born and raised in Sumeria, and after being turned into a vampire I ran off to Egypt and eventually they managed to seal me away in one of the pyramids. It was so well-designed, I couldn't find my way out safely until I gained my strength back, and by then I was buried in sand! So I waited for a long, long time and eventually, some punk kid with brushes and shovels dig me out! I pretend to be dead, of course. Going loud wouldn't do anything but hurt me. So they carry me out in a sarcophagus, and I make my escape from there. I look young, so I weaseled my way into an adoption agency after a long while, and I recently got adopted and sent here."
I walk back and shift into a human and say, "Interesting story, more interesting than mine at least."
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