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Wyatt said:
Ian watches Rebecca fly away and debates chasing after her, however, she was to fast since he couldn't fly. He gets up and starts walking towards the direction she flew off to, not having any desire to try and fit into the dorms at school. Besides he had a long night, and he didn't want to be around people he wasn't comfortable with. The least Ian could do was cheer Rebecca up.
i found a place to land and start to go down when i land on the ground i sit up against a tree stump throwing rocks in the water and thinking."why did that dream come up all of a sudden..i have never have a dream like that...AAAHHHH"i scream and scare away some of the animals in the forest i open my hand and i see my pendent my mother gave me."why*hic*why did you have to leave me*hic*why couldnt you just stay*hic*".i cradled myself in a ball,hid my face and started to cry"why..why..you didnt even explain to me...you just left me*hic*".
creepylover said:
i found a place to land and start to go down when i land on the ground i sit up against a tree stump throwing rocks in the water and thinking."why did that dream come up all of a sudden..i have never have a dream like that...AAAHHHH"i scream and scare away some of the animals in the forest i open my hand and i see my pendent my mother gave me."why*hic*why did you have to leave me*hic*why couldnt you just stay*hic*".i cradled myself in a ball,hid my face and started to cry"why..why..you didnt even explain to me...you just left me*hic*".
After sometime Ian found Rebecca, looking sad and disappointed. He walked up to her and for some odd reason his dragon instincts kicked in, in order to try and cheer her up, and he licks her face. Ian then hides his face best he can, pretty embarrassed. "I am sorry, I don't know why I did that, I just had a weird Impulse. You know that, that isn't like me. So... what's wrong?" He was quickly trying to make her forget that he licked her. "You look sad."
Wyatt said:
After sometime Ian found Rebecca, looking sad and disappointed. He walked up to her and for some odd reason his dragon instincts kicked in, in order to try and cheer her up, and he licks her face. Ian then hides his face best he can, pretty embarrassed. "I am sorry, I don't know why I did that, I just had a weird Impulse. You know that, that isn't like me. So... what's wrong?" He was quickly trying to make her forget that he licked her. "You look sad."
i look up at lan and show him my pendent my mother gave me then i tell him the story of how they left..."and after that i never saw them again all they left me was a few jewels and this pendent my mother always had"i look at it and smile a little then look back at him."hey...if you let me i may be able to help your wing...all i need to do is patch it up and enhance it so it will heal...then when it does i want to show you something".
creepylover said:
i look up at lan and show him my pendent my mother gave me then i tell him the story of how they left..."and after that i never saw them again all they left me was a few jewels and this pendent my mother always had"i look at it and smile a little then look back at him."hey...if you let me i may be able to help your wing...all i need to do is patch it up and enhance it so it will heal...then when it does i want to show you something".
Ian looks up at Rebecca and tells her that he is sorry for her loss. Then he moves his body and lowers his hurt wing. He then blows little approving smoke rings into the air as he waits for her to heal his wing. "Thanks for everything you done for me so far, I appreciate it a lot."
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Rodwen made her way to the schoolyard where she sat looking around at the students whom were darting around like ants. She sighed before looking up at the clouds watching them pass by as she waited for her next class to start.
Wyatt said:
Ian looks up at Rebecca and tells her that he is sorry for her loss. Then he moves his body and lowers his hurt wing. He then blows little approving smoke rings into the air as he waits for her to heal his wing. "Thanks for everything you done for me so far, I appreciate it a lot."
"it's ok it's the least i can do for you helping me"the spell was finished and i asked him to move his wing."try moving your wing now it should feel better i smiled at him.
creepylover said:
"it's ok it's the least i can do for you helping me"the spell was finished and i asked him to move his wing."try moving your wing now it should feel better i smiled at him.
Ian flaps his wing, testing it once agian. However, this time it feels perfectly. "My wing, the spell work!" He then leaps into the air and flys in circles.
Wyatt said:
Ian flaps his wing, testing it once agian. However, this time it feels perfectly. "My wing, the spell work!" He then leaps into the air and flys in circles.
i get up and fly in the air with lan with happiness."yes it worked...it worked..."i get back on the ground and smile at lan in the air."hehehehe...i always fell happy when im with you and i dont know why"i see that lan is coming back down to the ground and i look at him coming down."hey...lan...can i show you something"? i smile a little.
creepylover said:
i get up and fly in the air with lan with happiness."yes it worked...it worked..."i get back on the ground and smile at lan in the air."hehehehe...i always fell happy when im with you and i dont know why"i see that lan is coming back down to the ground and i look at him coming down."hey...lan...can i show you something"? i smile a little.
Ian landed on the ground next to Rebecca. When she said always felt happy around, it made him feel happy and awkward, however, he didn't let show. "Sure, you can show me it, what ever it is." He said smiling at her.
[QUOTE="Mr Swiftshots]Rodwen made her way to the schoolyard where she sat looking around at the students whom were darting around like ants. She sighed before looking up at the clouds watching them pass by as she waited for her next class to start.

{{Currently nightime mate, the kids are (mostly) getting settled for sleep }~}
Wyatt said:
Ian landed on the ground next to Rebecca. When she said always felt happy around, it made him feel happy and awkward, however, he didn't let show. "Sure, you can show me it, what ever it is." He said smiling at her.
"cool lets go..follow me..its not that far so we can walk"i smiled back at him.as we were walking i could see where we were headed."look its right there" as i say that i run to the place i see.its a big opened field with no sun just the moon and darkness.i see a river and short grass everywere i turn around to lan"this is were i come to...to relax and get things of my mind...i also like to look at the lake waters reflection from the moon...so i sit here and lay here".i sit on the ground near the water and look up at the sky."the reson its dark here all the time is because of the demons that live over here...sometimes they will come over here and look at the water with me and talk with me...but for some reason the havent come over lately so i get lonley being here all by myself so...i will just realx without talking to anybody..sometimes its loney but sometimes its not" i look at lan and back at the stars.
creepylover said:
"cool lets go..follow me..its not that far so we can walk"i smiled back at him.as we were walking i could see where we were headed."look its right there" as i say that i run to the place i see.its a big opened field with no sun just the moon and darkness.i see a river and short grass everywere i turn around to lan"this is were i come to...to relax and get things of my mind...i also like to look at the lake waters reflection from the moon...so i sit here and lay here".i sit on the ground near the water and look up at the sky."the reson its dark here all the time is because of the demons that live over here...sometimes they will come over here and look at the water with me and talk with me...but for some reason the havent come over lately so i get lonley being here all by myself so...i will just realx without talking to anybody..sometimes its loney but sometimes its not" i look at lan and back at the stars.
Ian changed back into a human and followed Rebecca. "This place is beautiful." Ian then sits down rear Rebecca and looks up at the stars. "I hope nothing wants to kill me though, I have a feeling they don't like what I am." He looks around him not seeing anyone else a round. "It been nice hanging out with you for the past while. Your are probably one of the only people I don't."
Wyatt said:
Ian changed back into a human and followed Rebecca. "This place is beautiful." Ian then sits down rear Rebecca and looks up at the stars. "I hope nothing wants to kill me though, I have a feeling they don't like what I am." He looks around him not seeing anyone else a round. "It been nice hanging out with you for the past while. Your are probably one of the only people I don't."
"hehehe...i dont think they will kill you they trust me...they have kind of been like my family since i got here...alot of them are actually really nice...well demon type nice but they wont hurt you while im here"i look at lan and smile then i get up,go to the river and i start to go in it."hehehehe...hey lan look at this" i show him something in the river and it was a beautiful seashell."im going to get it".
Laurence, just finding the libery says loudly to himself "finaly! I found the libery! It only took me a century!" Walking in to the room he quietly mutters" and no ones hear....I am okay with this...." Then he sits down at the old wooden table
creepylover said:
"hehehe...i dont think they will kill you they trust me...they have kind of been like my family since i got here...alot of them are actually really nice...well demon type nice but they wont hurt you while im here"i look at lan and smile then i get up,go to the river and i start to go in it."hehehehe...hey lan look at this" i show him something in the river and it was a beautiful seashell."im going to get it".
Ian smiles at Rebecca the he goes on to say "it is ironic that my fathers name is river and hebis a dragon, the river made me think of that." He then looks at the shell Rebecca pointed it out and lifts it using telekinesis.
Wyatt said:
Ian smiles at Rebecca the he goes on to say "it is ironic that my fathers name is river and hebis a dragon, the river made me think of that." He then looks at the shell Rebecca pointed it out and lifts it using telekinesis.
"oh wow thats cool"i grab the shell and show it to lan."hm..it looks likes theres something carved in here"i look at the shell again and try to figure out the words"O-N-E-L-O-V-E....one love..what does that mean"i look at lan and back at the shell "well i quess it is a pretty shell so im going to give it to you..."i give it to lan and smile a little then looked back at the lake but for some reason my cheeks were hot and red and i didnt know why so i went to put some water on my face.
Ah he was just stearing at the table mumbled "so...i eather stay hear and read books that i dont want to read...or i could go talk to people..." Thinking about it for a wile he desided to get out of the libery and try and get a social life....and probably fail... but oh well!
When i wake up i decide to go back to my spot in the back of the cafeteria until someone comes along or until i get bored.
After a bit of walking Laurence finaly fined the classroom he was going to enter before "so...if this is the classroom..that means i came from that direction.." Turns to face the oposit way to the classroom "and I remember people being down there...so i guess i mite as well try!" Then started to quickly walk down the long coridor
After at least thirty minutes i decide to head to the courtyard for fresh air and hopefully to see someone along the way.
Laurence slowly opend a wooden door he had paseed my earlier "oh...so there is an exit...and I've passed it about a million times..." Sighting to himsef he walks outaking his headphones off he started wandering around.
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Seeing that apparently it's morning now, Dimitri gathers up his materials for the day, and starts to shuffle out of the dormitories. Though, he pauses and makes to see of Duncan has woken up just yet. He knocks on the door, and speaks up. "Hey, are you up yet?I know you're still in there, you're gonna end up late for class..."
creepylover said:
"oh wow thats cool"i grab the shell and show it to lan."hm..it looks likes theres something carved in here"i look at the shell again and try to figure out the words"O-N-E-L-O-V-E....one love..what does that mean"i look at lan and back at the shell "well i quess it is a pretty shell so im going to give it to you..."i give it to lan and smile a little then looked back at the lake but for some reason my cheeks were hot and red and i didnt know why so i went to put some water on my face.
Ian looks at the shell awkwardly, thinking he knows what means. He doesn't tell Rebecca but hides his thoughts to himself. "Your right, it is a really pretty shell. I don't have a clue what it clue mean." Ian said this as convincingly as he could. He grabs a stone and skips it across the river rearly making it to the other side. "It's a good thing my mother is a goddess, because my absents from school are excused, and think I might skip the next week of school. Do you want to join me? You can say you were with my mother and I."
After a wile laurence made it to the cortyard and mutterd "wel..it's um...defenetly outside...and the sun is blinding..oh boy" he said shelding his eyes
I look to my right and see Laurence walking outside and laugh seeing him covering his eyes and say, "Not used to the sunlight?"

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