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Bob had refreshed his vampiric odor, one he'd have to keep as long as possible to keep people from messing with him. No one messes with a 5000 year old 'vampire lord,' he'd reckoned. Of course it all was a load of bull, but they didn't have to know that. To keep up the facade he'd pilfered an ugly umbrella from the lost and found-- vampires didn't like sunlight, he heard, so he would carry it around all day.

Bob walked through the courtyard, cool, calm and collected. The werewolves and such could smell his fear if he was afraid, so he didn't think of the terrible things that could befall a wimpy wizard caught in the wrong place at the wrong time. The open umbrella, if his odor didn't convince completely, would be good enough protection opened.
Wyatt said:
Ian looks at the shell awkwardly, thinking he knows what means. He doesn't tell Rebecca but hides his thoughts to himself. "Your right, it is a really pretty shell. I don't have a clue what it clue mean." Ian said this as convincingly as he could. He grabs a stone and skips it across the river rearly making it to the other side. "It's a good thing my mother is a goddess, because my absents from school are excused, and think I might skip the next week of school. Do you want to join me? You can say you were with my mother and I."
i look at lan after i wet my face"yeah that sound awesome"after that i smirk evilly and start to flick him with water."hahaha take that"i scoop up some water and throw it at him.
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Still sporting a smile i say, "Well you gotta get out more," then with another laugh, "or else that will happen more often."
"I would buuuuut I just prefer staying indoors" He said slightly smiling "however I do go outside in winter especialy when its snowing...because snow is amazing!"
"Eh always been to cold for me but since i could, well, do this." I say as i shift into a wolf then shift back, "Doesn't really bother me anymore."
creepylover said:
i look at lan after i wet my face"yeah that sound awesome"after that i smirk evilly and start to flick him with water."hahaha take that"i scoop up some water and throw it at him.
After Rebecca splash Ian he smile an evil smile, then he lifted his hands, using telekinesis on the water and dropped a gallon or so of water on her. "Bring it." He told Rebecca in a challenging tone.
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"Oh, i just don't really feel the cold, but i hate the heat" Laurence replyed "also, that was pritty cool."
Undead said:
"Oh, i just don't really feel the cold, but i hate the heat" Laurence replyed "also, that was pritty cool."
"Not really compared to what other people can do, I can only change my shape, size, appearance, and voice."
Wyatt said:
After Rebecca splash Ian he smile an evil smile, then he lifted his hands, using telekinesis on the water and dropped a gallon or so of water on her. "Bring it." He told Rebecca in a challenging tone.
lan dropped alot of water on me and i was really wet."oohhhh it's soooo on""i used a magic spell and cast it on the river."now you shall fell my rath"i took some of the water from the lake and threw it at him."hehehe now your even wetter than me...never challenge a demon at a water fight...it will never end well"i smirked evilly and poured even more water on lan and both of us got wet from it."hahaha"i couldn't control my laughter anymore and was laughing nonstop for a little.
creepylover said:
lan dropped alot of water on me and i was really wet."oohhhh it's soooo on""i used a magic spell and cast it on the river."now you shall fell my rath"i took some of the water from the lake and threw it at him."hehehe now your even wetter than me...never challenge a demon at a water fight...it will never end well"i smirked evilly and poured even more water on lan and both of us got wet from it."hahaha"i couldn't control my laughter anymore and was laughing nonstop for a little.
Ian was cracking up at Rebecca's comments. Then he jumed into the river and started to swin on his back enjoyimg the sky. He waved his hand to Rebeca inviting her in. "Look at that cloud, it looks like a horse!" He yelled pointing at the cloud.
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Wyatt said:
Ian was cracking up at Rebecca's comments. Then he jumed into the river and started to swin on his back enjoyimg the sky. He waved his hand to Rebeca inviting her in. "Look at that cloud, it looks like a horse!" He yelled pointing at the cloud.
"hahaha...oh wait for me"i went in the lake and looked at the cloud"hm...your right it does"i look at lan and back at the horse like cloud.then i dove down in the water and grabbed something at the bottom*in my head*"oh there it is i knew it was always here"i grab it and go back to the surface."*gasp*i..got it..."it was a necklace i put in the lake a long time ago"this is a necklace one of the demon girls gave me it... she said to keep it safe"i look at the necklace it was purple and black just like before.i put it in a bag and look at lan with a smile."i just remembered to go get it so nobody else found it".
creepylover said:
"hahaha...oh wait for me"i went in the lake and looked at the cloud"hm...your right it does"i look at lan and back at the horse like cloud.then i dove down in the water and grabbed something at the bottom*in my head*"oh there it is i knew it was always here"i grab it and go back to the surface."*gasp*i..got it..."it was a necklace i put in the lake a long time ago"this is a necklace one of the demon girls gave me it... she said to keep it safe"i look at the necklace it was purple and black just like before.i put it in a bag and look at lan with a smile."i just remembered to go get it so nobody else found it".
"Oh, thats nice. Good you got it, I had my eye on it." He then went from his back and straighten his self out as he was swimming. "Want to see something cool?" He asked her, however, before she could respond he waved his hand and ten or more tiny little balls of light were floating above the water. He then went under the water and watched them for a few seconds before coming back up.
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Wyatt said:
"Oh, thats nice. Good you got it, I had my eye on it." He then went from his back and straighten his self out as he was swimming. "Want to see something cool?" He asked her, however, before she could respond he waved his hand and ten or more tiny little balls of light were floating above the water. He then went under the water and watched them for a few seconds before coming back up.
i look up in the sky and i see little balls of light"wooooow there so pretty huh were did you go"i look around and i cant see him i look down and i see him in the water looking up."oh your looking at them under the water hm i wanna see how pretty they are" i dive in the water and looked up."woooow there even prettier under the water"i look at lan and say you wanna see something else"but before he said yes i waved my hands in a way and go above the water.i gathered a ball of water with a shell in it and cast a spell...when the spell was done the shell was transformed into a sea blue gem."there...i used dark magic and made a sea blue gem ...now im going to make it into a necklace and always were it".
creepylover said:
i look up in the sky and i see little balls of light"wooooow there so pretty huh were did you go"i look around and i cant see him i look down and i see him in the water looking up."oh your looking at them under the water hm i wanna see how pretty they are" i dive in the water and looked up."woooow there even prettier under the water"i look at lan and say you wanna see something else"but before he said yes i waved my hands in a way and go above the water.i gathered a ball of water with a shell in it and cast a spell...when the spell was done the shell was transformed into a sea blue gem."there...i used dark magic and made a sea blue gem ...now im going to make it into a necklace and always were it".
Ian watches in fascination as she turns the shell into a sea blue gem. "Wow thats spectacular, but I know just the thing to make it perfect." He says as he picks up one of the tiny balls of light. He then uses magic of his own and combines it with the gem. "There now it will always glow, no matter what." He then picks up another ball of light and looks at it debating what other things he could do with it.
Wyatt said:
Ian watches in fascination as she turns the shell into a sea blue gem. "Wow thats spectacular, but I know just the thing to make it perfect." He says as he picks up one of the tiny balls of light. He then uses magic of his own and combines it with the gem. "There now it will always glow, no matter what." He then picks up another ball of light and looks at it debating what other things he could do with it.
"wow its beautiful thank you"i make a necklace out of it and put it on my neck."what are you going to do with that"i look at him in confusion then then smile.i take a couple balls of light and put them together and cast another spell and it they turned a dark purple."hehehe this light is pretty now oh i can make different colors to"i take more little lights and turn them different colors and put them back in the sky"now the sky is even more beautiful with these lights".
creepylover said:
"wow its beautiful thank you"i make a necklace out of it and put it on my neck."what are you going to do with that"i look at him in confusion then then smile.i take a couple balls of light and put them together and cast another spell and it they turned a dark purple."hehehe this light is pretty now oh i can make different colors to"i take more little lights and turn them different colors and put them back in the sky"now the sky is even more beautiful with these lights".
Ian finally decides what to do with the small ball of light and formed it into two small glass bottles as small as a needle and as wide as a ring. Then he filled it with water and seal them closed. "These bottles of water will glow brighter the closer you are to this spot and when they are together they will glow a faint blue." He show her the two glass bottles and they were glowing brightly with a small blue taint. He then waved his hand again and all of the little balls of light started flying into the sky. "And lastly those balls of light will become starts with the same colors and they will only be able to be seen form here. I don't have the power and authority to make them able to be seen all across the world." He handed her one of the small bottles and made the other one a neckless that he then put around his neck.
Wyatt said:
Ian finally decides what to do with the small ball of light and formed it into two small glass bottles as small as a needle and as wide as a ring. Then he filled it with water and seal them closed. "These bottles of water will glow brighter the closer you are to this spot and when they are together they will glow a faint blue." He show her the two glass bottles and they were glowing brightly with a small blue taint. He then waved his hand again and all of the little balls of light started flying into the sky. "And lastly those balls of light will become starts with the same colors and they will only be able to be seen form here. I don't have the power and authority to make them able to be seen all across the world." He handed her one of the small bottles and made the other one a neckless that he then put around his neck.
"thank you lan i love them now i can when i come here i can look at this thank you"i hug lan and start to go to land. i dry off and wait for lan to come to shore while i do that i fly in the air to dry my wings when i get on the ground i see lan in the grass so i go in the grass with him."hey lan do you mind if i sleep here today i dont think i want to go back to the dorms just yet...you can go ahead if you want but i think i will stay and watch the lights till i fall asleep"i look at him and sit in the grass.
creepylover said:
"thank you lan i love them now i can when i come here i can look at this thank you"i hug lan and start to go to land. i dry off and wait for lan to come to shore while i do that i fly in the air to dry my wings when i get on the ground i see lan in the grass so i go in the grass with him."hey lan do you mind if i sleep here today i dont think i want to go back to the dorms just yet...you can go ahead if you want but i think i will stay and watch the lights till i fall asleep"i look at him and sit in the grass.
After I get to the grass and Rebecca comes back to the ground Ian tells her, "I think I will stay here for, I have no desire to go back to the dorms for a long time." Ian then lays in the grass and looks at the new stars in the sky, seeing the purple ones and focusing on them.
Wyatt said:
After I get to the grass and Rebecca comes back to the ground Ian tells her, "I think I will stay here for, I have no desire to go back to the dorms for a long time." Ian then lays in the grass and looks at the new stars in the sky, seeing the purple ones and focusing on them.
i look at the stars and slowly start to go to sleep...after a while im asleep and i can see my mother,father and me we are playing and talking together."mom do you think i will ever be loved by someone like you and father" "of course you just need time and look for the right guy right father" "yes and when you do we will support you in anyway" "really...but what is love" "well love is when you want to be with that person for a very long time right father" "yes for a long long time" "now enough questions lets go have some fun" "ok" i then go and run around with mother and father. after that i wake up "AAAAHHH...WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO TELL ME"i yell at myself.
creepylover said:
i look at the stars and slowly start to go to sleep...after a while im asleep and i can see my mother,father and me we are playing and talking together."mom do you think i will ever be loved by someone like you and father" "of course you just need time and look for the right guy right father" "yes and when you do we will support you in anyway" "really...but what is love" "well love is when you want to be with that person for a very long time right father" "yes for a long long time" "now enough questions lets go have some fun" "ok" i then go and run around with mother and father. after that i wake up "AAAAHHH...WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO TELL ME"i yell at myself.
Ian had been dreaming about the night he was create, it was always night when ever his mother was on the earth. Iva was trying to make peace with the mighty dragon River, or River the great as he had been called. "Please, no more my children are dyeing. Please they are my precious angels." The mighty dragon laughed at her cries, "You have nothing to offer me Goddess." With tears in her eyes she look at the dragon and spoke, "I know you are sterile, however, I can bare your child for. I am the mighty Goddess after all." Then as Ian was about to see the dragon his dream ended as it always did. He woke up hearing Rebecca yelling. "Are you okay." Ian asked her in a concerned voice.
Wyatt said:
Ian had been dreaming about the night he was create, it was always night when ever his mother was on the earth. Iva was trying to make peace with the mighty dragon River, or River the great as he had been called. "Please, no more my children are dyeing. Please they are my precious angels." The mighty dragon laughed at her cries, "You have nothing to offer me Goddess." With tears in her eyes she look at the dragon and spoke, "I know you are sterile, however, I can bare your child for. I am the mighty Goddess after all." Then as Ian was about to see the dragon his dream ended as it always did. He woke up hearing Rebecca yelling. "Are you okay." Ian asked her in a concerned voice.
i look at lan and say"y..yeah im ok j...just a bad dream thats all"i get up and stretch my wing and my legs by going for a fly."i'll be right back lan i just need to do something"i say in a low voice and fly away.i fly for a while in the darkness and i stop in the sky and look around to make sure no one was around then i took out a gem i had and started to say words that were on the gem.after i said the words there was a little cloud of smoke and i could see mother and father"mother father can you here me please answer me i really need you i need to ask you something" cloud of smoke:yes...what...help...rebec...can't...you..."please answer me i need help i dont know who to go to please PLEASE*hic*" smoke:sorry...help...we...love you...beep "no*hic*please i need you your my only hope*hic*"the cloud of smoke is gone and i fall to the ground and start crying"why why did you leave and give me this...why*hic* i stay there for a little and cry.
creepylover said:
i look at lan and say"y..yeah im ok j...just a bad dream thats all"i get up and stretch my wing and my legs by going for a fly."i'll be right back lan i just need to do something"i say in a low voice and fly away.i fly for a while in the darkness and i stop in the sky and look around to make sure no one was around then i took out a gem i had and started to say words that were on the gem.after i said the words there was a little cloud of smoke and i could see mother and father"mother father can you here me please answer me i really need you i need to ask you something" cloud of smoke:yes...what...help...rebec...can't...you..."please answer me i need help i dont know who to go to please PLEASE*hic*" smoke:sorry...help...we...love you...beep "no*hic*please i need you your my only hope*hic*"the cloud of smoke is gone and i fall to the ground and start crying"why why did you leave and give me this...why*hic* i stay there for a little and cry.
Ian looked at the ground trying to gather his thoughts, Rebecca obliviously had feelings for him, and he loved her in the way he would love a sibling. However, he had feelings for boys and was attracted to boys. So this made him feel awkward ans Rebecca had known for a few years now that he liked boys. It was strange to him, they got a long so well but in the end he was not attracted to her.
Wyatt said:
Ian looked at the ground trying to gather his thoughts, Rebecca obliviously had feelings for him, and he loved her in the way he would love a sibling. However, he had feelings for boys and was attracted to boys. So this made him feel awkward ans Rebecca had known for a few years now that he liked boys. It was strange to him, they got a long so well but in the end he was not attracted to her.
after i was done crying i got up and started to fly back to lan but before i could i started to feel really dizzy so i sat back down."no dont you dare start i will not pass out now"i get up and start to fly but i cant no matter how many times i try to fly i keep on falling down so i decided to walk.after a little while of walking i passed out and fell on the ground "please stop...help me mother father anyone"no matter what i say no one can hear me.
creepylover said:
after i was done crying i got up and started to fly back to lan but before i could i started to feel really dizzy so i sat back down."no dont you dare start i will not pass out now"i get up and start to fly but i cant no matter how many times i try to fly i keep on falling down so i decided to walk.after a little while of walking i passed out and fell on the ground "please stop...help me mother father anyone"no matter what i say no one can hear me.
Ian hears a quite thump in the distance but thinks nothing of it, and continues to think to himself until finally he begins to wonder were Rebecca is. "Shes been gone for a while now." He says to him self, however, he decides to give it a little more time since she seemed to need it.

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