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i blink my eye's a couple time "h..how did i get here" i think back and i remember lan helping me back to the my room."oh my gosh I DID IT AGAIN WHY DOES THAT ALWAYS HAPPEN"i keep yelling to myself for a little then i lay back in bed i hear purring "come here jinx"i pet her and she lays beside me "hey...anyway later i should probably thank him for helping me...but first...im going..to.."before i could finish my sentence i was fast asleep.
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After sitting through some rather boring classes (except for music theory, Matt thought), it was finally time for lunch. Students poured into the cafeteria, Matt included. Although, Matt did wait for most of the other students to pass by first before he entered. It can get rather crowded, and Matt would like to not run into anyone... He could sense Felix nearby and gave him a wave, hoping he was facing the right direction. Matt remembered the other male well, so he thought Felix would return the same kindness.


(Sorry if I reply late, doing homework right now)
I notice someone waving out of the corner of my eye and look in that direction, I nod my head to him. Afterwards i look down and smirk, thinking about what kinda trouble i could cause for someone like him.
Ian looked back Rebecca, she was nice when got to know her, but it was a little awkward sometimes. Aleast he had someone to be his rock. He quickly sliped out Rebecca's window and headed towards the school, he didn't want to miss all of his classes.
Being blind, the angel couldn't sense Felix's nod. Matt felt slightly disappointed at this and frowned, continuing his trek through the cafeteria. He decided to sit at one of the lunch tables, opting to skip school food. It was gross anyway... Matt would normally sit with his group of Music Club friends, but they all went to a competition today. Matt couldn't go because, well... He didn't want to think about the reason now and decided to rest his head on the table.
I walk out of the cafeteria, hoping to find someone else to talk trying to ease my own boredom. I end up finding myself at the main entrance. "Lets see if anyone shows up."
Lunch felt as if it lasted forever without any friends around, Matt realized this as he sat alone. Once it finally did end, Matt hopped up and was one of the first people to leave. He tried to make himself cheer up, but his wings did droop slightly as he made his way back to class. It just wasn't his day today... Matt sighed once he reached his destination; the school day was halfway over, so at least he had that. Just a few more hours, he though while slumping into his seat.

(Going to bed, so cya guys later!)
I finally decide to go to one of my classes. "Lets see," I say as i look at my schedule, "History huh? This is going to be boring."
Ian hated class and everyone in it he couldn't stand people. Before class even ended he teleported out and headed towards his dorm. He was done with the day awkward encounters.
Halfway through class I excuse myself and head outside the front entrance. When i get outside I start reciting what i did hear when i was in class in my teacher's voice.
after a wile i woke up once again,i looked at my phone and it was almost lunch time."oh no I've slept almost all school day...oh no"i jump out of bed,grab my stuff,stretch my wings as i go and go out the door.i fly in the air and dash out of the dorms. i hurriedly and fly to the school and didnt run into anyone thankfully.i got to the doors and got to my classes luckily i wasn't that late.
I notice someone running and call out to them, "You late or something? Just skip," I say with a smile "you wont regret it believe me."
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FeIix said:
I notice someone running and call out to them, "You late or something? Just skip," I say with a smile "you wont regret it believe me."
i see a boy while im flying by and he tells me to skip my class i stop all of a sudden."wait what am i doing i should be resting not going to class" i turn around and start to walk."thanks"i thank the boy and keep walking away.
As Ian is walking back to his dorm he sees Rebecca. "Well she is up, I think i will suprise her." He then teleported into her dorm room.
"There you go have some fun or rest or something," I say with a laugh "do whatever you want."
Grinn dropped off everything in her dorm room and headed to the front entrance.

Soon she saw a boy standing in front of the school, "any reason you're here?" Grinn asked in monotony.
Enkye said:
Grinn dropped off everything in her dorm room and headed to the front entrance.
Soon she saw a boy standing in front of the school, "any reason you're here?" Grinn asked in monotony.
I looked up. "Well i dont want to be in class so im standing here waiting for someone to come or something to do." I say in an equally monotone voice "What about you?"
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FeIix said:
I looked up. "Well i dont want to be in class so im standing here waiting for someone to come or something to do." I say in an equally monotone voice "What about you."
"Hehh? I was dropping my stuff off," Grinn put her hands behind her head and sighed, "something to do ehh?"
"So you heading to a class," I say i shift into you and start using your voice, "or heading to somewhere else?" I finish with a smirk on my face.
Still appearing as you and using your voice "Yup classes are nothing but boring."
Sina dragged her awfully heavy bag with her as she entered her room. She blamed it on her mother who had stuffed her bag with useless things. She left the bag in the room and walked out of her dorm the looked around, wondering where she can go. She had probably missed some classes already so there was no point turning up for the rest of the day, she might as well go explore. She was pretty sure that the teachers wouldn't notice if one student was missing from class, it's only the beginning of the year anyway.

@anyone {open for interaction~}
Mistic said:
Sina dragged her awfully heavy bag with her as she entered her room. She blamed it on her mother who had stuffed her bag with useless things. She left the bag in the room and walked out of her dorm the looked around, wondering where she can go. She had probably missed some classes already so there was no point turning up for the rest of the day, she might as well go explore. She was pretty sure that the teachers wouldn't notice if one student was missing from class, it's only the beginning of the year anyway.
@anyone {open for interaction~}
I return to my normal appearance and voice as i notice someone walking around. "You skipping to? Welcome to the good life." I say with a laugh.
Sina turned her head to where the voice was coming from and saw a guy, wearing a cap. "You can say that," Sina replied, "I'm Sina, nice to meet you."

"Nice to make your acquaintance, I'm Felix," I say with a wave, "you know where you going yet or you just looking around?"

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Bonnie sat on a bench, reading a journal she wrote years ago. She sighed as she read the day her parents died. A small tear ran down her face. She closed the journal and started to weep. She hugged her knees to her chest and starting sobbing as she thought about the day her parents died.

"Run! Run, Bonnie!" A small voice in her head could be heard.

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