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Fantasy Hickory Grove

"I'll see you two around." she says, waving them both goodbye as she leaves the tea shop.

Her eyes wander the darkened road as she walks home sipping her drink and humming another jazz song. She listens quietly to the sounds of the wind and the rustling of the trees. Her drink is almost done, but Pearl doesn't mind, at this point it's like a desert. Her feet are still silent in the night, which is something that Pearl quite likes. She enjoys the perks of being a vampire far more than she hates the downsides, and not once regretted her decision, which for many isn't something that they have. Though for Pearl the choice was nothing. She'd been raised... sort of, by vampires, and while she was more used as a living sculpture, she'd grown up with the culture and grew to love the parties, even if she hasn't been to one in what feels like a thousand years.

Her ears perk up as she walks down the road to her convenience store, and perhaps it's because the night is so silent that she hears a car in the distance. She hopes that they're just passing through and looking for some snacks or maybe extra gas. If not, Pearl will live. She's had a good night, and while she wouldn't mind making some money, a slow night is also nice.

The convenience store's neon sign of her store, Late Night Stops soon lights up Pearl's vision, and she pulls out the keys to the place. Once she opens the door she turns on the open sign, and flicks on the lights, then she pulls open the large metal sheets that cover the windows and sits herself on the counter. If the truck doesn't stop for her, she'll settle for closing up once more and slipping upstairs into her one room apartment to sleep through the day, either way it'll be a win-win because Pearl does like getting upstairs before the sun starts to peek through, but for a couple dollars she'll gladly rush through the process of closing everything up again.

Her eyes linger on the door to her store, and she takes a sip of her Slushie, now simply watered down blood (gross), and waits.

@Sleipnir @Midnight Peace
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Fia sighed, taking the wrapped pocket watch out of her pocket and unwrapping it. She dared not touch it with her hands, less it be made out of silver, she just wanted to study it a bit more. The story of the watch was one full of chaos and murder but Laikas didn't need to know that, even if he was interested in antique objects. It was pretty enough, and the hands ticked away without much difficulty, suggesting the watch itself wasn't very old at all. Maybe the ghost had just conned her.

Wrapping the watch in the tissue again, she put it back in her pocket and put her earphones back in her ears as she continued walking along. She didn't feel particularly tired nor was she feeling energetic, transforming now would be a waste of time and heading back home would also be the same, at least in Fia's opinion. More than anything, actually, she felt oddly hungry. She sniffed the air and took a turn, heading into a part of town she had never been to before. A neon sign caught her eye, reading Late Night Stops. A convenience store, Fia assumed. That would be enough. She felt around in her right pocket and soon found some small change and a note. So she had lied to the ghost in the antique shop, she'd apologize later.

It took her a couple of moments before she reached the door of the convenience store, and she pushed it open, stepping inside. Her instincts immediately told her that the store was dangerous, that something here might hurt her. Fia pushed them to the back of her mind as she nodded to the person on the counter.

@Tiny Turtle
Pearl hears the door of her store open, and her eyes immediately settle on the teenager who's just walked inside. Her nose immediately picks up on her smell, and the word lycanthrope flashes in bright red in her head. Pearl exchanges the nod and adds in a friendly but closed mouth smile, knowing if she opened her mouth her fangs would still be out. Pearl takes a moment to lick her teeth, coaxing her fangs back into her mouth, and lets out a wince as they pop back in, she finds no matter how many times she does it the process always stings a little. She hopes the smell of her Slushie won't pick up to the girl, and that this one happens to not mind vampires, and while Pearl wants to give her the benefit of the doubt, she's had far too many werewolves try to smash her door down to take a chance, so she slowly moves her hand towards the revolver hiding in a shelf underneath her counter, a silver bullet ready inside.

"Hello there! Looking for anything in particular?" Pearl asks in a calm and what she hopes is friendly tone as she observes the girl with a watchful eye.

She tries not look as casual as possible because the last thing Pearl needs to end the night is a body to bury, especially one who's blood she can't even drink.

"Well, do what you like for now, Janum. I'llhave you sweep for me tomorrow; come in between 4:00 and 7:00 in the evening if you could," she told the boy, turning to prepare some samples to sit out for guests to try.

Bael stood by at the table, ready to take his new token from Micah and help the stranger girl who had entered after him. She seemed interested enough in just enjoying the presence of all the memories the old things held. Bael did too — he never would take something that he wasn't sure really was of quality and age. This was no pawn shop he ran.

Accacia Benson

Accacia paid no attention to the two at front, completely engrossed in the objects surrounding her, it like a mini Paradise to her.

She stepped forward, a pocket watch seeming to attract to her. A small smile graced her features as she laid her fingers on the silver casing, letting her eyes flutter close.

A bright flash filled the darkness of closed eyes, before dimming to darkness, stars twinkling and the moon shining. Along the street, there was a frantic woman running with stringy black hair, tears slipping from her blue eyes and the past the heavy bags under.

The young woman had a black swaddle cradled in her arms, a silver pocketwatch laying inside the babys swaddle.

She couldn't tell was was engraved on it.

A car swerved by, causing the young mother to jump in fright, hands shaky, a shaky gasp slipping.

What is she running from..

The distraught female neared a large, brick, building, her pace beginning to slow.

Her torn up shoes slapped against the stone stairs, ceasing at the door, sobbing quietly.

The blue eyed lady sniffled and wiped at her eyes, setting the baby down.

"I-I'm so sorry...This is what's best for you.." She covered a hand over her mouth, her eyebrows scrunched up,

Iips pinched and eyes squinty.

"I love you.." She whispered, backing up slowly, nearly tripping a few times.

;; @Sleipnir
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His name being called definitely startled him but the way they said it...almost shaky. He ran into the trees more, yelling. "Uncle?!" Dodging branches, he came to a figure in the dark and struggled to adjust his eyes.

Declan moved his hair out of his face for a moment and squinted. "Glen, is that you?"

As he comes up to the convenience store, James pulls out his phone. It's the usual procedure, pretend to be doing something important on the phone and people usually don't try to talk to you. Oh no... James can't help but stare at the black screen in front of him. Out of power... Oh well. He puts the phone away and enters the convenience store. Thank god, only two people and they're occupied with eachother. He calmly walks over to the shelf with the instant cup noodles and picks out the chicken flavour noodles. This will do.

@Tiny Turtle @Baconhands
Fia glanced at her, noting her smile and distinct smell of blood coming from... the girl's drink? Vampire, no doubt in her mind. Fia didn't trust vampires at all, but she bared no ill will against them unless they intended to hurt her. She never wanted to make the first move, less she made a mistake in misjudging someone's character. She returned the smile and shook her head, quickly, "Not really. Just looking for something to snack on or maybe a drink." She glanced around before her emerald eyes again settled on the girl that seemed to own the store, "Is it just you? I would have thought somebody else would be here; it's not always safe at night." Fia took a few more tentative steps into the store before she was standing directly in front of the girl on the store counter, continuing to look around for something to satisfy her hunger.

@Tiny Turtle
Pearl looks over at the new person who's entered her store. This one is human, that she can smell very, very clearly. If it wasn't for the drink that sits on the counter she'd be far more interested in him. Though her eyes do admittedly linger on him before turning back to the werewolf in the store. In Pearl's book of survival, potential threats come before food. Especially when said food might not even be obtainable.

"Well, if you're looking for a drink, I've got Slushies. All of them work fine except the Cherry one. So if you're looking for something cold you might enjoy that. It's cheap too." she says, nodding her head towards the machine. "It is just me, yes. My... grandfather is out on an adventure leaving me to manage the place until he gets back." she says, adding in the last part for the human in the store. "The dangers of the night don't scare me. I have very fair skin, so the sun would do more damage than any rowdy customer would." she adds, moving her hand away from the revolver.

She doesn't let her hand move far, and places both hands on each side of the cash register, and leans into them as she continues to observe the girl.

"I haven't seen you around here before. Mind if I ask who you are?"

@Baconhands @Sheo
The Slushies sounded tempting, and it was a shame the cherry one wasn't working; that was Fia's favourite flavour. There seemed to be a strange smell coming from it but she didn't dare ask her about it, less she anger the vampire sitting on the desk in front of her. A new person had joined them but Fia ignored him, much more concerned about the girl on the desk. The girl mentioned it was just her and that her grandfather was out on an adventure, which almost made Fia laugh; it sounded like an obvious lie.

The girl leaned into her hands which were resting on the counter, "I haven't seen you around here before. Mind if I ask who you are?"

Fia didn't see the harm in it, everyone knew each other around here, somebody else knowing her first name wouldn't hurt her. "My name's Fia. What's yours?"

@Tiny Turtle
Mmm... Chicken... James hadn't tasted the chicken flavour for days, it had been mostly been the beef flavour because it goes for a few cents less. But he deserves to be spoiled some times too. Now for the final boss. Commence! Carefully, James approaches the counter, cup noodles in hand, and with incredible precision he pulls his wallet out and... Drops it on the floor. Damn! Regroup! He picks the wallet back up as if it never happen and approaches the counter once more. He places himself next to the customer chatting up the clerk and waits his turn as nonchalantly as he can. Expert movement, James. With this you'll be out in no time.

@Tiny Turtle @Baconhands
Micah, with a small nod, moved to drop a neatly wrapped package on the desk. Inside were several books his mother had apparently decided the gent needed. Micah, got annoyed with such deliveries, in truth. He carded a single hand through his hair and nodded slightly. "The tarot card is yours to keep. You'll find out the meaning on your own for free. Or, you can book it to my place between the hours of eleven and three, and I can, for a fair and reasonable price, elaborate on why the fates have decided to deal you such a card." His usual hustle. But where Micah was involved, it was the real deal. No neon sign reading 'Tarot' in the window, although he did, for a short period of time run a psychic hotline over the phone. He stopped when people started treating it as if they were calling into a very different hotline. Micah's eyes flickered around the room, although he saw nothing of major interest. He was slowly but surely edging his way towards the door.
"It's a pleasure to meet you Fia. My name is Pearl." she says, giving her a smile that's almost too wide. "If you'd rather something hot, I also sell instant noodles. They have different flavour packets so they won't taste bland..." Pearl says, looking up in thought if that's even true. While she somewhat enjoys food, the noodles have never seemed that interesting to her, so Pearl simply hasn't even tried them. "I even have hot water and plastic spoons you can use to eat them. There's a two for one deal on jellybeans as well." she adds, trying not to let out a snort as the human drops his wallet.

@Baconhands @Sheo
Pearl? That was an innocent name one probably wouldn't expect of a creature of the night. Noodles were another thing Fia wasn't so keen on; most of them tasted like cardboard to her and jelly beans always left a strange taste in her mouth ever since she was bitten. Fia offered her a reassuring smile but shook her head in the end, "Thanks for the offer but I'm not really a massive fan of either of those." She glanced behind her at the human as he scrambled to pick up his wallet. She suppressed a giggle and stepped aside, "Sorry I didn't realize you were waiting."

She glanced at the vampire, once the human had left she was going to ask her about having one of the Slushies, more particularly the cherry one as her curiousity told her to.

@Tiny Turtle @Sheo
"Oh? Well, as you can see we have lots of things to pick so I'll let you browse." she says, a tight smile on her face.

Her eyes glance over to the human boy, and she gestures for him to come up to the front of the shop.

"Come on up here so you can pay for that." she says, pointing to the noodles in his hand.

Pearl grabs her Slushie and finishes it off, letting out a content sigh. Blood never fails to make her happy, even when there are customers she'd rather turn away.

@Baconhands @Sheo
Did she say... Two for one?! And free hot water too! This is incredible! I should... No wait i can't straight up ask... I'll remember this for next time. Definitely.

William sidesteps in front of the clerk and puts the Instant Cup Noodles on the counter. He quietly goes through his wallet and places the cost of the noodles on the counter as well. I can see it! The end of the level! He awkwardly tries to look as friendly as he can, standing there.

@Tiny Turtle @Baconhands
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Pearl looks at the little pricetag sticker on top of the noodles and quickly presses in the correct amount of money for them onto her cash register.

"That'll be $2.50 no tax." she says, holding her hand out for him to place the money into.

She really needs to get a scanner for the items. Those seem far more efficient. Pearl had ordered one online, but things take time to get to Hickory Grove, so she's still waiting which she finds quite annoying.

With an awkward smile he places the money in her hand and grabs the noodles, almost hastily. "Uh, thanks."

Smooth, James. Super smooth. This might be the smoothest playthrough yet.

He backs off from the counter and slowly yet confidently moves to leave the store.

@Tiny Turtle
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"Feel free to come again." she says, closing her hand around the money.

She notices he's left her a dollar too much and with a sigh puts only the money he should be charged into her register, keeping the extra dollar in her hand.

"You've given me too much money." Pearl says, raising her voice slightly as she holds her hand out with the dollar. "Of course, if you don't want it I'm more than happy to take it off your hands." she adds in, a smirk on her face.

James stops in his tracks. Everything had gone perfectly until now. I have made a terrible mistake. James knows how much he can get for a dollar. It could feed him for up to three days if he used it right. Slowly, he turns back around and marches up to the counter. Should i just take it from her and leave? No, that'd be too rude, and she'd remember that. Maybe i'll hold my hand out? Or would that seem too demanding? Think James, think!

As this train of thought goes on, he stands there staring at the dollar. It's a rather silly sight.

@Tiny Turtle
Bael gave Micah a sneering, bitter sort of a crooked smile and a scoff. He didn't care much about his future; it never changed. "Maybe. Probably not." He had very little interest in such things; his past was what mattered to him, not his future. Wasn't it more fun when it was a surprise? "Leave if you want. Stay and look if you like. But I need to go deal with a customer." With that he moved past Micah and slipped over near Accaica, silent as ever. "Like that one?" He asked.
"Damn." He mutters it under his breath before heading towards the door. Giving him a mock salute, he tossed it open. "Take head, Casper, things always change in this town." So much for not spouting off some serious oracle of Delphi prophecy today. He strolls forward, heading towards to local convenience store. His last delivery of the day, and then he can return home. He can, get this, sleep. That is the crowning achievement of the day. He's beyond pumped to return to that dainty futon, and the bottle of whiskey. What a lovely day this is shaping up today. His keys were idly twirled on one hand as he continued forth, whistling while he walked.
Why is he just standing there? Does he not know how to take back his money? I have half a mind to keep it for myself. Pearl thinks to herself. Since Pearl isn't in the mood to wait, she places the money on the counter and slides it towards him.

"There's no need to look so scared. I don't bite." she says, raising an eyebrow at him.

Pearl then looks over at Fia, who hasn't seemed to have decided on what to get yet.

"We also have several types of chips for you to pick from." she states, letting out an unneeded huff of air she reserves only for when she's annoyed.

@Sheo @Baconhands
Fia had been browsing through a few items nearby, barely anything caught her eye. For a convenience store it was being oddly inconvenient; the girl was a vampire, the Slushie machine was full of blood, or so Fia thought, and there wasn't really any food for her here. Regardless, she wanted a Slushie, and she was going to get one. She watched as the human had left and came back to the counter after a moment, looking Pearl in the eye, "Can I have a Slushie then? The Cherry one looks intriguing. It has a certain smell to it that's oddly... familiar."

She noticed the vampire's huff and frowned but wasn't really provoked.

@Tiny Turtle

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