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Fantasy Hickory Grove

Bael shrugged. Of course some things in the shop he could never sell underprice. But that watch had been a cheap buy at an estate sale, partially due to the story attached. "Twenty will do," he replied. When the stranger — Fia apparently — introduced herself he nodded. "Usually people come and go without asking. Almost like they'd rather not remember me, I'd say. I'm Bael Lake."
A wave of relief washed over her and she handed over the money with a relieved smile on her lips. Fia looked back up at Bael once he had introduced himself and her shoulders relaxed again. Studying the pocket watch again, Fia felt a natural instinct pull her away from it; she didn't know what the watch was made of and if it was made of silver she couldn't touch it. The smile dropped from her face for a moment before it returned, albeit awkwardly quick, "You wouldn't be able to put that in a bag for me would you? Or perhaps even wrap it for me? Or would that cost extra?"

She was speaking incredibly quickly, a small bit of panic creeping into her voice and she let out a shaky breath.

Janum takes it, nodding once and smiling, hoping it will show gratitude. He turns around, sipping the wonderful concoction. He heads back to the tea selections, taking time to look at all the different kinds. It was fascination. Ginseng, jasmine, chamomile, green tea...

Holy shit. How many kinds of tea can there be?
Winona Tearle

Winnie walks out of the diner, and strolls down the streets. She takes a left, and walks towards the high school. She did have to get to her job, after all. Stuffing the book into her bag as she walked, Winnie glances around. There are a few lights on in the school. Someone must be here. She walks into the building.

Accacia Benson

Snapping out of her jumbled thoughts, she sent a small smile towards Tali.

Tali and Accacias family have probably been the only people to see her smile that much, or even smile at all.

Hmm...let's see here.." The long haired female tapped her finger against her chin, staring up at the menu.

Rosehip tea please" She ordered, her tone silky but strong.

Alsooo, its our 3rd year anniversary of friendship," A mishcevious smile danced across her eyes. "Sooo, I got a surprise for you later!" She grinned, tapping her fingers along the countertop.
Bael raised an eyebrow ever so slightly for a moment. She wouldn't pick up the watch herself?? He nodded all the same, taking the watch and wrapping it in tissue for her. "No problem. Would you know that isn't the first time someone's asked this? Odd, innit?" He said casually.

Tali watched the boy a moment before Accaica caught her attention again. "A surprise? Oh, you must understand why that makes me nervous, Accaica," Tali told her with a laugh, turning to make the tea she had requested.
Micah, upon finding out that he was delivering something to his mother from the girl, not the other way around, scowled. He had no idea why he even bothered gardening considering the fact that he managed to get roped into this sort of hing far too often. He might as well become a mail man, a supernatural mailman. Granted he essentially already was. He grunted and fished out his wallet for the second time that morning. He slapped down a fifty, it too had been taped to his mirror and glanced over at the box. He wasn't about to view whatever the hell was within the box, his mother would have his hide if he did that sort of thing. His hands ghosted over it before it was stuffed inside of his satchel. From there he gave her a little nod, and headed towards the door. "No offense intended for not drinking your witches brew, but I'd rater not spend the next hour and a half spitting out riddles like the oracle of Delphi." He cocked a brow up, jokingly saluted her, and then exited the store. With the dollar bill, he'd left a single card. Ten of Swords.

Micah's walk took him towards the antique shop, and then after a moment he changes directions entirely. Removing the small compass from his pocket, he shrugged deeply and set off towards the school. Apparently this was the next stop on his list. A quick glance at his watch tells him he might want to consider hurrying up, on account of the fact that legally, he isn't really supposed to linger in the high school he already graduated from. Especially considering the hatred the teachers most commonly have. He breaks out into a light job, noting the abundance of lights on. Annoying, slightly. He enters the building through the band room (the door is always unlocked) and heads in the general direction the small arrow seems to point. The list shows a one Winona written in purple lettering. Heading forward, he spots a figure within the halls. "Pardon me, miss. You wouldn't happen to be Winona, would you?" Something about being the school makes him feel as if someone has walked over his grave, as the saying goes.

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Fia raised an eyebrow; so he had served other werewolves before? So why was he asking her whether it was odd others had asked for the same as her. She offered him a reassuring smile as she took the pocket watch from him, "What do you mean by odd?" Fia studied him closely; she didn't mind other supernaturals knowing she was a werewolf, and she was sure he wasn't human, so why did she suddenly feel nervous. The hairs on the back of her neck stood on end, his casual tone worried her slightly.

Janum picks up one packet of tea, reading it closely.

Raspberry tea?...

He tilted his head. He didn't think that such a thing could've existed.

He looks to the counter, realizing that Micah had left. He's one person closer to talking with (Er... There's no other good word he could find for this) Tali.
Winona Tearle

The high school walls were like a third home to her. Sure, the students and teachers both hated it, but that's what she thought brought them together. Like a family. One of the fluorescent lights flickered above her. She disliked the brightness of them, and how they gave the high school that glow. It wasn't really something that she could describe... It was kind of eery, but kind of like "this is a safe place for you." A mixture of comfort and stress, as well. High school was just weird. High school is and has always been weird to Winona. A neutral kind of weird. Not good, not bad. Just neutral. A voice interrupted her thoughts, causing Winona to jump upon hearing the voice, and turn around. "Huh? Oh, yes, that's me. Who's asking?" She raised an eyebrow at him, crossing her arms.

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Accacia Benson

Accacia laughed softly at her reaction, moving onto the nearest bar stool. "Pish posh, I won't set anything on fire like I did last year." She grinned, referring to when she used her pyrokineses to light the candles on Tali's birthday cake. It didn't go well.

Well...I hope I won't." She added to mess with her best friend.

Tali is the first person -besides her family- that slowly caused that icy shell of protection to melt. But, it melted only for Tali.

They were the best of friends, sisters practically, witch bitches (though she doesn't think Tali's a bitch). Their conflicting but seemingly fitting personalities is probably what caused the friendship to survive past month one.

Tali is practically Accacias filter and pacifier. Accacia's like an aggressively intelligent watch dog, standing up for her taller friend.

Accacia rose an eyebrow at Micahs comment, opening her mouth to say something, but glanced back at Tali, refraining herself.

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"Micah Alvarez, Dina's kid. I think, I have something for you. Granted it's hard to say what. Looking for anything as of late? Need a curse lifted? Something magical?" The curse lifting part was entirely not something he or his mother could do. While he didn't claim to know about all of his mother's abilities, he could promise wholly that she couldn't remove a curse. His uncle had been cursed, Micah didn't recall the details, but he did recall the funeral. He raised his brows and sauntered forward, one hand moving into the leather satchel at his side. He was staring, he realized after a moment. Likely on account of the fact that he couldn't quite pick up what was off about her. There was the distinct feeling that most any witch could, witch proper training, use to detect another supernatural. Micah wasn't, by any means, good at this. It was, if anything, a hunch. His hand was feeling around in his satchel, attempting to figure out what it was that he was looking for. Fate was guiding him at this point. He trusted fate. Fate had been his closest of pals. Granted the whole, oracle, psychic aspects of fate can be a horrible thing to deal with.
Tali couldn't help but smile at Micah's comments. "Riddles like Delphi!" She chuckled as he left. "I wouldn't dare. Well, unless someone really deserved it." She then looked curiously at the card he had left, not knowing what to make of it. These things weren't her business — she was better at what was happening at the moment. "Well, I should hope you don't set things on fire too, especially since you got is both in so much trouble for it last time! At any rate, I'm certain it won't be boring at the very least." She tossed a slightly wary look toward Janum. She didn't doubt he might have it in him to steal something, if only because he had no choice.

Bael shrugged, turning and wandering down the isle and throwing a look back over his shoulder. "It just seems strange, you know, that one wouldn't be able to hold metal. The last one had been this old silver teapot. Lovely thing, that. Come to think of it," he added suddenly, turning back to her and putting his hands in his pockets. "I thought I saw that one cutting it toward the woods a few days ago around dusk. Wouldn't think hiking in the dark would be very fun." He recalled the last full moon, and watched her closely. He wasn't about to traipse around telling anyone who stepped in and acted a touch oddly he was long dead, nor was he about to flat-out ask if she liked howling and hunting like an animal on the full moon, therefore practically yelling, 'hello, I'm no more human than you or the girls in black.' He wanted to know how much he could drag out of her without asking first.
Winona Tearle

"Call me Winnie," she said, uncrossing her arms. "And I think that you know what I need," She smirked, wondering if he would know what it was. "but I'll tell you anyway. I'd like something that would protect me from the sun. No, no, don't tell me to use sunscreen, because it doesn't work for me." Winona dropped the smirk, but half smiled. "If there happens to be something like that, that's physically possible to do, then that would be great." What if she would actually be able to go somewhere during the day? The thought made her heart pound. That would mean that she wouldn't have to leave the school after dark, or arrive before the day. She would be able to open the windows for once. Of course, the sun hated her, and she hated the sun back since she was a vampire. "It seems impossible to me, but I don't know if you can't work some sort of magic on it. I'm tired of having to carry an umbrella everywhere!" The umbrella and having to carry it sucked. The only time that she could hang out during the day was when it was cloudy and gloomy. The south had seemed like a good idea at first when she was younger and didn't have to work, but now that she did it was worse than getting stabbed in the back with a stake. Her schedule had to revolve around the sun and avoiding it, so she wouldn't burn to death by just stepping outside. Winona smiled at him and said, "So, if that was such a thing, then life would be sweeter than tea." Did I really just say "sweeter than tea?" She thought to herself, mentally face-palming. Wow, I am the best speaker ever.

Fia shot him a glare but her curiousity got the better of her, she took a couple of steps down the isle, following him for a moment as he spoke about another customer, one who couldn't touch a silver tea pot. She didn't know anyone who had bought one, but it would have been odd if she had asked her neighbours if they had bought one out of context. Bale mentioned that customer had gone into the woods just before dusk, implying that the customer had been a werewolf. His message hadn't exactly been subtle and she sighed, "I thought it was a bit more common. Then again, I personally only do that when I can get as much light as possible. When you see the forest at night it does bring a bit more appreciation than seeing it during the day."

Micah had at some point started to idly chew on his lower lip. He hummed softly to himself, it was never an easy thing, attempting to fix a problem like this. Supernatural creatures more often than not are left with their affliction forever. His great grandfather had, for a brief period of time, been able to find a way to make silver something a wolf could interact with. He'd later found out that the price of such a thing was steep on one's soul. Micah wrinkled his nose slightly, he wasn't abundantly sure that his mother was dabbling in a safe art, and that perhaps she'd crossed the lines into something darker in an attempt to rake in cash. His hands touched a second box, small, cardboard. He slid it out of the satchel, and opened it. A trinket, really. A small enough charm. His mother doesn't usually do such things, they aren't her specialty. She can enchant an object or two, though. "No promises this is going to work. I'm the delivery boy, it's not my work." The subtle voice of reasoning was quick to mention that he could, in fact, tell if it worked if he were to focus. Granted attempting to see the future, even a short while away, was never a sure art. You might want to view tomorrow, only to view six years in the future. It was too difficult a task. "If you ever need a card reading, Winnie, hit me up at the house. Or, if you manage to get quite the burn mark because of this little thing." He extended his hand, the small charm in his palm. "I think she had help making this beauty, though." He muttered the last bit, clearing his throat and idly rocking back on his heels.
Pearl ~

Pearl stares blankly at the door to her convenience store. She hasn't had a single customer that night and it's beginning to make her a twinge cranky. Looking at the time she sees that the sun will be out in a couple hours, and tonight Pearl doesn't feel like waiting. She decides that tonight would be a good one to take a day off, so she gracefully hops over the counter and takes off her black apron, revealing her white t-shirt which says "Bite Me" in big red letters. Pearl carefully pulls the blinds down over her shop windows, and turns off the neon open sign. She then walks over to her Slushie Machine and grabs a large cup. The machine is old and looks a little bit broken down, which is just what Pearl wants. She goes over to the dispenser with a big OUT OF ORDER sign taped onto it. The dispenser was originally made for Cherry Slushies, but Pearl figured that it would be put to better use to hide her blood stash from the general population. She pushes the button labelled Cherry and watches as thick red liquid ice pools down into her cup. The moment she smells the blood her fangs extend and her mouth waters. Once the drink is filled to the top, she grabs a plastic cup lid and a big red straw. With great satisfaction she jams the straw through the little hole at the top and takes a big sip of her drink. Now that she's got that Pearl shuts off the obnoxious neon lights to her store and opens the front door to it, locking it behind her. Then, she turns to the road and sets off to town.

The night is heavy and hot, and even though Pearl is generally rather cold herself, she has a very keen sense of heat which makes the weather somewhat annoying for her. But alas, that hasn't chased her out of town yet, and she doesn't plan on letting it get to her so she takes another big gulp of her drink. Pearl doesn't really have any plans for tonight, so she figures a trip to the local Hickory Tea Shoppe would be nice, after all she hasn't been really out of her store in months and quite frankly it's getting a bit ridiculous. The road beneath Pearl's feet is silent as she walks, the trees rather still. The stars gleam up above her, and Pearl can't help but admit that tonight despite the heat, is quite nice. She lets out a little whistle to an old tune she'd heard on her travels. One a Jazz Singer had played for her at a bar. He never did get famous, but she will always remember him, meaning in a way he did reach the immortality of the Hollywood Stars.

The roads twist and turn around her, and Pearl gets so lost in thought she forgets to touch her drink, by the time she reaches the Hickory Tea Shoppe, she nearly bumps into the door which would've been really quite embarrassing. Pearl takes a moment to collect herself, brushing off her black jeans and checking for scuff marks on her yellow converse shoes before opening the door.

"My word! It smells marvelous in here, as usual!" she chimes, always feeling in a more chipper mood when she comes here.
He observed the tea closely, contemplating it's existence. Soon enough, he puts it down, and turns to the counter.

They are merely chatting, so he decides it might be a good choice to move in now.

He walks over to the counter, standing next to and behind Accacia, looking up at Tali with those wide eyes that convey his need to talk with her. He stuffs his hands into his hoodie pockets, waiting to be noticed.

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Winona Tearle

Winona took the charm, and looked up at him and grinned. "Thank you so much! Except, if I do get burned, I will not be a happy camper," she chuckled. "Anyways, I'll try it out sometime soon..." She trailed off awkwardly. "Well, thanks, again, Micah..." The fanged female was happy, and hoped that it would work. This meant that the sun would go in her favor -not burning her, if it did work. "I just have one question... If I use it, will a negative affect happen?"

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"You're asking the wrong guy that question. I can't know, I didn't make it, but I can guess. I've known several Werewolves to find themselves quite distressed on account of charms used to negate the everyday problems of being a supernatural creature. She's smarter than most, my old lady. " One hand moved to idly scratch the back of his neck. In less elaborate terms, he had no clue, but he wouldn't trust it had someone handed the charm to him. It was hard to actually issue a proper warning when he hadn't known his mother was dabbling in the supernatural arts. His brows furrow and he shrugs lightly, his final response.
Pearl ~

As Pearl looks around the teashop, she notices that there are quite a few people in here tonight, one particularly that she doesn't know. Pearl looks the kid up and down, and wonders where his parents are. There's only really one way to find out these things, so she decides to simply ask. She takes a sip of her blood slushie and struts over to him, making sure not to cut off the other person who's attention he wants because that would be quite rude.

"Hello there. I couldn't help but notice you seem out quite late. Wouldn't your parents be angry at you breaking curfew?" she asks, eying the back of his head.

Pearl has never been one to bother working very hard to get people's attention, and while most people find talking to someone's back may not always work, Pearl enjoys it, if only to make her person of interest jump.

@Midnight Peace
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Bael gave her a sort of head gesture in agreement. "Shadows have an artistry of their own," he told her, "though playing in them is a bit dangerous out there. I'm sure you're as familiar with rumors around town as I am. Blood on the trees, they say. But you know," he added abruptly and dismissively, "Maybe you hear a bit more than intended when people tend not to notice you anymore." He glanced at her again, pulling a wooden bauble of some sort off a shelf and rubbing the dust off it. Of course there had been intention to his added statement. After all, if he had picked up on her, surely Fia had a hunch about Bael.

"I like to keep it nice in here," she assured her newest guest. Busy evening, it seemed — but when you never know when the store would be open, people tended to get in while they could. She looked at Janum, leaning against the bar. "Yes? D'you need something?" She asked politely.
Pearl ~

Pearl looks over at the owner of the store, Tali she recalls, and gives her a smile.

"Well, you've done a lovely job at it. I really must make a habit of coming back her more often again, I worry no one really remembers me anymore." she responds before turning back to look at the boy, making a mental note that the two seem to know each other, how well she isn't yet sure, although hopefully that will change. She licks her lips again before taking another small sip of her Slushie.
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Janum looks to Tali, but then looks up at the new adult standing next to him. He furrows one brow. He could try to explain to this woman his parental situation by himself, or he could get Tali to tell her instead.

Janum turns back to Tali, pointing up at Pearl, staring into her eyes.

Oh god, please understand what I want, I don't want to try to explain to her.

Sometimes not being able to speak made Janum want to scream. And hey, at least he could do that. But he probably shouldn't.

He turns his lips inward, his expression pleading for Tali to understand what he needs her to do.

@Tiny Turtle @Sleipnir
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Fia giggled slightly, "You realize you're not exactly subtle, Bael." She took a step towards him, "I had a hunch you weren't human when I walked in here." She tilted her head and offered her a smile, though in her head she was cursing herself; she was being too trusting in this stranger. However, chances were he was supernatural: his hints, her instincts, even the way he carried himself suggested it. Fia straightened her head, "So, what should I call you? Phantom, spirit, ghost? I could go on." Her curiousity urged her onward and she picked up a small object to her right, studying it carefully, "How long have you been here? How old are you?"


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