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Fantasy Hickory Grove

Winona Tearle

She frowned, "Hmm... I'd like to be able to step out into the sun without being practically burned to death, but I don't think that I'm going to use the charm." Winona handed it back to him and shook her head, "Even if Dina is very smart, I still don't want to mess around with magic. I know that every good thing has a bad side to it. I don't think that I'll risk it." She smiled at him, and said, "Thanks for telling me, no, showing me that it's real though! I might want it if I become super desperate and stuff, but I think that I'll be okay living in the shadows for now." She ran a hand through her hair and put her hands into her jean pockets, and shrugged. "It was nice to meet you."

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Pearl raises a pointed eyebrow at the boy, and takes a sip of her slushie. She doesn't much like being ignored, but he seems to have quite a desperate expression on his face, so her patience for him has increased. She bites her lip, forgetting her fangs are still out, and quickly covers her mouth before taking another sip of her slushie. It's a careless mistake, but one that can also be easily covered up. She tries not to stare to harshly at the boy, and tries to soften her features a little bit, despite not particularly liking to do so.

@Midnight Peace

Accacia Benson

Accacia relaxed a bit when Tali took his comment as a joke, sighing a bit.

Well, it most certainly wont be boring my dear. Pigging out on food and having a movie marathon will be one of the things I planned tonight" She grinned, noting her wary look.

She glanced down to see the small beggar boy and bit her lip. Accacia slid him a few dollars, another person walking in.

Pearl...I think that's her name.

Accacia was wary of the exotic looking female, but, she was wary of practically everyone.

But, something felt different about this one.

Another supernatural?

Accacia eyed the females cup, curious of its contents.

She snapped out of her thoughts when Pearls voice rang throughout the room, and Accacia glanced back at Tali.

Hey, where's my tea out you sloth" She asked jokingly. "I need to leave soon and go to the An-" She cut herself off, not wanting to give her clues to her present.

To go to the grocery store." She nodded, heels clacking against the metal of the stool.

Though she was unsure about Pearl, she wanted to at least say a greeting.

Hello Pearl" She nodded her head, secretly admiring her oddly colored hair.

Dyed or normal..?
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With a small snort, he slid the charm directly back in the box, and then into the satchel as well. "It's perfectly understandable. I promise you that much. If you change your mind, or want a peek at the future, you're welcome to come to the house anytime, Winnie." Micah appeared to have slipped into one of his rare moods. He's not, for once, attempting to start a fight, or even remotely attempting to hassle her on account of her less than human features. "It's been lovely meeting you. Very much so." He cleared his throat, raising both brows and frowning slightly before taking a few steps back. "She wanted me to tell you, you've got a free reading at the house, anytime." This invite is very much from him, not his mother. His mother has never given away much of anything for free in the entirety of Micah's life. That woman values cash like she values life, and air, and water.
Tali watched the boy for some time, frowning slightly. It definitely took her a minute to figure it out. "He's alone, I think," she explained, looking at her vampiric guest. "Has to beg on the street for food, poor thing." She threw her old friend a look. "Oh, wait your turn!"

Bael cracked a slight grin, one canine tooth visible at one side of his mouth. Not pronounced enough for a vampire, but enough to be unnerving. "Oh, ghost might be a good word," he told her. "Maybe subtlety isn't exactly my strong suit. But it doesn't need to be. I've been here — oh, I was around for that First World War, I believe. Lived in a little cabin in the backwoods back where the wolfs run these days. How old I am — was about 17 in the end." He didn't care to elaborate much more than that, and was perhaps a bit wary of her questions. "As for you? Wolf?"
Janum looks down at the counter as a few bucks are slid his way.


He picks up the cash, his eyes twinkling as he looks at Accacia.

Once Tali speaks, he looks back up at Pearl, nodding in approval. He clutches his wad of cash with two hands, looking back at Accacia. Janum had made a commitment to thank everyone who gave him even the smallest of gifts a thank you. He gives a meek nod, hoping this will convey his appreciation.

@Sleipnir @Tiny Turtle @dorkling
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Fia nodded in confirmation, "Recently bitten. Three years, one month, twelve days." She put the small trinket down and turned to face the ghost, a smile gracing her lips despite the canine visible in his grin. He had been around since the First World War but apparently he had died when he was seventeen, maybe he had matured with the years, maybe not, but regardless he looked seventeen, she would treat him as such. She studied him closely, "I haven't met a ghost before, but I've heard rumours about them. This is definitely an interesting encounter for me." She looked him in the eye, recognizing how wary he was being, "I won't transform if that's what you're worried about. She's under my control until the full moon, then I can't make any promises."

@Sleipnir (Last post from me tonight; it's two in the morning here)
Winona Tearle

She nodded, "That's very nice. Tell her that I said thank you. I'll see you around, huh?" Winnie continued to smile. Well, that's nice. I wonder if I should get my future read... No, maybe not now. Perhaps sometime later though. Maybe. She crossed her arms again. Wow, I've really started to cross my arms a lot. Ish. Hmm... Maybe it's the high school that's making me do that. Yes, that's probably it.

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"Oh? What a shame. Well, if you're ever looking for a place to stay I'm sure someone will open their arms to you. I would but I doubt you would much care for someone like myself's company." she says, giving the boy a smile. "I do have a coupon for my... grandfather's convenience store though." she adds, pulling out a small ticket for a free Slushie. "Feel free to use it." Pearl says in a cool voice, placing the ticket on the counter.

"Oh! Mind if I ask if you have any ice? I could use some, this drink is getting a little too warm for my taste." she says, turning towards Tali.

Pearl notices the clock on the wall and realizes that her time is running short. She takes a sharp breath but decides she might just have enough time.

@Midnight Peace @Sleipnir
Bael gave a bit of a scoff. "How could I be worried? I'm already dead," he reminded her.

Tali watched the others. "Well, while we're dumping laud on the poor boy—" she pulled out the little talisman. "For luck. It isn't much." Just a little wooden bit on a string, perhaps a necklace or keychain. She then looked at pearl. "Oh, yes, I have plenty of teas that make great cold brews! I'd suggest the white teas if you like fruity or sweet floral flavors, the green teas for something a bit smokier. Redbush is wonderful for a nutty sort of flavor and good for the stomach."
"Certainly. If you ever need anything, give me a shout. Or if you're seriously desperate, talk to my mother." He offered up a wink and a light laugh, flashing one of his rare Micah grins, and turning on his heel to head back the way he'd come before. His steps were hurried, and the light jingle of metal in his bag was heard as he headed out of the building. He hummed gently to himself as he started towards the antique shop. That was where he was due next, right? He was almost certain, and he continued to hum and stride towards his next destination.

Silas Vasquez was almost always in the safety of The Silver Lining Bar and Club. It was the safest bet as to where he was. He was either asleep at the bar, or in a booth, or bar tending. Sometimes, he wasn't here at all, though. He was in the woods, out and about. Silas had in the time here managed to make quite a mess. Dead deer in the middle of the town, a broken window or two. Tonight was, an especially annoying night. He was sitting at the bar, now empty, and humming gently. His nose was wrinkled slightly as he noted the lack of customers within the room. He ran a wet towel along the length of the counter. His head was throbbing softly, he'd spent the day before on all fours. He couldn't recall in truth what it was he'd done the whole time. Now he had the look of a very hungover gent, resting his elbows on the counter of the bar, slightly sickened, and in need of Advil.

Accacia Benson

Accacia sighed overdramatically just to bug Tali.

Babe, I'm going to leave soon, with or without the tea" She murmered to her best friend, crossing her arms.

Her impatience slowly ebbed away as she got a look of the poor boy, smiling slightly, nodding back in acceptance of his gratitude.
"Ah well, I think tomorrow I'll come for some tea. I'm only looking for some ice today. My drink is getting too warm so I could use something that cools it down." Pearl says, trying not to be too annoyed at the fact that she repeated herself.

Pearl eyes the trinket that Tali gave to the kid and raises an eyebrow. A witch? Or simply someone who's got something they don't know about, but in this town, the former is far more likely.
"Oh — prepared. Yes." She went back and pulled a pitcher out of a mini fridge. "I do have some iced tea ready." She handed Accaica her rosehip tea, then poured some of the bright red rooibos tea into a glass for Pearl. "Try this one."
Janum's eyes grow wider. Tonight he's rounded up seven bucks, a coupon for a free slushie, and Talisman from Tali herself! Janum had heard good things about the local tea shop owner's talismans, and was ecstatic. He had not even put it on yet, yet his luck seemed to be getting better.

He picks up the talisman and slips on the necklace, then nabs the coupon from the counter. A grin has grown onto his face. Perhaps this would be a good day.

He smiles up at Pearl, giving a quick thumbs up before looking back to Tali. Now, he must get back to his original purpose for being here.

He considers how he'll go about this, pursing his lips in thought. Now there was such a thing as sign language, but who'd know ASL in such a humble southern town? Not only that, but how would a homeless kid like himself learn it in the first place? Because of the inherent lack of knowledge in that domain in this town, life is often a game of charades for Janum, and he knows that he has to prepare before initiating communication.

He finally knows how to do this. Once Tali comes back to the bar, he motions to himself with his thumb, then looks down at the counter, rubbing it's surface in circles to simulate washing it off with a cloth. He looks back up at Pearl, raising an inquisitive brow.

@Sleipnir @Tiny Turtle
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Winona Tearle

Winona laughed to herself, shaking her head, and headed up to her classroom. She adjusted the desks, fit for the seating chart she had created. Next, she looked in her desk, and found what she had came here for. There, in broad fluorescent lights, was her phone. Winnie left the classroom, then, seeing as there was no school currently. She slid her sunglasses on, and peeked out the curtains. Still dark. She took the glasses off, and carried her bag, found cell phone, and the umbrella downstairs, and walked back to her apartment.

Once she got there, she plugged her phone into the charger, and set the umbrella down. Winona sat on her bed, looking at the old-fashioned clock. "Okay, what to do, today? What to do?" She looked at the book shelf, before deciding not to. "Maybe I should go out and be social, but then again it's early in the morning... Or late in the night depending on who you're talking to," she laughed to herself. "Okay." The thick curtains covered the windows, and she looked up at the ceiling. "What should I do today?" She thought aloud once more.

Accacia Benson

"Thanks darling" She snatched up the to-go cup in her small hand, using her free hand to pat Talis head.

Love you nerd. See you later" She smiled softly, waving at her friend of now three years,

Accacia exited the tea shoppe, feeling quite joyous. Though, she masked it with a placid look, heels clicking against the crack covered sidewalk.

Within a few minutes, she reached her destination.

The towns Antique shop, one of her favorite places.

She pushed through the front doors, a soft ding filling the dusty air.

She could already feel strange presences.

But, its Hickory Grove. There's strange things here.

Micah completes his trip, knocking gently on the door to the shop rather than strolling in. He is aware of Bael being, well dead. It's not something that eludes him. It's hard to hide ghosts from a man with a strong third eye. Although he doesn't commune with the dead that don't make themselves easily spotted. He coughs softly, grimacing at the temperature of the air around him. It's hot enough that it wouldn't be surprising to catch even the practical hermit Silas out and about. Even though he won't be. Not tonight.

Silas has poured himself a glass of whiskey, and in an attempt to be as hospitable and kind as possible, he sends out a rather kind, formal, text message to everyone in town that he has a number for. He's found quite a few numbers via others. Also known as, people leave their phone in the bar, and like any good business man, he looks things up. The text reads simply '30% off all drinks- Sliver Linings Bar and Club.'
Just ice... All Pearl wants was ice. But she's not in the mood to argue, and some tea would be nice now that she thinks about it.

"Perfect." she says, flashing a too large smile, her fangs gleaming.

The smile drops quickly into a more normal one, but Pearl can't resist sometimes.

Pearl takes a large sip of her Slushie, licking her lips as she removes the straw from her mouth, enjoying the taste of the blood.

"Does he talk? What's his name?" Pearl asks, pointing at the boy, watching as he mimics washing the table.

@Midnight Peace @Sleipnir
Glen had been wandering around the forest for several hours now. His muscles ached, and his mouth was dry and tasted like grit. There was also an unbelievable empty feeling in his stomach, but he was probably just hungry.

Twigs and leaves crunched beneath his feet, exposed tree roots threatening to trip him. He swore he saw some things engraved in some of the trees, and nearby there was the trickling sound of water...then, footsteps.

He peered through the thick darkness, trying to see who could be there with him in the woods, and saw a small figure. They moved quickly, like they were running from something.

"Hey!" Glen called out, his voice cracking slightly.
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Lex's eyes shot up as she felt the sun beginning to creep over the horizon, the hairs on the back of her neck began to stand on end as they always did at this hour. Glancing down at her watch as Micah left the tea shop on his way to another delivery, she saw it was nearly six o'clock. Normally she would not close the shop for a break until nearly eight but seeing as it was a slow day so far she clicked the sign off and decided to head over to get a cup of tea. Little did she know there were so many people in there.

This town had quite a few oddities and the inhabitants were mostly the cause. She felt the eyes on her as she entered the shop and felt as though they were prying a little too hard and judging a little too deep. The blood on her apron that she had forgotten to take off made her seem less friendly than she actually was, hence why she didn't have many friends in this town. Being here for about five years however had gotten her an acquaintanceship with a few other people, well non humans. All the human in town were dopes and too judgmental, the non human bunch was much more Lex's speed... well obviously.

"Good morning! Can I get a mug of whatever's good please?" She said in a surprisingly light voice. For this early in the morning few people had her spirit yet she was defiently a child of the night and had always been, even before she was turned.

Winona Tearle

Winona heard the chime of her phone go off, seeing as it had charged enough, and noticed Silas's message. "Thirty percent off?" she murmured to herself, raising an eyebrow. "Things must be going slow at Silver Linings. Eh, what the hell, I'll go!" She looked down at her appearance. First I need to change into something less... School teacher. Winnie switched clothes to a red velvet skirt, black tights, and a black shirt. She kept her hair down and kept her makeup the same. Good enough, after all, it is morning, right? She slid on her black boots, and walked to the Silver Linings Bar and Club. She put her sunglasses on and raised the umbrella over her head, shielding her from the harsh light of the sun. She made her way down the alley to it, and opened the door, folding the umbrella and putting it into her bag, as well as her sunglasses. "Hello, Silas," she spoke smoothly, sitting in front of him. "Saw your text." A small smile tugged at her lips as she said, "Things going too slow?"

Things were going as slow as humanly, or less than humanly, possible. He had honestly been quite afraid he'd have to read a book or two to entertain himself when the door cracked open. Silas had, before she walked in, been straightening up. The chairs were straightened out, and the floors swept. He had resumed his position behind the bar, elbows resting on the wooden surface, the lights turned down low. The bar lacked windows, spare the one that was on the door, in partial built this way to help house Vampires that might want to engage in some drinking. When the door swung open, and he spotted Winne he face split into a wide grin, raising a hand in greeting. "Afternoon, Winnie." His light greeting as he stood to straighten out his vest and roll up his sleeves properly. At the mention of how slow the bar was indeed going he gestured around towards the empty chairs, "As slow as ever, if you can't tell. Not a soul in this bar before you strolled in." He moved one so he could idly drum his fingers atop the counter.

Declan was lucky he shut his music off quick enough to catch the voice that called from the forest. It was strangely familiar...like he had heard it before. The sound of it kind of brought back irritating memories. He turned around and glanced at the trees, heart pounding for some reason as withdrew his hands from his hoodie pocket. Taking a few steps closer, he walked back in just a bit to call back.

"Hello!?" His call was sent echoing through the trees, some birds stirred around, making him nervous.

Winona Tearle

Winona shrugged, "I'm sure that it will pick up it's pace later today, after all, that's when people usually come to bars. So, how have you been?" She sat up straight, and put her elbows on the table, leaning towards him.

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