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Fantasy Hickory Grove

Pearl gives Micah a look that she knows he can't see. It's not a bad look, simply one of amusement and a little bit of shock. It's not something Pearl normally experiences, being called ridiculous. Pearl likes to consider herself someone who holds herself too high up for such words like ridiculous, although clearly she doesn't. As she contemplates this Pearl remembers the newspapers. She supposes that she does in fact look quite ridiculous. So Pearl does what anyone does. She starts to giggle, which slowly turns into her rare full and powerful laugh, high pitched enough to be distinctly female, but not so much so that it's nasally. Her shoulders shake slightly as she laughs, her nose scrunches up and her eyes water a little. She knows she must look a little delirious now, but the whole situation has suddenly become hysterical to her. She's in a car during the day with a witch who wants to crash a ghost's layer, and she's covered in newspaper with only little eyeholes. She must look like a school project! This only makes Pearl's smile grow as she laughs, leaning her head back and letting herself ride it out.

"Yes. I suppose I do." she finally says still giggling.

Pearl takes a moment to compose herself, a smile still on her face. She enjoys the movement of the car and listens quietly to Micah speak.

"Stick is good to drive. I hear that in South America that's all the rental cars have. Stick." Pearl says, scrunching her nose at the thought of his father.

She really didn't like the man, and is quite glad he's gone. She supposes though that everyone has to have contributed at least one good thing into someone else's life, and if that was stick shift then so be it.

"I only learned to drive in the seventies." Pearl says quite suddenly, her head drifting off into the past, one where hippies roamed Hickory Grove and the sticky sweet smell of weed was quite strong in her shop, Pearl never minded the smell, though she is glad it's gone.
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The speed limit sign shakes slightly when he drives past it. He's well above the slow and steady fifteen it demands. Fifty is closer to what he's doing, slowly climbing in speed. Had Pearl been anyone else he would've rolled down the windows, but doing that would likely result in her death. He's grown entirely too fond of her to end up killing her over rolling down a window or two. He seriously likes Pearl, there isn't a way in hell that he's going to let her burn up just so that the sun can stream in. Instead he flips on the AC, letting the cool air start to filter through the car. That's the goal, but it comes out hot and he wrinkles his nose before flipping it off. This car, beautiful in it's ancient style and one of a kind look in the town, is rotting from the inside out. Much like the rest of the town, rotting, rotting, rotting. Not the visible rot someone might spot on something, nothing to deter those that might walk in. The rot that's settled among the town is one only seen by those that walk in, those that find the heart of Hickory Grove. It's a rot that Micah has come to see. Although he's made himself blind to it for so long, in partial because the thought of being stuck here when the town finally collapses inward scares the hell out of him.

"My mom's mom is from South America. She's a mystic down there or something. At least that's what my mom told me. Might be totally fake. Hard to know with Dina." He grinned, glancing over. In another life, maybe he'd been taking her on a longer trip. One with a car with an AC, a car that didn't contain two people with individual curses. Micah would be able to leave, she'd be able to watch a sunrise. That was the ideal life, and it was unobtainable. Which, in truth, made him queasy, he hated thinking about what was out of his reach. He'd always hated it.

"You're welcome to drive the Camaro anytime you want. So long as you take me with you. I'm not entirely sure how the curse works. You might be able to drive me out of the town, even if I can't do it myself." The furthest he could get was the droopy motel. The thrill of his days was driving to the motel and standing in the sickly sweet heat, sweet tea in hand and tarot cards, or playing cards, in the other. Sometimes, he'd gamble. He wondered how good Pearl was at playing cards, granted if Dimitri was there, they'd all lose. His cousin was exceptional at winning, anyone was if they could see your hand before you played it.
Pearl listens quietly to the hum of the car, her nose now beginning to be accustomed to the scent, making it smell less strong. She stares at the speeding sign through the rearview mirror and admires the trees, some of which are probably older than her. The road beneath them lets out a low hum, the newspapers around her crinkle slightly with even the slightest movement. She finds the ride to be rather quiet, although the kind that Pearl enjoys. A warm silence. She hears the sudden whir of the AC and frowns as it comes out hot and sticky, the taste of a filter that long needs retiring sticks to her mouth, and she's quite happy that Micah turns it off. Part of her does feel quite bad about it though, he must be quite hot, Pearl can feel the heat around her but it doesn't affect her too much, although for anyone with a proper heartbeat it must be quite bad. Her eyes drift to look at him, and she can tell he's soon going to get quite uncomfortable in the heat, especially since this car is a bit like an oven, cooking them both.

"South America. I've heard that's quite a hub for many kinds of creatures, a lovely place too. I'd love to visit in person. Perhaps I'll go to Brazil one day, although Uruguay sounds just as nice." Pearl says, a smile no one can see on her lips.

She finds it a shame that her chances of visiting the hot continent are quite slim considering that the sun is so hot down there. She'd have better luck going in the winter perhaps, but she knows it wouldn't be nearly as fun in the off season. She hopes that at least one day Micah will go, perhaps the curse not being real after all, it makes Pearl feel quite frustrated. He's in the perfect age to adventure but if his mother put a curse on him he can't. It's not very polite.

"Well we can always see one day. I think you'd like New York City. It's quite a lovely city, full of life, and there are quite a few fascinating witches that live there as well. It'd be a really long drive though. Although I suppose we could cover more ground than most considering how I work best at night, and you don't turn to ashes during the day." Pearl says, the idea of travelling quite a few states over with him rather fun, she hasn't had an adventure in a while, unfortunately they might not ever be able to do something of that nature.
Sleipnir said:
"Certainly are," Tali told her cheerfully. "No one stops by the tea shop too often. I can close down soon, you know. I try to stay open til a little later though. Just let me know whenever you're ready to go." She took a sip of her tea. "Hmmm. You might get a sample. Not sure if this is too strong or not." She said something about floral notes and smoke under her breath.
Bael huffed, looking at the inventory in the back room and reading his list. He frowned, glancing between some of the boxes and the list. Then some rattling sound from across the storage room. He moved as quick as anything, stumbling and charging down the hall to deal with whatever magic was causing the fuss.

Accaica Benson

Accacia nodded and placed the bags on the table, humming softly. "Im ready whenever you are babe" She replied, slipping off her heels, sinking to her normal, short height.

The dark haired female headed over to her record player and gently placed a Florence + The Machine vinyl and set the needle, turning the object she loved dearly, on.

Dog Days Are Over spewed out the music device, beginning to decorate her apartment with a little help of magic.

((Ughh, sorry for being so lameee and not replying. I've been very busy)

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Kyle frowned as his best friend turned a toad into a rat. His eyebrows raised and he looked at his friend with curiosity. "Okay Ty, how is that gonna help us out with my situation..?.." Tyler laughed and scratched his back as he sheepishly grinned back at Kyle. "Uhh... It won't? I just wanted to see if I could do that stereotype people have of witches of turning dudes into toads. Except it's the other way around..." Kyle laughed at the stereotype- when mortals made assumptions about everything it was pretty amusing. "Okay, that is funny, but first off- last time I checked birds aren't mortals. Second- you need to help me find or make a warding spell to keep hunters away from me. I had to take out two of 'em last night when I was trying to take a nap by the lake. If I didn't wake up, I might never have." His face drooped a bit at the thought of leaving his best friend behind just because some mortals had the guts to attempt killing him.

Tyler grabbed Kyle's shoulders and looked him in the eyes. "Ky, listen to me. I'm not gonna let them take you down, okay? I hate that people assume just because you take a bite out of people every so often and know how to stay young forever, they think you're evil. They think you're the bad guy... Well you're not, Ky. You're my best buddy and I've never met anyone else that I'd be willing to spend eternity playing with. So some dumb mortals aren't gonna touch you ever again if I can help it." Kyle smiled up at his friend, ignoring the minor pain tugging at his stomach. He knew he had at least one more day til his hunger would truly set in and he'd have to grab a bite- literally.
Micah raised a slender finger to his lips before removing from under his seat something prized to him. A CD, old with some scrawled writing on it. Hitting the eject on the radio, he removed the newer disc. The newer disc was tossed out into the back of the car, forgotten and uncared for. He didn't mind it getting scratched in the slightest. The new disc was inserted, and the music came out soft and fuzzy before Micah paused at the next stop sign. He hummed softly as he chewed his lower lips before adjusting the various dials on the radio. A radio that still had a cassette player in the top. The installation of the CD player had been thanks to Micah, which, took so much cash he had no intention of ever dealing with it again. At this point, he'd decided that if the car were to die, he would simply discard it. Which, wasn't a pleasant thought but the nearest auto-body shop was an hour away. With the death of his old man, there wasn't a soul in the town that could seriously fix a car.

"If you ever head south, give me a ring. I'll hook you up with a place to stay down there, with the family. Hell, if you want to take a drive, I can loan you the car. You'd probably like the car. I mean, you'd have to drive at night, but you haven't seen the way she gleams in the streetlights." Of course, neither had he, if someone was willing to get fully technical. He didn't know much about driving far, far away.
Pearl listens quietly to the music, enjoying the sound. She feels a little bit alarmed at his treatment of the CD he ejected, but doesn't say anything about it. Instead closing her eyes and letting herself enjoy the car ride. The music makes her think of other eras full of other people. Past romances and enemies, a dance with mortals that are now far too old to keep up with the music. She sways slightly from side to side, enjoying the sounds. When Micah speaks Pearl doesn't feel alarmed, instead a little bit more calm, enjoying his company.

"How much more south is there to go?" she asks, feeling like this little town is on the edge of the world. "Perhaps sometime I'll take her out then. I haven't driven in a while though. Everything here is far too close together for my taste." she adds in, opening her eyes a crack.

Pearl wonders if this car has ever been in a race, and if Micah has ever been the one driving it too.

"How fast can she go?" Pearl asks, wondering if maybe they can pick up some speed another day, after all, a real joyride involves speeding.


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