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Fantasy Hickory Grove

The tall figure of a man in a tweed jacket strolls down Main Street, his wire frame glasses reflecting the harsh light of the southern sun.

He was on his way to the bar, hoping that none of his friendly neighborhood families spotted him on his journey... He knew his favorite pass time was kept to a minimum in the town gossip by the patrons who knows of his issue, but if any of the parents of the kids he tutored found out...

Well, he'd be plum out of work.
Winona Tearle

Winona walks down the street, having placed each of the fliers around town. She keeps her stroll steady, twisting her umbrella. She stops, looks to the left, and turns. Winnie keeps walking at a steady pace, the umbrella now slightly bobbing up with each step. Slinging her bag up onto her shoulder more, she misses a step and trips over a pebble. The sun's powerful rays are much stronger than the shade of an umbrella, and begins to burn her legs. She hisses and pulls her legs closer to her. "Stupid pebble," she mumbles to herself, rubbing one of her calves. Now she stands, rolls her eyes at the ground, and continues her casual stroll down to Silas's bar.

She walks down the back alley and towards Silver Linings. Humming quietly, she enters through the door. There were more people in here now, rather than earlier when there was pretty much nobody. Winnie walks over to Silas, "Here's the stapler back!" She takes it out of her bag, and sets it on the counter, smiling.

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Allen ambles down into the shadier section off of Main Street.

Now, which bar will i go to today…

He ponders a few seconds, before tilting in the direction of Silver Linings. He walked towards the door, pushing it open with medium force before making his way inside. He sits on rightmost seat, on the edge of the row of stools, as he awaits for the bartender to spot him.

Once the fellow comes over, he gets right down to business.

"I'd like a beer, please. Stella Artois."

The bartender goes off to the tap to retrieve his drink.
Blaze had inched towards the edge of town looking for a criminal to punish, after about half an hour of walking he found a man robbing a convenience store. "You shall now feel my wraith!" Blaze said in a casually and joking tone. The ghost approached the man, he had ran into the woods now after the police had came. "Boo!" Blaze said before dragging the man down and disappearing further into the woods. The police had caught the perpetrator, Blaze hid behind a tree staring at the robber, the robber screamed and yelled pointing in Blazes direction, but Blaze had already disappeared.
Silas had become a very popular man in a matter of moments. He hummed softly as he glanced at the sudden influx of people. The ghost situation didn't phase him, not int he slightest considering what he was, but it's bad for business. "Mind taking a seat in the corner?" He questions the ghost, a silent threat perhaps hanging in his voice. Just a hint of a grown. His gaze flickered to the newcomer asking his position at the bar. "I started this joint, and I run it, yes. Only one here. What can I do for you miss- ah, pardon me." He stopped, grimacing before he quickly grabbed the other gent a beer, sliding it in his direction. Usually Silas would card, but too many people at once. A quick grin at Winnie and a gentle "Thanks, mon-cher. I'm glad to hear. Free drinks, whenever." His gaze flickered back to the girl from before. He leaned against the bar. "Names Silas Vasquez, bar owner, what can I do for you?" He was already worn thin, the exact reason he'd needed to hire help. It was, after all, difficult as hell to manage the whole bar while attempting to avoid sprouting fur and dropping to all fours. What a life he was living.

Micah was frowning slightly, although it was barely present. He was very much skilled at the art of keeping such minor expressions buried. "You didn't mean to kill anyone, though. Like shit, I'm pretty biased against the whole idea of supernaturals being seriously blamed for murder, if that makes sense? You don't blame wolves for killing deer. Although if I weren't in the supernatural population, I'd probably be notably more upset about everything." That's reasonable, He could understand others being upset with them. Well not witches. Witches generally don't do much, unless you get into the darker arts, in which case a human sacrifice or two might pop up. It's hard to know, Micah, has come close more than once. He knows his mother in her youth was all about that. Witches don't even remotely being to match up to say vampires or werewolves.
"Blanche Cromwell." She spoke as she put out her hand over the bar for him to shake. "I saw you were hiring. Wondering if you be interested in hiring me?" She would smile at him, she really need this job so she was on her best behavior, saving her side comments for the future. Biting her lip to stop her from getting herself in trouble. She would glance around the room looking at everyone who entered and sighed.
Sleipnir said:
A slight panic seemed to shade Bael's sharp features for just a split second, then he regained his cold exterior. "Just an old-fashioned word for a young woman," he told her. It was half true at least. He bagged the items and handed them to her. "Oh, how's $60 sound?"
Tali nodded. "Oh, absolutely. Gossip is most interesting when I can use it — I don't care which bachelor sleeps with what young lady." She paused to listen to the rest of Silas's words. "Thank you. It's easier when people seem to have time to slow down and enjoy the tea, you see. The repeat customers make it better." She furrowed her brow. Most of them were for health teas to the point of puzzling. "As for the bar — well, I don't suppose eighteen is old enough for that, no? Perhaps if I could get something alcohol free."

Accacia Benson

The dark haired witch hid a smile at his change in demeanor, but it only lasted a few moments.

But, she was indeed fond of older slang, unlike the idiotic things "young adults" and twelve year olds made up now a days. Seriously? Swag? She inwardly shool her head at the sudden decrease in intelligence.

I like...a lot better than todays slang.." She nodded her head, her wallet pulled out.

She tried to surpass a look of suprise at the price, biting her lip as she shifted through.

Sounds...possible." She whipped out three twenty dollar bills and slipped them towards him, taking the bag.

Hopefully my paycheck will come in soon..

;; @Sleipnir

( Can someone please catch me up on things in the OOC tab? Im so sorry dears :/ I've been really busy. Hopefully I can do the Webb brothers reply soon
"I wouldn't repeat it. Might confuse people," Bael advised. Or maybe offend if anyone from before is left. He took the money and nodded, putting it away in the register. "Thank you. Enjoy your stuff," he told her briskly and with a dismissive air.

Tali sat up from her reading suddenly. "Oh, that's perfect," she breathed, and immediately pulled down a wooden bowl and several teas and herbs, opening them all and staring intently a at each one.
"Unfortunately not. I've had my accidents, although I have meant to kill people before. It's never something I can say I'm particularly proud of, but not something I can say was an accident since I needed to eat too. I don't do it anymore though. Not since that doctor guy started hooking me up. Although I'm worried I might need to find a new dealer." Pearl says, biting her lip.

It was only when Pearl really settled into Hickory Grove that she realized the full horrors of what she's done. She'd worked on rationalizing it, and while she'd do it again if she had to, Pearl would prefer simply taking blood from bags, even if it didn't taste even half as good as the real thing.

"Killing deer is different than killing people." she says feeling like she's about to be kicked out. "It's still bad don't get me wrong, but more widely accepted. I mean, you should see some of the shit we do. It's a sport, and not just killing. The whole thing." Pearl says with a dry and bitter laugh. "I think I must be drunk if I'm telling you this. Or I should be." Pearl adds in, pulling her legs up to her chest and resting her chin on her knees.


"Whatever you say"

Accacia nodded slightly, dropping her wallet into her bag, zipping it close.

She began to head towards the door, glancing back at him, hand on the door. "
Oh, and, may I ask your name..?" She asked.

"Oh?" He looked up from what he was doing, a slight frown on his face. "Oh. Bael Lake," he told her flatly. "I assume it's appropriate to ask yours, then?"
"Well, cher, you've got the job. So long as you can promise you've never been in jail, you're welcome to hop across the counter and grab an apron. That ones a joke." Silas offered her a large grin. He hadn't quite given her a full check, but he'd be fine. As for right now, it'd all be good. Later he'd do some digging, and if she ended up being a threat, he'd get her out of his bar, whatever was needed. Perhaps that was the wolf in him talking. He'd need to make sure she wasn't a mass murder, or worse, a supernatural that would get him shut up. He'd also need to actually order aprons now that it wasn't only him attempting to run the slightly worn down bar. And budget some pay. He was thinking minimum wage, with tips should she gather any. Was that the right thing to do? He'd just go with it.

Micah just laughed, a sudden cackle, as he sat up and turned to face her. "It's not your problem, you didn't mean to do it. It's like, this is probably coming off as amoral, because I suppose I am, but it's like. You can kill people. As long as you're not killing the really good ones, I guess? Maybe that's why I could mess around with the dark arts, no morals. No morals, and a history of being drunk, as I am now." One hand moved to idly rub the back of his neck. With a small grunt he pinched the bridge of his nose, a dull throb threatening to evolve into a full headache before the night, or day, was over. One of the pains of befriending vampires, his sleep schedule is shot to hell.

(likely my last post of the night, sorry for slow responses, busy week.)
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Pearl looks at him, a look of almost confusion on her face.

"I don't kill the really good people. Just the bad ones... mostly." Pearl says, staring back down at the table. "Probably best for you to get to bed then, if you're drunk." she says, putting her legs back down on the floor. "You said you have something important to do anyways, and I read that people need an average of between eight and ten hours of sleep to function properly. Even an hour less an effect things like your mood and performance." she says matter o' factly.

(See you later!)
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Blanche would smile, sitting back down with a sigh of relief. She thought if she could ask him for an advance in her pay wondering if she had enough for a room, but decided not to push her luck. "Thanks, you won't be sorry." Wondering if he would actually take his chance with her. She had been to jail but that was so long ago it probably wouldn't show up in a search, but if it did for human standard it would have been impossible for her to even been born that long ago. "Do you happen to know how much board is at the inn?" She asked leaning on the bar as she spoke, her tone was far more relaxed than it was at the beginning. She traced the grooves in the table with her finger as she spoke, finding it almost therapeutic, which made her chuckle softly.
Silas seemed to think for a moment before offering a small shrug. "I haven't the slightest of ideas, Blanche. I've never stayed in the inn, I usually find myself situated in the bar. If you're not above such things, you're welcome to do as I do, sleep in a booth." Silas wasn't joking. He did it often enough, granted he had a small space upstairs where he kept his belongings, and an air mattress, disused. Part of the twenty four hours gig included being within reach the entire time. People enjoyed it, even if they didn't enjoy having to nudge Silas awake on account of the fact that like a bear, he tended to have claws, and be quite the angry person when suddenly awoken.

Micah wrinkled his nose slightly. He hadn't gotten the needed hours of sleep since, well, middle school? If that. He wasn't one to sleep for long hours, or sleep at all. Micah was a night owl, he did his best work between the hours of 12 and four in the morning. That was how he operated. In high school he'd go, come home and sleep until such hours, and do his work before catching a few stray hours of extra sleep, and then booking it to class. Granted he'd nearly flunked out of high school a number of times. "Sleep isn't on the agenda right about now, I've got too much running through this head of mine." He cocked a brow upwards and allowed his usual crooked smile to show up once more.
Pearl gives him a curious look and pulls her chair forward.

"New things or simply refreshing all of the older ones?" she asks, feeling genuinely curious about what's going on in his head.

She's always wished to know about these sorts of things, what goes on in people's minds. Especially a witch's mind. They always look like they've got something interesting on their minds. Pearl always has something on her mind, although it's not really interesting. Mostly just music she can't sing and odd facts she learned on wikipedia sprees. "How did you know you were a witch?" she asks him.
Allen is given his drink. Thank the lord. So early in the day, and he's already choosing to get drunk.

He raises his glass for the counter, slipping the cool glass against his lips as he closes his eyes and slips the golden booze down his throat. He debated whether he'd mind his money or waste it all as long as he could get sufficiently hammered tonight.

Who knows, perhaps later in the day, he'd even partake in smoking those strange, unlabeled herbs on his potion ingredient shelf in his basement, somewhere in the woods where his relaxed mind could tune in with nature.

He gradually decreased the contents of the glass until it is almost empty.
"New things these days." He pauses before removing some chapstick from his pocket, lazily applying it to his cracked and chapped lips. It's something he does when trying to buy himself time to think. He tucked it back into his pocket and glanced in her direction again. "When I was six, I had my first encounter with a serious vision of the future. Like, real bad shit. My mom was a witch, dad was, something. She could assume that much. When I was real young, I wasn't closed off to as much as I am now. Meaning shit experiences with ghosts, all the time." This much was certainly true, Micah was almost always getting into various problems on account of his inexperience, and inability to close himself off from that part of the psychic life.
"Might take you up on that offer if I can't come up with the cash for board." She looked at the booths and noted them before turning back. "You want me to start today or tomorrow?" She was eager to start and make money, god knew she need it too. She decided she stay awhile maybe four or five months depending on the outcome of this town and its people, so far she noted it to be freaky but doable. Deciding to take her chance as she leaned on the bar to get a better look.

"And you're always welcome to do so." He nodded slowly before moving to take a seat on the bar. He generally sat here, or one of the small chairs behind the bar. He kept two or three back there, idly he wondered if he should tell her she's welcome to take a seat on any number of them. "Today, if you're not busy. I can teach you the ropes." There weren't any ropes to be taught, truly. The bar was basically straightforward. Almost bland in how straightforward it was. It didn't have a complex routine. In fact, it just consisted of sitting around until someone ordered something, and then they could get to work. Assuming someone actually ordered something in this lifetime.
Pearl waits patiently for his reply, eyeing his chapstick. She's never really been a fan of carrying things other than money in her pockets, although she admits that she should probably have some with her, if only to make her lips look a little more red when she hasn't had a meal in a while.

"Did the vision come true?" she asks him, her voice while neutral is has an undercurrent of curiosity that carries through it.

Blanche rubbed her hands together as she nodded. "Teach me your ways." She said sitting down at the bar early. The sooner she got to work the sooner she would be paid which benefited her in the long run. Fair for board at the inn and a bus ticket for her next adventure. She knew most of what there was to know about running the bar. While spending most of her time in one she also worked in them, a good way to make easy money, though she had to say the tips weren't bad either.
Sleipnir said:
"Oh?" He looked up from what he was doing, a slight frown on his face. "Oh. Bael Lake," he told her flatly. "I assume it's appropriate to ask yours, then?"

Accacia smiled a bit at his name, but quickly hid it.

Bael Lake...thats an interesting name..

She licked her lips a bit and nodded. "Of course. Im Accaica Benson, it was...interesting being your acquaintance" She chuckled a bit, opening the door.
"Interesting name," he told her. He nodded, giving her a sort of salute. "Been nice jawing. Now, cut it; get going, yes? I imagine you're busy." He turned his attention to writing something down. She seemed nice enough, but so did many ladies and gentlemen who walked into her a store. At least three different times a witch used his wares to put a hex on some unlucky young man that had apparently cheated or some none sense.

So Bael didn't put much stock in first impressions.

Tali nodded softly to herself and pulled a few tablespoons of gunpowder green tea — smokey and light, with all the life-enhancing benefits of green teas — and added a teaspoon of rose petals — soft and floral. Cornflowers for color accent. Then she went to heat the water for it, eager to try her new combination.
( i now shall be working on the Webbs post! :D )

Accacia pulled out her measly flipphone. She's not very fond of electronics, unless she actually needs them for buisness, e.t.c.

She clicked on Talis number and rang her up, pressing the phone to her ear as her heels clicked against the sidewalk.


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