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Fantasy Hickory Grove

Micah snorted in response to her tales. He'd decided just to listen for a little. Her stories were light, and it was a wonderful change in tone. A lazy grin snaked onto his features. "You've always been a really phenomenal person, then. On the note of black magic, worry not I won't send the mood crashing down, as a teen I enjoyed the mystery. I also enjoyed bringing my parrot back to life. Granted resurrection is most never a good idea. I wouldn't recommend it. Well, In the magical sense. Your whole resurrection was a different story." He nodded slowly before combing his hands through his hair. It was very much a messy situation, that hair of his. "I didn't delve too deep into that scene. I'm no fool, not when it comes to that. Too many nightmares when you fiddle with that business." He looks comfortable, despite the tone shifts, he's comfy in this conversation. A blessing of sorts, he's feeling good about relaxing with her. "We should do this more often. You're a great conversation." He stretched, attempting to beat off any thoughts of sleep that might linger in his skull.

(This is my last post for the night, gotta sleep for work again tomorrow. I'll return tomorrow at 5 est, unless I get time to shoot back a reply or two.)
Pearl's smile comes back at the mention of being phenomenal. She's always enjoyed a compliment or two.

"Why thank you. I do try." she says, finishing off her glass of wine and deciding not to have anymore. "You had a parrot? Did it enjoy being brought back to life?" Pearl asks, raising an eyebrow.

All she can really imagine is Micah dressed up as a pirate and running around with a peg-leg with a parrot sitting on his shoulder.

"I'm glad you didn't dabble too deeply in those arts. I've met only witch who had, and they seemed a little... unhinged." Pearl says, looking off into a distant memory of her having to serve the strange woman. Later that day the witch had chased her through the house, determined to get a couple drops of blood and her hair. Pearl had been rather young when it happened, though the memory still send shivers down her spine, it left an imprint on her strong enough that she had refused business for any witches for too long a time. She snaps out of her thoughts when Micah starts talking again.

"I agree. You're quite an interesting guy, and it's quite nice having such captivating conversations." she says with a smile.

She notices Micah looks a little tired and can't help but feel bad for keeping him up all night.

"Sometimes I sleep during the day, so if you're in the mood to rest I'm sure I'll be able to find a dark corner around here." she offers.

(Same here, school tomorrow. Sleep well!)
Amaranthium said:
Silas studied her in turn. He studied the motions of her hands, and the way she prepared the tea for some time before he spoke. "I hope you've heard good things about me. Although it's hard for people to perhaps gather the right kind of reputation in a place such as Hickory Grove." He's grinning again, just his small charming smile. It lacks the mischief one might find in Micah or Pearl's grins.
Tali shrugged and passed him a mug of the tea. "Oh, I hear lots but rarely listen. Idle gossip isn't my favorite, you know; I'd rather make my opinions for myself. In the past it's done me good." She pushed a loose lock of light brown hair out of her face, studying Silas a moment before turning to clean her teapot out.
Sleipnir said:
"If I can!" Tali repeated. "Sir, I could put you to sleep before you get down the street if I wanted. It's all in the right plants, you know." She turned to look at her blends. Chamomile? Lavender? Rooibos? "What kind of flavors would you like, then? Something nutty? Something floral?"
Bael raised an eyebrow, leaning against the desk. "I don't like people climbing my bookshelves, cherry dear. You needed my help."

Accacia Benson

Accacia huffed slightly, pulling out her wallet. "Whateverr" She shifted through her wallet. "Cherry dear?" She rose an eyebrow at the name, a look of amusement passing across her eyes.

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"I dabbled deeper. Believe me, part of the reason I found out what I could do with a wave of my hand. It's gotten better now, though. I've gotten a helluva lot better these days. Had to, gotta keep going in the right direction without messing things up for mom and I." He paused to stand and remove his glass, putting it on the longer bar table. Out of reach, out of mind. He returned to his previous seat, nodding in response. "You're not such a bad conversation yourself, pal. Besides, gotta say, I really, seriously, enjoy talking to your kind. Vampires, I mean. They've done everything. Meanwhile I haven't done anything. It's a nice contrast, I really like the feel of it. Good shit." He shrugged and kicked his feet back up onto the table once more. "Mm, nah. I need to stay awake. Have to head up to the motel later tonight. When the sun sets. Need to take over for the others. Silent witch protest thing." He laughed softly, he took over more often than he pleased. He frankly could care less if the Motel did or did not allow witches.

Silas took the tea, taking a sip and humming in delight. This was most certainly a good drink, he'd plan on returning. "Idle gossip is hardly worth tuning into these days. He's with her, she said this, they did that. It's the same story on repeat, it seems. I'm very much glad that you've managed to be such a success with the locals and your shop. You should visit the bar sometime." He used the back of his hand to wipe any resedue that lingered on his mouth. The tea needed to cool slightly before he made the attempt to drink anymore.
"Good. Best to enjoy the risk and then get out before the regrets set in." Pearl says, leaning back in her chair and stretching her arms over her head.

She runs her fingers through her hair and stares down at her glass. She can't help but feel a little bit groggy but that's normal for her when the sun comes up, especially when she'd stayed up the day before learning about jellyfish and all their poisons. "Well, you're unfortunately talking to the most boring one of them all. Sure I've had my days, but I've been here for at least a good ten years already, and in those it's just been one big routine. You've got time to do things you know. You're a good age. Plus the daylight isn't your worst enemy. I'm sure your mum wouldn't mind if you took a little vacation." Pearl says, giving him a smile.

"Ah yes. They don't much fancy you witches in that dingy little motel. You sure it'll be safe there? Sounds like the kind of place those hunter boys would stay at." Pearl says, a look of concern on her face.

She'd rather not have Micah run into the two, especially in a place that's so hostile towards witches.

"Can't leave. Hickory Grove isn't a place you can drive out. This place owns you. That, and I have the nagging suspicion my mother cursed me. No escape. Last time I tried to drive out, bam. Fog came out and I was parked in the middle of the hedges out front. It's a major issue. I could check properly, but I don't have the energy for it." He exhaled sharply, casting a glance towards the stairs. Perhaps he was a little more unhappy about his mother's actions than he often times puts out. "For the record, you aren't boring. I think just about anyone in this shit own is interesting. If you've got a pulse, you've got something interesting to tell me. Well, not really a pulse I guess. Do you have a pulse?" He cocked his head to the side, curious as ever.

"I have literally no idea what the motel has against us. But I don't think the motel is going to care much, no matter how long we stay there. Besides, if those two brutes come out of the motel to try and fight me I'll show them why it is I've got such a rep for fighting people." A rep for fighting, yes, just not for winning. He wins sometimes, just, he's lost a few.
A slight panic seemed to shade Bael's sharp features for just a split second, then he regained his cold exterior. "Just an old-fashioned word for a young woman," he told her. It was half true at least. He bagged the items and handed them to her. "Oh, how's $60 sound?"

Tali nodded. "Oh, absolutely. Gossip is most interesting when I can use it — I don't care which bachelor sleeps with what young lady." She paused to listen to the rest of Silas's words. "Thank you. It's easier when people seem to have time to slow down and enjoy the tea, you see. The repeat customers make it better." She furrowed her brow. Most of them were for health teas to the point of puzzling. "As for the bar — well, I don't suppose eighteen is old enough for that, no? Perhaps if I could get something alcohol free."
Pearl frowns at his story. It must be awful having such a curse, especially since that means he really will go down with this town. While Pearl enjoys it here and is happy to have found a place to settle, she'd be stir crazy if she found out she'd never be able to leave. She wants to ask him if there's a way to break the curse, but she imagines that he's already thought of the idea and tried it.

"I'm glad you find me interesting, and yes I do have a pulse, albite a very slow one. Two heartbeats a minute. Though I can consciously think and try to speed it up, but that's more of a pain in the ass than it's worth, useless too most of the time. Breathing isn't needed though." she says with a shrug.

Her thoughts drift back to his curse, and she can't help but ask about it.

"Do you think there's a way to break the curse?" she blurts out, biting her lip to stop the sentence from going further.

Blanche pulled her scarf up over her head as she snuggled deeper into her seat, watching building pass by her. From when the bus picked her up to now, she'd been riding around for a good 5 or 6 hours. The man beside her, who spoke loudly on his phone, got on about 2 hours ago making Blanche wish she jumped ship a good 3 hours ago. So far from the conversation, she was able to figure out he was angry, about what she wasn't quiet sure.

As they passed a small town she looked out the window to read the sign 'Welcome to Hickory Grove'. Hickory Grove huh? She thought. It looked like a sleepy little town, and those she always tried to avoid. Everyone was always to involved in everyone else's life. People poked and prodded at others business so much that it ended up becoming their business as well.

Do it. A voice whispered in her head. The town did look rather inviting, and there was a chance to find work there. No. You could easily be found out. She needed to think rationally but at the same time, she wanted change. Ever since she turned everywhere she had taken refuge, loud and crowded.

When the bus started driving away from the town she made up her mind. "Stop!" She yelled, her thick English victorian accent floating in the air as she stood quickly and pushed passed the man, interrupting his conversation earning her a death glare in the process. "I would like to get off... please." The bus jerked to a stop almost causing her to lose her balance before the doors opened.

When the bus drove away she stood there for a moment to process what she had just done. What had she just done? Standing outside of the town, with nothing but a few hundred in cash and a backpack of clothes, enough to last her through the week. "Well, crap." She muttered, looking at the town and sighed. Adjusting her bag on her shoulder, she began to walk into the town, stopping for a bit unsure of what she felt. A sense of unease drifted in and out of her body before she could process it. Walking down the road, she pulled her scarf up higher to cover her fiery orange hair, covering her face in the process as well. All that ran through her mind a that moment was What really had she done?
Micah looks as started as she does when she blurts it out. He just, groans and covers his face with his hands for a minute or two. He shrugs after another minute, and then drops his hands to the sides of the chair. "I don't know. I can't even promise you it's a legit thing. I've never had any other wish attempt to find out if I've got an issue, magically speaking. I'm not interested in finding out." It's the truth, finding out about the ordeal means in truth finding out that his mother is a deeply flawed individual. Something he's not willing to do just this moment. He's had his teenage rebellion, and she probably did it to avoid something bad happening. Something flutters in the back of his head, and he assumes he's just too drunk. It's like having something at the tip of your tongue, just barely there. "I might need sleep." It's muttered under his breath.

Silas is still a smiling mess, as always. His hair gel has stopped working, and every few minutes his hand moves to attempt to push it back. It's not staying back. "You've certainly made a repeat customer of me." It's a true enough reply. "Eighteen? You're kidding me. A joke. Of course you're always welcome in, just avoid the bar. Not that I'd mind slipping you a drink should you seriously desire one such beverage." Silas isn't one to pass a drink to a minor, but a fellow supernatural, perhaps.
Tali shrugged with a bit of a smile. "Well, I'm glad to hear I'll be seeing more of you! Perhaps I'llcome visit — but I'll stick to drinks that keep my head clear," she assured him.
Pearl feels bad about asking it, and the frown on her face deepens.

"Perhaps it was just bad luck that night then. Your mother doesn't seem like the type anyway. Or maybe it was the evil cards." she suggests. "I apologize for asking about it." she adds in, nodding her head.

She stays in silence with Micah for a little while, feeling quite bad about it all.

"Perhaps then taking a rest would be in order for you then." she says in response.

Her ears do pick up everything after all. Plus she'd not mind trying to find a way to sneak downstairs and see what his mother is up to, or hope for rain so she can get an errand or two done. Perhaps even try her hand at cooking again, although the food she normally makes might be a little... outdated. But if all else fails Pearl can also sleep or find the nearest computer and plug herself in.
Ryuuki walked into Hickory Grove. He could be seen through the window of the building that Silas was in. Anyone who saw him would notice that he looked transparent. @Amaranthium
Silas removed his wallet from his pocket, placing it on the counter after a moment. "How much should I pay you, Miss Tali? Money isn't a real issue for me, just name a price, and I can hand it over." Money is an issue for him. He's been struggling to say afloat for as long as he can recall. Well, at least since showing up in Hickory Grove. It was slightly better when he was still shacked up in the French Quarter. But he's fond of the tea maker, he's willing to offer up some money. Silas idly gazed out, brows furrowing. He didn't know this person.

"Don't worry about it. You didn't mean any harm. It's fine. I'm fine with it, and I'm feeling really seriously bad that you feel bad. Lighten up my dude." Micah stood up again, moving to stand behind the chair and lean on the back. Mostly to keep himself from falling asleep. He most certainly didn't want to upset the good flow the pair of them had here. He drummed against the back of the chair after a moment, something to keep himself busy. "I'll burn the cards tonight. Maybe try and drive out of town, just to make sure I'm not losing my mind about this whole thing. You can come with me when I try and drive out, of you're interested." He raised his brows, a not-so-subtle invite.

((Last post of the night.))
Pearl nods her head and pulls up a smile.

"Thank you for forgiving me." she says, trying to keep up her end of lightening the mood.

Pearl can already tell that he's tired, and while part of her wants to insist that he sleeps, the other two thirds of her say that it would be both a little bit creepy and motherly to insist so she keeps her mouth shut.

"Good, hopefully your luck with things will turn around without the pesky deck around." she says nodding her head. "As for the drive, I'd quite like to go. I haven't really left town for my own leisure in quite a while so a trip would be quite nice. We can stop by my place for snacks too." Pearl says with a hum.

She'd quite like some more of her secret slushies too, especially if she's going to be in a confined space with someone. As she's thinking Pearl notices something odd move, and she can't help but check again.

"Did you see that?" she asks, pointing towards the direction of a rather odd looking shadow.

Pearl glares down at the wine, hoping that for some reason it will have the answer to why she may or may not be hallucinating.

@Ldybug123 @Amaranthium

(Sleep well!)
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Pearl stares at the ghost in awe. She's not used to seeing them, and the fact that this one just appeared before her is quite a sight to behold. Her eyes remain fixed on the ghost, looking at the creature with what one might call pity, although to Pearl it's more like a victory. She can't help but cast it a wicked smile, because something about this creature shows that in a way, Pearl has won. She may not be allowed out in the day, but at least she's firmly in one world and not drifting.

"You lost?" she asks, trying to keep her tone polite.

She simply hopes that Micah sees the ghost or fell asleep so that either way she wont look crazy.

Pearl's smile grows, her fangs in full view, something she does subconsciously.

"Why're you here then? Are you related to anyone in this house?" she asks him, giving him a steely stare, "Or do you simply enjoy wandering?"

Pearl notes that he looks quite young, so she can't help but assume it was a violent death.

"Are you malicious?" she asks the child.

"Interesting." Pearl says, staring at the figure.

He doesn't give off much information, nor does he have a smell. It's for this reason that Pearl decides that she doesn't like him much. She'd much rather someone she can smell and feel. That way if they try and attack her she can attack them back. Ghosts, well that's quite a bit harder to do.


(Heading to bed. G'night!)

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