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Fantasy Hickory Grove

Micah was very much willing to do the honors. He moved to grab the bottle, and then the wine opener from the table. In a few quick motions, it was open. He stood up, grabbing two glasses from their resting spot. Both were placed on the table before he poured a generous amount in the pair of them. Resuming his old seat, he took his glass and took a hearty swig. "Shit, this is good. Really, really good stuff right here. Gotta say, it's nice. I'm a huge fan." He placed the glass back down, pausing. "You want to know about the card, and the herbs. That's why you insisted on coming over early, then." He placed both hands on the table, fanning out his fingers and glancing down at the ring that gleamed idly on his index finger. He looked bored, almost. Slightly annoyed, perhaps.
Pearl grabs her glass and takes a long sip of her wine, finding herself enjoying the taste a bit more than usual. She did pick a good one to bring.

"One of the many perks to being immortal. Good alcohol." she says proudly.

Pearl places the glass down and places her hands in her lap.

"Well. Now that I'm here I suppose I can't help but be a little bit curious about it all, yes. Although I was more interested in coming early because I've had quite a busy and admittedly stressful night, and I'd much rather enjoy a glass of wine with a friend than sit at home and sulk about it at all alone. Besides, you always have quite interesting stories to tell as well." she says, giving him a look of sincerity.

Pearl can't help but be curious about things, although she'd much rather not annoy her few friends about it in the name of discovery, especially when they've been so kind as to host her. Plus if the two men are in fact hunters, she'd much rather formulate a plan in the safety of numbers than on her own in a house she hasn't yet boobytrapped. Although she'd rather not tell Micah about that, if only so that he doesn't get any impressions of her concern. Now her only worry is what she'll do when the sun rises, although at this point she's going to simply assume that a sleepover is on the cards. Maybe she'll even make a show to hang herself upside-down on something, although wether or not that would be funny in practice is a gamble.
Sleipnir said:
Bael gave something like a small laugh as he watched Accaica struggle for a bit before spotting the book se apparently wanted, and grabbed it out, handing it down to her. "This one?" He asked.
Tali returned to the tea shop shortly, dropping the shipment on a table eagerly. Maybe this one had the blends she's bought personally and the health teas. She looked around, suddenly realizing something: she didn't have a box cutter or knife to remove the tape.

Accacia Benson

Accacia huffed when Bael laughed at her struggle, her fingers nearly brushing the book.

When he grabbed it, she returned to flat feet, arms crossed.

I could've done it myself you know" She mumbled, her cheeks beginning to glow a red.
"You know, when my mom first found out I was hanging around with your types, she flipped her shit. I wonder what she's going to do when she finds out I'm messing with the forces of magic for you." He snorted, his mother didn't care these days. She really, really, did not. There wasn't any controlling Micah once he hit sixteen. Then again, he didn't get into too much trouble. Not enough that she lived in real concern about Micah's usually stupid actions. She hadn't had anything major to deal with since the last fight he'd gotten into with a werewolf. The gent had scratched him up real bad. Micah still had the faint scars on his chest. He removed his actual deck of tarot cards. The masterfully painted things were placed on the table and he licked his lips in anticipation of using them once more. "The herbs were for something else I can do. Little thing my aunt taught me. Mom doesn't know about it. I'll need a bowl and some water for that, though." A sleepover is in mind. Micah will probably let her crash in his bed, he can sleep literally anywhere else. He has a plethora of places to sleep. His whole house was basically decorated so that either inhabitants could simply curl up anywhere. It makes the large abode all the more cozy. It's something he's come to love about the house, and probably a pretty key reason he hasn't ditched the place and his mother.
Another tiny hint of a smile, this one maybe a bit mocking. "Oh, could you have?" He asked, his tone reinforcing the look. He gave her the book and clasped his hands behind his back before turning to head toward the check out counter. "I'll be waiting on you unless you need someone a bit taller to help you get anything else," he called to her, not turning to look at Accaica.

After awhile, Tali took a pen to tear the tape from the box with, ripping the cardboard as well. At least she didn't reuse the stuff.
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"Well, I'm glad she's warmed up to the thought of me hanging around, I'd really rather not have an angry encounter with a witch. Let alone one trying to protect their child." Pearl says, taking a sip of wine. "And let's make sure she doesn't find out then." she adds with a wink. "What'd your aunt teach you that you don't want your mother knowing about?" Pearl asks, her curiosity growing by the minute.

Pearl looks at his tarot cards and grins. She's always loved these sorts of things, even before she was a vampire.

"How'd you come about these if I might ask? Did you make them yourself?" she asks him, a look of curiosity on her face.

Her eyes go from the cards then to his face and then back again. She finds it funny how she can't particularly remember how or when she'd started considering him a friend, although she's quite glad that it happened. She's never had many witchy friends, possibly because most other creatures besides vampires tend to avoid well... vampires. It's become quite a frustrating thing for Pearl. Although she is generally pleased when the werewolves leave her alone since she's yet to meet a werewolf who hasn't rubbed her the wrong way.
Silas, upon entering the tea shoppe dipped his head in response. She was busy attempting to open a box, perhaps a moment earlier and he could've assisted. However she appeared to have done what was needed. "Afternoon." He finally offered up a few words after clearing his throat in hopes of not startling the woman had she not heard him enter. "I'm here to seek a brew. Assuming you're willing to fix me something of course." He had moved to take a seat, and comb a hand through his hair. Silas wasn't the most widely respected of wolves lingering in the town on account of his behavior in rough situations. His bar, and ability to sustain the business was quite the feat, though.

Micah nodded, her secret was locked tight away. Besides, who he brought over was none of his mother's business. He ran the shop as well. "My aunt? She taught me a thing or two about scrying. Tossing some shit into some water, and glancing in it. My eyes do this really, particularly fun thing, where they glaze over. So I've heard. I wouldn't know, can't really see my own eyes. But, it's a more accurate thing, in a way. More accurate in the sense that I manage to see things. Things that aren't in my head." At the question of his cards, he paused. One hand protectively lay on the cards, as if he feared they might be injured. "My cards and I matched up. It's a witch thing. I buy a ton of decks, literally tons, upon tons, of decks. I use them, none of them feel right. You find the right deck, and it's like scratching an itch. My great grandmother made this deck. It was hers, too. Until she kicked the bucket. Her ghost still pops up from time to time." A true story, but she generally tended to disappear.
Tali turned to Silas as he entered. "Good afternoon," she greeted him. "Always willing to make a brew so long as it's not free. What d'you need?" She asked, turning and leaning against the bar. She wasn't picky as to who she helped so long as she didn't feel like whatever she was making could be used for harm, so Silas's acting as though she might turn him down seemed a bit unusual to her.
"That sounds like some TV worthy magic, which is pretty interesting. If you'd like next time you decide to do it I can snap a picture or two, without flash of course." Pearl offers.

She's never really seen someone alive with glazed over eyes. She's seen plenty of dead people with them though, leaving a rather awful image of Micah dead in her mind. Pearl lets out a little shutter and tries not to think about it.

"Ah. Well she did quite a nice job on them. You ever have talks with her when she decides to make appearances?" Pearl asks, looking around the room for the ghost, despite knowing that she probably wont see anyone. "What do you do with the decks that don't fit?"
Elizabeth began putting a few dresses on display before tending to the costumers at the front desk. Her mother came through the door walking ever so elegantly and keeping her head straight as well as her posture. "Yes, mother." She said in a low and depressing tone of voice. "Nothing, I just wanted to see how the shop is doing." Her mother said to her as she walked over to the back of the shop. "My shift is over so I will be going to the cafe down the street to get something," SHe told her mother and quickly grabbed her things and left the shop before her mother could say another word to her. Elizabeth walked down the street and began to whistle a soft, and quiet tune. @anyone
"Nothing much, something calming, if you will. That'd be the best possible option, if you can make it." He leaned against the counter, elbows resting on it, and head in his hands. in partial he was attempting to quell any thoughts of change in the duration of the night. He doesn't want to worry about this whole, werewolf thing. Not tonight, he doesn't mind the shift, he just doesn't want to deal with it again tonight. Especially not with the lack of employees to run his business should he decide he needs to trounce off into the woods on all fours. Besides, he's still scrubbing his carpets clean of the crimson stain of last night. He'd brought a deer into his home. A full deer. Into his house.

"Pft, of course. I can always count on you to take pictures of me, Pearl." He took another swig and ran his hands along the cards in his deck slowly. "I don't talk to her. She doesn't know me. She knows the cards, but not me. I'm certain she knows of me, but not me. I don't see ghosts quite so clearly as others do. Not ghosts like her. Some ghosts, they're high definition, everyone sees them, others are just shimmers. Barely even visible. She's one of those." He selects a few cards, shaking his head, and then sticking them directly back into the deck. "I keep them, sort of. When I give people cards, they're out of the older decks. Nothing I need." Finally, he places the deck back down.

Accacia Benson

Accacia glared slightly, uncrossing her arms to take the book. "Of course I could've! I could've climbed up the bookshelf-"

Then it finally hit her. She could've used telekinesis. She groaned softly and facepalmed with the book.

Wow, what's wrong with me..

Accacia made way towards the counter and set the items down, digging around her crossbody bag.

;; @Sleipnir

I shall be adding Daniels and Clydes post when I get back ^-^

"I won't let you down" Pearl says with a grin.

She's never really seen a ghost before, and part of her feels a little bit let down that his grandmother isn't a ghost she'll be able to see. She's always wanted to meet a ghost, so the missed opportunity is a little disappointing.

Pearl looks at the card that Micah gave him and flips it around.

"Did you give the two hunters cards from the same deck as me?" she asks.

Pearl wouldn't be mad if he said yes, she's just curious.

"Have you ever had someone use these cards to see your future?" Pearl wonders out loud.

She hadn't really meant to ask it, but it slipped out. She imagines the answer would be yes, but none the less it would be fascinating. Pearl takes another sip of wine and rubs her eyes. She can tell if she steps outside now the sun would be starting to make an appearance. Sleep isn't always something Pearl needs, and she's a little bit more worried on having Micah crash on her.

"If I can!" Tali repeated. "Sir, I could put you to sleep before you get down the street if I wanted. It's all in the right plants, you know." She turned to look at her blends. Chamomile? Lavender? Rooibos? "What kind of flavors would you like, then? Something nutty? Something floral?"

Bael raised an eyebrow, leaning against the desk. "I don't like people climbing my bookshelves, cherry dear. You needed my help."
"A million thanks to you, mon-cher. Floral will do." He nodded lazily, slightly sleepy now in truth. It's a possibility he's going to wind up asleep when he returns to the bar. He'll pass out for an hour or two, and then he could open up the doors again. And he'll be calm, no hint of wolf hinting at a sudden transformation anytime soon. "Do you enjoy making your brews then?" He paused after a moment. "Have we met? I don't recall, I'm Silas Vasquez. I run the bar in town." He followed her movements.

Micah grimaced slightly before grabbing his bag and removing two additional decks. One is very much covered in light flowers, a glossy, newer deck. The other is older, worn at the edges, and minimalistic. "Two separate decks. Everyone in town essentially has a deck. Yours," He gestured to the more floral of the two, "Theirs. It's in partial how I managed to get such a bad vibe off the two. The deck isn't great,not at all. Vicious things, visceral, it used to have a name, I think. Too many deck names to remember them all." He nodded slowly. "I don't read for myself. You don't need someone else to read for you, either. If you know how to do it, you can very much read for yourself. I learned doing it for myself wasn't always such a wonderful idea." The other two decks were swept back into his bag a moment later.
Pearl looks at the decks. Hers is quite lovely she finds. Especially the floral touch.

"So the deck, it's pretty much a big flag that those two are bad news then?" Pearl asks, pressing her two index fingers to her lips in thought.

Pearl frowns when he says he's read himself before. She wonders what he's seen, but doesn't ask simply for privacy's sake.

"So. What's up with that werewolf bar? Any fun to be had there?" Pearl asks, a mischievous smirk on her face.

She'd love to investigate the place, and while she doesn't want to intentionally cause any trouble... well lets just say accidents happen and Pearl has no qualms in making a werewolf's life harder.

(gotta disappear for a while, Sherlock calls me)
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"Mixing teas and health brews is like a hobby to me; always a ge to figure out what works best," she replied, pulling out a rooibos base and mixing it with lavender and cornflower. After setting it to steep, she studied Silas a moment. "I don't believe we have. I do recognize your name; people seem fond of liquor in this town, but I've never visited myself. I'm Tali Reed. Local tea shop owner of course."
"Not the deck, the nature of the deck. Decks aren't good or bad, it's not like that. It's the history. This deck, is bad. Violently bad. It's got a history. If one of them knew how, they could probably predict the future half decently with a deck like that." He idly chews his lower lip. "Future readings don't always go well. Have to make shit up sometimes." He pauses, and finishes off his glass in one fluid motion. "Silas' place? It's good, the booze, anyway. He's awful. Awful, and I know for a fact he used to sell some interesting things in the back of that bar of his. He's cleaned it up real nice, though." The last part comes off stale. "He's a born wolf, strong guy. Watched him sprout fangs and fur once when he was especially upset with me." This is followed by a short laugh.

Silas studied her in turn. He studied the motions of her hands, and the way she prepared the tea for some time before he spoke. "I hope you've heard good things about me. Although it's hard for people to perhaps gather the right kind of reputation in a place such as Hickory Grove." He's grinning again, just his small charming smile. It lacks the mischief one might find in Micah or Pearl's grins.
"Ah. What, did the last owners get a little bit too involved with death? I hear she's quite a tricky ex to have." Pearl says taking another sip of wine and then grabbing the bottle to pour herself another glass.

"I suppose nothing but the present can be crystal clear then. Which I suppose can be quite good." she says idly swirling the dark red liquid within her cup.

"He's one of those side business guys then... interesting. I've never met the man so I suppose I shouldn't act so surprised. You be careful when you deal with him if he's a born wolf. I hear those guys are extra dangerous. Might be just because I'm a little cautious about werewolves, but if I were you I'd only go in there if I had my pockets stuffed to the brim with wolfsbane. Speaking of... I may need some for the future." Pearl says, taking a sip of wine.

Her mind wanders back through the night's happenings, and she can't help but feel a twinge of annoyance with the werewolf girl, Fia. If she had just given her exact change Pearl would've been more than delighted to pick up the new hobby of growing flowers, specifically wolfsbane. But no. She had to give her five when she only needed two fifty, so now Pearl feels quite miffed about the fact that simply out of honour that she'll need to let Fia come back so she can make up for the change.

"Too involved. Belonged to my uncle. They're personal cards. I've never found anyone that came to find the cards drawn to them. I'm interested in knowing what it is that brings the pair of them together. The two were brothers, but these cards, they didn't belong to someone big on family. It doesn't make sense to me. I'm considering burning them. I've got the feeling they're a bad omen." His eyes flicker to the fireplace, but he's not willing to actually bother lighting a fire. If he did so, he'd need to either bring his mother up, or spend the next hour attempting to get the logs to catch. He never bothered with the fireplace until snow became a thing. Which, given the date, wouldn't be too long now.

"Silas isn't a side business guy, he's, something else. Turns into a wolf at the slightest of provocation. You need to avoid the shit out of him, Pearl. It's not going to be a good game of poke the bear." He furrows his brows, he's taken to worrying about the vampire sitting across from him. She conducts herself like an immortal indeed. No concern for the possibility of death or danger. It's going to kill her one of these days, and Micah hopes he's long gone when that happens. He also prays that upon his death he doesn't end up stuck here. This town tends to trap people, he's seen the ghosts. He doesn't want to live like that.

"Wolfsbane is a myth by the way. Doesn't really work, I've never seen it work, at least." He shrugged, moving to pour himself another glass and then chug it. Perhaps he was laying it on pretty thickly, he was going to wind up drunk if he didn't slow it down. Not that he was all that concerned about that, he was in his room after all.
"You must've had quite an uncle if you want to burn the deck." Pearl says raising her eyebrows. "You want to burn them now?" Pearl asks, noticing his eyes drifting.

She isn't quite sure burning them would be a wise idea, if only because it might anger his dead uncle. But she keeps her mouth shut because he's the one with the magic, not her.

"Silas, he sounds like he's got a bit of an anger problem, which isn't very safe considering his well... dog-like tendencies. The question is if he likes vampires or not, because I could use someone with brute strength every now and then... help carry things I'm too lazy to do myself.." Pearl mutters, chewing her lip in thought.

The idea of having someone do heavy lifting for her is quite a nice thought. Sure she can do it herself, but there's something so nice about having other people break their backs instead. "Though, if he isn't a fan I'll be sure to steer clear. The last thing I need is to end up in a fight with someone like him." she adds in, at least to reassure Micah that she won't be dancing with the devil blindly.

Pearl frowns when he says wolfsbane is a myth. She'd always thought it was a real thing, and now knowing it's not has put a real set-back in her defences.

"Silver bullets work though, yes?" she asks, hoping she didn't waste all her money on them.

There was only one time really where Pearl had to shoot at a werewolf, and she hadn't actually yet had the special bullets made. It's what inspired her to invest in them. Safety first.

Pearl notes how Micah's cheeks seem to be a tiny shade more pink than before because of the wine, and internally sighs. She's not much of a fan of drunk people, although they're normally hammered by the time they come into her convenience store, so she supposes that this kind of drunk might be a little different.
My uncle was an interesting man, yes. Quite the guy. Not in the good sense. He died, curse. His ghost doesn't linger like the rest of the Alvarezes. Probably a good thing, if we're being real. He used to kill people sacrifice and stuff. He was in some shady biz my man." He doesn't go in for another glass, now he's relaxed, leaning against the back of the chair and everything. A comfy position, spare the few escaped springs. "I don't really intend to burn it, mom wouldn't be too happy with me."

"Don't be too afraid of dog boy. Your silver would stop him in his tracks. The door knobs here are silver, too. Safe and sound from most things." One thing of many in Hickory Grove. Less safe and sound than perhaps he thought before now. "He'd help you. Almost certainly. So long as you supply him with something, he's that kind of trade man. Granted, he was with Winnie earlier. From what I heard. Little birdie. He's vampire friendly. Just not Micah friendly, as it turns out." He offers lightly, a bitter smile caressing his features.

"Where were you from, before Hickory Grove, I know you're going to be here for a long time but I couldn't even begin to assume about your life before this dump." Perhaps he's had too much today. Counting the glass of liquor he started this morning out with.
"Dark magic then... I didn't take your family to be the type." Pearl says in an absent minded way.

She leans back in her chair and grins.

Pearl breaths a sigh of relief knowing her money was put to good use. She really would've been quite angry if it had been all for naught.

"Perfect. Perhaps then I'll become acquainted with the man. If those hunters stay in town I'd like as much protection as I can afford. Perhaps I can even aid in helping you two go onto better terms." Pearl offers, giving him a smirk.

With the mention of her life before Hickory Grove, Pearl's smile drops faster than an anchor thrown into the ocean. She takes a deep and unneeded breath before finishing off her wine and pouring herself another glass. Best to be a little under the influence for this conversation.

"Well. I was far more violent. Didn't get my blood from a bag. I've buried enough bodies that I've probably broken hundreds of hearts. Wandered around for enough years I don't remember. Looked for my parents for a while. Don't know why.. and before that, well I was a living sculpture. Believe it or not I'd only started seeing the sun when I was... older. Maybe seventeen." Pearl says, taking a long sip of wine. "Got sold off pretty young. Good education though." she adds with a weak smile.
"We aren't. Isolated incident. Unless you want to look at me like, four years ago." He drummed his fingers on his things once more, a light beat he remembered from a song he couldn't quite recall the name of.

"My apologies, Pearl. I shouldn't have asked you about it, not at all. It was a mistake, in truth. I'm, really sorry about it. I didn't mean to upset you, not in the slightest. I should, before I die, manage to learn not to ask about origin stories. That's how I've racked up quite the fan club herein this lovely town. They all want to a piece of me on account of my lovely tendency to seriously ask the literal worst questions. I'm sorry." He's tempted to seriously pour another glass of wine, but he also gets the general vibe he's as intoxicated as he needs to be. Anymore and he's going to end up seriously regretting things. He wants a good night, not a 'Micah gets drunk and says things he shouldn't' night. That isn't his goal at the moment.

"My dad didn't leave." He offers all the sudden, pausing to shake his head for a moment. "Werewolves, in the forest, not that I can frankly feel all that awful for it he was an ass, but,there. A secret for a secret. Eye for an eye. You know." He shrugged once more before leaning back again and kicking his heels up on the table, arms crossed.
"You also dealt with it?" she asks him, raising an eyebrow.

Pearl feels a little bit flustered with the apologizes, especially when he talks about what happened to his father, not that she feels bad for the man, he was a total asshole. She doesn't know what to say to the apology so she simply stares at him, her face pulled into a look of concern.

"It's in your right to ask. I'm known for my... intrusiveness. Guess I'm still a little bitter about it though." she says, taking yet another sip of wine. "In regards to your father. A tragic way to go, but I personally never much liked the man, and I thank the stars every night that you didn't turn out like him. Wont tell a soul about the whole werewolf thing though." she says in a rather honest tone, maybe she's a little bit drunk too. "On a lighter note! While I was on the road I met a jazz man and had a very interesting affair with him. That was fun. I was a hobo for a while too, got beat in a thumb wrestling match by a guy with only half a thumb while I was hobo-ing places." she says, trying to change the tone to stories she likes to tell, hoping for a little laugh.

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