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Fantasy Hickory Grove

"Oh, that'll be $2, that's all," Tali told him. The place itself had been in the family for awhile so most of the money went to tea. Overpriced goods weren't her style — no one wanted to pay $5 for one cup when they could go home and make 6 cups of tea for the same price.
Blaze began to walk out of the forest in search of something to do, he had punished a lot of criminals already but seems to need more. He inched toward the police station and got a nostalgic feeling, viewing the next generation.

(@anyone Just need an interaction with my character please)
Blanche made her way around the corner, stuffing her hands deep into her pockets walking quickly along the sidewalk.Looking up she saw two figures on opposite sides of the street. She pursed her lips as she looked at them closely, the both seemed almost transparent which put her at a state of unease. "Hey!" She yelled, it was to no one in particular, she just hoped one of the figures would help her.

@CHIMNY @Ldybug123

Blaze looked across the street after hearing someone yelling, he floated towards the red haired figure before taking off his hat.

"Hello there." He said while still smiling.
"Hi." She smiled slightly as she watched him. "I was wondering if you could help me. I just got here and the odds of me staying here are high. Do you know where I might board for the night?" She wondered if he was one of those townspeople who didn't like newcomers but he did come when she yelled so perhaps not. She stood there rocking back and forth on her heels as she watched him, her scarf falling from her head in the process.

Aio said:
"Hi." She smiled slightly as she watched him. "I was wondering if you could help me. I just got here and the odds of me staying here are high. Do you know where I might board for the night?" She wondered if he was one of those townspeople who didn't like newcomers but he did come when she yelled so perhaps not. She stood there rocking back and forth on her heels as she watched him, her scarf falling from her head in the process.
"There a motel down the road and a church to the right." Blaze replied in an honest and friendly tone.
"Oh okay thank you." She smiled as she turned away and started walking before stopping and turning around to walk back to him. "Sorry, me again. Do you know if any place is hiring?" She felt weird asking him but she needed the money, the hundred in her pocket wasn't going to last her long.

Silas grinned lazily before removing a ten from his wallet. It's the kindest thing he can do, he'd like to offer more money, if it were possible. He frowns for a moment before nodding and standing. "The extra money can be used to pre-order some teas, as stated before. I'm certain I'll be back soon enough. Visit me anytime at the bar, I can make a spectacular ice cream float." With a small wink, he headed out the door. A small frown split his features when he noted a flier for his bar on the ground. The ad, saying they were seeking employees, as well as the hours (all hours) were in clear red. He scoffed softly and went to grab it, stuffing it in his pocket. Whistling, he started back towards his bar, a small skip in his step and the familiar throb of the temptation of shift long forgotten.

Micah had in truth, not seen a single thing. He'd been zoned out entirely. One of his small episodes of staring off into space. His eyes had gone unfocused, and he'd in truth lost himself within his head. After another five minutes, he blinked and shook his head, furrowing his brows. "Shit, sorry, were you saying something to me? Got lost in here," He tapped one temple with two fingers. Micah had always been a spacy kid, school was never his strong suit, unless you counted history. He could memorize things, dates, easily. It was just a matter of paying attention in class that always managed to get him a ruler to the knuckles.
Blanche walked down the sidewalk with her head down. She would look up at the man who spoke to her and shook her head as she thought to herself. "No. Not anymore anyways." She would smile before noticing a bar and stopped to look inside, reading one of the signs posted in the front of it. "Looks like my chance." she muttered reading the help wanted flyer.
Pearl just shakes her head, a look of confusion on her face.

"It's... fine. There was just a ghost. Didn't say much." she says, her fangs still in full view.

Her nose was twitching because even though Pearl can't smell the spirit she still tries.

"He said that he wasn't related to you or anything." she adds, sitting back down in the chair and pouring herself some wine even though she'd promised herself not to.

Pearl doesn't pour a lot though, and takes a large sip, finishing it off.

"Don't let me touch that again please." she says pointing to the bottle as she gently wipes her mouth.

Silas merely nodded and headed back to the bar. He unlocked it and opened the door, returning to sit at the bar after flipping on the lights. He hummed softly before moving to run a cloth down the length of the bar, and then straightening up the various bottles that rested behind him. After the bar was straightened out he took a seat on the chair behind the counter, idly running a hand over the register and it's many keys. For there, it's a waiting game.

Micah furrows his brows, a new ghost. In his home. He needs to ward the place again, make sure they can't get in here. Not his space at least. Finally he nods and moves, grabbing the bottle and heading behind the 'bar' table. He finds something to stop it up, and slides it in the rack. "When I lose focus like that my mind is going all over. Thinking about the future, sometimes the past. I can't do much with the past, likely on account of the fact that I'm not a history book." His eyes are still slightly distant, it's hard to get a solid grip on everything after a drink or two, although whether it's his general distracted nature enhanced by the booze or witchy business is anyone's guess.

(@Ldybug123 Please make your responses more than one sentence. I'm asking they at least be two or three. Please take note of other character's locations as well. Thank you. )
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Ryuuki walked into the bar and approached Silas. He made himself visible to him. "Excuse me. Do you have any non-alcoholic drinks here?" He asked him shyly. @Amaranthium
Pearl stares back at him and gives him a nod.

"The past may be set in stone but it can none the less help how you shape your future." she says, stretching her arms over her head.

Pearl knows all too well the way that the past can change futures. It only takes a couple poorly said words from a couple decades ago to come back and hit her. Or maybe that's simply because she's gotten familiar with far too many vampires and they tend to hold grudges.

"I can't tell if I'm drunk or tired." Pearl says with a light laugh. "Hopefully it's the former."
Silas' gaze flickered upwards, brows raising in response to the new person standing within his bar. He hummed softly before nodding and pointing towards the stack of menus that rested on the end of the bar. One side listed the alcoholic beverages, the other the non-alcoholic options. The former was a far longer list. He was running a bar after all, a business more dependent on the beverages that contained a high proof, rather than what he so kindly referred to as the kiddie menu.

Micah merely shrugged before moving to take a seat on the long table. It creaked softly beneath him, it was too old for this kind of abuse, but it was a comfy enough chair. The wood, cedar he thinks, still had the faint scent of the forest. He supposes it was built out of a tree within the woods. "I wonder if there isn't a witch lurking in this deadbeat down that has the ability to see an objects past. I'd like them to touch this table. See where it came from, what it's seen. If I could do that, I'd always be touching wooden things. Trees have seen so much." It was one of those certified deep Micah moments, a rare time when he didn't follow a strange thought with a joke, or another hit of whatever it was they were using. Of course the latter hadn't happened in years.
Pearl turns to look at him as she speaks, her face twists into one of thought, and she can't help but wonder about everything as well. She supposes this is why he's so interested in vampires. Technically they're like living beings trapped in amber. Forever frozen in time, yet seeing so much. Her eyes drift around the room, and the full extend of how much history is probably in this house is a little bit intimidating, even for her.

"Sometimes these things are better kept as secrets, I mean who knows. Maybe that chair you're sitting in has seen some crazy senior citizen sex. Do you really want to resurface that memory? The poor chair probably just wants to forget." she says, hoping her weak attempt at a joke works.
"It's just like, there are trees older than civilization out there. If you could do it, wouldn't you want to go to the worlds oldest tree, touch it, and see humanity bloom? Because I'd give a hand to see that. But, it's not in the cards for me." He shrugs and moves the items off the table so he can sprawl out on it. "Did you ever feed on people and not kill them or turn them? Can vampires even do that? I don't know jack shit about vampires." His hands rest under his head, and he yawns softly before gesturing for her to grab the chair and come sit closer. He feels entirely too far away now, but perhaps this is close enough for her.

"A sprite then." He paused before moving to hold up one finger, implying he'd be back in a second. He opened the back room, entered, and grabbed a bottle from one of the coolers. When he returned, he set it on the counter. "No need to pay, pal. For all I know, the Sprite might be expired. Not often people come in searching for a drink that isn't heavy in whiskey." He cocked his head to side, wolfish grin playing out on his lips.
"Thank you." Ryuuki said, taking a sip of the sprite. He became more transparent again. It kind of looked like there was just a glass of sprite floating in the air. If you concentrated though, you could still see Ryuuki. @Amaranthium
Tali gave Silas a nod as he turned to leave. His statement about reputation seemed odd to her; after all, he seemed like a decent, straightforward sort. She took the money and couldn't help but be very grateful. She returned to lounging, reading a book in the free time, and occasionally jotting notes regarding new combinations.
Pearl leans back and thinks about the question. After a little while of silence she speaks.

"No. I don't think I'd want to. I would want the tree to tell me the stories it wants to, but to know it all... I think my brain would explode, and I'm already a ticking time bomb as is" she says with a sigh.

Pearl rubs her eyes and leans her elbows on the table, listening to him talk.

"Yeah. We can feed and not turn them. The only way to turn someone is if you feed on them and then they feed on you. It's why I've never really wanted to turn anyone. It's a little too personal for my taste. Not killing them is a lot harder though. When you actually get to bite into someone's living breathing flesh, there's this euphoric rush. Very hard to stop because your brain keeps chanting the words more over and over until the next thing you know you've killed a family of three for no good reason and all you want to do is step outside on a cloudless day." she says, starting to ramble, although Pearl quickly realizes she's said too much and bites back anything more.

Pearl quietly takes his offer and swaps chairs, tucking her legs up to her chest. Normally Pearl doesn't feel guilty about her meals, although on the rare occasions that she's killed children (all by mistake), it makes her want to swear off blood forever.

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Blanche sighed and entered the bar looking around and smiled. Any bar was her comfort zone, always feeling at home when she was in one mostly because people are too drunk to ask questions or to think really. Walking up to the bar she looked over to see a floating glass and pursed her lips to see a man before she sighed. Fricken ghosts. She thought before she leaned up against the bar to look at the man behind it. "You the owner?" She asked, sliding off her jacket as she laid it beside her. Everything in this town seemed off to her but she wasn't going to try and think about it. All she wanted was a job and a place to sleep, no drama. That's all she asks.

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