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Fantasy Hickory Grove

"Yes, this is Tali. Accaica?" She answered quickly, pulling out the real ball from her drink and smelling the steam. Of course the rose was dominant — she hoped that would be more subdued in flavor.

Clyde Webb

The rather upset man glared at the road ahead, grumbling about the recent events. "I swear to God if there's no Klondike bars in this damn town..." He hissed a bit under his breath, nearing thier destination.

A smirk covered Daniels face, very amused at Clydes fit. But his smirk disappeared, replaced with a questionable look. "
Are you sure this is the only Motel in town..?" The younger brother asked, the sign flickering a bit. "Yeah, i think so. Why? Too girly to deal with a shady looking motel Daniella?" He teased, pulling up to the hotel.

Daniel rolled his eyes, beginning to unbuckle. "
Whatever, lets just get a room."

Clyde snickered and put the Impala in park, shoving the keys in his pocket. He gently opened his door and cringed slightly when it slammed. He has a deep love for this car. Probably more than his younger brother.

The brothers began to take out thier luggage and made way for the Motel entrance, a soft ding ringing throughout as they pushed through.

Accacia Benson

A soft smile lifted her features, nearing her home. "Indeed it is love, are we still up for tonight?" She asked, swinging open the door to her apartment building, treading up the steps. "I have a supriseee for you" She singsonged, swiping her hand, her door unlocking and creaking open. The dark haired girl walked in and closed the door behind her with her foot, locking it again.
"Certainly are," Tali told her cheerfully. "No one stops by the tea shop too often. I can close down soon, you know. I try to stay open til a little later though. Just let me know whenever you're ready to go." She took a sip of her tea. "Hmmm. You might get a sample. Not sure if this is too strong or not." She said something about floral notes and smoke under her breath.

Bael huffed, looking at the inventory in the back room and reading his list. He frowned, glancing between some of the boxes and the list. Then some rattling sound from across the storage room. He moved as quick as anything, stumbling and charging down the hall to deal with whatever magic was causing the fuss.
"I should warn you hours here aren't normal, doll. You're likely to be subjected to some ridiculous hours. Full moons are full day work." He'd finally be able to discard the thought of working on full moons in he morning. Even in the morning, the pull of the curse ran too deep. It left most any reasonable wolf shaky and usually, feeling sick, to hold a human form. It also left Silas in quite the raging mood. Generally his ability to remain solidly human was on the fritz. With a small nod he gestured towards the taps behind the bar, "We have just about anything anyone could dream up. I like to think at least. We don't serve food here, so that's not an issue. We're purely a bar, although people below the drinking age are welcome in. So long as they avoid the hard stuff. Card anyone you think isn't old enough." Generally he managed to mess up and serve a minor every year or so.

"Not yet. It was a long off sort of vision. I figure I've got a long while before anything of that sort happens." Vague should be his middle name at this point. Micah is always vague. He's by no means into giving details about his own future, or others without a nudge from their wallet. Money talked as far as Micah went. Glancing down at his watch, he wrinkled his nose slightly. "I might head to the motel early. You can come with me if you want. If not it'll just be me and a few of the gals." His hands idly fiddled with the cross necklace he most always wore. A trademark Micah thing. Leave it to Micah to mix the two things, tarot and church. He used to read tarot cards in the basement of the old church, ages and ages ago.
Blanche shrugged as she leaned back in her chair. "I'm sure I can manage. Was never able to keep a straight sleeping schedule anyways." She thought about when she could eat. If what he said was true then she would have to hunt whenever she could, day or night, and risk being seen. Thinking this caused her face to twist, looking like she was confused but it quickly disappeared after she decided not to dwell on in. Over time she's lost the ability to tell someone's age mostly cause of her age. Most likely she would card everyone or just wing it, hoping that it wasn't a minor. Sitting there she looked around the quiet bar, if it was like this all the time she wasn't going to expect a hefty pay anyways.
"So, Blanche, anything you want to inform your employer of? Health conditions, days you need off, anything of that sort can be easily mentioned right about now." His brows raised before he closed his eyes for a few moments. He's starting to get the achy feeling of a headache again. He might need to invest in a pair of glasses, he thinks it's eye strain from getting older. Thirty is after all, quite the old age. Especially for a wolf of his caliber. One that spends more time avoiding being on all fours than anything else. It's an exhausting fight, trying to quell the nature of the werewolf curse isn't easy. It's like stuffing far too much into a bag and praying it doesn't rip. When it rips, the contents of said bag are of the vicious, uncontrollable nature.
She thought for a moment wondering if she should tell him she wanted some nights off but that would only cut into her pay and she couldn't afford that right now. Shaking her head she smiled slightly. "None I can think of." She watched him close his eyes and wondering if he was tired. She would be if she was him, working a bar alone is hard work especially if its open all day and night. Yet another reason not to take off. Yes she was a vampire but that didn't mean she doesn't have empathy. This man from what she could tell needed all the help he could get.
"Thanks for the honesty, makes my life easier." He slid off the bar stretching. When he did so, he noted the slight sharp point of his teeth. Ah, so much for a calming brew. Perhaps she should retire to the cellar. It housed the larger barrels of booze, and, from time to time, it housed Silas when he was deep in change. Which would happen soon enough. His nails, sharper than ever and tinged black with the promise of an escapade later that night. He wasn't quite so ready to pack it in for the night, he'd be fine for a long while yet, he was certain of it.
She would nod and smiled before looking at him closely as he stood up. "You know...I've worked my fair share in bars before. If you wanna nap or something I can take over for awhile if you want. Nothing better to do anyway." She would stand as well and stretch, lifting her arms high above her head, letting a breath of air escape her lips as her arms fell back to their sides. Blanche was serious in her proposal, honestly having nothing better to do. He looked worn and old from her perspective, guessing it's just what all humans looked like now. She ate before coming here so she could last a bit longer with no worry of going crazy.
"Mon cher, it's hardly a nap I need. I'll be in the cellar. I recommend avoiding opening the door." He's not subtle about what he is, not in Hickory Grove. He's certain some of the humans know about it, and he's certain they don't really care. Especially considering a majority don't believe, or they hit up other bars around the town. Or rather the liquor store, Silas is the only bar. He slides towards the cellar door, tossing it open and starting down the ladder until only his head is visible. "And another thing, refrain from giving anyone named Winnie a tab. That sweet girl is very much given free drinks in this bar. " He offered her a wink, and waited. Should she have any questions it was best to avoid her attempting to ask them when he's unable to speak.
"Gotcha. Winnie." She waved him to go on, happy he trusted her before she slipped behind the bar to look at all they had and smiled to herself as she scanned the shelves. "Winnie...Winnie." She whispered under her breath so she could remember the girls name. She felt as though she should ask questions but couldn't come up with any.
Upon sliding into the comfort of the cellar, he allowed himself the joy of sliding very much out of a human form into something more natural. It's a noisy enough thing, especially considering the overjoyed animal sounds that escape the maw of the beast in the basement. The lack of thumbs make getting out of the cellar all too impossible, and the beast he's become is very much displeased, but it's more likely Silas is going to sleep this off. With the added benefit of his general control over the current form, he was quite capable of logical reason and human thoughts. If Silas so chose, he could easily return to two legs, well not quite easily. Nothing is so easy. Being a born wolf makes the change his choice, spare the full moon.
"A long away one... that seems frustrating." Pearl says with a frown.

She prefers having control over things, possibly due to her lack of control of things as a child. So the thought of not being able to have any control over something that must be rather big and rather bad is quite a scary thought to her, the kind that makes her skin feel too hot and tight, and that makes it feel like bugs are crawling up her skin.

"I suppose taking a trip down to the motel would be interesting. I don't go very often." Pearl says, eying his cross with a look of nervousness.

She's never really enjoyed crosses, especially now that they physically hurt her. In fact religion as a whole has never been something Pearl enjoys. She imagines that her views on it would've been quite different if she weren't brought up by disconnected vampires and servants not allowed to speak of God she might've taken up the activity of going to Church.


(Sorry I wasn't online yesterday. I had a super hectic day and couldn't make it. I'll try and give a warning next time if I can)
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"It is, this whole ability of mine would be seriously good if I could pick when and where I get see shit. I think I'm twenty three in the vision I saw." He shrugged and stood, moving to toss open his closet. It was an unholy mess. Clothes everywhere, all shoved within the confines of the sad wooden wardrobe. He sifted through until he found a pair of boots he'd prefer for this. He shed his usual sneakers and pulled on the boots, stretching until he heard the steady crack that indicated he was good to go. He tucked the cross back into his shirt and sauntered forward offering her a hand and a wink. "To the motel from hell we go, then. You know, no one here in Hickory Grove even knows who runs that place. Not a soul could tell you who it is shacked up there with the sign. We witches just show up for fun at this point. Maura, my great aunt, she reckons the people that used to own it kicked the bucket, no one to take the sign down. Granted, someone has to be doing the check in work." He paused, suddenly Maura's words didn't make nearly so much sense. A typical enough thing when reconsidering words from when you were seven.

((you're fine my pal, don't worry about it.))
Pearl doesn't bother to mention that Micah is going to at some point in the not so distant future be twenty three. Instead she simply frowns and worries what the future has in store for him that's so bad. She watches him sift through his closet, and a wave of relief hits her when he tucks the cross out of sight. It's far less awkward that way, at least for Pearl. Pearl takes his hand with a mischievous smile and stands up.

"If no one knows who runs the place, who pays the receptionist?" she asks, trying to piece the story together in her head.

(Ah, thank you!)
"Ghosts, probably. I bet the whole place is filled with ghosts. Probably haunting the place, afraid of the witches because we're the guys that get rid of them. Well, we can, at least. Or bind them, or, other witch stuff." He nodded before strolling towards the stairs. When he and she are both down them he pauses, and drops her hand. "I need to talk to my mom for a second, it'll only be a moment." He jogged out into the room behind the stairs. Micah was gone for roughly ten minutes before returning with an umbrella and two bottles of water. One of which he ditched on the table before heading towards the door. He stopped at the knob, offering her the umbrella. "I also needed to make sure you didn't burn up. Mom says we need a luck charm. Or I do. Something like that." From beyond the door a faint 'You're 23 now Micah, own up to it, you demanded to take a luck charm!' He scowled slightly before glancing over at the door, giving a gentle laugh before tossing it open.
"Hm. Well they need to relax a little bit. I'm sure you all don't want to cause harm to them." Pearl says wrinkling her nose.

Pearl looks around the house, and is quite relieved to see that all the curtains are closed. She notices Micah's hand is quite warm in contrast to her's, and it's quite an odd feeling, a reminder of how alive he is and how dead she is.

"Take all the time you need." she says to him.

While Micah's gone Pearl takes the time to gaze around the room. She sniffs her shirt to make sure it doesn't smell too much like anything odd. When Micah comes back Pearl's ears perk up. She walks up to him and takes the umbrella happily.

"Thank you" she says feeling rather excited about going outside. "That's quite nice of her." Pearl says, biting back a smile as she hears his mother reveal the truth. A luck charm. Pearl's quite curious about that.

"Are any other witches going to be there?" she asks.
"She wanted me to stay home tonight. Something about 'it's your birthday, Micah. You should hang around in the house, not go out gallivanting with her.' She's not the largest fan of me breaking the tradition of cake and a pals at the house. " He snorted in response to this and took a step outside. The sun was bright, which was why he'd snagged the umbrella. Looking up at the sky he noted there were clouds lurking on the horizon, and he agreed to see if any of the other witches might be into the idea of making sure it went away. A birthday gift, at the very least.

"Just a few. I"m not really close with the other witches, just a couple of the other rejects. I think Markus, if he's there, can talk to toads or something." Markus can do all sorts of things in all reality. Granted Micah isn't one to always tell the truth. He likes to stretch it to make his own abilities look slightly cooler. What a lame dude.

After a moment he took out the charm and offered it to her. "This is for you. It's like, it keeps off bad vibes and stuff, I guess. I don't have a lot of experience with them. They aren't my thing." His thing was very much limited to cards and seeing things. He can also poach an egg, if that qualifies as a skill.
"It's your birthday? Happy Birthday!" Pearl says with a grin, "And what's your mum mean by 'gallivanting'? What's wrong with gallivanting? Why's she got a thing against it?" she adds in, feeling a little unhappy.

Pearl instinctively backs away from the door as Micah opens it. She quickly opens the umbrella and eyes the sunlight with what one can only call pure and utter hatred.

"Talking to toads can be interesting. I bet you can get lots of gossip out of them." Pearl says. "Although, seeing the future is far more interesting in my opinion." she adds in quickly.

Pearl gratefully takes the charm and silently makes a note that she owes his mother.

"I suppose that'll come in handy. Does it ward off the sun?" Pearl says with a nervous laugh.

The idea of going outside is quite a scary thought. She's seldom left her house during the day, and even though umbrellas work, she's still quite afraid of the outside world when the sun is up and shining.
"Opening an umbrella indoors is bad luck, you know. " He's being slightly rude now, attempting to joke around about something probably too serious to really be making jokes about. He's elected to ignore the question about his mother, probably because he has no idea what it is the old witch is thinking. She was indeed quite the human to behold, someone that wasn't always easy to decipher. Talking to her was often times like trying to understand one speaking in tongues, assuming she wasn't literally speaking in tongues.

"My big twenty third. Now I've been drinking legally for two whole years, isn't that an achievement?" His tone is sarcastic, with a hint of something else stirred in. Twenty three was never a number that Micah was fond of hearing. He furrowed his brows and carded a hand through his hair before he started off in the direction of the motel, shooting the sad car in the garage a longing look. The poor Camaro, resting silently before he made a sharp turn. "We're driving. I'll put the top up on the car, and you'll be fine. I never get to drive this thing. It's collecting dust, I need to test the engine." He's missing the thrum of the car under his hands. He always keeps the keys on her person.

"And, the charm isn't going to ward off that sort of thing. Just like, little thing. You might not break a mirror today, before the charm you would've." It's a weak explanation, but he has literally no idea how great the charm is going to work.
"Only if your life doesn't depend on it." Pearl says with a shaky laugh. "Sorry... I haven't gone outside at this time in quite a while and I'm quite nervous about it." she says feeling a little over-exposed.

She quietly follows him outside, carefully closing the door behind her. Pearl looks around, and everything feels far too bright for her. The flowers look like they've got an odd tint to them, and her skin feels like it's glowing. She doesn't like the feeling one bit. Worst of all since Micah is right out in the sun, he looks like he's shining. It's quite a strain on her eyes, and Pearl can't help but squint, hoping that she'll be able to find a pair of sunglasses to put on... or five.

"That's the age when you saw your vision." Pearl says, stating what she knows is the obvious.

She tries her hardest to look at the car, but finds it quite hard in this light.

"I like cars." she says, feeling quite disoriented.

Pearl tries her hardest to walk straight forward, although she finds it quite tricky.

"I remember now.. the reason I don't go out in this light." she says staring down at the ground.

Her ears perk up when she learns about how the charm works, and Pearl holds it a little tighter in her hand.

"Do they ever fade away? Or is this a forever charm?" she asks, hoping that it'll last for a long time, it'd make quite a nice edition to her shop.

(Last post, gotta head to bed. G'night!)
"It is." He offers up as he moves to the Camaro. His hands ghost over the orange thing, it's a beat. He loves the antique car, and he can smell the scent of dust settling on the car. Silently, he curses his mother for making leaving impossible. Either way, he'll be driving it tonight, a gift to himself. The keys are removed from his pockets, and he unlocks the doors, sliding behind the wheel. His hands rest on the wheel for a moment or two, although he doesn't start it yet. After a moment he slides his sunglasses out of his pocket, and moves to place them on her seat, so she can grab them if she wanted to. He assumed they'd help with the sharp glare of the sun, they certainly helped him, of course his eye sight didn't depend on remaining out of the sun.

Finally, he slid the keys in and let the car start with a low rumble. The engine took a moment to turn over, and he lived in a brief period of fear that the ancient car had finally decided that it would live no more. His father been expert at fixing the slightly dilapidated but beautiful car. Micah needed to acquire such skill if he ever intended to get out of this town, and get away. Although where away was, that was a mystery within itself. He'd figure it out soon enough, although the events of the vision played dully in his head and he carded a hand through his hair shaking his head slightly before glancing over. "The luck charm isn't going to stay good for long." That much he knows, even if he is largely ignorant about the small trinket.
Pearl tries her hardest to look at the car. She knows its old, orange, and has quite a sharp smell. Her eyes start to hurt her, so Pearl decides to close them and rely on her other senses. Pearl fumbles with the door handle before opening it, feeling rather embarrassed. Pearl quickly closes the umbrella and pulls her hands into the car. Her fingers feel too hot and Pearl can't help but scowl as she slowly opens her eyes. She looks down and see her fingers are a little red, but nothing that won't heal. Pearl eyes the sunglasses and quickly puts them on, feeling far better.

"Thank you." she says with a nod.

Pearl finally takes a better look at her surroundings and finds it's quite a nice little car. Old, but nice. It has what Pearl can only call an earthy smell, mixed in with dust and a little bit of the people who generally own the car. She finds it quite nice. She listens quietly as the car starts and Pearl fishes around looking for some maps. She finds quite a few and proceeds to cover herself in them. Parts of her peak through, but Pearl simply hopes for the best.

"Well, I suppose we better make good use of it while we still can then." Pearl says, adjusting the maps so that she can see and still not risk permanent scaring.
Micah was, in truth, slightly amused at the sight of her coated in maps, but, it took what it took. He thought about telling her she could have his jacket, and one of the blankets in the back seat. The blankets hadn't been touched in years, though. He wouldn't recommend attempting to use one of them. Not judging by the collection of dead stink bugs that sat on the windshield. Too many bugs to really think that ancient blankets were safe. After all, that's where any smart bug would migrate to. "You look ridiculous." It was a gentle response, he didn't mean it in a mean way, of course. He meant it in a kind sort of manner, which he was fine with. Just a gentle joke.

Micah finished running his hands along the interior before taking it out of park, and slamming on the gas. It was stick shift, and he was slightly surprised that he hadn't stalled it out on the first try after so long. "When my dad taught me to drive, he told me if I stalled the car he was going to make me regret it. Never stalled it on account of it. He was a tough customer, but at least I can drive stick now." With a screech, they were flying down the road of the small town. It was always a thrilling feeling to be in the car. To feel the power contained in the metal block not far in front of him. In another life he might be tempted to drag race, or something along those lines. In this one, he was bound by the city limits of the small, sleepy, town.

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