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Fantasy Hickory Grove

Micah had been helping himself to several different flavors of slushies when she walked in. Everything but cherry, because there is no way in hell that he's going to touch that. He's not stupid at all. "I don't know, and it concerns me. I'm getting the hint of death. One of those cards wasn't theirs." He scowled, moving to wipe any of the residue from the drink off his mouth. He then stuffed his hands into his pockets and resumed sitting on the counter. He frowned deeply once more. "Don't mention my hunch to anyone else. Seeing things from the future is all sorts of difficult, you never know what's going on. I might be totally wrong, wouldn't want to ruin their lives because my witch powers are on the fritz." He looked slightly annoyed at his own words.

@Tiny Turtle

Accacia Benson

Accacia chewed on her bottom lip, straightening down her dark dress. "Ok...that's doable" She bobbed her head slightly, slipping a hand into her red crossbody bag. "Im also gonna check out the books over there" She was hoping to find a charms book for Tali,

He nodded and took the ring from the case, then locked the glass display back. "Lead the way," he invited. He thought she looked mildly familiar; after all, had they crossed paths in the tea shoppe? No matter. He wandered along toward the book shelf.
Pearl lets out a sigh.

"Fuck. You think they're hunters? I've seen a couple ride through here over the years, and they tend to leave nothing but dead bodies behind." she says, a scowl on her face. "I'll be sure not to spread the word. Although if they're dangerous it might be wise to keep an eye on them." Pearl adds in, running her hands along her arms. "Want to head to your place?" she asks him.


Daniel Webb

Daniel ran a hand through his hair, slipping into the car.

Shit man..." He rubbed his temples, closing his eyes.

What? Did that chick reject you or something?" Clyde was actually quite concerned, starting up the engine and pulling out.

"They suspect us Clyde. This place is filled with supernatural. I'm pretty sure everyone in that building was NOT human. If they figure out we're demon hunters, they might get the wrong idea and gather up damned hoards..,But...my main concern is this boy. Miccah. He gave me these tarot cards." He pulled the two out of his pocket, laying them between them.

Clyde kept his gaze on the road, keeping an eye out for a motel. "
You sure he's not some phony trying to get you to waste his money?"

Daniel shook his head. "He knew we were staying here for awhile. I never mentioned a thing about it.."

Clyde paused. "Well damn...looks like we have another problem on our hands. Speaking of that, where's my Klondike bar?"

"Sorry, they didn't sell any. I got you a popsicle instead." Daniel bit his lip to hold back laughter.

Clyde stared at him with dead eyes, glancing down at the bag.

"Daniella. Give me the popsicle."

"Why..?" He did as told, majorly amused.

"..." Clyde took it, stared at it for a bit before launching it out the window.

I need a goddamn twinkie Klondike. Not this Snowball popsicle shit!" He yelled, not very happy.
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"I wouldn't say they were hunters, not at all. I can't promise it, but I don't think so. They might, for all I know, be a couple of dudes that like to fight. That might be the danger in it all. Couple of dudes that love getting drunk and beating people up. Not a single goddamn clue." He hummed, carding a hand through his hair. He was having a major problem, in truth. He couldn't decide which one was the probable option. He didn't know if he should be afraid of the pair or not. "I might need to call in a favor. We might need to. But yeah, my place it is." He jumped the counter once more before tossing the doors open. "I gave them my address." He grimaced slightly, but he figured his mother could handle herself.

@Tiny Turtle
"Hopefully. I'll keep an eye on them though, because the last thing we need is a surprise sneak attack by a pair of hunters." Pearl says, a scowl on her face.

She quickly runs over and grabs the keys from the counter and then dashes back over to the front of the store, pulling the shop windows down and turning off the open sign. She flicks the lights off and locks the door to the place behind her.

"I'm sure she can. But it might be best that she at least be informed of what's going on." Pearl says, following Micah.


Accacia Benson

Accacia bounded over to the bookcase, her eyes quickly skimming along the binds, getting on her tippy toes to read some of the titles.

Where is it...it shouldn't be hard to spot..its in Latin, in bold gold letteri-

Oh, looky there.

Accacia outstretched her hand and got on the tips of her toes, trying to reach for the books.

Its hard being a 5'2 female, ok?

But that didn't stop her.

She even began to hop a bit, telekinesis not crossing her mind once.

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Winona Tearle

Winona gave a small laugh, "Well, you are a friend, and let me have free drinks. I wasn't necessarily planning on getting a fortune reading anytime soon anyways. Although, he did offer me one earlier today." She raised an eyebrow, "Why don't you like Micah? He seemed quite nice when I met him today. Of course, out of the many years I've lived here, this is the first time I've met him." Winnie chuckled before changing the subject, "Anyways, would you like me to place fliers or something up around town? It would get you some more customers rather than sending a text out. I brought my umbrella anyway!" She gave a cheerful smile.

@Amaranthium (Sorry I haven't been on today)
"Oh hell no, we aren't telling her a single thing. If we tell her, she'll run. She'll want to drag me out of here, which, would be all sorts of fucking awful considering the fact that I'm 22." He scoffed, before walking down the road, waiting for her to catch up. His gait was slow and steady, he didn't want her to get too far behind. That would be a serious problem, besides, have to keep your friends close, of course.

Silas raised a brow at the question before laughing lightly and moving to take a swig directly from the bottle. "Micah? I hate him on account of the fact that he's all sorts of trouble. He came in here with a buddy of his, and they caused quite the problem. Broken bottles, and before it was done, I was nearly ready to rip him to shreds." He grimaced, nose wrinkling in clear disgust. He was by no means interested in attempting to fix that relationship. He was interested in hanging out with Winnie, and the residents of the town that didn't make him feel as if he were ready to sprout fur and drop to all fours. After a moment, he moved a stack of papers to the counter. "If you're willing. What card did he give you this morning? If you don't mind my inquiry." He moved to pick up a voucher or two, free drinks, something for her.

@galaxycorgi @Tiny Turtle
"Well, I suppose then I'll try and keep an especially close eye on the pair then. If only so I don't have to watch you get dragged away by your mother. That would be quite a sight to see, but also be rather shitty." Pearl says, picking up her pace to match his. "What's the time? I'm a bit worried about the sun. I haven't been out this early in ages and I really would rather not turn to ashes when things in this town are just starting to get interesting." she adds, staring up at the sky, which is starting to become her enemy.

Winona Tearle

Winona frowned as Silas told her what happened with Micah before answering,"Oh, he didn't give me a card. He only gave me the charm, but I refused. He did tell me that he'd give me a free card reading." Winnie nodded at him, "Oh, and I can hang them up around town, just think of it as payment for all the free drinks," she winked, and then chuckled. "But I will need a stapler. This is like one of the easiest things in the world for me now, since I had become a teacher." Winona shrugged.

"Don't worry, doll. I would never let you end up seriously hurt like that. If the sun turns out to be an issue, I'll toss my jacket over you. No problem at all, my pal." he nudged her with his elbow, snorting softly. Micah is all sorts of hospitable. He wants to keep her from ending up seriously hurt, by either the two gents, or the sun. Granted Micah is more than likely unable to take care of both issues. He lacks real skill to work against the brothers, and he most certainly cannot stop the sun.

"I believe I can hook you up with a stapler. Also, don't take any cards from that boy. Be a dear, and refrain from talking to that boy. If you're smart you'll avoid that whole family." He offers gently before moving to stand once more, stretching. "I get the distinct feeling tonight is going to be another night. If you understand me." He wiped his mouth once more, certain all the wine was off his lips.

@galaxycorgi @Tiny Turtle
Winona Tearle

Winona nodded, "Yeah. I get it, I think." She stood up, slung her purse onto her shoulder, and flexed her legs. She opened her bag, and pulled out the umbrella, slipping the band onto her wrist. Winnie takes her phone out, glancing at the time. The sun was going to rise soon, and, sure, even with the umbrella it could potentially harm her, but she didn't necessarily care. She had lived a long life, and a burn wouldn't be that bad. Besides, she had to fully be in the sun to turn to ash, and Winnie knew that she wasn't going to go down like that.

"I appreciate it. Especially since I'd really rather not be brought back in an urn." she says, inspecting the jacket. "It might help out at the beginning of the sunrise I suppose..." Pearl mumbles, tugging at the edge of his sleeve before letting go and giving an approving nod. "So, do you want to pop the bottle of wine open now, or wait until we get to your house?" she adds in, holding up the bottle of red wine and lightly shaking it. She was quite pleased that it was still cold to the touch.

Pearl would love to open it up now. She's always been a fan of fancy alcohols, and red wine is a personal favourite, plus after the night she's had some alcohol would be a lovely refresher. Especially if she's going to be dealing with the brothers... which'll be quite a tricky thing to do during the daytime considering her body's reaction to light. On the plus, she got a pretty clear smell of them while she was outside with them, and while the brother in the car was a tad bit muffled, the one on the outside was quite clear, she only hopes that they stick together like magnets.

"I don't honestly expect you to take the word of an old dog like me. Alohrs pas, of course not. He's a hip young psychic, and you're a relatively young vampire more than likely interested in such things. Now get going you have fliers to put up, if you want these drinks for free, that is." Silas winked once before taking back his former seat. A book, on wolves of north America, was removed and he set to work reading the lengthy text. He gave her a thumbs up before turning over complete attention to the thing.

Micah, glanced over his shoulder and shrugged. "I don't think so, it can wait until I've got real cups. I'm no mythos expert, no idea how it is you spread the curse. One minute we're swapping spit, the next I know, I'm stuck, too. No sunlight. I can't tan if I can't be out in the sun. Would you honestly take that away from me?" He mocked offense, looking as if she had gravely insulted him. It lasted for all of ten seconds before his laughter made him halt. "I need you to promise me you won't go after those two. You won't survive." He says it suddenly, halting to face her properly. "I need genuine words, here." He was dead serious, for once.

@galaxycorgi @Tiny Turtle ((last post for the night, see you guys tomorrow))
Pearl lets out a sigh at the thought of having to wait for drinks.

"If you say so. Though you better have those glasses out fast or I'm popping this baby open and drinking like those obnoxious college students that like to try and waltz into my convenience store right as I finally get to bed." she says in a joking tone. "Bah. You'll get used to it. The sun is overrated anyways! And besides, there are always the creams." Pearl exclaims, letting out a laugh. "And the curse works by swapping a little more than just spit. Trust me on that one my friend." she adds with a smirk.

The mention of the two potential hunters made Pearl's face grow more serious.

"You don't give me enough credit Micah. I've been alive long enough to know how to survive two humans. Even if they have weapons that can harm me, I've got my own too. And besides! Running around them like rabbits hide from foxes will only make us look more suspicious. So I would rather approach them, see what they want." she says, glancing up at the sky and then back at her friend. "If we hide from every threat we see, in no time at all we'll be shadows of who we once were."

@Amaranthium (Same here. Sleep well!)
Winona Tearle

Winona smiled and laughed, "Yes, sir!" She took the stapler and fliers, set them in her bag, and left the bar. She opened her umbrella up as she stepped outside (just as a precaution) and walked outside of the alley, stapling one of the fliers up. She continued strolling along, placing a flier up every yard or so.

@Amaranthium (Same, haha! See ya!)
Bael gave something like a small laugh as he watched Accaica struggle for a bit before spotting the book se apparently wanted, and grabbed it out, handing it down to her. "This one?" He asked.

Tali returned to the tea shop shortly, dropping the shipment on a table eagerly. Maybe this one had the blends she's bought personally and the health teas. She looked around, suddenly realizing something: she didn't have a box cutter or knife to remove the tape.
"Believe me, sugar. I know you can take care of yourself, problem is, if they have experience killing you folk, that could be a problem. They won't kill me, I'm just a witch. Not even a good one. I'm safe and sound. My mom, for sure couldn't die. I'm actually pretty certain she's going to outlive me. I'll be long dead fore she is." He snorted before continuing. He could spot the brick home that he lived in. He could also spot smoke coming out of the chimney. He was slightly annoyed, it meant his mom was inside doing whatever it was she usually was doing. "We're going to head to my room. Also known as the entire upstairs. She's got the downstairs, I've got the upstairs. Plain and simple." He nodded before heading towards the yard. He paused, to note the slight wilting of a few roses. His hand brushed over one, allowing the small bloom to stand straight up once more. No dying on his watch. Not where flowers were concerned. He couldn't heal people, well, he'd never tried. But he didn't seriously want to mess around with the idea of it.

Silas, after a moment, stood up and exited his own bar. He locked the door behind him, and in one of his rare moments, he locked the door behind him and turned off the neon. He paused to glance at the first flier he found. It advertised the bar, and the need for employees. Silas had been running the bar himself for far too long, he needed to snag a few younger types to help him continue to run the bar. That, and he needed someone to run the bar properly while he was out and about in the woods. His gait was slow and steady as he headed towards the town. He rarely ventured out of his abode and bar, unless he was in the forest. This time around, he headed towards the tea shop. He knocked first, and then opened the door, strolling in with a broad smile on his features.
"Well, there really is only one way to find out, and while I would like to make it through the next century or two, I'd rather not live in fear." Pearl says following closely behind. "And you're quite a fine witch. You've got some pretty interesting powers, the least you could do is give yourself more credit, and try to outlive your mother." she adds in.

Pearl looks at the garden that Micah and his mother have worked on and admires it. She's always been fond of flowers, although she has little experience with them. "Does that mean I'll have to be invited in twice?" Pearl asks.

Even though the entire invitation myth is just that, a myth, she can't help but make little jokes about it when she can. Pearl stares at the flower he revived and can't help but find it quite fascinating.

"I don't think I've seen you do that before." she says, pointing to the roses. "It's quite interesting."

"I'm just warning you, man. They're bad new, I get a clear bad vibe from the fellas. You're better off pretending they don't exist. That's what I intend to do." He shrugs and grins at the comment about his powers. She's going to inflate his ego. His ego is at critical mass, in fact. Granted it's a pretty good thing his mother is around to tear it down after he's let it get far too large. He looks slightly startled when she speaks after he fixes the rose, sometimes he's in a world of his own. Often, really. "This? It's because I don't do it often. I usually fix things the good ol' fashioned ways. I head to the forest, grab some flowers, and ten toss them in someone's yard. Simple as that, no magic." Well, maybe he does add a touch of magic, just to keep them running on their own. He doesn't putting too much work into much of anything. Part of that Micah charm.
"Interesting news too. I suppose though I'll take your advice and leave them be. Though if they come back to my store I really am not someone to turn down a customer." Pearl says, knowing that while she might take his advice for a while, curiosity will always get the best of her.

"Ah. Well it's quite neat to see on the occasions that you do do it. Now open the door already! The sooner I get inside the sooner I can hear all about the tarot cards and whatever adventures you've gone on without me." Pearl says, walking up to the door.

She can already tell that soon the sun will be rising, and even though there's not much of a chance that they'll be outside by the time it does, Pearl can't help but get a little bit manic being out and about at this time of the early morning. The only time she is out during the day is on the occasional rainstorm, but even then she likes to make her visits short and sweet.
Micah feigns anger, offense even, before he moves forward and rather unceremoniously tosses open the door offering a light "I'm home, brought company, do not disturb." And then he's on his way to the stairs. He's confident that Pearl knows her way around the house enough, so he doesn't glance back, he sets off up the stairs. His room, or rather floor in general, is large as hell. Their house is big, it's an inherited house. They don't make the kind of cash to afford this nice a house nowadays. He heads towards the room upstairs that he's crafted into a sitting room of sours. Complete with a long enough table that he can call it his personal bar. He has a selection of liquors behind it, but the booze are on Pearl tonight. He takes a seat on one of the large chairs, before pausing and noting the fireplace isn't lit. Usually it's lit, but puts off no heat. One of those witch aesthetic things. His mother is in charge of that. He certainly can't do it. "Welcome to my humble abode, take seat anywhere, it's up to you." He removed his phone from his pocket, glancing it over, nothing new.
Pearl walks inside the large house and quietly shuts the door behind her. She walks up the stairs and follows the noise of Micah. She's lead into his sitting room. Pearl places the bottle of wine down and takes off her hat which she tosses aside along with her sunscreen. She then walks over to the windows and pulls the curtains shut.

"Safety first." she mumbles to herself as she walks over to the chairs, pulling out the bag of herbs she'd almost forgotten she'd stuffed into her pocket. Then she grabs the Tarot card and places it on the table as she takes a seat.

"Would you do the honours?" Pearl asks, pointing to the unopened bottle of wine while inspecting the card.

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