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Fantasy Hickory Grove

Pearl feels a little frustrated with all the running around, although she doesn't show it.

"Mind if you put the items up on the counter once you grab them?" she asks, even though he technically has to for her to check the prices. "Where are you and your friend going to?" Pearl asks him. "Also, would you mind asking him to turn down the music? While I realize he's free to enjoy whatever songs he'd like, it's not very polite to blast it to the whole town." she adds in, biting back a face of annoyance.

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"Regular's fine."

Fia watched her closely, more specifically when she offered to fill the cup herself. She let her do it without any protest and glanced at the human, if she did anything to reveal what Pearl was, chances were that Fia would also be found out. She held nothing positive for the humans, but she didn't want them to be hurt either; people should choose their own fates, though her own survival was also something she had to consider too. But that's what she thought, that wasn't Fia's thoughts. She waited patiently for the Slushie to be filled, when to her surprise Pearl let it do her herself. She did as she intended to, the temptation to push the cherry button increasing. She resisted it and placed a five dollar note on the counter, "You can keep the change if there is any."

She turned her attention to the human, waiting for the cup to finish filling and tilted her head again, "How long are you and your brother intending to stay?"

@Tiny Turtle @dorkling @Amaranthium
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His attention has slipped free of Pearl entirely, now focused on the newcomer. Micah is thinking, rapid pace. After a moment, he removes his wallet from his back pocket with a small grin. Upon doing so, he removed a card from it, one for his gardening business (with the word Tarot Shop scrawled on the back) as well as a card for Silas' bar. "I've got it on good word that the bar is one helluva place to hang out. Granted people report strange things from that place all the time. Keep the cards though, the Tarot ones, I mean. Consider it a welcome to Hickory Grove gift. I've got a good feeling you'll like this town enough to stay. Most people do, it's how my old lady ended up here. Names Micah. Best of luck here. Pearl, I'm gonna go grab a beer from the back here in a second." For now, he was going to lean on the counter, arms crossed. Micah never looked threatening, it wasn't in his blood, but damn if he didn't try.

@dorkling @Tiny Turtle
Pearl hands Fia the Slushie. Feeling a little bit grateful that she let her do it. She'd rather a confrontation tomorrow anyways.

"Why not pop up to my place upstairs and grab a bottle of wine instead? Door's unlocked so you can just go right up. I keep them in the fridge." she says to Micah as she hops over the counter and grabs the five dollar bill and places it inside the cash register.

"As for you Fia. I don't enjoy accepting more money than people owe me. So stop by tomorrow and I'll pay you back. If you'd like that is." Pearl says, because while she really would rather Fia never step foot in her shop again, Pearl feels too much like a charity case when she's given too much money, and would rather settle all her debts.

@Baconhands @Amaranthium

Accacia Benson

The short witch didn't move a bit when he snapped the book shut, turning on her. She crossed her arms over her chest as the male studied her, doing the likewise for him.

I certainly got a rise from him...he's probably going to act rather hostile or act clueless.

She slipped from her thoughts as he began to spoke, uncrossing her arms.

"Of course you don't.." She said silkily, a twinge of disappointment pinched in. "But, I think it'd be grand of you if you just told me you rather not share instead of acting completely clueless"

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Immediately the facade dropped and there was a touch of hostility in him — tiny things, the angle of his shoulders, slightly narrowed eyes. "Well, since you insist. A long time ago. But you know — tossing around accusations regarding one's heartbeat isn't too clever, I wouldn't think. You know the sort who don't like questions. I wouldn't kill an overcurious girl over knowing a bit too much about me, but I'd rather her mind her own funeral. See?" There was a casual sort of warning in it: not about him in particular though it wasn't as if he wasn't dangerous. He let his posture relax and folded his arms — less a gesture of irritation or crossness and more giving the impression that he was cold. "And what about you? No lucky guess, I imagine. I didn't accidentally kill the lights or anything."

Tali stood in the center of the tea shop, resetting the chairs and the couple of tables in the corner. She huffed at the thin layer of dust — it wasn't a shop meant to be rushed in and out of when you bought a prepared drink. Tea, she thought, should be enjoyed. Surely slowing down didn't seem like a stretch in this old town?

At any rate she put any of her more unusual herbs under the bar on the cabinets and stored away anything that wasn't obviously a tea. With strangers in town she didn't want to look too... Witchy.
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Daniel Webb

Daniel nodded at both of her requests, gently placing the items on the counter.

"Me and my brother our on our way to my parents house. Moms really ill" He nodded, casting his gaze down.

More like they disappeared out of no where.

"Excuse me a second" Daniel smiled and turned aroumd whipping out his phone and dialing his brothers number. "Hey, idiot. Turn down the music. The whole towns going to run us out" He snorted, Clyde grunting in reply.

Within a few moments, the music was on the low. "That was my favorite one though.."

Daniel chuckled and hung up, glancing back at the tarot card guy.

Hm, well thanks. I'll keep that on mind. My mom likes weird things like Tarot Cards anyways. Well, nice to meet you Micah, on Daniel" He nodded his head, a tight lipped smile across his face.

Daniel looked Micah over, noticing how he attempted to look intimidated. It would've worked if Daniel wasn't use to that at every town they went.

Fia nodded towards Pearl, "I'll be sure to drop by. You going to be open in the day?"

She waited patiently for Pearl's answer before she left the store, wishing well to Micah and the human before she did. She took a right immediately as she walked out of the door and started heading back to her brother's house.

(Last post from me tonight)
"Oh, what a shame. What's she ill with?" Pearl asks knowing that every lie has it's end and she's more than happy to follow the trail.

"I'm not open during the day. Ergo the name of the store. Late Night Stops." Pearl says in an exasperated tone.

Though with Fia's exit she does feel quite a bit happier.

"Thank you for having your friend turn down the music." she says, looking at all the prices and tapping the numbers in.

"That'll be five fifty, no tax." Pearl says, holding her hand out to Daniel. "And I'll be right out to get your prices for the gas too." she adds in with a tight smile.

@Baconhands @dorkling
"Weird? You wound me. Tarot cards aren't weird, they help me tell the future. If you believe in all of that. Believe it or not, but I see, copious amounts of alcohol in your future buddy. If you want the full dish, you'll need to pay me and the lovely albino here. I'll tell you every juicy detail. I can smell some serious love in your direction, too." Now it's time to play a fun game, attempt to throw him off the trail. There aren't any supernaturals here, just an albino, and a fake psychic. That's the goal, at least. He grins and pats Pearl on the shoulder. "I hope you've thrown on some sun screen, m'dear. " Micah is impressive at this act, it was needed for a rather large portion of his childhood, this is just him doing it all again. "Secondly, if you're looking for a cure, you should visit my home again. All sorts of natural remedies." He raised both brows.

@dorkling @Tiny Turtle
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Accacia Benson

His sudden hostility surprised her, appearing calm outwardly as he continued on. Behind her, the wicker of an ancient lantern was aflame, going stronger and bigger as the ghostly male scolded her.

Well..,this is Hickory Grove, the town is nearly overflowing with supernatural, of course I'm filled with curiosity. But...I'm not stupid enough to get myself killed, I can take care of myself and almost always get myself out of those situations." She replied back, blinking a bit.

The lantern nearly inploded into fire until Baels posture relaxed.

Accacia was still trying to control her pyrokineses. When she felt emotions strongly, something would catch fire. Like Tali's cake.

Too much joy.

"Hm? Me? It was somewhat a guess. Context clues help though. Maybe I'm a pyschic? A ghost? The list could be endless on how I guessed what you are" Accacia was certainly not going to blab about the shop owner being undead, but she was unsure about him. There are some crazy humans in town that want to kill off witches...and with a certain tip from a informant..

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"Oh yes sunscreen! Big hats too! Otherwise I'll fry up! One of the many downsides to not having any melanin." Pearl says with a sigh, immediately picking up on Micah's act. "I ought to go grab some now. I'll be back in a moment! Don't run away you two." she says, throwing open the door behind the counter and running up the stairs to her little apartment, working to make as much noise as possible to show that she is totally 100% human. She sifts around the place and grabs a large black hat and throws it on her head then she takes her sunscreen that she has on her just incase, and in a spur of the moment decides to nick a bottle of red wine she's got before quickly running down and locking the door behind her as she goes. Pearl realizes her speed was a little bit too fast, but she can't help that part and hopes he doesn't pick up on it.

"Fortune is always fun! I'd recommend you get a reading from him. All the tourists do." Pearl chimes, making it sound like she's out of breath as she hops over the counter.

@Amaranthium @dorkling
This earned the girl a crooked sort of smile. Bael wasn't the kind to miss things. Definitely not the possibility of his lantern exploding or catching his antiques on fire. "I wouldn't want to find myself on the wrong side of a curse. Besides, it's not my funeral," he told her, taking on an abrupt air of disinterest. "You wanted jewlery, didn't you?" He added, ready to leave the topic behind.

Tali sat down at one of the tables, leaving the others dusty for her new helper to dust off later, sipping a hot tea latte out of a big red ceramic mug with the words RELIENT K printed in Cursive across it.

Daniel Webb

A slow frown took over his features at the mention of his mother. It was indeed a genuine frown, but her 'illness' not. "We're actually not sure...the doctors are pretty much racking thier brains over it.." He cast his gaze downwards to his feet, hands back in his pockets. "I'm just hoping that she'll...be ok" He took a shaky breath, lifting his brown gaze to her.

He was glad of the change of subject.
"Yeah...yeah. No problem. He's kinda an idiot" He snorted, beginning to bring out his wallet.

He fished through the wallet and gently lay the requested money in her hand. "
Thanks" He smiled, eyes crinkling at then corners.

At Micahs words, he could already suspect they were on to him.

He hid the revelation, pretending to go along.

Alright, time to act like the basic-clueless-slightly douchey-unbelieving-tourist

"Eh, sorry I guess? Just don't believe that kind of stuff. And alcohol? Please. Im not a heavy drinker. Anddd I'd rather not pay money that I could actually put to use....love? Ha" The poor guys been single since he was 15. "Sorry for the whole sunscreen thing I guess? Anyways, its getting late and I'd like to sleep before hitting the roa-" He paused as the 'albino' raced up the stairs for a few minutes, reappearing with a floppy black hat.

Daniel laughed a bit. "
You guys are quite the company, I just might come visit again" He chuckled, looking to the both of them.

And again, no fortunes please."

Accacia Benson

Accacia tilted her head a bit at his crooked smile, confused on why he was suddenly showing a not so negative action. But, she didnt question it. She actually kinda liked it.

But, she was glad of the topic change. "
Oh, yes actually" She fixed her hat, gnawing on her lip a bit.
"No fortunes, of course Danny boy. Not a problem at all. Pearl, you can go handle these two, I'm going to remain here, and likely break the rest of your slushie flavors." He saluted her before hopping the counter himself for once. He was chilling back there, and he hadn't moved towards the slushie machine. He's slightly lame, he's really lame. And Micah does have his suspicions, but he's also tangled up. When the future does lend itself to him, it's uncertain. He gets the basic gist that the two know perhaps too much, and he knows they have weapons. He doesn't know however intent, if they're a threat, or hell. He doesn't even know if they're human. They could be forest nymphs for all he knows. Granted he's pretty sure those guys don't exist. They certainly do not in Hickory Grove. He frowns again, sharper images would be great. But the facts were the facts, he wouldn't know to what extent they were a threat. Or if they were at all. They've had werewolf hunters, certainly, they didn't bother with the rest of things, but if they were more, that would be an issue.

@dorkling @Tiny Turtle
"Alright, just be sure to lock up. And don't touch the cherry one." Pearl says, giving him a stern look as she pulls out her keys and puts them on the table for Micah. "Now as for you! Go outside so I can check out how many litres you filled and charge you accordingly." she adds, waving at Daniel.

She remembers his comment about coming back later, and figures that an invitation would be a good idea, if only to get to know him and his true intentions more.

"Feel free to stop by again. It's always lovely to have new faces here." Pearl chimes, pulling open the door to her store and gesturing for him to walk through the door.

@dorkling @Amaranthium

Daniel Webbs

He rose an eyebrow slightly at the nickname.

Danny boy? Seriously

"Hm, well, nice meeting you Miccah" He waved slightly before his hands went back to his pocket, turning around to lead the white haired girl out the door. "Lovely faces huh?" He chuckled, stepping up to the black muscle car.

((Sorry, slight writers block + tired >.<)

"I'd say so, yes." Pearl says following him out and staring at his car. "Quite a lovely machine you've got here." she says, keeping her hands clasped together as to not touch the car.

She notices the man inside looks quite a bit like Daniel. "You're brothers." Pearl states, quickly taking a small sniff into the air to confirm it, their blood being too similar for them to be anything other than family.

She spins around to check the number written and resets the machine.

"Fifteen fifty." Pearl says, looking up at him.

@dorkling ((It's okay yo it happens to everyone. v-v ))
Bael nodded and brought her to a glass case. "Jewelry. Some with a past. Some big some small. Some rusted. Some not. See something you like?" He asked, leaning against it slightly.

Daniel Webb

Daniel smirked slightly at her comment in his car. "Why thank you. She was a lot of work and money." Daniel tapped the top of the hood respectively, Clyde raising an eyebrow.

Daniel nodded, "
Oh really? Its not like we look simillar or anything" He joked, pretending he didn't notice her sniff the air. As a Hunter, they noticed the small, seemingly useless details.

At the mention of the gas price, he ducked his head into the car. "
Your turn Clyde." He held out his hand, waiting for the money.

You better have my damn Klondike bar" Clyde slapped the money into his hand, Daniel stifling a laugh.

Here you go ma'am, keep the change." He winked as he passed her the twenty dollar bill.

Tali left the store, closing it. She went down to the post office just down the road. She grinned as she walked in; a new shipment of tea had arrived. She headed back to her shop after she grabbed it, struggling with the box ever so slightly as she hurried off, eager to open it and try her new flavors.

Accacia Benson

Accacia placed a hand on the glass case longingly, wanted to touch the jewelry, re-live the memories.

She let her gaze travel up and down the case, poking the spot where a pretty oval shaped
ring lay. "How much is that?" She asked, glancing back at Bael.

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Pearl raises an eyebrow at him.

"I can imagine so. This sorta car in this good of condition... quite rare these days." she says, admiring the car further.

Pearl lets out a small laugh at his joke.

"Hm. Not at all." she says nodding her head.

Pearl listens quietly to their conversation, and takes note that it's the brother who smokes... Clyde. When Daniel gives her the money she accepts it happily. "Be sure to stop by again so I can pay you back for the four fifty." she says, trying not to pay mind to the wink. "I'll see you around." she says giving him a wave before walking back to her shop and closing the door behind her.

"Who are they?" she asks to Micah.

@dorkling @Amaranthium
When Accaica pointed out the ring, he blew some breath up through his messy black bangs and hummed. He always disliked pricing things on the fly. Almost enough to actually price everything. "Oh, maybe $45?" He guessed, grabbing a key to open the case.

Tali tripped over her feet, hopping a couple times to regain her balance. She looked up over the box and over her shoulder, hoping not to have been seen.

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