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Realistic or Modern Hero's of Tomorrow (Always Accepting)

Shadow's face lit up when he heard the magic word...Pizza he instantly disappeared from sight only a puff of smoke in his wake. he reappeared in front of the fridge and ripped it open grabbing a slice of pizza and stuffing part in his mouth not caring if it was cold after chewing he looked at bolt "I LOVE PIZZA" he shouted before taking another bite he then looked to Lou "if you haven't noticed my power is teleportation" he said before stuffing the pizza back in his mouth

@White Shamrock @TeaMMatE11
Tesla looked at them "Alright let me explain a few things, first no sharing rooms, second don't hurt anyone of your other members, if you want anything just ask, oh and if you take my brownies I will kill you." He said as his eyes, hair, and clothes turned red, the lights seemed to throb as he said this, he reverted and gave a smile "Ok, oh and I have a job so I must leave shortly," he said before grabbing some water.

@Zedisback @TeaMMatE11 @FrostXShadow
"wait bolt didn't we just finish a job..and almost get killed in the process?" he gave the boy a shocked look before grabbing another slice of pizza and taking a giant bite
Taylor took a seat at the table, and put her gun on it, carefully. She also put her sword on the table as well, and put her feet on the table. She had her hands behind her head, whistling a tune.
Bolt laughed "No an actual job, I am a waiter. The job is perfect for me, I can run and jump as I go as long as I am doing my work," he took a slice and it seemed to vanish in a second "The electricity lets me be fast, and cause shock waves." He went to the table and became less tense, he looked at the others "We have officially gotten a group, this is great. In the meantime if anyone wants to spar there is a training room, I see Shadow already found it," he said kicking his feet up.
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He gave a smirk when he heard Bolt say something about sparring and looked to the new people with a raised eyebrow "anyone" he questioned 'that girl looks like she can hold her own with that sword and gun and maybe I can get Lou to use his power' he gave a devilish smirk

(( anything in Italics is Klaus's thoughts just btw ))

FrostXShadow said:
He gave a smirk when he heard Bolt say something about sparring and looked to the new people with a raised eyebrow "anyone" he questioned 'that girl looks like she can hold her own with that sword and gun and maybe I can get Lou to use his power' he gave a devilish smirk
(( anything in Italics is Klaus's thoughts just btw ))
As he looked over to shadow, he had a weird look on his face, as he shut his eyes for a second relaxing a little bit as he said "So, Shadow, why do you like pizza so much?" As he peered around the room, letting soft breaths of air escape his person. @White Shamrock
"who doesn't love pizza it's sent by the gods" he said while devouring another slice "Plus my mom used to make the best pizza ever" after saying that he had a small glint of sadness in his eyes but quickly hid it "so are either of you up for some sparring" he asked while throwing the empty pizza box away

@Zedisback @TeaMMatE11
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A strange women in black walked up to Tesla "So you finally got this shit show on the way," she looked over at the others and grinned, her body was completely covered. The only thing to be seen was her eyes and hair, she wore a surgical mask as she talked.
Bolt sighed "This is my sister, Eliza. She was also tested except it was more physical," he said crossing his arms and glaring at her.

Eliza remover her mask to reveal tiny sharp teeth, she ran up to the new man and bit him on the shoulder. She kept it their as she bit harder, a strong grip that was hard to break.
Upon seeing the woman, Taylor stopped whistling, and raised her eyes when she bit. Taylor was a bit...scared. She sat up normally, hands on the table, re-sheathed the sword, but kept the gun on the table just in case the mysterious woman tried to bite her.

Shadow's eyes widen as he watched the girl bite Lou "what the heck" he stood completely still because he didn't know what to do

Bolt shocked her as she curled up and was locked in pain "I called her bitty when we were kids, bad Elly," he said to his sister who twitched on the ground.

She twitched before saying "That is h-how I great people Alex, I am sorry that you all see it is bad." The girl twitched as her skin felt like it was on fire.
[QUOTE="White Shamrock]Bolt shocked her as she curled up and was locked in pain "I called her bitty when we were kids, bad Elly," he said to his sister who twitched on the ground.
She twitched before saying "That is h-how I great people Alex, I am sorry that you all see it is bad." The girl twitched as her skin felt like it was on fire.

As he just looked at the girl he rubbed the spot where the girl, where the lady bit him, feeling a bit tired, letting a yawn escape his person, as he looked at the others for a second going back to where he was seated before, taking the seat, as he shut his eyes, letting himself fall into sleep (Well I'm going to get some sleep guys) @White Shamrock
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Taylor gave a glare at Shadow, noticing how he was staring at her earlier. well then. She looked on the ground, and the woman who just bit one of the new guys was twitching. "Uhh...is that normal?"

Shadow noticed the girl glare at him "what was the glare for Taylor" he glared back at her and put one of his hands in his jacket pocket before teleporting to a chair he reappeared sitting in the chair with his legs crossed eating a box of nerds he then looked to Taylor with the same glare "would you like to fight me or something"

"Why do you always want to fight? You seem a little edgy," she responded. She didn't want to fight, and it was apparent that from her body language that she didn't want to fight. I probably won't stand a chance against anyone here, she thought.

Titans of tommorow...never heard of em but apparently there some group of 'Hero's' with powers like mine. I want to see who they are first though, though I'm not the Hero type.
he looked at the girl "Beacause sparring is a great way to stay fit..that and its fun to throw people to the mat" he gave a slight chuckle before eating some more of his nerds
I walk into the apartment building, apparently all these super powered Hero's are here. I walk in to multiple people talking, I think about sparing?

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