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Realistic or Modern Hero's of Tomorrow (Always Accepting)


(She's from a world where everyone was swapped, Bolt was a salamander, Eliza was a electrified superhero, Lou can kill people in one punch, Siatama can teleport and summon weapons, etc.)
"Maybe this will work." As he would snap could he heard from his fingers, it would echo in both of their minds, Louis was trying to make her understand that she could change by doing an attack that could overload her brain showing her every conceivable version of her, and showing her the outcomes for those dimensions, and making her experience waking up when the dimension starts over remembering it all, just hoping this attack would work. @Shammy the Shamrock
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Clash smiled "You think this affects me. I was shown this by Lou. I have seen every outcome, there was one thing that let me keep living, you. My version of you was perfect, then he decided to get erased." She said throwing a energy disc at him.

"What was I like in your home dimension?" As he would just use the Dimension Force:Body Flicker Technique, as he would chuckle "You know, you just want your dimension back right? Just like how I wish to forget?" As he shut his eyes, as his fingers would snap again, a disc of dimension energy would come from behind him as Lou said "Lets not lie, we don't want to fight, I'm holding back, and I think you're holding back." @Shammy the Shamrock
(Damn, I forgot I was in this RP, and I stopped getting notifications.. You guys are so far ahead xD ..)

With a grunt of exertion, and a quick vector hack, Kaleb teleported in front of Clash and tackled him to the ground

(She's from a world where everyone was swapped, Bolt was a salamander, Eliza was a electrified superhero, Lou can kill people in one punch, Siatama can teleport and summon weapons, etc.)

Shadow's mind

"alright little brother I think it's time for our training session to be over im still going to be in the back of your mind helping since you...im dead and all but yea have fun in the real word" Kazem snapped his fingers "WHA-WAIT" shadow woke up in a hospital bed.


"did that really happen" shadow asked himself clenching his fist "alright time to go find the others" he said jumping out of the bed and throwing on his clothes he looked down at his chest and saw a huge scar lining it and could feel a scar under his hair where the doctor pulled the bullet out "im sooo going to punch saitama" he shook his head and opened the window. he stood on the ledge and a doctor walked in "HEY WAIT GET BACK HERE" the doctor shouted running to the window shadow smirked "O'Brien inc will pay for my medical bills bye bye now" he gave a wave before jumping out the 17th story window teleporting before he hit the ground. he arrived where clash and Lou were "yo Lou" he said waving and pulling up his hood

@Zedisback @Shammy the Shamrock
FrostXShadow said:
Shadow's mind

"alright little brother I think it's time for our training session to be over im still going to be in the back of your mind helping since you...im dead and all but yea have fun in the real word" Kazem snapped his fingers "WHA-WAIT" shadow woke up in a hospital bed.


"did that really happen" shadow asked himself clenching his fist "alright time to go find the others" he said jumping out of the bed and throwing on his clothes he looked down at his chest and saw a huge scar lining it and could feel a scar under his hair where the doctor pulled the bullet out "im sooo going to punch saitama" he shook his head and opened the window. he stood on the ledge and a doctor walked in "HEY WAIT GET BACK HERE" the doctor shouted running to the window shadow smirked "O'Brien inc will pay for my medical bills bye bye now" he gave a wave before jumping out the 17th story window teleporting before he hit the ground. he arrived where clash and Lou were "yo Lou" he said waving and pulling up his hood

@Zedisback @Shammy the Shamrock
"Hey, Shadow long time no see, but we have a bigger issue right now." As Lou lowered both of his hands to his front hoodie pocket he would let a breath of air escape his person as he would sign, waiting for clash to get back up, not really sure what to think about what was happening.

As Nero started time leaping yet again, he placed a smoke grenade down at the feet of Shadow and Lou, before it went off, as he ran away as time returned to its normal speed. He would laugh after one second, it would take effect as he would start the wait. @FrostXShadow @Shammy the Shamrock
"not this guy again" he said looking down at the grenade as it exploded filling the room with smirk "you do realize I can see through this right you know the whole glowing eyes thing" he said his eyes glowing a bright gold as he looked around the room for Nero "dude when are you going to stop being a petty Villain and actual fight us?" he asked really not caring about the guy

@Zedisback @Shammy the Shamrock @CocoForRealz
FrostXShadow said:
"not this guy again" he said looking down at the grenade as it exploded filling the room with smirk "you do realize I can see through this right you know the whole glowing eyes thing" he said his eyes glowing a bright gold as he looked around the room for Nero "dude when are you going to stop being a petty Villain and actual fight us?" he asked really not caring about the guy
@Zedisback @Shammy the Shamrock @CocoForRealz
Little did Shadow know that smoke had hallucinogens in the smoke, putting them in the air around them, as people would get them in their body with breaths of air just by breathing. If he did this right, this should stop Shadow from coming up with a clear image in his mind, stopping his teleporting. As he said under his breath "Lets hope this works." @FrostXShadow
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Shadow's vision became blurry "what the heck" he said as he staggered back "crap we need to get out of here" he said attempting to teleport from the building smoke puffed around him like it usually does but he didn't teleport "okay so what about this" he held his hand out and a dagger formed "well that still works" he sighed and closed his eyes and relied on his other senses to find Nero "im glad my brother taught me this" he laughed and began to concentrate

As Lou would see his sight begin to become blurry he could feel himself become dizzy he said "Great Saitama letting him get away gave him time to plan." As he would snap his fingers looking in shock when he couldn't opened a portal he couldn't make links with portals, was this getting to him to, he could still use the dimension force just not portals.

"Shadow time to see what low level exposure to iron." He would chuckle reaching into his coat pulling out another grenade, an iron foam grenade, when used it will explode into foam that will turn into iron walls. As he started time leaping again placing it at shadows feet, before it would explode, as he would watch trying to learn more weakness as he said "You want me on your side? Pay me more than I would get for killing you." @FrostXShadow
Shadow sighed "idiot" he said forming a sword and cutting down the walls with ease "maybe I should just kill you" he said throwing the sword at the source of Nero's voice

((Night @Zedisback))
(just watched the anime 'anohana', i teared up at the last episode... truly sad)
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Bolt sighed picking Saitama up, struggling a bit. He grunted "Let's get him home," he said grabbing Stella's hand and walking towards a pole. He teleported away and to Saitama room, throwing him on the bed with new strength.

@Echo Dreamsong @Salex
Zedisback said:
(Was it any good other than that?)
(great storyline, slice of life and really, truly emotional, it is about a story of a group of 6 friends that were great, 1 of them died by accident and thus the 5 started to drift away, now the ghost of the girl came back and only one can see her, and not haunting, she wants to complete a wish, it's sad really)

he wakes up "ughh..... what happened?" @Zedisback @Shammy the Shamrock
((I have a show, somewhat like that....except it is not even the show, is about a swim team, Haru has people inside his head that kill each other and most of the male characters want to fuck the others :) ))

Bolt sighed "You crashed into a building from SPACE!" He said before going up and examining him "Are you ok," he asked in a concerned tone.

FrostXShadow said:
Shadow sighed "idiot" he said forming a sword and cutting down the walls with ease "maybe I should just kill you" he said throwing the sword at the source of Nero's voice
((Night @Zedisback))
As Nero would dodge the attacks made by Shadow he would stop talk, as he started time leaping yet again before he would fire two shots at the legs of Lou and Shadow.

Everything seemed normal, before a voice could be heard it said "I'm ready to play at full power~" As it would wait for the heroes to come.

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